Fáilte Romhat
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COURTMACSHERRY, a maritime village, in the parish of LISLEE, barony of IBANE and BARRYROE, county of CORK, and province of MUNSTER, 2 1/2 miles (S. E.) from Timoleague; containing 680 inhabitants. This village is pleasantly situated on the harbour of the same name on the southern coast, and contains about 140 houses, which form one long street extending along the south side of the bay. Its eastern part consists of small mean cabins, but in the western are numerous large and handsome houses, recently erected for the accommodation of visitors during the bathing season. It possesses many local advantages for trade and commerce, and is well situated for carrying on an extensive fishery; for which, and the general improvement of the place, great encouragement has been lately afforded by the Earl of Shannon. Several small vessels of different classes are engaged in the coal and corn trade, in the fishery, and in the conveyance of sand for manure. Of these, seven are colliers trading with Newport, eight are hookers, engaged in conveying corn, potatoes, &c, to Cork, and bringing back timber, iron, and other merchandize; four are lighters, chiefly employed in conveying sand; and about 20 vessels are exclusively engaged in the fisheries: the value of the fish taken in 1835 was estimated at £2460. A small but convenient pier, constructed chiefly at the expense of the Earl of Shannon, has proved a great protection to the fisheries and very beneficial to trade. Several new lines of road have been lately opened, and other improvements are in contemplation, which, together with its beautiful and sheltered situation, the salubrity of its atmosphere, and the abundant supply of fish and all other kinds of provision, have rendered this village one of the most fashionable bathing-places on the southern coast. Small vessels may lie in safety, in two fathoms of water, near the quay in this harbour; and about a quarter of a mile to the east, in a very small creek formed by a perpendicular clay cliff, a vessel may lie in 1 1/2 or 2 fathoms; but as the channel is narrow and the tide rapid, one anchor must lie on the shore: near the middle of the bay are two rocks, called the Barrels; the southernmost is small, and dry at low water, and the other, which is larger, is about 1/2 a mile to the north of the former, and is seldom seen above water. At the southernmost Barrel rock the extremity of the old head of Kinsale bears S. e. by e., and the Horse rock, which is always above water, w. To avoid the Barrel rocks on the west side, vessels should keep within a mile and a half of the shore, on the west side of the bay. The best anchorage, in westerly winds, is on the same side of the bay, in 10 or 12 fathoms, or on the north side of the Horse rock, in 4 or 5 fathoms. At the village is a station of the coast-guard, being one of the eight comprised in the district of Kinsale. Here are also male, female, and infants' schools, built and supported by Mr. and the Misses Leslie; and a clothing establishment, under the management of the vicar, is supported by subscription, and, together with a loan fund, has proved very beneficial to the poor. Adjoining the village is the beautiful demesne and summer residence of the Earl of Shannon; in the immediate neighbourhood are the ruins of Abbey Mahon; and at the distance of two miles are the extensive and picturesque ruins of the abbey and castle of Timoleague