Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Abbott John 116 Cork Abercromby Robert John Sir 116 Cork Adams Bernard Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Adams David 116 Cork Adams James 116 Cork Adams Richard W. G. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Adams Robert Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Adams Robert H. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Adams Samuel Rev. 116 Cork Adams Wallis 116 Cork Ahern Charles 116 Cork Ahern Cornelius 116 Cork Ahern Eugene 116 Cork Ahern James 116 Cork Ahern Thomas 116 Cork Ahern Timothy 116 Cork Aherne Johanna 116 Cork Aherne John 116 Cork Aherne Margaret 116 Cork Alcock Mason J. 116 Cork Aldworth Chas. Oliver 116 Cork Aldworth Edward 116 Cork Aldworth John Rev. 116 Cork Aldworth Richd. Oliver 116 Cork Aldworth Robert Col. 116 Cork Aldworth St. Leger Capt. 116 Cork Allen Anne 116 Cork Allen Anne Mrs. 116 Cork Allen C. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Allen F. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Allen Francis 116 Cork Allen George W. 116 Cork Allen James Rev. 116 Cork Allen Kyrl 116 Cork Allen Mary 116 Cork Allen Samuel Mrs. 116 Cork Alleyn Mary 116 Cork Alleyn Westropp D. 116 Cork Allin Nicholas G. 116 Cork Allman J. C. 116 Cork Allman R. L. 116 Cork Alman George H. 116 Cork Anderson James 116 Cork Anderson John P. 116 Cork Anderson Thos. Wm. 116 Cork Anderson William 116 Cork Andrews Anne 116 Cork Annesley John Grove 116 Cork Annesley Richd. Grove 116 Cork Anthony Michael 116 Cork Appelby Edward 116 Cork Armstrong Elliott 116 Cork Armstrong J. C. 116 Cork Arnott John Sir 116 Cork Ashe Charles Evanson 116 Cork Atkins Andrew 116 Cork Atkins John 116 Cork Atkins John D. 116 Cork Atkins Robert 116 Cork Atkins Robt. St. Leger 116 Cork Atkins William 116 Cork Attridge Anne 116 Cork Attridge Philip Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Attridge Sarah Anne 116 Cork Attridge Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Aunty John 135 Cork Austen Henry Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Austen Mary Mrs. 116 Cork Austen William 116 Cork Austin Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Aylmer Michael 116 Cork Babington Thomas 116 Cork Baggot John 116 Cork Baggs Henry Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Bagwell John 116 Cork Bailey David 116 Cork Bainbridge John H. 116 Cork Baker Godfrey 116 Cork Baldwin Anne Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Baldwin Catherine M. 116 Cork Baldwin Frances Miss 116 Cork Baldwin Godfrey 116 Cork Baldwin Hen. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Baldwin Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Baldwin Mary 116 Cork Baldwin Saml. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Baldwin Wm. B. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Baldwin unknown 138 Cork Ball Mary 116 Cork Ballard John 116 Cork Bandon unknown 116 Cork Banfield Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Bantry unknown 116 Cork Barrett John 116 Cork Barrett John Edward 116 Cork Barrett Richard 116 Cork Barrett Richard Reps. of (deceased) 116 Cork Barrett Thomas 117 Cork Barrett William 117 Cork Barrow William 117 Cork Barry Anne 117 Cork Barry Arthur H. Smith 117 Cork Barry David 117 Cork Barry Edmond 117 Cork Barry Edward R. C. 117 Cork Barry Ellen 117 Cork Barry Garrett 117 Cork Barry George Richard 117 Cork Barry Gerard P. 117 Cork Barry Henry Harte 117 Cork Barry J. J. Mrs. 117 Cork Barry James 117 Cork Barry James Capt. 117 Cork Barry James Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Barry James Redmond 117 Cork Barry Jane 117 Cork Barry John 117 Cork Barry John Sir 117 Cork Barry John Harold 117 Cork Barry Mary 117 Cork Barry Maurice 117 Cork Barry Michael 117 Cork Barry Patrick 117 Cork Barry Penelope S. 117 Cork Barry Philip 117 Cork Barry Pierce 117 Cork Barry Richard 117 Cork Barry Richard Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Barry Richard H. S. 117 Cork Barry Robert Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Barry Smith Mrs. 117 Cork Barry Stephen 117 Cork Barry Thomas 117 Cork Barry W. John 117 Cork Barry William 117 Cork Barry William H. 117 Cork Barry William J. F. 117 Cork Barry William Norton 117 Cork Barter Benjamin Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Barter Benjamin Thos. 117 Cork Barter Eliza 117 Cork Barter Jane 117 Cork Barter John 117 Cork Barter Richard 117 Cork Barter Richard H. 117 Cork Barter William 117 Cork Bass Francis H. 117 Cork Bass Philip William 117 Cork Bass unknown Capt. 117 Cork Bassy Thomas 117 Cork Bastable Daniel 117 Cork Bastable Daniel Chas. 117 Cork Bastable Mary A. 117 Cork Bastable Sarah 117 Cork Bastable Susan 117 Cork Bateman John James 117 Cork Baylor John 117 Cork Bayly Henry C. 117 Cork Bayly Robert M. 117 Cork Beale George Cotter 117 Cork Beamish Albert 117 Cork Beamish Andrew Poole 117 Cork Beamish Benjamin Swayne 117 Cork Beamish Chas. Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Beamish E. L. 117 Cork Beamish Francis 117 Cork Beamish George 117 Cork Beamish H. Dr. 117 Cork Beamish Hen. Baldwin 117 Cork Beamish Henry George 117 Cork Beamish J. Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Beamish James D. C. 117 Cork Beamish John 117 Cork Beamish John Newman 117 Cork Beamish Messrs. 117 Cork Beamish Richard 117 Cork Beamish Robert 117 Cork Beamish Robert D. 117 Cork Beamish Sampson 117 Cork Beamish Samuel Rev. 117 Cork Beamish Sophia Mrs. 117 Cork Beamish Susan Mrs. 117 Cork Beamish Thomas 117 Cork Beamish Thomas Dr. 117 Cork Beamish Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Beamish William H. 117 Cork Beamish Wm. Morrison 117 Cork Beamish unknown 117 Cork Beamish unknown Col. 117 Cork Beamish unknown Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Beaufort William Rev. 117 Cork Becher Henry Wrixon Sir 117 Cork Becher John D. Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Becher John R. H. 117 Cork Becher John Wrixon 117 Cork Becher Michl. Richard Alleyn 117 Cork Beecher O'Donovan 117 Cork Beecher Richard H. 117 Cork Beecher Wm. Wrixon 117 Cork Beechinor Daniel 117 Cork Beechinor Francis 117 Cork Beechinor Jeremiah 117 Cork Beechinor Robert 117 Cork Begley Henrietta 117 Cork Belcher Henry 117 Cork Belcher John T. Reps. of (deceased) 117 Cork Bell Frederick 117 Cork Bellis Sandes 117 Cork Bennett Francis E. 118 Cork Bennett George 118 Cork Bennett John J. 118 Cork Bennett Robert 118 Cork Bennett Samuel 118 Cork Bennett Thomas 118 Cork Bennett William 118 Cork Bennett William H. 118 Cork Berkley Robert 118 Cork Bernard Eliza Hon. 118 Cork Bernard H. B. Hon. 118 Cork Berry Parsons 118 Cork Berwick Walter Reps. of (deceased) 118 Cork Bibbin Clara 118 Cork Bible Stephen 118 Cork Biggs Jacob 118 Cork Biggs Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 118 Cork Biggs Thomas A. 118 Cork Bird John 118 Cork Bird John S. 118 Cork Bird Kate 118 Cork Bird Robert 118 Cork Bird W. S. 118 Cork Bird William H. 118 Cork Bishop Alice 118 Cork Bishopp Edward 118 Cork Blackburne E. 118 Cork Blake Matthew 118 Cork Bland Ven. Archdeacon 118 Cork Blandford Joseph 118 Cork Blandford Thomas 118 Cork Blaquiere John Wm. 118 Cork Bleasby Charles 118 Cork Bleasby William 118 Cork Bleasby William J. 118 Cork Blennerhasset J. Rev. 118 Cork Blood Neptune Reps. of (deceased) 118 Cork Bloomer unknown Mr. 118 Cork Boland Anne 118 Cork Boland Henrietta 118 Cork Boles Robert Reps. of (deceased) 118 Cork Boles Spotiswood 118 Cork Bollard James 118 Cork Bolster John 118 Cork Bolster John H. 118 Cork Bolton Mary Anne 118 Cork Boozan Thomas 118 Cork Bouchier John 118 Cork Bourk John 118 Cork Bourke Garrett 118 Cork Bourke George King 118 Cork Bourke Michael 118 Cork Bowen Mary Reps. of (deceased) 118 Cork Bowen Robert Cole 118 Cork Bowen Robert Francis 118 Cork Bowler Ellen 118 Cork Bowles George 118 Cork Boyan John 118 Cork Boyce John 118 Cork Boyce Mary 118 Cork Boyce Thomas Capt. 118 Cork Boyd James 118 Cork Boyle Catherine Mrs. 118 Cork Boyle Charlotte Lady 118 Cork Boyle Elizabeth Lady 118 Cork Boyle Jane Lady 118 Cork Boyle John 118 Cork Boyle Sarah Lady 118 Cork Boyle unknown Lady 118 Cork Braddell E. Anne 118 Cork Braddell Henry 118 Cork Braddell M. A. S. 118 Cork Braddell Matthew Reps. of (deceased) 118 Cork Bradell John W. Reps. of (deceased) 118 Cork Bradley James 118 Cork Brady Louisa 118 Cork Brazier Brook 118 Cork Bread Barkly J. M. 118 Cork Bredin Anne Mrs. 118 Cork Breen Honora 118 Cork Brennan Ellen 118 Cork Brian Cornelius 118 Cork Brian Ellen 118 Cork Bribasia unknown Dr. 118 Cork Brickley James 118 Cork Brickley Tim Miss 118 Cork Brien Bridget 118 Cork Brien John 118 Cork Brien Mary 118 Cork Briscoe Robert 118 Cork Brooke William Capt. Sir 118 Cork Brown Rev. John Reps. of (deceased) 118 Cork Brown Stephen 118 Cork Browne Daniel Mrs. 118 Cork Browne Dora A. 118 Cork Browne Henry 118 Cork Browne J. C. 118 Cork Browne Jane 118 Cork Browne John 118 Cork Browne John Rev. 118 Cork Browne John G. 118 Cork Browne John Garde 118 Cork Browne Thomas 118 Cork Browne W. Garde 118 Cork Browne William 118 Cork Browne William Rev. 118 Cork Browne William Henry Rev. 118 Cork Browning Thomas 118 Cork Bruce Jonathan 118 Cork Bryan Andrew H. 118 Cork Bryan Hamilton 118 Cork Bryan John Hamilton 118 Cork Bryan Joseph 118 Cork Buck Harriett 118 Cork Buck Samuel Mrs. 118 Cork Buckley Timothy 118 Cork Bull Joshua E. 118 Cork Bullen Ellen 118 Cork Bullen Joseph Reps. of (deceased) 118 Cork Bullen Thomas 118 Cork Bullen Thomas 119 Cork Bullen William 119 Cork Bullen William C. 119 Cork Burke Edmond 119 Cork Burke Edmund 119 Cork Burns Edward 119 Cork Burns Thomas 119 Cork Burton Francis 119 Cork Bury Phineas 119 Cork Busteed Dora 119 Cork Busteed George 119 Cork Busteed John 119 Cork Butcher unknown Rev. Dr. 119 Cork Butler Margaret 119 Cork Byrne Eugene 119 Cork Byrne James 119 Cork Byrne Mrs. J. Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Byrne Richard Swiney 119 Cork Cagney D. L. Mrs. 119 Cork Cagney David 119 Cork Cagney James 119 Cork Cagney Johanna 119 Cork Cagney M. Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Cahill Anne 119 Cork Cahill Edward 119 Cork Cahill John 119 Cork Cahill Timothy 119 Cork Cahill William 119 Cork Callaghan Catherine 119 Cork Callaghan Charlotte 119 Cork Callaghan Daniel O. 119 Cork Callaghan Fred. Capt. 119 Cork Callaghan John 119 Cork Callaghan Maria 119 Cork Callaghan Patrick 119 Cork Callaghan Richard 119 Cork Callaghan Timothy 119 Cork Callanain James 119 Cork Callanan William 119 Cork Campbell Arthur John 119 Cork Campion Charles 119 Cork Campion Henry 119 Cork Campion Jeremiah 119 Cork Campion Mary 119 Cork Campion Roland Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Cantillon Denis 119 Cork Carberry unknown Lord 136 Cork Carbery W. Mrs. 119 Cork Carden John Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Carey Edward Keily 119 Cork Carey Jane 119 Cork Carey Jane 126 Cork Carey Langan 119 Cork Carey William Rev. 119 Cork Carleton C. D. 119 Cork Carleton unknown Col. 119 Cork Carmichael James 119 Cork Carmichael John 119 Cork Carmichael Thomas 119 Cork Carnegie James 119 Cork Carnegie unknown Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Carney Thomas 119 Cork Carpenter John 135 Cork Carpenter Joseph V. 119 Cork Carrig A. Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Carrig E. 119 Cork Carroll Anne 119 Cork Carroll Anthony 119 Cork Carroll Jennetta 119 Cork Carroll Michael 119 Cork Carroll Thomas 119 Cork Carroll Timothy 119 Cork Carroll William 119 Cork Casey Edward 119 Cork Casey George 119 Cork Casey Maria 119 Cork Casey Richard 119 Cork Cashman Denis 119 Cork Cashman Ellen 119 Cork Cashman John 119 Cork Cashman Michael 119 Cork Cashman William 119 Cork Cavanagh William 119 Cork Chambers Robert Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Chancery unknown 119 Cork Charles unknown Rev. 136 Cork Charters Richd. Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Chatterton General Sir James Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Chesney Louisa 119 Cork Chetwynd Edward 119 Cork Chinnery Richard Broderick 119 Cork Chudleigh unknown Mrs. 119 Cork Chute Josephine 119 Cork Clanchy Fanny L. 119 Cork Clanchy Thomas 119 Cork Clancy John 119 Cork Clancy Maurice 119 Cork Clarke Colonel St. John Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Clarke Eliza 119 Cork Clarke John 119 Cork Clarke John W. 119 Cork Clarke Jonathan 119 Cork Clarke M. J. Miss 119 Cork Clarke Mary E. 119 Cork Clarke Michael W. 119 Cork Clarke Thomas W. 119 Cork Clarke William 119 Cork Clarke Wm. Sir 119 Cork Clear Richard 119 Cork Cleary James 119 Cork Cleary William Henry 119 Cork Cleburne Edward 119 Cork Clerke General Reps. of (deceased) 119 Cork Cliffe Anthony 119 Cork Clifford John 119 Cork Clifford Patrick 119 Cork Clifton Robert 119 Cork Clifton William 119 Cork Clinton C. P. Lord 119 Cork Cloyne unknown 119 Cork Coakely Daniel 119 Cork Coakely John 119 Cork Coakely Judith 119 Cork Coates Messrs. A. 133 Cork Cobbe George 120 Cork Cogan John 120 Cork Cole Francis 120 Cork Cole Thomas C. 120 Cork Coleman Daniel 120 Cork Coleman John 120 Cork Colley G. F. Hon. 120 Cork Collins Caroline Maria 120 Cork Collins Daniel 120 Cork Collins Denis 120 Cork Collins Edward 120 Cork Collins Jeremiah 120 Cork Collins John 120 Cork Collins John S. Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Collins John Stephen 120 Cork Collins Mary Mrs. 120 Cork Collins William 120 Cork Collins unknown Mrs. 120 Cork Collis Edward S. 120 Cork Collis Eliza 120 Cork Collis Maurice Atkin Cooke Rev. Dr. 120 Cork Colthurst Charles 120 Cork Colthurst Geo. C. Sir 120 Cork Colthurst George 120 Cork Colthurst Joseph 120 Cork Coltsmann Daniel C. 120 Cork Comer Richard Rev. 120 Cork Condon Hatton R. 120 Cork Condon Robert 120 Cork Condon Robert H. 120 Cork Connell Christopher 120 Cork Connell Geoffrey 120 Cork Connell James 120 Cork Connell Maurice 120 Cork Connell Robt. Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Connell Thomas 120 Cork Connell Wm. Charles 120 Cork Connelly James 120 Cork Conner Daniel 120 Cork Conner Richard 136 Cork Connor Daniel Capt. 120 Cork Connor Daniel Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Connor Henry Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Connor Jeremiah 120 Cork Connor Michael 120 Cork Connor Patrick 120 Cork Connor R. Longfield 120 Cork Connor Richard L. Rev. 120 Cork Connor Wm. R. Capt. 120 Cork Conron Robert 120 Cork Conyers Edward Rev. 120 Cork Cook Peter J. Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Cooper Thomas 120 Cork Cooper unknown Lieutenant Col. 120 Cork Coote C. John A. 120 Cork Coote Charles E. 120 Cork Coote Charles Purdon 120 Cork Coote R. Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Coppinger Christopher 120 Cork Coppinger Edward S. 120 Cork Coppinger Francis H. 120 Cork Coppinger John 120 Cork Coppinger Joseph 120 Cork Coppinger Richard 120 Cork Coppinger Stephen 120 Cork Coppinger Thomas S. 120 Cork Coppinger William 120 Cork Corban William 120 Cork Cork unknown 120 Cork Corker unknown Mrs. 120 Cork Corkery Daniel O'Brien 120 Cork Cornelius Henry 120 Cork Cornwall Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Cornwall Henry Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Costigan John 120 Cork Cotter Geo. E. Rev. 120 Cork Cotter H. Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Cotter James 120 Cork Cotter James L. Sir 120 Cork Cotter John 120 Cork Cotter Michael 120 Cork Cotter Michael Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Cotter Nelson J. Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Cotter Nelson K. Mrs. 120 Cork Cottrel Dowling 120 Cork Cottrel Travers 120 Cork Cottrel William C. 120 Cork Coughlan A. L. Rev. 120 Cork Coughlan J. Cole Rev. 120 Cork Coughlan John 120 Cork Coughlan Joseph Boyle 120 Cork Coughlan Patrick 120 Cork Coveney D. B. 120 Cork Cramer J. Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 120 Cork Cramer Marmaduke C. 120 Cork Crawford Messrs. 117 Cork Crawford Wm. H. 120 Cork Crawley John 120 Cork Creagh Arthur G. 120 Cork Creagh Brazier Geo. W. 120 Cork Creagh Eliza Mrs. 120 Cork Creagh Geo. Washington Brazier 120 Cork Creagh Gethin Arthur 120 Cork Creagh John 120 Cork Creagh John Capt. 120 Cork Creagh Kilner 120 Cork Creagh M. Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Creagh Philip Wm. 121 Cork Creagh Richard 121 Cork Creagh Richard G. 121 Cork Creagh William 121 Cork Creagh unknown 120 Cork Creed Charles 121 Cork Creed Daniel 121 Cork Creed Richard 121 Cork Creedon Timothy 121 Cork Creedon Timothy Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Cremeen Patrick 121 Cork Croft George F. 121 Cork Croft unknown Mrs. 121 Cork Crofton H. W. Rev. 121 Cork Crofton Henry E. 121 Cork Crofts Christopher 121 Cork Crofts George Mrs. 121 Cork Crofts Richard Nason 121 Cork Crofts William H. 121 Cork Croker Edward 121 Cork Croker Fanny 121 Cork Croker John Dillon 121 Cork Croker Joseph M. 121 Cork Croker Mary 121 Cork Crone Robert 121 Cork Cronin Daniel 121 Cork Cronin Dominick 121 Cork Cronin Michael 121 Cork Cronin Michael B. 121 Cork Cronin Patrick 121 Cork Cronin Timothy 121 Cork Cronine Daniel 121 Cork Crooke Thomas E. 121 Cork Crooke Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Crooke Warren 121 Cork Crooke Warren G. 121 Cork Cross Abraham Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Cross Philip 121 Cork Crowe Newenham 121 Cork Crowley Cornelius 121 Cork Crowley John 121 Cork Crowley Laurence 121 Cork Cuffe Thomas 121 Cork Cullenane Timothy 121 Cork Cullinan William 121 Cork Cullinane Julia 121 Cork Cummins James J. 121 Cork Cummins John 121 Cork Cummins Thomas M. 121 Cork Cunningham John 121 Cork Cunningham Michael 121 Cork Curran William 121 Cork Curtin Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Curtis James Good 121 Cork Cuthbert Charlotte 121 Cork Cuthbert Thomas 121 Cork Dale Edward 121 Cork Daly Charles 121 Cork Daly Charles John 121 Cork Daly Cornelius 121 Cork Daly Edward 121 Cork Daly James 121 Cork Daly Jeremiah 121 Cork Daly John R. 121 Cork Daly Maurice Dominick 121 Cork Daly Michael 121 Cork Daly Stephen Thomas 121 Cork Daly unknown Mrs. 121 Cork Darell Lionel Rev. Sir 121 Cork Darley Susan 121 Cork Daunt Achilles Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Daunt George 121 Cork Daunt George A. 121 Cork Daunt J. G. Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Daunt T. D. 121 Cork Daunt William 121 Cork Daunt William 121 Cork Daunt William Rev. 121 Cork Daunt Wm. Henry 121 Cork Daunt Wm. O'Neil 121 Cork Daunt Wm. Thomas 121 Cork Davidson Charles 121 Cork Davidson John 121 Cork Davis James R. 121 Cork Davis John 121 Cork Davis R. B. 121 Cork Davis Roger Greene Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Davis Roland 121 Cork Davis Thomas 121 Cork Davis unknown Capt. 121 Cork Dawkins Peter 121 Cork Dawson James 121 Cork Dawson John Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Dawson William 121 Cork Dawson Yelverton Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Day William 121 Cork De Moleyns Alured Alemburgh 121 Cork De Vesci Lord Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Deane Alexander 121 Cork Deane Charles Capt. 121 Cork Deane Hon. Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Deane James 121 Cork Deane John C. 121 Cork Deasy Jane Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Deasy Kate Miss 121 Cork Deasy Mary 121 Cork Deburgh John H. 121 Cork Deeds Julius Rev. 121 Cork Delacour James 121 Cork Delacour Robert 121 Cork Delacour Robert William Rev. 121 Cork Delany Hugh 121 Cork Delany unknown Rev. Dr. 121 Cork Delmege John C. 121 Cork Deloghery David 121 Cork Denehy Patrick 121 Cork Denis James Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Dennehey Richard 121 Cork Dennehy Cornelius Walter 121 Cork Dennehy John 121 Cork Dennehy Maria 121 Cork Dennis Mary Miss 121 Cork Desmond Timothy 121 Cork Devonshire Abraham John 121 Cork Devonshire unknown 121 Cork Dibbs George B. 121 Cork Digby Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 121 Cork Dixon Henry 121 Cork Doheny James 122 Cork Doherty Richd. Wheeler 122 Cork Donaldson Joseph Rev. 122 Cork Donegan Ellen 122 Cork Doneraile Viscount 122 Cork Donnellan Anthony C. J. 122 Cork Donner Thomas 122 Cork Donoghue Timothy 122 Cork Donohoe Daniel 122 Cork Donohoe Denis 122 Cork Donohoe John 122 Cork Donohoe Timothy 122 Cork Donohue Denis 122 Cork Donoughmore unknown 122 Cork Donovan Cornelius 122 Cork Donovan Dan. 122 Cork Donovan Daniel Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Donovan Denis 122 Cork Donovan Greany 122 Cork Donovan James 122 Cork Donovan Jeremiah 122 Cork Donovan John 122 Cork Donovan Julia 122 Cork Donovan Margaret 122 Cork Donovan Maria 122 Cork Donovan Mary 122 Cork Donovan Mathias 122 Cork Donovan Patrick 122 Cork Donovan Ponce 122 Cork Donovan Richard Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Donovan Rickard 122 Cork Donovan Thomas 122 Cork Donovan Timothy 122 Cork Doody Andrew 122 Cork Dorman Edward B. 122 Cork Dorman Sarah Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Downing Francis Henry 122 Cork Downing John 122 Cork Downing M'Carthy 122 Cork Doyle John 122 Cork Drew P. W. Rev. 122 Cork Drew William 122 Cork Drinan Thomas 122 Cork Dring Robert 122 Cork Dring Simon 122 Cork Driscoll Daniel 122 Cork Driscoll John 122 Cork Driscoll Margaret Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Driscoll Timothy 122 Cork Drury Henry 122 Cork Ducrow Peter 122 Cork Duggan Cornelius 122 Cork Duggan Daniel 122 Cork Duggan Henry 122 Cork Duggan Mary 122 Cork Dunlea B. 122 Cork Dunlea Bartholomew 122 Cork Dunlea Denis 122 Cork Dunlea Edmond 122 Cork Dunlea George 122 Cork Dunlea James 122 Cork Dunlea John 122 Cork Dunlea Michael 122 Cork Dunlea Patrick 122 Cork Dunleary George 122 Cork Dunn Josias 122 Cork Dunne George 122 Cork Dunne Michl. Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Dunscombe Nicholas 122 Cork Durdin Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Dutton William H. 122 Cork Dwyer Henry 122 Cork Dwyer Mary 122 Cork Edden John W. 122 Cork Edden Robert W. 122 Cork Edgeworth Lovel 122 Cork Edmonstown unknown 122 Cork Edwards Edward Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Edwards Osborne C. 122 Cork Edwards Robert 122 Cork Egan Carbery Baldwin 122 Cork Egmont unknown 122 Cork Ellard Richard O. 122 Cork Eustace Chas. Stanard 122 Cork Evans Admiral Geo. 122 Cork Evans E. Eyre 122 Cork Evans J. William 122 Cork Evans John 122 Cork Evans John Capt. 122 Cork Evans John Darcy 122 Cork Evans John W. 122 Cork Evans Nicholas 122 Cork Evans Rebecca 122 Cork Evans Richard 122 Cork Evans Richard 122 Cork Evans Roger Bernard 122 Cork Evans Susan R. 122 Cork Evans Thomas Darcy 122 Cork Evanson Rev. Charles Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Evanson Richard Rev. 122 Cork Evanson Robert Rev. 122 Cork Exham Richard Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Exham Thomas 122 Cork Eyre R. H. Maunsell Rev. 122 Cork Fagan William Addis 122 Cork Fairclough Edward Rev. 122 Cork Falkiner Riggs Sir 122 Cork Falkner Samuel Sir 122 Cork Falvey John Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Farmer Edwd. Reps. of (deceased) 122 Cork Farmer unknown Mrs. 123 Cork Farrell Edmond 123 Cork Farrell John 123 Cork Farrell Richard 123 Cork Farrell Thomas 123 Cork Farrell Thomas L. 123 Cork Farrell unknown 123 Cork Feen Cornelius 123 Cork Fell Richard Latham 123 Cork Fenton William 123 Cork Fergusson Mary Mrs. 123 Cork Fermoy unknown Lord 123 Cork Field E. Mrs. 123 Cork Fielding Denis Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Finch Charlotte Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Finn Ellen 123 Cork Fisher W. A. Rev. 123 Cork Fitton Hester 123 Cork FitzGerald Francis 123 Cork FitzGibbon Eliza Mrs. 123 Cork Fitzelle Joseph 123 Cork Fitzgerald Anne 123 Cork Fitzgerald Catherine 123 Cork Fitzgerald David 123 Cork Fitzgerald Gerald Sir 123 Cork Fitzgerald James 123 Cork Fitzgerald John 123 Cork Fitzgerald John James 123 Cork Fitzgerald Margaret 123 Cork Fitzgerald Michael 123 Cork Fitzgerald Patrick 123 Cork Fitzgerald Philip Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Fitzgerald Richard 123 Cork Fitzgerald Robert U. P. 123 Cork Fitzgerald Sir James Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Fitzgerald Thomas J. 123 Cork Fitzgerald unknown Capt. 123 Cork Fitzgerald unknown Lady 123 Cork Fitzgibbon Cross 123 Cork Fitzgibbon Edward 123 Cork Fitzgibbon Moore 123 Cork Fitzgibbon Victor Brave 123 Cork Fitzmaurice E. J. Mrs. 123 Cork Fitzmaurice George 123 Cork Fitzmaurice Jane 123 Cork Fitzpatrick Margaret 123 Cork Fitzpatrick P. P. 123 Cork Fleming Beecher Lionel 123 Cork Fleming Swithen 123 Cork Flood John 123 Cork Flynn Barbon 123 Cork Flynn Margaret Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Foley Catherine 123 Cork Foley E. G. 123 Cork Foley Elizabeth 123 Cork Foley Jeremiah 123 Cork Foley Maurice 123 Cork Foley Rev. R. P. Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Foley Timothy 123 Cork Folliott Saunders Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Foohy John 123 Cork Foot Henry B. 123 Cork Foot James Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Foote Edward O'Callaghan Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Foote Henry 123 Cork Foote Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Foote William Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Foote unknown 123 Cork Foott Edward 123 Cork Foott James 123 Cork Forde Patrick 123 Cork Forrest Honoria 123 Cork Forsayeth Thomas 123 Cork Forster Abram T. 123 Cork Forster Francis R. 123 Cork Fox William Rev. 123 Cork Frankland Richard 123 Cork Franklin Benjamin 123 Cork Franklin Richard 123 Cork Franks Henry 123 Cork Franks Thomas 123 Cork Franks Thomas M. 123 Cork Franks William 123 Cork Frazer John 123 Cork Freeman Joseph Deane 123 Cork Freeman Justin D. 123 Cork Freeman Robert 123 Cork Freeman Thomas 123 Cork Freeman unknown Miss 123 Cork Freke James Rev. 123 Cork French Catherine 123 Cork French Catherine Mrs. 123 Cork French Col. Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork French Edmond 123 Cork French Eliza 123 Cork French Mary 123 Cork French Pasco 123 Cork French Pasco Savage 123 Cork French Sampson T. W. 123 Cork French Savage 123 Cork French Thomas G. Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork French William J. 123 Cork Frere George 123 Cork Frewen Richard 123 Cork Friend Benjamin 123 Cork Fryer Henry C. 123 Cork Fudge Thomas 123 Cork Fuge Richard 123 Cork Fuge Thomas 123 Cork Fuller Edward 123 Cork Fuller George 123 Cork Fuller Joseph 123 Cork Fuller Robert 123 Cork Fuller Thomas 123 Cork Furlong Charles John 123 Cork Furlong Francis 123 Cork Furlong John 123 Cork Furlong Mary J. B. 123 Cork Furlong William 123 Cork Furney Simon Kenny 123 Cork Fussell S. C. Reps. of (deceased) 123 Cork Gabbett W. H. 124 Cork Gaggin George 123 Cork Galgey William 123 Cork Galgey William O. S. 123 Cork Gallagher James 124 Cork Gallock Thomas 124 Cork Gallway Thos. Hinton 124 Cork Gallwey Anne Miss 124 Cork Gallwey D. MacC. 124 Cork Gallwey Michael H. 124 Cork Gallwey William 124 Cork Galway Edward 124 Cork Galway James Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Galway James Rev. 124 Cork Galway John 124 Cork Galway Michl. Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Galway William 124 Cork Galway William 130 Cork Galway William Dr. 124 Cork Galway William Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Garde Edward 124 Cork Garde Henry 124 Cork Garde Henry Dr. 124 Cork Garde John Davis 124 Cork Garde Thomas 124 Cork Garde Thomas H. 124 Cork Garde William 124 Cork Garde unknown Miss 124 Cork Gardiner Catherine 124 Cork Gardiner James 124 Cork Gardiner W. B. 124 Cork Garfitt Charles 124 Cork Gash Masculine 124 Cork Gash Susan 124 Cork Gaskell Peter Penn 124 Cork Geale Hamilton 124 Cork Gearan Sarah 124 Cork Geary Redmond 124 Cork Geary Richard 124 Cork Geary Thomas 124 Cork Gee F. H. 124 Cork Geran Anthony 124 Cork Geran James 124 Cork Geran Mary 124 Cork Gibbings Bartholomew 124 Cork Gibbings John George 124 Cork Gibbings Jonathan 124 Cork Gibbings Rev. Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Gibbings Richard Rev. 124 Cork Gibbings Robert Edw. 124 Cork Gillman Anne Jane 124 Cork Gillman Bennett 124 Cork Gillman David Rev. 124 Cork Gillman Edward 124 Cork Gillman Frances Alicia 124 Cork Gillman Henry 124 Cork Gillman Herbert 124 Cork Gillman Herbert Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Gillman James 124 Cork Gillman Robert 124 Cork Gillman Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Gillman William 124 Cork Gillman unknown Major 124 Cork Gillman unknown Mrs. 124 Cork Givens Matthew 124 Cork Glasgow Wm. James 124 Cork Glazure Henry 124 Cork Gleeson Daniel 124 Cork Gleeson James 124 Cork Gleeson John 124 Cork Gleeson Michael 124 Cork Gleeson Patrick 124 Cork Glover John P. 124 Cork Godfrey John Fermor Sir 124 Cork Godfrey Thomas 124 Cork Goggin B. Richard 124 Cork Goggin Reps.of Mrs. 124 Cork Goggin William 124 Cork Going Robert Rev. 124 Cork Goings unknown Miss 124 Cork Gollock James 124 Cork Gollock James Rev. 124 Cork Gollock Thomas 124 Cork Good John 124 Cork Good Richard 124 Cork Goode Edward H. 124 Cork Goode unknown 124 Cork Goodwin Jane 124 Cork Goodwin William 124 Cork Goold George 124 Cork Goold Theobald 124 Cork Gordon J. G. 124 Cork Gorman Daniel 124 Cork Gould E. J. 124 Cork Goulding B. 124 Cork Goulding Humphries M. 124 Cork Goulding Thos. 124 Cork Goulding William 124 Cork Grainger Hen. Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Grant Charles C. 124 Cork Grant Jasper Rev. 124 Cork Grant Thomas St. John 124 Cork Gray Pope 124 Cork Gray Richard 124 Cork Green Hugh 124 Cork Green James Sullivan 124 Cork Green John Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Green Murdock 124 Cork Green T. M. Mrs. 124 Cork Green W. S. Rev. 124 Cork Greene George 124 Cork Greene Roger Davis Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Greer Alfred 124 Cork Greer Margaret 124 Cork Gregg Richard 124 Cork Gregg unknown Rev. Dr. 124 Cork Grehan George 124 Cork Greville unknown Lord 124 Cork Griffin James 124 Cork Gubbins John 124 Cork Guillamore Viscount 124 Cork Guinee Ellen 124 Cork Guinn Johanna 124 Cork Gumbleton Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 124 Cork Gumbleton Henry 124 Cork Gumbleton John B. 124 Cork Gumbleton John Richd. Maxwell 124 Cork Gumbleton William E. 124 Cork Gyles N. F. 124 Cork Hackett Bartholomew 125 Cork Hackett Grisilda 125 Cork Hadden Davis 125 Cork Haines Charles 125 Cork Haines Charles C. 125 Cork Haines John Sheltick 125 Cork Haines William 125 Cork Halbert James 125 Cork Halbut Robert Rev. 125 Cork Hales Anne 125 Cork Hall Robert 125 Cork Hallaron Rev. William Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hallinan Timothy 125 Cork Halloran John Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hamilton Amelia 125 Cork Hamilton Fitz-John S. Rev. 125 Cork Hamilton Hans F. Rev. 125 Cork Hamilton James 125 Cork Hamilton John Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hamilton Robert 125 Cork Hamilton unknown Mrs. 125 Cork Hammond Colman 125 Cork Hanan Edward 125 Cork Hanlon Daniel 125 Cork Hannen Owen 125 Cork Hannigan Patrick 125 Cork Hanning James 125 Cork Hanrahan John 125 Cork Hanrahan unknown 125 Cork Harding Charles F. 125 Cork Harding Henry Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Harding James Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Harding John 125 Cork Harding William 125 Cork Hardy Henry 125 Cork Hare John P. 125 Cork Hare Robt. Dillon Hon. 125 Cork Hargrave Abraham 125 Cork Harman John 125 Cork Harman Joseph 125 Cork Harman Samuel Rev. 125 Cork Harmer D. Spratt 123 Cork Harnett Mary Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Harney W. P. 125 Cork Harrington William 125 Cork Harris George Crofts 125 Cork Harris Richard 125 Cork Harris Thomas 125 Cork Harris unknown Capt. 125 Cork Harrison C. Mrs. 125 Cork Harrison Henry 125 Cork Harrisson Joseph 125 Cork Harte Jane 125 Cork Harte John 125 Cork Hartly P. Rev. 125 Cork Hartnett J. C. 125 Cork Hartnett Susan 125 Cork Hartnett Timothy Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hartopp Edward Lieutenant Col. 125 Cork Hartopp John Lieutenant Col. 125 Cork Harvey Reuben Thos. 125 Cork Harvey William 125 Cork Hassard Luke Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hassett John 125 Cork Hassett John Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hawkes Corliss 125 Cork Hawkes John Devonsher 125 Cork Hawkes Quaile 125 Cork Hawkes William 125 Cork Hawkes Zacharia C. Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hawkins John 125 Cork Hayes Charles 125 Cork Hayes Denis 125 Cork Hayes George 125 Cork Hayes James 125 Cork Hayes John 125 Cork Hayes John R. 125 Cork Hayes Michael 125 Cork Hayes Richard Rev. 125 Cork Hayes Robert 125 Cork Hayes Stephen 125 Cork Hayes Thomas 125 Cork Hayman Matthew 125 Cork Haynes Abraham 125 Cork Haynes Henry 125 Cork Healy Nicholas 125 Cork Healy Patrick 125 Cork Heard Edward 125 Cork Heard Francis 125 Cork Heard Robert 125 Cork Heard unknown Miss 125 Cork Hearne William Rev. 125 Cork Heffernan Thomas 125 Cork Hegarty Daniel 125 Cork Hegarty David 125 Cork Hegarty John W. 125 Cork Hendley Arthur 125 Cork Hendley Mathias Christopher 125 Cork Hennessey Margaret 125 Cork Hennessy Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hennessy John 125 Cork Hennessy John C. 125 Cork Hennessy Maurice 125 Cork Hennessy Timothy 125 Cork Hennis Francis 125 Cork Hennis Robert 125 Cork Herbert Edward 125 Cork Herbert Gustavus 125 Cork Herley John H. 125 Cork Herlihy Thomas 125 Cork Herrick Edward Capt. 125 Cork Herrick Edwd. Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Herrick Gresham 125 Cork Herrick Henry Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Herrick Thomas B. 125 Cork Herrick Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Herrick unknown Capt. 125 Cork Hewett Reps.of Capt. 125 Cork Hewitt Thomas 125 Cork Hewitt Thomas Arthur Ludlow 125 Cork Hewson Frank 125 Cork Hewson George 125 Cork Hewson Robert 125 Cork Hickey J. F. Lieutenant Col. 125 Cork Hickey John 125 Cork Hickey Maurice 125 Cork Hicks Thomas 125 Cork Hickson Albert 125 Cork Higgins Patrick 125 Cork Hill Elizabeth 125 Cork Hill James L. 125 Cork Hill Thomas 125 Cork Hill unknown Miss 125 Cork Hingston Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hingston Rev. George Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hoare Admiral Reps. of (deceased) 125 Cork Hoare Edward 126 Cork Hoare H. Edward Rev. 126 Cork Hoare James 126 Cork Hoare Walter Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Hoare William 126 Cork Hoare William Barry 126 Cork Hoare William Jessie 126 Cork Hobbs William 126 Cork Hobson S. Le Hunt 126 Cork Hodder Francis 126 Cork Hodder J. T. Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Hodder Jeremiah 126 Cork Hodder Moore Mrs. 126 Cork Hodder Samuel Capt. 126 Cork Hodder W. H. M. Col. 126 Cork Hodder unknown 126 Cork Hogan John 126 Cork Hogan Patrick 126 Cork Hogan Richard 126 Cork Holland John 126 Cork Holland Timothy 126 Cork Holmes Jane Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Holmes Sarah 126 Cork Honan William T. Sir 126 Cork Honner Mary Mrs. 126 Cork Horace unknown 134 Cork Horan Kerry 126 Cork Horgan Eugene Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Hornbrook Matthew 126 Cork Hornibrook D. Otley 126 Cork Hornibrook John 126 Cork Hornibrook Thomas 126 Cork Hornibrook William 126 Cork Hosford Jonathan 126 Cork Hosford Sarah 126 Cork Hounihan Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Howard Eliza 126 Cork Howard Elizabeth 126 Cork Howard Henry 126 Cork Howard John 126 Cork Howard Robert H. 126 Cork Howe Benjamin 126 Cork Howe H. B. 126 Cork Howe James Roche 126 Cork Howe John 126 Cork Howe Samuel 126 Cork Howe Sidney Mrs. 126 Cork Howe Wm. L. Major 126 Cork Hudson Eliza 126 Cork Hudson Henry 126 Cork Hudson Jane 126 Cork Hughes James 126 Cork Hulbert Rev. Robert Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Hull Richard Edward 126 Cork Humphreys Daniel 126 Cork Humphreys William 126 Cork Humphries unknown Dr. 126 Cork Hungerford Francis 126 Cork Hungerford Georgina 126 Cork Hungerford Hen. Jones 126 Cork Hungerford John T. 126 Cork Hungerford Mary Sandes Miss 126 Cork Hungerford R. B. 126 Cork Hunt Catherine A. Eliza 126 Cork Hunt Edmond L. 126 Cork Hunt James 126 Cork Hunt Joseph S. 126 Cork Hunt Percival 126 Cork Hunter David Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Hurley Catherine 126 Cork Hurley F. C. Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Hurley Rev. John Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Hurley Timothy 126 Cork Hutch Richard 126 Cork Hutchins Emanuel 126 Cork Hutchins William 126 Cork Hyde Arthur Rev. 126 Cork Hyde John 126 Cork Hyde John Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Hyde Lucinda 126 Cork Hyde Miss Becher Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Hyde Townsend 126 Cork Irwin Edward 126 Cork Irwin Edward 126 Cork Irwin Patrick 126 Cork Jackson S. P. 126 Cork Jackson William O. 126 Cork Jacob Thomas 126 Cork Jagoe Edwd. 126 Cork Jagoe John Abraham 126 Cork Jagoe Joshua Rev. 126 Cork Jagoe Robert J. 126 Cork Jagoe Samuel 126 Cork Jagoe Wm. 126 Cork Jameson Thomas 126 Cork Jeffcott John 126 Cork Jeffers Jane 126 Cork Jeffers John 126 Cork Jeffrey William 126 Cork Jeffries John 126 Cork Jenkins Elizabeth 126 Cork Jenkins Richard 126 Cork Jenkins William 126 Cork Jennings Francis Montgomery 126 Cork Jervois Sampson 126 Cork Jervosie Rev. Joseph Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork John unknown Mrs. 126 Cork Johnson George 126 Cork Johnson Joseph Bullen 126 Cork Johnson Noble 126 Cork Johnson William 126 Cork Jones Thomas 126 Cork Jones William Bence 126 Cork Joyce William 126 Cork Justice John B. 126 Cork Justice John B. C. 126 Cork Justice Robert 126 Cork Keane James 126 Cork Keane Martha 126 Cork Keane Thomas John Reps. of (deceased) 126 Cork Keane Timothy 127 Cork Kearney Francis 127 Cork Kearney James 127 Cork Kearney Michael 127 Cork Kearns William 127 Cork Keefe John 127 Cork Keefe Luke 127 Cork Keefe Patrick Daniel 127 Cork Keefe Patrick Timothy 127 Cork Kelleher Daniel 127 Cork Kelleher William 127 Cork Keller Cornelius 127 Cork Keller Nicholas Waters 127 Cork Kelly Timothy 127 Cork Keneally William 127 Cork Kenefic Richard 127 Cork Kenmare unknown 127 Cork Kennedy John 127 Cork Kennedy Patrick 127 Cork Kenny Judith Miss 127 Cork Kenny Mary Miss 127 Cork Keohane John 127 Cork Keohane Peter 127 Cork Keohane Timothy 127 Cork Kidney Colmas 127 Cork Kildahl J. V. 127 Cork King Elizabeth 127 Cork King unknown Mrs. 127 Cork Kingston Ellen 127 Cork Kingston James 127 Cork Kingston John 127 Cork Kingston William 127 Cork Kingston unknown 127 Cork Kirby John 127 Cork Kirby unknown Mrs. 127 Cork Knolles Charles 127 Cork Knolles Charles 127 Cork Knolles Francis W. 127 Cork Knolles Francis W. 127 Cork Knolles Thomas W. 127 Cork Knolles Thomas W. 127 Cork Kyle Ven. 127 Cork Kyle Ven. 127 Cork L'Estrange Hilary F. 127 Cork L'Estrange Hilary F. 127 Cork La Touche Peter 127 Cork La Touche Peter 127 Cork La Touche William 127 Cork La Touche William 127 Cork Laffin John 127 Cork Laffin John 127 Cork Lalor D. Shine 127 Cork Lalor D. Shine 127 Cork Lamb Walter Rev. 127 Cork Lamb Walter Rev. 127 Cork Lambert Charlotte 127 Cork Lambert Charlotte 127 Cork Lambert Eliza 127 Cork Lambert Eliza 127 Cork Lambert John Francis 127 Cork Lambert John Francis 127 Cork Lambkin Grace 127 Cork Lambkin Grace 127 Cork Lambkin Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Lambkin Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Lambkins unknown 127 Cork Lambkins unknown 127 Cork Lane Andrew Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Lane Andrew Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Lane Denny 127 Cork Lane Denny 127 Cork Lane Eliza 127 Cork Lane Eliza 127 Cork Lane George 127 Cork Lane George 127 Cork Lane Henry Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Lane Henry Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Lane James 127 Cork Lane James 127 Cork Lane Mary 127 Cork Lane Mary 127 Cork Lane Thomas R. 127 Cork Lane Thomas R. 127 Cork Lane Timothy 127 Cork Lane Timothy 127 Cork Lane William 127 Cork Lane William 127 Cork Lane William B. 127 Cork Lane William B. 127 Cork Langford Arthur 127 Cork Langford Arthur 127 Cork Langford Thomas 127 Cork Langford Thomas 127 Cork Langly Christopher 127 Cork Langly Christopher 127 Cork Langrish Henry 127 Cork Langrish Henry 127 Cork Langtree Mary 127 Cork Langtree Mary 127 Cork Laurence Charles 127 Cork Laurence Charles 127 Cork Laurie Thomas Daniel 127 Cork Laurie Thomas Daniel 127 Cork Law unknown Mrs. 127 Cork Law unknown Mrs. 127 Cork Lawe Henry Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Lawe Henry Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Lawless Clement F. 127 Cork Lawless Clement F. 127 Cork Leader Benjamin 127 Cork Leader Benjamin 127 Cork Leader H. E. Capt. 127 Cork Leader H. E. Capt. 127 Cork Leader Henry 127 Cork Leader Henry 127 Cork Leader John 127 Cork Leader John 127 Cork Leader John 127 Cork Leader John M. D. 127 Cork Leader N. P. 127 Cork Leader N. P. 127 Cork Leader T. B. Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Leader T. B. Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Leader Thos. Capt. 127 Cork Leader Thos. Capt. 127 Cork Leader William 127 Cork Leader William 127 Cork Leader William Mrs. 127 Cork Leader William Mrs. 127 Cork Leader unknown Mrs. 127 Cork Leader unknown Mrs. 127 Cork Leahy Daniel F. 127 Cork Leahy Daniel F. 127 Cork Leahy Patrick 127 Cork Leahy Patrick 127 Cork Leahy Richard Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Leahy Richard Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Leahy Thomas J. 127 Cork Leahy Thomas J. 127 Cork Leahy unknown Mrs. 127 Cork Leahy unknown Mrs. 127 Cork Leary Daniel 127 Cork Leary Daniel 127 Cork Leary Daniel 127 Cork Leary Daniel Senior 127 Cork Leary Daniel Gailack 127 Cork Leary Daniel Gailack 127 Cork Leary John 127 Cork Leary John 127 Cork Leary John Layley 127 Cork Leary John Layley 127 Cork Leary John Smith 127 Cork Leary John Smith 127 Cork Leckey Averina 127 Cork Leckey Averina 127 Cork Lee Jervis 127 Cork Lee Jervis 127 Cork Lee John Rev. 127 Cork Lee John Rev. 127 Cork Lee Mary 127 Cork Lee Mary 127 Cork Leech John Rev. 127 Cork Leech John Rev. 127 Cork Leeson Robert 127 Cork Leeson Robert 127 Cork Legoe Barbara 127 Cork Legoe Barbara 127 Cork Lehane Patrick 127 Cork Lehane Patrick 127 Cork Lenahan William 127 Cork Lenahan William 127 Cork Lenihan Bridget 127 Cork Lenihan Bridget 127 Cork Lenihan Honoria 127 Cork Lenihan Honoria 127 Cork Leslie Jane 127 Cork Leslie Jane 127 Cork Leslie John U. Rev. 127 Cork Leslie John U. Rev. 127 Cork Leslie Matthew 127 Cork Leslie Matthew 127 Cork Leslie Wm. B. 127 Cork Leslie Wm. B. 127 Cork Levinge H. M. Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Levinge H. M. Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Levis George S. 127 Cork Levis George S. 127 Cork Levis James William 127 Cork Levis James William 127 Cork Levis John S. 127 Cork Levis John S. 127 Cork Levis Samuel 127 Cork Levis Samuel 127 Cork Lewis H. S. Rev. 127 Cork Lewis H. S. Rev. 127 Cork Lewis John 127 Cork Lewis John 127 Cork Lewis William 127 Cork Lewis William 127 Cork Limerick John 127 Cork Limerick John 127 Cork Limerick Paul Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Limerick Paul Reps. of (deceased) 127 Cork Limerick Thomas 127 Cork Limerick Thomas 127 Cork Limerick unknown 127 Cork Limerick unknown 127 Cork Lindsay Mary B. 127 Cork Lindsay Mary B. 127 Cork Lindsey Francis Woodley 127 Cork Lindsey Francis Woodley 127 Cork Lindsey Henry 127 Cork Lindsey Henry 127 Cork Lindsey Joseph Woodley 127 Cork Lindsey Joseph Woodley 127 Cork Lindsey Paul 127 Cork Lindsey Paul 127 Cork Lisle unknown Lord 127 Cork Lisle unknown Lord 127 Cork Lismore Viscount 127 Cork Lismore Viscount 127 Cork Listowel unknown 127 Cork Listowel unknown 127 Cork Litchfield John 128 Cork Litchfield John 128 Cork Little F. P. 128 Cork Little F. P. 128 Cork Litton John 128 Cork Litton John 128 Cork Livingstone unknown Mrs. 128 Cork Livingstone unknown Mrs. 128 Cork Lloyd Geo. Whitelock 128 Cork Lloyd Geo. Whitelock 128 Cork Lloyd Jane 128 Cork Lloyd Jane 128 Cork Lloyd John 128 Cork Lloyd John 128 Cork Lloyd Richard 128 Cork Lloyd Richard 128 Cork Lloyd Vernon 128 Cork Lloyd Vernon 128 Cork Logan George 128 Cork Logan George 128 Cork Lombard Daniel 128 Cork Lombard Daniel 128 Cork Lombard James 128 Cork Lombard James 128 Cork Lombard John 128 Cork Lombard John 128 Cork Lombard John D. 128 Cork Lombard John D. 128 Cork Lombard John James 128 Cork Lombard John James 128 Cork Lombard Pat John 128 Cork Lombard Pat John 128 Cork Lombard Richard Mrs. 128 Cork Lombard Richard Mrs. 128 Cork Long Denis 128 Cork Long Denis 128 Cork Long Ellen 128 Cork Long Ellen 128 Cork Long Henry 128 Cork Long Henry 128 Cork Long Hill G. Mrs. 128 Cork Long Hill G. Mrs. 128 Cork Long Hill G. Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Long Hill G. Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Long James 128 Cork Long James 128 Cork Long Johanna 128 Cork Long Johanna 128 Cork Long Johanna Jr. 128 Cork Long Johanna Sr. 128 Cork Long Maria 128 Cork Long Maria 128 Cork Long Mary 128 Cork Long Mary 128 Cork Long Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Long Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Long Richard Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Long Richard Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Long Robert J. 128 Cork Long Robert J. 128 Cork Long Thomas 128 Cork Long Thomas 128 Cork Long William 128 Cork Long William 128 Cork Longfield Charlotte 128 Cork Longfield Charlotte 128 Cork Longfield Henry 128 Cork Longfield Henry 128 Cork Longfield Henry Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Longfield Henry Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Longfield John P. Major 128 Cork Longfield John P. Major 128 Cork Longfield M. Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Longfield M. Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Longfield Richard 128 Cork Longfield Richard 128 Cork Longfield Robert 128 Cork Longfield Robert 128 Cork Longfield William 128 Cork Longfield William 128 Cork Longfield Wm. Col. 128 Cork Longfield Wm. Col. 128 Cork Looney Patrick 128 Cork Looney Patrick 128 Cork Louth unknown Mrs. 128 Cork Louth unknown Mrs. 128 Cork Love Clayton 128 Cork Love Clayton 128 Cork Love John H. 128 Cork Love John H. 128 Cork Love unknown Mrs. 128 Cork Love unknown Mrs. 128 Cork Lovell William Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Lovell William Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Low Francis Wise 128 Cork Low Francis Wise 128 Cork Lowe George Bond 128 Cork Lowe George Bond 128 Cork Lowe John 128 Cork Lowe John 128 Cork Lowe unknown 124 Cork Lowe unknown 124 Cork Lucas Arthur Hyde Col. 128 Cork Lucas Arthur Hyde Col. 128 Cork Lucas Arthur John 128 Cork Lucas Arthur John 128 Cork Lucas George 128 Cork Lucas George 128 Cork Lucas John Capt. 128 Cork Lucas John Capt. 128 Cork Lucas John R. 128 Cork Lucas John R. 128 Cork Lucas unknown 128 Cork Lucas unknown 128 Cork Lucas unknown Capt. 128 Cork Lucas unknown Capt. 128 Cork Ludlow unknown 128 Cork Ludlow unknown 128 Cork Lunham Alexander 128 Cork Lunham Alexander 128 Cork Lunham Thomas A. 128 Cork Lunham Thomas A. 128 Cork Lynch James 128 Cork Lynch James 128 Cork Lynch Jeremiah 128 Cork Lynch Jeremiah 128 Cork Lynch John 128 Cork Lynch John 128 Cork Lynch Patrick 128 Cork Lynch Patrick 128 Cork Lynch Robert 128 Cork Lynch Robert 128 Cork Lyons Francis 128 Cork Lyons Francis 128 Cork Lyons James Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Lyons James Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork Lyons Richard 128 Cork Lyons Richard 128 Cork Lyons William H. 128 Cork Lyons William H. 128 Cork Lysaght George Hon. 128 Cork Lysaght George Hon. 128 Cork Lysaght James 128 Cork Lysaght James 128 Cork Lysaght William 128 Cork Lysaght William 128 Cork M'Bride James 128 Cork M'Bride James 128 Cork M'Call Colonel James Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork M'Call Colonel James Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork M'Call John 128 Cork M'Call John 128 Cork M'Carthy Alexander 128 Cork M'Carthy Alexander 128 Cork M'Carthy Callaghan 128 Cork M'Carthy Callaghan 128 Cork M'Carthy Catherine 128 Cork M'Carthy Catherine 128 Cork M'Carthy Charles 128 Cork M'Carthy Charles 128 Cork M'Carthy Cornelius 128 Cork M'Carthy Cornelius 128 Cork M'Carthy Daniel 128 Cork M'Carthy Daniel 128 Cork M'Carthy Denis 128 Cork M'Carthy Denis 128 Cork M'Carthy F. Daniel 128 Cork M'Carthy F. Daniel 128 Cork M'Carthy Florence Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork M'Carthy Florence Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork M'Carthy James 128 Cork M'Carthy James 128 Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah 128 Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah 128 Cork M'Carthy John 128 Cork M'Carthy John 128 Cork M'Carthy Justin Rev. 128 Cork M'Carthy Justin Rev. 128 Cork M'Carthy Margaret 128 Cork M'Carthy Margaret 128 Cork M'Carthy Michael 128 Cork M'Carthy Michael 128 Cork M'Carthy Patrick 128 Cork M'Carthy Patrick 128 Cork M'Carthy Thaddeus 128 Cork M'Carthy Thaddeus 128 Cork M'Carthy Tim. Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork M'Carthy Tim. Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork M'Carthy Timothy 128 Cork M'Carthy Timothy 128 Cork M'Carthy William 128 Cork M'Carthy William 128 Cork M'Cartie Daniel 128 Cork M'Cartie Daniel 128 Cork M'Cartie Ellen 128 Cork M'Cartie Ellen 128 Cork M'Cartie Justin 128 Cork M'Cartie Justin 128 Cork M'Cartie Richard 128 Cork M'Cartie Richard 128 Cork M'Cormack John 128 Cork M'Daniel Daniel 128 Cork M'Daniel Jer. Reps. of (deceased) 128 Cork M'Daniel Susanna 128 Cork M'Dermott William 128 Cork M'Giverin Patrick W. 128 Cork M'Givern unknown 128 Cork M'Gragh Patrick 128 Cork M'Grath William 128 Cork M'Kay unknown 128 Cork M'Kenna J. N. Sir 129 Cork M'Kenzie Thomas 129 Cork M'Loughlin Arthur Rev. 129 Cork M'Mahon Robert 129 Cork M'Mullen Joseph W. 129 Cork M'Namara Thomas 129 Cork M'Nay John 129 Cork M'Sweeney Bryan 129 Cork M'Sweeney John 129 Cork M'Sweeney Morgan 129 Cork M'Sweeney unknown Mrs. 129 Cork M'Sweeny Denis Rev. 129 Cork M'Sweeny William 129 Cork M'Sweeny unknown Mrs. 129 Cork Mackey Mary 129 Cork Mackey Mary 129 Cork Mackey Uniacke R. 129 Cork Mackey Uniacke R. 129 Cork Mackey William 129 Cork Mackey William 129 Cork Mackey unknown Alderman 129 Cork Mackey unknown Alderman 129 Cork Madden John 129 Cork Madden John 129 Cork Madden Owen Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Madden Owen Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Madden Roger 129 Cork Madden Roger 129 Cork Madden Samuel Rev. 129 Cork Madden Samuel Rev. 129 Cork Madden unknown Miss 129 Cork Madden unknown Miss 129 Cork Madras John Rev. 129 Cork Madras John Rev. 129 Cork Magner James 129 Cork Magner James 129 Cork Magner John 129 Cork Magner John 129 Cork Magnier Michael 129 Cork Magnier Michael 129 Cork Magnier Michl. Joseph 129 Cork Magnier Michl. Joseph 129 Cork Magrath Maurice Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Magrath Maurice Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Magrath unknown 129 Cork Magrath unknown 129 Cork Maguire Ellen 129 Cork Maguire Ellen 129 Cork Mahon Margaret 129 Cork Mahon Margaret 129 Cork Mahoney Bartholomew 129 Cork Mahoney Bartholomew 129 Cork Mahony Cornelius 129 Cork Mahony Cornelius 129 Cork Mahony Daniel 129 