Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Agar John 3 Carlow Alcock Edward V. 3 Carlow Alexander John 3 Carlow Armstrong G. F. Rev. 3 Carlow Armstrong R. A. Rev. 3 Carlow Arthur Thos. Col. 3 Carlow Ashmore William 3 Carlow Aylward James K. 3 Carlow Badham Leslie Rev. 3 Carlow Bagenal Elizabeth G. 3 Carlow Bagenal Georgina 3 Carlow Bagenal Philip H. 3 Carlow Bagenal Sarah C. 3 Carlow Bagenall Beauchamp F. 3 Carlow Bailey John M. 3 Carlow Barker John 3 Carlow Barker Thomas 3 Carlow Barker William 3 Carlow Barton John 3 Carlow Bayley Robert 3 Carlow Bellingham W. C. Rev. 3 Carlow Bennett John 3 Carlow Beresford Denis W. P. 3 Carlow Bergin Denis 3 Carlow Bergin William 3 Carlow Bessborough unknown 3 Carlow Betty William 3 Carlow Biggs Samuel D. 3 Carlow Blackney Hugh 3 Carlow Bloomfield Godfrey C. 3 Carlow Bolton William 3 Carlow Bonham John Rev. 3 Carlow Borrer Dawson 3 Carlow Borthwick Mary A. 3 Carlow Brady John B. 3 Carlow Brennan Catherine 3 Carlow Brennan John 3 Carlow Brennan Mary 3 Carlow Brennan Michael 3 Carlow Brereton William 3 Carlow Brewster Edward 3 Carlow Brien Henry 3 Carlow Brophy Thomas 3 Carlow Brophy William 3 Carlow Browne Jane Reps. of (deceased) 3 Carlow Browne John F. 3 Carlow Browne Robert C. 3 Carlow Browne William C. 3 Carlow Bruen Henry 3 Carlow Bunburry Denis 3 Carlow Bunburry Henry M. 3 Carlow Bunburry Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 3 Carlow Bunburry William 3 Carlow Bunbury Colonel Kane Reps. of (deceased) 3 Carlow Bunbury Thos. 3 Carlow Burgess Henry 3 Carlow Burgess Thomas 3 Carlow Burke Patrick 3 Carlow Burtchaell Peter 3 Carlow Burtchall R. R. 3 Carlow Burton Charles Sir 3 Carlow Burton William F. 3 Carlow Butler Charles 3 Carlow Butler Edward H. 3 Carlow Butler James T. 3 Carlow Butler Thomas P. Sir 3 Carlow Byrne E. A. 3 Carlow Byrne Eliza Reps. of (deceased) 3 Carlow Byrne James 3 Carlow Byrne John 3 Carlow Byrne Margaret 3 Carlow Byrne Matthew 3 Carlow Byrne Michael 3 Carlow Byrne Patrick 3 Carlow Byrne R. A. Rev. 3 Carlow Byrne Simon 3 Carlow Byrne Sylvester 3 Carlow Byrne Terence 3 Carlow Byrne Thomas 3 Carlow Byrne William 3 Carlow Cahill Michael 3 Carlow Carey John 3 Carlow Carleton James Rev. 3 Carlow Carlingford Viscount Reps. of (deceased) 3 Carlow Carpenter Ellen 3 Carlow Carpenter Mary 3 Carlow Carpenter Patrick 3 Carlow Carpenter Timothy 3 Carlow Carter Susan 3 Carlow Carton Michael 3 Carlow Casey Charles 3 Carlow Casey Jeremiah 3 Carlow Chapman J. Rev. 3 Carlow Clarke John 3 Carlow Clarke John F. 3 Carlow Clonmel unknown 3 Carlow Coffey Anthony Reps. of (deceased) 3 Carlow Cogan William H. F. Hon. 3 Carlow Colclough Anne 3 Carlow Comerford John 3 Carlow Condell Thomas 3 Carlow Connolly Eugene 4 Carlow Connolly John 4 Carlow Connolly Major Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Connolly Thomas 4 Carlow Connor William 4 Carlow Cooper Darby H. 4 Carlow Cooper H. H. 4 Carlow Cooper William C. Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Cooper William H. 4 Carlow Corcoran Mary 4 Carlow Corrigan Dorah 4 Carlow Corrigan John 4 Carlow Corrigan Thomas 4 Carlow Courtown unknown 4 Carlow Cramer Maurice 4 Carlow Croghan Edward 4 Carlow Croker unknown 4 Carlow Crosthwaite Samuel 4 Carlow Crotty Thomas 4 Carlow Cullen Ellen 4 Carlow Cummins Patrick 4 Carlow Curran James Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Curran John 4 Carlow Curran William 4 Carlow Dalton Joseph 4 Carlow Darcy Andrew 4 Carlow Dargan Edward 4 Carlow Davis Charles Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Davis Sydenham Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Dawson Michael 4 Carlow De Montmorency Frederick H. 4 Carlow DeRenzy George 4 Carlow Deering John 4 Carlow Deering William 4 Carlow Delany Thomas 4 Carlow Des Veux Chas. Sir 4 Carlow Digby Elizabeth 4 Carlow Digby Francis 4 Carlow Dillon John 4 Carlow Dillon Patk. Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Dobbyn Michael 4 Carlow Doherty John 4 Carlow Donohoe James 4 Carlow Donohoe Patrick 4 Carlow Donohoe Rosanna 4 Carlow Doran Ambrose 4 Carlow Doran Charles 4 Carlow Doran Francis 4 Carlow Downing Arthur M. 4 Carlow Dowse Samuel 4 Carlow Dowzer Charles 4 Carlow Doyle Andrew 4 Carlow Doyle James 4 Carlow Doyle John 4 Carlow Doyle Peter 4 Carlow Doyne C. M. 4 Carlow Doyne G. Mrs. 4 Carlow Doyne James W. C. 4 Carlow Drapes John L. Rev. 4 Carlow Duckett Charles S. 4 Carlow Duckett Joseph F. 4 Carlow Duckett Stewart 4 Carlow Duckett William 4 Carlow Duke C. W. Rev. 4 Carlow Dunbar Robert 4 Carlow Dunne Richard Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Durbin J. F. Rev. 4 Carlow Durdin Alex. Rev. 4 Carlow Durdin Alexander 4 Carlow Dwyer Henry 4 Carlow Dwyer Luke 4 Carlow Eagan Elizabeth 4 Carlow Earle Edward 4 Carlow Earle George 4 Carlow Earle John 4 Carlow Earle Newton 4 Carlow Earle Thomas 4 Carlow Edge John 4 Carlow Elliott Chas. Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Elliott Nicholas G. 4 Carlow Elliott Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Elliott William 4 Carlow Esmonde Anthony 4 Carlow Eustace Hardy 4 Carlow Eustace James 4 Carlow Faircloth William 4 Carlow Farrell Ellen Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Farrell Robert Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Faulkner B. W. 4 Carlow Feltus Benjamin B. Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Fenlon Elizabeth 4 Carlow Fenlon James 4 Carlow Fenlon Thomas 4 Carlow Finn Michael Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Fishbourne Joseph 4 Carlow Fishbourne Robert Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Fishbourne William 4 Carlow Fitzmaurice Wm. R. 4 Carlow Fitzpatrick Anne 4 Carlow Fitzpatrick Elizabeth 4 Carlow Flood John 4 Carlow Flood Michael 4 Carlow Foley James 4 Carlow Foley Patrick 4 Carlow Foley Thomas 4 Carlow Foote Eleanor Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow Fox William 4 Carlow Frankfort Viscount 4 Carlow Franklin Lawrence 4 Carlow French Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 4 Carlow French-Brewster R. A. B. 4 Carlow Frizelle W. B. 4 Carlow Fryer William F. 4 Carlow Garrett Jas. P. Rev. 4 Carlow Garrett William Rev. 4 Carlow Gibson John 4 Carlow Graham William 4 Carlow Granard unknown 5 Carlow Gray John 5 Carlow Gray Mary 5 Carlow Gregg W. B. Rev. 5 Carlow Gregory Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 5 Carlow Griffin William 5 Carlow Griffith George 5 Carlow Griffith Richard 5 Carlow Grogan C. T. Rev. 5 Carlow Guiness Thomas H. 5 Carlow Guize unknown Lieutenant Col. 5 Carlow Gurly Walter B. 5 