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  Lewis Topographical Dictionary - Dunmanway

by Samuel Lewis

DUNMANWAY, a market and post-town, in the parish of FANLOBBUS, Western Division of the barony of EAST CARBERY, county of CORK, and province of MUNSTER, 29 miles (S. W. by W.) from Cork, and 155 1/2 (S. W.) from Dublin, on the road from Cork to Bantry; containing 2738 inhabitants. This place, according to most authorities, derived its name, signifying " the castle of the yellow river," or " the castle on the little plain," from an ancient castle belonging to the McCarthys. The town is indebted for its origin to Sir Richard Cox, Lord Chancellor of Ireland in the reign of William. III., who obtained from that monarch the grant of a market and fairs, and erected a stately mansion for his own residence. Sir Richard also built the long bridge over the river Bandon, consisting of six arches, exclusively of four under the causeway, and introduced the linen manufacture, for which, under his auspices, this place became one of the principal marts, and the town, in which a colony from England had settled, one of the most flourishing in the south of Ireland. It occupies a level tract entirely surrounded on the north, west, and south by lofty hills, rocks, and mountains; and is open to the east, in which direction the river, after entering the vale to which it gives name, pursues its course between two lofty ridges diversified with tillage lands, woods, and lawns, intersected by several picturesque glens, and embellished with numerous elegant seats. It consists of one long street extending about half a mile to the west of the bridge, and in 1831 contained 419 houses, which, though indifferently built, are distinguished by an appearance of cleanliness and comfort: the post-office is subordinate to that of Bandon. Several new roads leading to the town have recently been opened, among which is a very fine and level line from Cork to Bantry. A reading-room was established in 1832, but not being generally supported it has declined. The manufacture of linen continued to flourish for some years, but at present there are very few looms at work. A porter and ale brewery, established in 1831, produces 2600 barrels annually; there are also two tanyards and two boulting-mills, the latter capable of grinding annually 15,000 bags of flour, and there are two or three smaller mills in the vicinity. Since 1810 a considerable trade in corn has been carried on. The market is on Tuesday; and fairs, chiefly for cattle, are held on May 4th, the first Tuesday in July (O. S.), Sept, 17th, and Nov. 26th. At the intersection of the principal street is a large building used as a market-house. Here is a constabulary police station; a manorial court for the recovery of debts not exceeding £2 is held every third Saturday, and petty sessions every second Monday. There is a small bridewell in the town for the temporary confinement of misdemeanants.

The church of Fanlobbus is a handsome edifice, erected in 1821, at an expense of £1100, by aid of a loan from the late Board of First Fruits; and a square tower has recently been added to it. There is a R. C. chapel in progress of erection, at an estimated expense of £2500; also a place of worship for Wesleyan Methodists. Near the R. C. chapel is a school, aided by the priest; and it is intended to establish a savings' bank and a branch of the Labourers' Friend Society : here is a dispensary. Of the stately mansion of Lord Chancellor Cox nothing remains but a part of the kitchen, now a weaver's cabin, with a fragment of the garden wall. Near the R. C. chapel is a chalybeate spring which is efficacious in cutaneous diseases; and not far distant is a small but very beautiful lake, in which Sir Richard Cox was drowned. There are several picturesque, waterfalls in the midst of some very romantic scenery, and in the mountains are the ruins of Toher castle.