Cork Mahony Daniel 129 Cork Mahony David 129 Cork Mahony David 129 Cork Mahony Denis 129 Cork Mahony Denis 129 Cork Mahony Henry 129 Cork Mahony Henry 129 Cork Mahony Jeremiah 129 Cork Mahony Jeremiah 129 Cork Mahony John 129 Cork Mahony John 129 Cork Mahony Julia 129 Cork Mahony Julia 129 Cork Mahony Martin Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Mahony Martin Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Mahony Nicholas 129 Cork Mahony Nicholas 129 Cork Mahony Richard 129 Cork Mahony Richard 129 Cork Mahony Timothy 129 Cork Mahony Timothy 129 Cork Mandaville unknown Mrs. 129 Cork Mandaville unknown Mrs. 129 Cork Manning Denis 129 Cork Manning Denis 129 Cork Mannix Henry Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Mannix Henry Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Mansergh Charles Carden 129 Cork Mansergh Charles Carden 129 Cork Mansergh D. J. Capt. 129 Cork Mansergh D. J. Capt. 129 Cork Mansergh John Craven Capt. 129 Cork Mansergh John Craven Capt. 129 Cork Mansergh unknown Capt. 129 Cork Mansergh unknown Capt. 129 Cork Markham William 129 Cork Markham William 129 Cork Marmion Henry R. 129 Cork Marmion Henry R. 129 Cork Marmion Patience A. 129 Cork Marmion Patience A. 129 Cork Marmion Richard Rev. 129 Cork Marmion Richard Rev. 129 Cork Marmion Thomas Hen. 129 Cork Marmion Thomas Hen. 129 Cork Martin James 129 Cork Martin James 129 Cork Martin John 129 Cork Martin John 129 Cork Martin John C. 129 Cork Martin John C. 129 Cork Martin Joseph 129 Cork Martin Joseph 129 Cork Martin Mary 129 Cork Martin Mary 129 Cork Martin Richard 129 Cork Martin Richard 129 Cork Martin Robert 129 Cork Martin Robert 129 Cork Massy George 129 Cork Massy George 129 Cork Massy Hugh 129 Cork Massy Hugh 129 Cork Massy William H. 129 Cork Massy William H. 129 Cork Matthews Edward 129 Cork Matthews Edward 129 Cork Matthews James 129 Cork Matthews James 129 Cork Maxwell Robert 129 Cork Maxwell Robert 129 Cork Maxwell Robert Percival 129 Cork Maxwell Robert Percival 129 Cork Mayberry Eliza 129 Cork Mayberry Eliza 129 Cork Maybury George 129 Cork Maybury George 129 Cork Maynard John Payne 129 Cork Maynard John Payne 129 Cork Maynard William 129 Cork Maynard William 129 Cork Meade Adam N. 129 Cork Meade C. Mrs. 129 Cork Meade Elizabeth Mrs. 129 Cork Meade John 129 Cork Meade John Campbell 129 Cork Meade Josias D. Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Meade R. T. Rev. 129 Cork Meade Robert Rev. 129 Cork Meade William Rev. 129 Cork Meade William R. 129 Cork Meara Richard 129 Cork Meredith James Creed 129 Cork Meyrick Samuel Rev. 129 Cork Michl. John 135 Cork Midleton Viscount 129 Cork Miller Arthur 129 Cork Miller John 129 Cork Miller Sir J. Riggs Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Mills Henry 129 Cork Mills John 129 Cork Minhear William 129 Cork Minhear unknown Capt. 129 Cork Mitchell Henry 129 Cork Mitchell Henry B. 129 Cork Mitchell Hugh H. 129 Cork Mitchell John 129 Cork Montgomery George 129 Cork Montgomery Nathaniel 129 Cork Moone Jane Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Moore Jane 129 Cork Moore Jane Lady 129 Cork Moore John Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Moore Michael 129 Cork Moore Stephen 129 Cork Moore Walter B. Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Moore unknown 129 Cork Moorehead Amelia Mrs. 129 Cork Moreland John 129 Cork Moreland William 129 Cork Morgan A. Capt. 129 Cork Morgan Edward 129 Cork Morgan Eliza 129 Cork Morgan Hon. Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Morgan Isaac 129 Cork Morgan James 129 Cork Morgan Rev. Crosbie Reps. of (deceased) 129 Cork Moriarty John 129 Cork Moriarty Thomas B. 129 Cork Morley Denis Junior 129 Cork Morris John 129 Cork Morris Michael H. 129 Cork Morris Richard 129 Cork Morris Susan 129 Cork Morris William 129 Cork Morrison Alexander 130 Cork Morrissy Mary 130 Cork Morrogh Helen 130 Cork Morrogh James 130 Cork Morrogh Robert 130 Cork Morrogh Walter 130 Cork Morrogh unknown Mrs. 130 Cork Mountcashell unknown 130 Cork Mullane Daniel 130 Cork Munns Edward C. 130 Cork Murphy Cornelius 130 Cork Murphy Daniel 130 Cork Murphy Denis 130 Cork Murphy Edmund 130 Cork Murphy Edward 130 Cork Murphy Edward Rev. 130 Cork Murphy Edward C. 130 Cork Murphy Edward J. 130 Cork Murphy Eugene 130 Cork Murphy Eulocius 130 Cork Murphy James 130 Cork Murphy Jeremiah 130 Cork Murphy John 130 Cork Murphy John D. 130 Cork Murphy John T. 130 Cork Murphy Michael 130 Cork Murphy Nicholas 130 Cork Murphy Nicholas D. 130 Cork Murphy Patrick 130 Cork Murphy Richard B. 130 Cork Murphy Susan 130 Cork Murphy T. Rev. 130 Cork Murphy Thomas 130 Cork Murphy Timothy 130 Cork Murphy William 130 Cork Murphy William Rev. 130 Cork Murray Patrick 130 Cork Murray William 130 Cork Muskerry Viscount 130 Cork Nagle Garrett Reps. of (deceased) 130 Cork Nagle James 130 Cork Nagle Jos. Chichester 130 Cork Nagle unknown Miss 130 Cork Nash Caroline 130 Cork Nash Charles F. 130 Cork Nash Christr. Reps. of (deceased) 130 Cork Nash Mary 130 Cork Nash Matthew B. 130 Cork Nash Michael 130 Cork Nason Charles 130 Cork Nason George 130 Cork Nason Henry K. 130 Cork Nason J. 130 Cork Nason John George 130 Cork Nason Thomas H. King 130 Cork Nason William Henry Rev. 130 Cork Naughten John 130 Cork Naughton Michael 130 Cork Neenan William 130 Cork Neill Daniel 130 Cork Neilson James H. 130 Cork Neligan Catherine 130 Cork Neligan W. F. 130 Cork Nettles Denis 130 Cork Nettles Robert 130 Cork Nettles unknown Miss 130 Cork Neville unknown Miss 121 Cork Newenham Edw. Eyre 130 Cork Newenham Edw. H. Rev. 130 Cork Newenham Henry W. 130 Cork Newman Adam 130 Cork Newman Anne 130 Cork Newman Charles 130 Cork Newman Henry 130 Cork Newman John A. R. 130 Cork Newman Rev. Dean Reps. of (deceased) 130 Cork Newman Richard C. Reps. of (deceased) 130 Cork Newman Wm. Rev. 130 Cork Newstead James 130 Cork Nicholls Thomas 130 Cork Nixon Andrew 130 Cork Noble Patience 130 Cork Noonan John 130 Cork Noonan Joseph 130 Cork Noonan Margaret 130 Cork Norcott Arthur 130 Cork Norreys D. Jephson Sir 130 Cork Norwood William 130 Cork Notter Eliza 130 Cork Notter Isaac 130 Cork Notter James Lane 130 Cork Notter Richard H. 130 Cork Nugent John James 130 Cork Nugent unknown Mrs. 130 Cork Nunan Denis 130 Cork Nunan John C. 130 Cork Nunan Michael 130 Cork Nunan Michl. Reps. of (deceased) 130 Cork Nunan Neville 130 Cork Nyhan Michael 130 Cork O'Brien Anastasia 130 Cork O'Brien Cornelius 130 Cork O'Brien Denis 130 Cork O'Brien Edwd. Reps. of (deceased) 130 Cork O'Brien Henry Reps. of (deceased) 130 Cork O'Brien James L. 130 Cork O'Brien John Reps. of (deceased) 130 Cork O'Brien Mary 130 Cork O'Brien Michael 130 Cork O'Brien Robt. Hewell 130 Cork O'Brien Thomas 130 Cork O'Brien unknown Miss 130 Cork O'Callaghan Cornelius 130 Cork O'Callaghan Cornelius Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Callaghan Denis 131 Cork O'Callaghan Denis C. 131 Cork O'Callaghan Denis R. 131 Cork O'Callaghan Edward 131 Cork O'Callaghan Edward M. 131 Cork O'Callaghan Ellen 131 Cork O'Callaghan Francis 131 Cork O'Callaghan Henry 131 Cork O'Callaghan James 131 Cork O'Callaghan James Rev. 131 Cork O'Callaghan John C. 131 Cork O'Callaghan Mary 131 Cork O'Callaghan Minnie 131 Cork O'Callaghan Richard Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Callaghan Robert 131 Cork O'Callaghan Roger 131 Cork O'Connell D. J. 131 Cork O'Connell Denis Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Connell Jeremiah 131 Cork O'Connell Mary 131 Cork O'Connell Morgan 131 Cork O'Connell Morgan John Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Connell Thomas 131 Cork O'Connor Catherine 131 Cork O'Connor Cornelius 131 Cork O'Connor Denis 131 Cork O'Connor Thomas M'Carthy 131 Cork O'Connor Walter Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Connor unknown Dr. 131 Cork O'Donnell Nicholas M. Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Donovan Catherine 131 Cork O'Donovan Daniel Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Donovan Kate 131 Cork O'Donovan Richard 131 Cork O'Donovan Richard Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Donovan The 131 Cork O'Donovan Timothy Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Driscoll Alexander 131 Cork O'Driscoll Margaret Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Farrell M. R. 131 Cork O'Flanagan James Roderick 131 Cork O'Geran Anthony 131 Cork O'Geran unknown Miss 131 Cork O'Gorman Edw. Peter 131 Cork O'Grady Elizabeth De Courcy 131 Cork O'Grady James Smith 131 Cork O'Grady Jeremiah 131 Cork O'Grady Standish 131 Cork O'Grady Standish T. 131 Cork O'Grady Susan Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Gyles M. Rev. 131 Cork O'Hara Henry 131 Cork O'Hea Alfred 131 Cork O'Hea Ellen Miss 131 Cork O'Hea Henry 131 Cork O'Hea John 131 Cork O'Hea Kate 131 Cork O'Hea Lucy 131 Cork O'Hea Matthew 131 Cork O'Hea Patrick 131 Cork O'Hea unknown Rev. Dr. 131 Cork O'Keefe Thomas 131 Cork O'Keeffe Charles 131 Cork O'Keeffe D. Mrs. 131 Cork O'Keeffe Ellen Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Leary Cornelius Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Leary Denis Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Leary Ellen 131 Cork O'Leary M'Carthy John 131 Cork O'Leary William 131 Cork O'Mahony Bridget 131 Cork O'Mahony John 131 Cork O'Mahony William 131 Cork O'Neill Anthony 131 Cork O'Neill Catherine Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Neill Cornelius 131 Cork O'Neill John 131 Cork O'Neill Mary 131 Cork O'Neill Owen 131 Cork O'Neill Philip 131 Cork O'Reilly Philip 131 Cork O'Reilly unknown Miss 131 Cork O'Riordan Daniel 131 Cork O'Seward H. Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Shea William A. 131 Cork O'Sullivan Catherine 131 Cork O'Sullivan Cornelius 131 Cork O'Sullivan Daniel 131 Cork O'Sullivan Herbert B. 131 Cork O'Sullivan John 131 Cork O'Sullivan John E. 131 Cork O'Sullivan L. Rev. 131 Cork O'Sullivan Matilda 131 Cork O'Sullivan Ml. Reps. of (deceased) 131 Cork O'Sullivan Patrick Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork O'Sullivan Timothy 132 Cork O'Sullivan William H. 132 Cork O'Sullivan unknown Mrs. 131 Cork Olden Thomas Rev. 131 Cork Oliver Maria 131 Cork Oliver Richard C. D. 131 Cork Oliver Sarah D. 131 Cork Oliver Silver Charles 131 Cork Ormathwaite unknown Lord 131 Cork Orpen Abel Benjamin 131 Cork Orpen Basil 131 Cork Orpen Richard 131 Cork Orpen Richard Ashe 131 Cork Orphin John 131 Cork Orr Sarah Anne 131 Cork Orrery unknown 120 Cork Oswald James Jordan 132 Cork Ottley Daniel 132 Cork Owen William 132 Cork Palmer Anthony 132 Cork Palmer James Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Palmer John 132 Cork Palmer Simon D. 132 Cork Parker Anthony 132 Cork Parker George Rev. 132 Cork Parker Jane Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Parker unknown Miss 132 Cork Parks William 132 Cork Partridge John Francis 132 Cork Patten James 132 Cork Pattison John 132 Cork Pattison William 132 Cork Paye Thomas 132 Cork Payne Charles 132 Cork Payne James H. 132 Cork Payne John Warren 132 Cork Payne S. H. Rev. 132 Cork Peacock Price 132 Cork Pead James 132 Cork Peard John Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Peard Richd. M'Cullagh 132 Cork Pearson Mary 132 Cork Peed James 132 Cork Pelly Cornelius 132 Cork Pembroke Anne 132 Cork Penrose George 132 Cork Penrose S. Rev. 132 Cork Penrose William H. 132 Cork Percival H. C. 132 Cork Perrier John 132 Cork Perrin Louis Rev. 132 Cork Perrott Anne 132 Cork Perrott John Walker 132 Cork Perrott Thomas 132 Cork Perry Adam 132 Cork Perry Mary 132 Cork Perry Richard 132 Cork Perry Richard J. 132 Cork Perry Robert D. 132 Cork Phayre Robert 132 Cork Phelan Dora 132 Cork Philips Richard E. 132 Cork Phillpot William J. 132 Cork Philpott Gregory 132 Cork Philpott Luke 132 Cork Philpott Robert 132 Cork Philpott William 132 Cork Phipps Charles 132 Cork Phipps Michael 132 Cork Pigott David Richard 132 Cork Pigott Hon. D. R. Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Pigott Mary 132 Cork Pike Ebenezer 132 Cork Pim James Edwin 132 Cork Pim Joseph W. 132 Cork Pine George 132 Cork Pine Jasper Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Player William 132 Cork Plunkett John Hon. 132 Cork Pollock James W. 132 Cork Pollock John Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Pomeroy Henry Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Pomeroy Nicholas 132 Cork Ponsonby C. W. T. 132 Cork Poole Hewitt 132 Cork Poole Hewitt R. Rev. 132 Cork Poole Horace 132 Cork Poole Thomas 132 Cork Pope George 132 Cork Pope Henry 132 Cork Popham unknown Miss 132 Cork Porter Richard B. Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Porter Sarah Jane 132 Cork Potter Leonard 132 Cork Powell Denis 132 Cork Powell Henry C. 132 Cork Powell John D. 132 Cork Power James 132 Cork Power James W. 132 Cork Power John 132 Cork Power Maurice Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Power Penelope 132 Cork Power Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Pratt Charles 132 Cork Pratt John Rev. 132 Cork Pratt R. C. 132 Cork Pratt Richard 132 Cork Pratt Robert 132 Cork Pratt Robert Rev. 132 Cork Pratt Sarah 132 Cork Pratt unknown Lieutenant Col. 132 Cork Purcell Charles D. 132 Cork Purcell Eliza A. 132 Cork Purcell George 132 Cork Purcell Goodwin Rev. 132 Cork Purcell Harriett 132 Cork Purcell James G. 132 Cork Purcell John 132 Cork Purcell John Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Purcell Lyndhurst 132 Cork Purcell Mary 132 Cork Purcell Matthew 132 Cork Purcell Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Purcell Pierce 132 Cork Purcell Richard H. 132 Cork Purcell unknown Mrs. 132 Cork Purdon Henry 132 Cork Purdon Philip 132 Cork Putland Charles 132 Cork Puxley Henry L. 132 Cork Pyne James 132 Cork Pyne John 132 Cork Pyne John L. Rev. 132 Cork Pyne John P. L. Reps. of (deceased) 132 Cork Pyne William Rev. 132 Cork Quaine Jones 132 Cork Quaine Mary 132 Cork Quinlan John 132 Cork Quinlan Thomas 132 Cork Quinn Edward 132 Cork Quinn Thomas S. 132 Cork Radcliffe James 132 Cork Randall James 133 Cork Raycroft Charles 133 Cork Raymond James 133 Cork Rea Patrick 133 Cork Realli Joseph 133 Cork Reardon Daniel J. 133 Cork Reardon Edward H. Reps. of (deceased) 133 Cork Reardon Patrick John 133 Cork Reed James Rev. 133 Cork Reeves Edward Hoare 133 Cork Reeves Isaac Rev. 133 Cork Reeves Robert 133 Cork Reeves Thomas B. 133 Cork Reeves William Rev. 133 Cork Regan Cornelius 133 Cork Regan Denis 133 Cork Regan Jeremiah 133 Cork Regan John 133 Cork Regan Mary 133 Cork Regan Michael 133 Cork Regan Patrick 133 Cork Reid Francis Jas. Edwd. 133 Cork Reid George 133 Cork Reid William Gore 133 Cork Reilly Mary 133 Cork Reilly Richard Daunt 133 Cork Reins unknown General 133 Cork Reynolds David 133 Cork Reynolds Hannah 133 Cork Reynolds Owen 133 Cork Rice David 133 Cork Rice James Rev. 133 Cork Rice Richard 133 Cork Rice Robert 133 Cork Rice Samuel 133 Cork Rice Thomas 133 Cork Richard George 133 Cork Ridge Anne 133 Cork Rincland Martha 133 Cork Ring Joseph 133 Cork Riordan Catherine 133 Cork Riordan Daniel 133 Cork Riordan Denis 133 Cork Riordan Edward 133 Cork Riordan James 133 Cork Riordan John 133 Cork Riordan Michael 133 Cork Riordan William 133 Cork Rivington Thomas 133 Cork Roberts Jane 133 Cork Roberts Jeremiah 133 Cork Roberts John 133 Cork Roberts M. Reps. of (deceased) 133 Cork Roberts Mich. Hodder 133 Cork Roberts Michael 133 Cork Roberts Ralph 133 Cork Roberts Richard 133 Cork Roberts Thomas 133 Cork Roberts William Rev. 133 Cork Robertson William 133 Cork Robertson William B. 133 Cork Robinson George 133 Cork Robinson George Reps. of (deceased) 133 Cork Robinson R. Rev. 133 Cork Robinson Richard B. 133 Cork Robinson Rowland 133 Cork Roche Catherine 133 Cork Roche Cornelius 133 Cork Roche Edmund Major Gen. 133 Cork Roche Edward 133 Cork Roche Francis 133 Cork Roche Johanna 133 Cork Roche John 133 Cork Roche Messrs. George 133 Cork Roche Michael 133 Cork Roche Patrick 133 Cork Roche Valentine Reps. of (deceased) 133 Cork Roche Victor B. 133 Cork Roche William 133 Cork Rogers Rev. William Reps. of (deceased) 133 Cork Rogers Robert A. 133 Cork Rogers Robert A. Reps. of (deceased) 133 Cork Roland Francis 133 Cork Roland John 133 Cork Ronaldson George 133 Cork Ronan Thomas 133 Cork Ronayne Catherine 133 Cork Ronayne John 133 Cork Ronayne Patrick 133 Cork Ronayne unknown Mrs. 133 Cork Rooney Henry A. 133 Cork Root Harriett Reps. of (deceased) 133 Cork Ross George Rev. 133 Cork Rowland Francis 133 Cork Rowland Mary 133 Cork Ruby James Rev. 133 Cork Rumley William 133 Cork Rushbrook Frederica 133 Cork Russell Michael 133 Cork Russell Sarah 133 Cork Ryan Jeremiah Reps. of (deceased) 133 Cork Ryan John 133 Cork Ryan Mary 133 Cork Ryan Michael 133 Cork Ryan Robert 133 Cork Ryder Isabella D. Miss 133 Cork Rye Richd. Tonson Capt. 133 Cork Sadlier William 133 Cork Sanders Thomas 134 Cork Sandes George Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Sandiford Daniel Lane 134 Cork Sandiford unknown Mrs. 134 Cork Sandyman George 134 Cork Sandys James Y. 134 Cork Sandys John Y. 134 Cork Sankey unknown Col. 134 Cork Sarsfield Bingham 134 Cork Sarsfield Dominick Patrick 134 Cork Sarsfield Dominick R. P. 134 Cork Saunders Arthur 134 Cork Saunders C. K. Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Saunders W. H. Rev. 134 Cork Scanlan Margaret 134 Cork Scanlon Michael 134 Cork Schrieber William 134 Cork Scott Benjamin 134 Cork Scott George 134 Cork Scott Hibernicus 134 Cork Scott James W. 134 Cork Scott Samuel 134 Cork Scott William Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Scully Daniel 134 Cork Sealy Eliza Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Sealy James 134 Cork Sealy Jane Miss 134 Cork Sealy John E. 134 Cork Sealy Richard 134 Cork Sealy W. B. 134 Cork Seawood unknown Miss 134 Cork Seward Joshua W. 134 Cork Seward Margaret 134 Cork Seymour Henry 134 Cork Seymour Isaac 134 Cork Seymour William D. 134 Cork Shankey unknown Mrs. 134 Cork Shannon George 134 Cork Shannon Joseph 134 Cork Shannon unknown 134 Cork Shaw Charles Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Shaw Thomassina 134 Cork Shaw William 134 Cork Shea Luke Joseph 134 Cork Shea Patrick 134 Cork Shea William 134 Cork Shears Alicia P. 134 Cork Sheehan John 134 Cork Sheehan John Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Sheehan Simon 134 Cork Sheehan Timothy 134 Cork Sheehy Bartw. Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Sheehy Bryan 134 Cork Sheehy John 134 Cork Sheehy Michael 134 Cork Sheehy Robert 134 Cork Sheil Hon. R. L. Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Shennick Richard 134 Cork Shepard Sarah Anne 134 Cork Sheriffs William 134 Cork Sherlock George K. 134 Cork Sherlock Hannah 134 Cork Sherlock John 134 Cork Sherlock John C. 134 Cork Sherlock Thomas 134 Cork Sherlock William R. 134 Cork Sherlock Wright 134 Cork Sherlock unknown Mrs. 134 Cork Sherrard William Rev. 134 Cork Shine Denis 134 Cork Shine John L. Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Shorten Stephen 134 Cork Shuldham E. A. Major 134 Cork Sidley Anthony K. 134 Cork Simkim John 134 Cork Siree H. N. 134 Cork Slattery M. 134 Cork Smiddy John 134 Cork Smiddy Richard Rev. 134 Cork Smith George 134 Cork Smith Henry 134 Cork Smith Henry John 134 Cork Smith Henry John S. 134 Cork Smith Humphry H. 134 Cork Smith James 134 Cork Smith John 134 Cork Smith John Sidney 134 Cork Smith Mathew 134 Cork Smith Richard 134 Cork Smith unknown Mrs. 134 Cork Smithwick George 134 Cork Smithwick William 134 Cork Smyth Godfrey Rev. 134 Cork Smyth John 134 Cork Smyth John Augustus 134 Cork Smyth John James 134 Cork Smyth John Morgan 134 Cork Smyth Jonas 134 Cork Smyth Nathaniel 134 Cork Smyth Percy 134 Cork Smyth Rev. John R. Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Smyth Thomas 134 Cork Somerville Elizabeth 134 Cork Somerville Jas. E. 134 Cork Somerville T. H. Col. 134 Cork Somerville Thomas 134 Cork Spillane Honoria 134 Cork Spillane William 134 Cork Spragg William K. Reps. of (deceased) 134 Cork Spratt Harmer Devereux 134 Cork Spratt James 134 Cork Spratt Richard 134 Cork Spratt unknown 134 Cork Spread John 134 Cork Spread William 134 Cork St. George D. M. Rev. 133 Cork St. Ledger unknown Mrs. 133 Cork St. Leger unknown Reps. of (deceased) 133 Cork Stack Edmond 134 Cork Stamers Thos. Parsons 135 Cork Stanley James 135 Cork Stanley Thomas 135 Cork Stanley unknown 135 Cork Stannard Edward Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Stannards Edward 135 Cork Stapleton John 135 Cork Starkey William 135 Cork Starkie William R. 135 Cork Staughton Thomas A. 135 Cork Stavely George Rev. 135 Cork Stavely John 135 Cork Stawell Catherine Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Stawell George 135 Cork Stawell Jonas L. Rev. 135 Cork Stawell Rev. Francis Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Stawell Wm. Col. 135 Cork Steele Richard Sir 135 Cork Stephenson James Rev. 135 Cork Stewart Alex. Rev. 135 Cork Stewart Anne B. L. 135 Cork Stewart Spencer 135 Cork Stoker Margaret 135 Cork Stoute Richard 135 Cork Stowell William Sir 135 Cork Stoyte John Rev. 135 Cork Strike Julius 135 Cork Stuart W. V. Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Stuart De Decies unknown Lord 135 Cork Stubbs Anne Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Stubbs H. C. 135 Cork Stubman unknown Mrs. 135 Cork Sugrue Charles 135 Cork Sugrue John 135 Cork Sugrue John Henry 135 Cork Sullivan Charles 135 Cork Sullivan Daniel 135 Cork Sullivan Dinah Mrs. 135 Cork Sullivan Edward Hon. 135 Cork Sullivan Eliza 135 Cork Sullivan Ellen 135 Cork Sullivan Ellen Mrs. 135 Cork Sullivan Geoffry 135 Cork Sullivan Humphry Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Sullivan James 135 Cork Sullivan Jeremiah 135 Cork Sullivan John 135 Cork Sullivan John Rev. 135 Cork Sullivan Michael 135 Cork Sullivan Owen 135 Cork Sullivan Patrick 135 Cork Sullivan R. G. 135 Cork Sullivan Richard 135 Cork Sullivan Samuel 135 Cork Sullivan Thomas 135 Cork Sullivan Thomas Kingston 135 Cork Sullivan Timothy 135 Cork Sullivan William 135 Cork Sullivan William C. 135 Cork Sullivan unknown Dr. 135 Cork Sullivan unknown Mrs. 135 Cork Swaine J. J. Atkins Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Swan Anne 135 Cork Swan John Rev. 135 Cork Swan Nathaniel 135 Cork Swanston Alexander 135 Cork Swanton Anne Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Swanton George H. 135 Cork Swanton James H. 135 Cork Swanton John P. 135 Cork Swanton Robert 135 Cork Swanton Thomas 135 Cork Swanton William 135 Cork Swanton William 135 Cork Swanton unknown Mrs. 135 Cork Swanzy Henry Rev. 135 Cork Swayne Brabing 135 Cork Sweeney Daniel 135 Cork Sweeney E. Mrs. 135 Cork Sweeney Ellen 135 Cork Sweeney J. F. Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Sweeney John 135 Cork Sweeney John Reps. of (deceased) 135 Cork Sweeney Owen 135 Cork Sweeney William 135 Cork Sweete G. S. 135 Cork Sweetman John 135 Cork Sweetman Stephen 135 Cork Sykes Robert 135 Cork Syms Anne 135 Cork Synge Edward Sir 135 Cork Tamplin Robert 135 Cork Tarrant Charles 135 Cork Tarrant James 135 Cork Tarrant Thomas Hoskin 135 Cork Tate John 135 Cork Taylor Alex. O'D. 135 Cork Taylor Eliza 135 Cork Taylor Thomas 135 Cork Terry Charles 135 Cork Teulon Geo. Beamish 135 Cork Thackwell unknown Capt. 135 Cork Thomas Mary 135 Cork Thomas Nicholas 135 Cork Thompson George Wm. 135 Cork Thompson Margaret 135 Cork Thompson William Hamilton Sir 135 Cork Thornton Todd Col. 136 Cork Thornton W. J. 136 Cork Thornton William 136 Cork Tighe St. Lawrence 136 Cork Tisdall William 136 Cork Tobin James Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Tobin Thomas Sir 136 Cork Tonkins Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Toohy Michael 136 Cork Toohy unknown Dr. 136 Cork Tooker Wm. Lane 136 Cork Tooker unknown Capt. 136 Cork Toomey Michael 136 Cork Toon Francis H. 136 Cork Touchet John Hastings 136 Cork Townsend Crew 136 Cork Townsend Edw. Hume 136 Cork Townsend Edward 136 Cork Townsend Elizabeth 136 Cork Townsend Horace 136 Cork Townsend Horace P. 136 Cork Townsend J. F. Hon. 136 Cork Townsend Jane 136 Cork Townsend John 136 Cork Townsend John F. H. 136 Cork Townsend John H. 136 Cork Townsend Major J. C. C. Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Townsend Mary 136 Cork Townsend Paul Rev. 136 Cork Townsend Philip Rev. 136 Cork Townsend Rev. M. T. S. Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Townsend Richard 136 Cork Townsend Richard Newman 136 Cork Townsend S. N. 136 Cork Townsend Samuel 136 Cork Townsend Samuel R. 136 Cork Townsend Thomas Rev. 136 Cork Townsend William 136 Cork Townsend William H. 136 Cork Townsend William R. 136 Cork Townsend William U. 136 Cork Townsend unknown Mrs. 136 Cork Townshend Aubrey Rev. 136 Cork Tracy Joseph E. 136 Cork Travers Augustus Capt. 136 Cork Travers Clarke Lady 136 Cork Travers Henry B. 136 Cork Travers James Walter Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Travers John Moore 136 Cork Travers Jonas Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Travers Joseph 136 Cork Travers Lieutenant Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Travers Robert 136 Cork Traynor unknown Dr. 136 Cork Treacy William A. 136 Cork Trench Henry 136 Cork Tresilian Eliza Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Troy John 136 Cork Tuckey Francis 136 Cork Tuckey John 136 Cork Tuckey John Capt. 136 Cork Tuite George 136 Cork Tuohill Richard 136 Cork Turpin Hugh 136 Cork Turpin Sydney Rev. 136 Cork Twiss George 136 Cork Twohig Denis 136 Cork Twohig Eliza 136 Cork Twomey Denis 136 Cork Twomey Matthew 136 Cork Twomy Margaret 136 Cork Twoomey Denis 136 Cork Tynte Joseph Pratt 136 Cork Uniacke Alice 136 Cork Uniacke Norman 136 Cork Uniacke Robert 136 Cork Uniacke unknown Mrs. 136 Cork Upington John 136 Cork Upton Christopher 136 Cork Upton Eliza 136 Cork Usborne Thomas M. 136 Cork Varian John 136 Cork Verlin Eliza 136 Cork Verling Bartholomew 136 Cork Vickery Richard 136 Cork Vickery Thomas 136 Cork Vincent Berkely 136 Cork Vincent George 136 Cork Vincent Messrs. 136 Cork Wagge H. 136 Cork Wake Richard 136 Cork Wakeham John 136 Cork Wakeham Joseph 136 Cork Wakeham Joseph Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Wakeham Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 136 Cork Wakeham William 136 Cork Walker John 137 Cork Walker John Tyrwhitt Rev. 137 Cork Walker Wallace Adams 137 Cork Wall Thomas 137 Cork Wallace James 137 Cork Wallace unknown Miss 137 Cork Waller Sir Edward Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Wallis J. John 137 Cork Wallis James 137 Cork Wallis unknown 137 Cork Walpole Robert H. 137 Cork Walsh Anne 137 Cork Walsh David 137 Cork Walsh Edmond 137 Cork Walsh Edward 137 Cork Walsh John 137 Cork Walsh John Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Walsh Maurice 137 Cork Walsh Messrs. Thomas 133 Cork Walsh Michael 137 Cork Walsh Richard 137 Cork Walton William 137 Cork Warburton Ven. Archdn. 137 Cork Ware Nathaniel Webb 137 Cork Ware Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Ware William Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Warmington Edward 137 Cork Warner Peter 137 Cork Warren A. R. Sir 137 Cork Warren Augustus 137 Cork Warren Edward R. 137 Cork Warren Frederick H. 137 Cork Warren R. Rev. 137 Cork Warren Richard 137 Cork Warren Richard Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Warren Richard Lane 137 Cork Warren Robert B. 137 Cork Warren Robert E. Rev. 137 Cork Warren Robert J. 137 Cork Warren Thomas 137 Cork Warren William B. Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Warren unknown Capt. 137 Cork Warren unknown Miss 137 Cork Warren unknown Mrs. 137 Cork Waters Thomas 137 Cork Watkins John 137 Cork Watson Daniel 137 Cork Webb Anne 137 Cork Webb J. B. Rev. 137 Cork Webb John 137 Cork Webb Randal Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Webb Rev. John Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Webb Richard 137 Cork Webb Robert 137 Cork Webb unknown Mrs. 137 Cork Weir George R. 137 Cork Weldon Robert 137 Cork Welland William 137 Cork Welply James 137 Cork Welsted Richard 137 Cork West unknown Miss 137 Cork Westhead Joshua Proctor B. 137 Cork Westropp Henry 137 Cork Westropp Henry B. 137 Cork Westropp Hodder 137 Cork Westropp John 137 Cork Westropp John L. 137 Cork Westropp Ralph 137 Cork Westropp William 137 Cork Westropp unknown Major Gen. 137 Cork Westropp unknown Miss 137 Cork Wheatly John H. 137 Cork Wheeler James 137 Cork Wheeler John R. 137 Cork Wheeler Joseph 137 Cork Wheeler Joseph Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Wheeler unknown Mrs. 137 Cork White Alice 137 Cork White David 137 Cork White Edward 137 Cork White Elizabeth 137 Cork White George Martin 137 Cork White Hans 137 Cork White James 137 Cork White John Hamilton 137 Cork White Robert H. E. 137 Cork White Sarah Lady 137 Cork White William P. 137 Cork White unknown Mrs. 137 Cork Whitehouse Joseph 137 Cork Whiteway Christopher Valance 137 Cork Whiting Jane Miss 137 Cork Whitney William 137 Cork Wigmore Henry 137 Cork Wilkinson Elizabeth M. 137 Cork Wilkinson James 137 Cork Wilkinson Mary Eliza 137 Cork Williams John 137 Cork Williams Michael 137 Cork Williamson Arthur Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Williamson John Col. 137 Cork Williamson John Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Williamson unknown General 137 Cork Wilmot Edward C. 137 Cork Wilmot Edward S. 137 Cork Wilson Andrew 137 Cork Wilson Benj. Reps. of (deceased) 137 Cork Wilson Edward 137 Cork Wilson Henry 137 Cork Wilson James 137 Cork Wilson William 137 Cork Wise Anne 137 Cork Wise Charles 137 Cork Wise Edward 137 Cork Wise Francis 137 Cork Wise George F. 137 Cork Wise Henry Rev. 137 Cork Wise Joshua P. 137 Cork Wise Robert 138 Cork Wise Thomas 138 Cork Wise William 138 Cork Wiseman Howard 138 Cork Wiseman James 138 Cork Wolfe Philip 138 Cork Wood Andrew Jordaine 138 Cork Wood Attiwell 138 Cork Wood George A. 138 Cork Wood Shaw Benjamin Reps. of (deceased) 138 Cork Wood Thomas 138 Cork Wood unknown Capt. 138 Cork Woodley Francis 138 Cork Woodley Francis H. 138 Cork Woodley Francis W. 138 Cork Woodley John George 138 Cork Woodroffe George F. 138 Cork Woodroffe John 138 Cork Woodroffe John Rev. 138 Cork Woods Kilner R. Reps. of (deceased) 138 Cork Woods William 138 Cork Woods unknown Mrs. 138 Cork Woulfe Anne 138 Cork Woulfe Robert Reps. of (deceased) 138 Cork Woulfe William 138 Cork Woulfe William Reps. of (deceased) 138 Cork Wren John Reps. of (deceased) 138 Cork Wright Digby 138 Cork Wright Henry 138 Cork Wright Thomas R. 138 Cork Wrin Ellen 138 Cork Wrixon Henry 138 Cork Wrixon Henry V. 138 Cork Wrixon John N. 138 Cork Wrixon John R. 138 Cork Wrixon John W. 138 Cork Wrixon unknown 138 Cork Wrixon unknown Mrs. 138 Cork Wycherley George J. 138 Cork Wynne George 138 Cork Wynne unknown Rev. 138 Cork Wyse Henry B. Reps. of (deceased) 138 Cork Yelverton Maria Hon. 138 Cork Yelverton Walter 138 Cork Yielding Samuel 138 Cork Young Henry 138 Cork Young John 138 Cork Young John R. 138 Cork Young Lindsay 138 Cork Young Nicholas 138 Cork Young William 138 Cork