Carlow Hade William 5 Carlow Hagerty Edmund 5 Carlow Hall Dare R. W. 5 Carlow Hamilton Douglas 5 Carlow Hamilton John T. 5 Carlow Hardy Thomas R. Reps. of (deceased) 5 Carlow Hartstronge Lorenzo W. 5 Carlow Harty Elizth. Lady 5 Carlow Harvey James W. 5 Carlow Hatchell John 5 Carlow Hatchell T. H. Rev. 5 Carlow Hatton Loftus 5 Carlow Haughton Samuel W. 5 Carlow Haughton Sarah Reps. of (deceased) 5 Carlow Haughton unknown Miss 5 Carlow Hayde George 5 Carlow Hayes James 5 Carlow Hayes William 5 Carlow Hendricken William 5 Carlow Hickey Francis 5 Carlow Hickey James 5 Carlow Hickey John 5 Carlow Hickey Patrick 5 Carlow Howard Sir Ralph Reps. of (deceased) 5 Carlow Hughes James 5 Carlow Hughes Patrick 5 Carlow Humphrey Charles 5 Carlow Humphrey Mary A. 5 Carlow Humphrey Rose 5 Carlow Hunt Edward 5 Carlow Hutchinson Anne 5 Carlow Hutchinson Joseph 5 Carlow Ivers John Reps. of (deceased) 5 Carlow James George 5 Carlow Jameson Edward L. 5 Carlow Jenkins Samuel J. 5 Carlow Johnston William 5 Carlow Jones Hanna 5 Carlow Jones Robert P. 5 Carlow Jordan William 5 Carlow Kavanagh Arthur MacMorrough 5 Carlow Kavanagh James Rev. Dr. 5 Carlow Kealy Andrew 5 Carlow Kealy James 5 Carlow Kealy John 5 Carlow Kealy Maurice 5 Carlow Kearney James 5 Carlow Kearney Pierce 5 Carlow Keating John 5 Carlow Keating William 5 Carlow Keeffe Bridget 5 Carlow Keeffe Patrick 5 Carlow Keegan James 5 Carlow Keegan John 5 Carlow Keegan Michael 5 Carlow Keegan Patrick 5 Carlow Kehoe Edward 5 Carlow Kehoe Joseph 5 Carlow Kehoe Patrick 5 Carlow Kelly Elizabeth 5 Carlow Kelly James 5 Carlow Kelly John 5 Carlow Kelly Patrick 5 Carlow Kelly William 5 Carlow Kelly Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 5 Carlow Kennedy C. P. 5 Carlow Keogh John H. Col. 5 Carlow Kerry unknown 5 Carlow Kinsella Andrew 5 Carlow Kinsella Anne 5 Carlow Kinsella Michael 5 Carlow Kinsella Patrick 5 Carlow Kinsella Richard 5 Carlow Kinsella Thomas 5 Carlow Kinsella Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 5 Carlow Kipple John 5 Carlow LaTouche R. 5 Carlow LaTouche R. 5 Carlow Lacey Denis 5 Carlow Lacey Denis 5 Carlow Lalor Denis 5 Carlow Lalor Denis 5 Carlow Lalor Mary 5 Carlow Lalor Mary 5 Carlow Lalor Patrick 5 Carlow Lalor Patrick 5 Carlow Lalor Peter 5 Carlow Lalor Peter 5 Carlow Lawrence John 5 Carlow Lawrence John 5 Carlow Lawrence R. F. Rev. 5 Carlow Lawrence R. F. Rev. 5 Carlow Leary Anne 5 Carlow Leary Anne 5 Carlow Lecky John F. 5 Carlow Lecky John F. 5 Carlow Lecky John J. 5 Carlow Lecky John J. 5 Carlow Lecky Robert 5 Carlow Lecky Robert 5 Carlow Lecky Robert W. 5 Carlow Lecky Robert W. 5 Carlow Lecky W. H. E. 5 Carlow Lecky W. H. E. 5 Carlow Leech James 5 Carlow Leech James 5 Carlow Leech Joseph 5 Carlow Leech Joseph 5 Carlow Lennon Bernard 5 Carlow Lennon Bernard 5 Carlow Lewis William 5 Carlow Lewis William 5 Carlow Lindon William 5 Carlow Lindon William 5 Carlow Little John G. 5 Carlow Little John G. 5 Carlow Lonergan John 5 Carlow Lonergan John 5 Carlow Lowry Patrick 5 Carlow Lowry Patrick 5 Carlow Lynch James 5 Carlow Lynch James 5 Carlow Lyons Edm. Reps. of (deceased) 5 Carlow Lyons Edm. Reps. of (deceased) 5 Carlow Lyons Patrick 5 Carlow Lyons Patrick 5 Carlow M'Donald Simon 5 Carlow M'Donnell James 5 Carlow M'Donnell John 5 Carlow M'Donnell Thomas 5 Carlow M'Donnell William 5 Carlow M'Dowell Robert 5 Carlow M'Quaide John 5 Carlow Macutchen Charles 5 Carlow Macutchen Charles 5 Carlow Magee Patrick 5 Carlow Magee Patrick 5 Carlow Magrath Daniel 5 Carlow Magrath Daniel 5 Carlow Maher James 5 Carlow Maher James 5 Carlow Maher Joseph 6 Carlow Maher Joseph 6 Carlow Maher Maria 6 Carlow Maher Maria 6 Carlow Maher Patrick 6 Carlow Maher Patrick 6 Carlow Mahon Jane 6 Carlow Mahon Jane 6 Carlow Mahon John 6 Carlow Mahon John 6 Carlow Malcolmson Henry Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Malcolmson Henry Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Malcomson Francis R. 6 Carlow Malcomson Francis R. 6 Carlow Malcomson Mary 6 Carlow Malcomson Mary 6 Carlow Malcomson Robert 6 Carlow Malcomson Robert 6 Carlow Malley Edward 6 Carlow Malley Edward 6 Carlow Mangan James 6 Carlow Mangan James 6 Carlow Marshall Catherine 6 Carlow Marshall Catherine 6 Carlow Massey Hugh 6 Carlow Massey Hugh 6 Carlow Mathers John 6 Carlow Mathers John 6 Carlow Maxwell Martin 6 Carlow Maxwell Martin 6 Carlow Meany Elizabeth 6 Carlow Mills Arthur 6 Carlow Minchin James 6 Carlow Molloy James 6 Carlow Molloy Martin 6 Carlow Moran Morgan 6 Carlow Moran P. Rev. 6 Carlow Morgan E. G. D. Hon. 6 Carlow Morris Richard 6 Carlow Morton Francis 6 Carlow Morton George Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Morton Harriet C. 6 Carlow Morton Henry 6 Carlow Morton Hon. A. Hon. 6 Carlow Morton Mary Anne 6 Carlow Morton William J. 6 Carlow Mosse Thomas G. 6 Carlow Motte Standish 6 Carlow Mulhall John Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Murphy Arthur 6 Carlow Murphy James 6 Carlow Murphy Jane 6 Carlow Murphy Martin 6 Carlow Murphy Michael 6 Carlow Murphy Patk. Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Murphy Patrick 6 Carlow Murphy Philip 6 Carlow Murray Bridget 6 Carlow Murray Edward 6 Carlow Murray J. Rev. 6 Carlow Neill Michael 6 Carlow Neill Thomas 6 Carlow Newbold Robt. Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Newton Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Newton Philip 6 Carlow Newton Philip C. 6 Carlow Newton Philip J. 6 Carlow Nixon Emily 6 Carlow Nolan Anne 6 Carlow Nolan Bridget 6 Carlow Nolan Daniel 6 Carlow Nolan Ellen 6 Carlow Nolan James 6 Carlow Nolan John 6 Carlow Nolan Mary 6 Carlow Nolan Patrick 6 Carlow Nolan Thomas 6 Carlow Nolan William 6 Carlow Norton Patrick R. 6 Carlow Nourse James 6 Carlow Nowlan Peter 6 Carlow Nunn Joshua 6 Carlow O'Byrne Catherine 6 Carlow O'Connell James 6 Carlow O'Connell Patrick 6 Carlow O'Driscoll William J. Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow O'Ferrall R. M. Hon. 6 Carlow O'Neill Catherine 6 Carlow O'Neill Owen 6 Carlow Osborne Lucinda C. 6 Carlow Ossory unknown Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Paul Robert J. Sir 6 Carlow Payne Caleb 6 Carlow Payne George 6 Carlow Perkins John Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Perrin Francis 6 Carlow Perry A. B. Rev. 6 Carlow Phillips Robert 6 Carlow Pierce Richard 6 Carlow Pierce Thomas E. 6 Carlow Pike unknown 6 Carlow Pim Edward 6 Carlow Pim George 6 Carlow Pim John 6 Carlow Pim Thomas 6 Carlow Plunkett Peter 6 Carlow Poe James P. 6 Carlow Ponsonby Edward 6 Carlow Power Margaret 6 Carlow Power Michael 6 Carlow Power Patrick 6 Carlow Prandy Bridget 6 Carlow Rawson unknown Mrs. 6 Carlow Reade Joseph M. 6 Carlow Rice Margaret 6 Carlow Rice William 6 Carlow Roberts Sarah 6 Carlow Roberts William F. 6 Carlow Roche Harriett 6 Carlow Roche Luke 6 Carlow Roche Michael 6 Carlow Rochfort Horace 6 Carlow Rogers Denis 6 Carlow Rose John 6 Carlow Rose Peter 6 Carlow Rose Thomas 6 Carlow Rothwell William 6 Carlow Rourke Edward 6 Carlow Rudkin Mark Reps. of (deceased) 6 Carlow Ryan James 6 Carlow Sadlier H. E. Rev. 6 Carlow Salter Peter 6 Carlow Scott Michael Rev. 6 Carlow Scott Thomas 6 Carlow Scott Thomas Hon. 6 Carlow Seabrook William 6 Carlow Seaton unknown Lord 6 Carlow Shannon Patrick 6 Carlow Sheppard John 6 Carlow Sherlock Robert 7 Carlow Singleton Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow Skelton Henry 7 Carlow Smyth James 7 Carlow Spearing George 7 Carlow Stewart Eliza D. 7 Carlow Stone John 7 Carlow Stopford H. S. Hon. 7 Carlow Sunderland William 7 Carlow Sweeny James F. Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow Tennant Richard 7 Carlow Thomas Francis A. 7 Carlow Thomas Idonia 7 Carlow Thomas Rev. C. P. Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow Thompson Elizabeth D. Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow Thompson John 7 Carlow Thornton Henry 7 Carlow Thorpe Daniel 7 Carlow Thorpe Samuel 7 Carlow Tierney Joseph 7 Carlow Tierney Patrick 7 Carlow Tighe Robert 7 Carlow Tighe W. F. Hon. 7 Carlow Todd William 7 Carlow Tomlin Philemon Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow Toole James 7 Carlow Toole Jeremiah 7 Carlow Toole Patrick 7 Carlow Toole Peter 7 Carlow Tottenham Charles 7 Carlow Townsend Alexander 7 Carlow Townsend Maria 7 Carlow Tracey Henry 7 Carlow Tracey Mary 7 Carlow Tracey Michael 7 Carlow Tracey Thomas 7 Carlow Tuite Patrick 7 Carlow Tuthill Edward 7 Carlow Vanston John D. 7 Carlow Vaughan P. W. 7 Carlow Vaux Anne 7 Carlow Verschoyle J. Rev. 7 Carlow Verschoyle Robert 7 Carlow Verschoyle Wm. H. 7 Carlow Vigors Anne 7 Carlow Vigors Bartholomew 7 Carlow Vigors Ferdinand 7 Carlow Vigors John C. 7 Carlow Vigors Mary 7 Carlow Waldron Laurence Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow Walker Eliza 7 Carlow Walker Law. Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow Walker Lawrence 7 Carlow Wall Pierce 7 Carlow Walsh Henry 7 Carlow Walsh John 7 Carlow Walsh Marcella 7 Carlow Walsh Patrick 7 Carlow Ward William 7 Carlow Watson G. T. Rev. 7 Carlow Watson Henry 7 Carlow Watson John 7 Carlow Watson John L. 7 Carlow Watson Robert G. 7 Carlow Watson Robt. L. 7 Carlow Watson Sarah 7 Carlow Watson Thomas H. Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow Watson unknown Rev. Dean 7 Carlow Watt General Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow Watters Arthur 7 Carlow Wey Robert 7 Carlow Whelan John 7 Carlow Whelan Patrick 7 Carlow Whelan Rose 7 Carlow Whelan Thomas Sir 7 Carlow Whelan Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 7 Carlow White Michael 7 Carlow Whitestone James 7 Carlow Whitty David L. Rev. 7 Carlow Whitty unknown Col. 7 Carlow Wilson George 7 Carlow Wilson Thomas C. 7 Carlow Wilson unknown 7 Carlow Wolseley Clement T. Sir 7 Carlow Wynne Edward 7 Carlow Wynne James 7 Carlow Wynne Wyndham 7 Carlow Young William Jr. 7 Carlow