Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adair Thompson 254 Derry Adams John 254 Derry Adams Joseph 254 Derry Adams William 254 Derry Aiken Hugh 254 Derry Aiken John 254 Derry Aiken Samuel E. 254 Derry Aiken William 254 Derry Alexander Adam U. 254 Derry Alexander George 254 Derry Alexander James 254 Derry Alexander John Reps. of (deceased) 254 Derry Alexander John Rev. 254 Derry Alexander N. Reps. of (deceased) 254 Derry Alexander Nathaniel 254 Derry Alexander Robt. Reps. of (deceased) 254 Derry Alexander Saml. Rev. 254 Derry Alexander Samuel 254 Derry Alexander Samuel Maxwell 254 Derry Alexander Thomas 254 Derry Alexander Torrens 254 Derry Alexander William S. 254 Derry Alexander unknown Miss 254 Derry Allen Andrew 254 Derry Allen James P. 254 Derry Allen Robert Reps. of (deceased) 254 Derry Allison Robert 254 Derry Anderson Hugh 254 Derry Anderson James 254 Derry Anderson James 254 Derry Anderson James 254 Derry Anderson John 254 Derry Anderson Marcus 254 Derry Anderson Matthew 254 Derry Anderson Samuel 254 Derry Anderson William 254 Derry Anderson Wm. Rev. 254 Derry Antrim unknown 254 Derry Archbold John 254 Derry Archibald Joseph 254 Derry Armour John 254 Derry Arrell Alexander 254 Derry Arrell Henry 254 Derry Arrell James 254 Derry Arrell John 254 Derry Arrell William 254 Derry Ash S. 254 Derry Ash Thomas 254 Derry Ash William 254 Derry Aul Sarah 254 Derry Austen Elizabeth 254 Derry Babington Hume 254 Derry Babington Richd. Rev. 254 Derry Babington unknown Miss 254 Derry Baird Daniel Reps. of (deceased) 254 Derry Baird John E. 254 Derry Baird Jos. 254 Derry Baldrick John 254 Derry Ball Benjamin 254 Derry Ballentine Mat. 254 Derry Ballentine William 254 Derry Barkley James 254 Derry Barnett James 254 Derry Barnett John 254 Derry Barnett William 254 Derry Bates Hugh 254 Derry Bates John 254 Derry Bateson Thomas Sir 254 Derry Baxter David 254 Derry Baxter John 254 Derry Bear Robert 254 Derry Beatty Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 254 Derry Beatty Robert 254 Derry Beckett Eliza 254 Derry Bell Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 254 Derry Bellas H. 254 Derry Bellas T. 254 Derry Bennett Chas. 254 Derry Bennett Richard Rev. 254 Derry Bennett Stephen Rev. 254 Derry Bennett Thomas 254 Derry Bennett Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 254 Derry Beresford Charles Lord 254 Derry Beresford John B. 254 Derry Biggar William F. 254 Derry Black Charles 254 Derry Black Jacob 254 Derry Black James 254 Derry Black Samuel 254 Derry Black Thomas 254 Derry Blair Bryce Reps. of (deceased) 254 Derry Blair John 254 Derry Blair Robert 255 Derry Blair William 255 Derry Bogle Messrs. 255 Derry Bond Oliver 255 Derry Bond Robert 255 Derry Bonner Thomas 255 Derry Borling Thomas 255 Derry Borrowes Mary 255 Derry Boyd Edward 255 Derry Boyd Mary 255 Derry Boyd Robert 255 Derry Boyd Robert Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Boyd Thomas 255 Derry Boyd William 255 Derry Boyle Alexander 255 Derry Boyle Dorrington 255 Derry Boyle Dorrington D. 255 Derry Boyle Henderson Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Boyle James 255 Derry Boyle James Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Boyle Thomas 255 Derry Boyle unknown Mrs. 255 Derry Bradley Ambrose 255 Derry Bradley Archd. Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Bradley Charles 255 Derry Bradley Dominick 255 Derry Bradley Francis 255 Derry Bradley Michael 255 Derry Bradley Patrick 255 Derry Brassey Messrs. 255 Derry Bredin Samuel 255 Derry Britton Hugh 255 Derry Brolly John 255 Derry Brolly Robert 255 Derry Brooke Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Brooks James 255 Derry Brown David 255 Derry Brown George 255 Derry Brown James 255 Derry Brown John 255 Derry Brown Nath. M. Rev. 255 Derry Brown Robert Wilson Rev. 255 Derry Brown Thomas 255 Derry Brown William 255 Derry Browne James 255 Derry Bruce Anne 255 Derry Bruce H. S. B. Capt. 255 Derry Bruce Henry Hervey Sir 255 Derry Bruce Hugh 255 Derry Bruce Joseph 255 Derry Bruce Joseph 255 Derry Bruce Matthew Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Bruce Stewart C. 255 Derry Bruce Thomas 255 Derry Bruce Whiteside 255 Derry Bryce David 255 Derry Bryce Thomas 255 Derry Bryson Bryan 255 Derry Bryson John 255 Derry Burnett Thomas 255 Derry Burns Sarah 255 Derry Burnside William 255 Derry Caldwell James 255 Derry Caldwell John 255 Derry Campbell Colin Mrs. 255 Derry Campbell George 255 Derry Campbell Thomas 255 Derry Canning John 255 Derry Carey John 255 Derry Carmichael John J. O. F. 255 Derry Carton Chas. Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Casement Julius 255 Derry Casement Thomas 255 Derry Caskey James 255 Derry Caskey Robert 255 Derry Cassidy Hugh 255 Derry Cathcart John Steele 255 Derry Cathcart Samuel 255 Derry Cather George 255 Derry Cather Thomas 255 Derry Cather William 255 Derry Cathers unknown Miss 255 Derry Catherwood Matthew Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Causkey Charles 255 Derry Cavan Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Chambers Thomas 255 Derry Christie Stuart 255 Derry Christy John 255 Derry Church James 255 Derry Church Thomas Mrs. 255 Derry Church William John 255 Derry Clarke Alex. Reps. of (deceased) 255 Derry Clarke Eliza 255 Derry Clarke Henry 255 Derry Clarke Hugh 255 Derry Clarke James 255 Derry Clarke James J. 255 Derry Clarke John 255 Derry Clarke John A. 255 Derry Clarke Joseph 255 Derry Clarke Matthew 255 Derry Clarke Robert 255 Derry Clarke Samuel 255 Derry Clarke William 256 Derry Clarke Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Cleary Farrell 256 Derry Cleary Peter 256 Derry Clenton Paul Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Coats Walter N. 256 Derry Cochrane Alexander 256 Derry Cole William 256 Derry Collum James 256 Derry Colquhoun Isaac Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Colthurst Henry Rev. 256 Derry Colthurst John Rev. 256 Derry Connell Charles 256 Derry Connor Francis 256 Derry Connor James 256 Derry Connor John 256 Derry Connor Patrick 256 Derry Conway John 256 Derry Conyngham William Fitzwilliam Lenox 256 Derry Cooke J. 256 Derry Cooke Joseph 256 Derry Corscaden James 256 Derry Courtney James 256 Derry Cowan John 256 Derry Craig George Rev. 256 Derry Craig James 256 Derry Craig John 256 Derry Craigh George 256 Derry Cramsie James 256 Derry Cramsie Samuel 256 Derry Crawford Hugh Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Crawford Isaac Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Crawford Jos. 256 Derry Crawford Matthew 256 Derry Crawford Richard 256 Derry Crawford William 256 Derry Crockett George 256 Derry Crockett James 256 Derry Crockett Robert 256 Derry Crockett Sarah 256 Derry Cromee John 256 Derry Crooks James 256 Derry Cullen Andrew Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Cuppage unknown Col. 256 Derry Curley Martha 260 Derry Curry William 256 Derry Cuthbert Joseph 256 Derry Daly Charles 256 Derry Daniel James 256 Derry Daniel Thomas 256 Derry Darcus Henry 256 Derry Davis Hugh 256 Derry Davis John 256 Derry Davis John 256 Derry Davis John 256 Derry Davis Paul 256 Derry Davison Hugh 256 Derry Davison John 256 Derry Davison Martin 256 Derry Davison Robert 256 Derry Davison Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Dawson Robert Peel Col. 256 Derry Dean John 256 Derry Deane William 256 Derry Deans Robert 256 Derry Dempsey Francis 256 Derry Derby John 256 Derry Derby John Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Derby Mary Anne 256 Derry Devine Samuel 256 Derry Devlin Patrick 256 Derry Dick Jane 256 Derry Dick Robert 256 Derry Dickey Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Dimond Andrew 256 Derry Dinnen John 256 Derry Dinnen Stafford 256 Derry Disney John 256 Derry Dixon Francis 256 Derry Dixon John 256 Derry Dixon Joseph 256 Derry Dixon Robt. Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Dolling Robert H. 256 Derry Donaghy John 256 Derry Donaldson Paul 256 Derry Donegall unknown Marquis 256 Derry Donnelly James 256 Derry Donnelly John 256 Derry Donnelly William 256 Derry Doole David 256 Derry Doole George 256 Derry Doole John 256 Derry Douglas Billy 256 Derry Douglas Henry 256 Derry Douglas Hugh 256 Derry Douglas Hugh Reps. of (deceased) 256 Derry Douglas James S. 256 Derry Douglas John 256 Derry Douglas John Spotiswood 256 Derry Douglas Joseph 256 Derry Douglas Joseph 256 Derry Douglas Mary Anne 256 Derry Douglas Matthew 256 Derry Douglas Robert 256 Derry Douglas Samuel 256 Derry Douglas William 256 Derry Downing Alexander 256 Derry Downing Catherine T. 263 Derry Downing Eliza 256 Derry Downing George 256 Derry Downing Harford 256 Derry Downing James 256 Derry Downing Jas. 257 Derry Downing John 257 Derry Downing John Capt. 257 Derry Downing Neill 257 Derry Downing Sarah 257 Derry Downing Stafford 257 Derry Downing Thomas 257 Derry Downing William 257 Derry Downs Joseph 257 Derry Duff William 257 Derry Duffe James 257 Derry Duffin Jane 257 Derry Dunbar George 257 Derry Duncan Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 257 Derry Dunlop John Mrs. 257 Derry Dunn James 257 Derry Dunn Robert 257 Derry Dysart James 257 Derry Dysart John 257 Derry Dysart Thomas 257 Derry Dysert Wm. Rev. 257 Derry Eccles Anne 257 Derry Elliott John 257 Derry Elliott Sarah Jane 257 Derry Elliott William 257 Derry Eslar William 257 Derry Fallow Ralph 257 Derry Farrell Francis 257 Derry Farrell John 257 Derry Farrell Patrick 257 Derry Feeny James 257 Derry Ferguson Andrew Reps. of (deceased) 257 Derry Ferguson Elizabeth 257 Derry Ferguson James 257 Derry Ferguson Jos. 257 Derry Ferguson Jos. Black 257 Derry Ferguson Joseph 257 Derry Ferguson Margaret 257 Derry Ferguson Mat. 257 Derry Ferguson Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 257 Derry Ferrier Andrew Reps. of (deceased) 257 Derry Ferrier Anne J. 257 Derry Ferris Andrew Morton 257 Derry Fields Henry Reps. of (deceased) 257 Derry Finlay Gerald 257 Derry Finnegan Patrick 257 Derry Fitzpatrick Jas. Rev. 257 Derry Flanning William 257 Derry Fleming Andrew 257 Derry Fleming Isaac 257 Derry Fleming Isabella 257 Derry Fleming James 257 Derry Fleming Robert 257 Derry Fleming W. S. 257 Derry Fleming William 257 Derry Forrest James 257 Derry Forrest Thomas 257 Derry Forrester Anne Mrs. 257 Derry Forrester Robert W. 257 Derry Forsythe Mary Anne 257 Derry Fowler James 257 Derry Fox John Joseph Patterson Capt. 257 Derry Fulton James 257 Derry Fulton Joseph 257 Derry Gage Conelly Reps. of (deceased) 257 Derry Gage Marcus M. 257 Derry Gage Robert Rev. 257 Derry Galbraith George Rev. 257 Derry Galt William Howard 257 Derry Gamble Henry 257 Derry Garvagh unknown Lady 257 Derry Garvagh unknown Lord 257 Derry Garvin George 257 Derry Gault Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 257 Derry Gaussen Campbell 257 Derry Gelson Joseph Rev. 257 Derry George Connolly 257 Derry George William 257 Derry Gerin Robert 257 Derry Getty James 257 Derry Gibson Arthur 257 Derry Gibson William 257 Derry Gilfillen James 257 Derry Gilfillen John 257 Derry Gillespie unknown Mrs. 257 Derry Gilliland Samuel 257 Derry Gilmore Richard 257 Derry Gilmour James 257 Derry Gilmour James Rev. 257 Derry Gilmour Samuel 257 Derry Gilmour William 257 Derry Girvin Sufferin 257 Derry Giveen Butler Mildmay 257 Derry Given Andrew Reps. of (deceased) 257 Derry Given James 257 Derry Given John 257 Derry Given Samuel 257 Derry Glasgow James 257 Derry Glass Robert 257 Derry Glenn John 257 Derry Glinn James 257 Derry Glover John 257 Derry Godfrey John 257 Derry Godfrey Rowley 257 Derry Godfrey Thomas 257 Derry Gordon Robert 257 Derry Gordon Stuart Reps. of (deceased) 258 Derry Governor Robert 258 Derry Graham Archibald 258 Derry Graham David 258 Derry Graham John 258 Derry Grant unknown 258 Derry Graves Catherine 258 Derry Graves Maria Mrs. 258 Derry Graves William Col. 258 Derry Gray Andrew 258 Derry Gray John 258 Derry Gray John 258 Derry Gray Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 258 Derry Gray Sarah Jane 258 Derry Gray William 258 Derry Greaves John Boyd 258 Derry Greer S. M'Curdy 258 Derry Greer Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 258 Derry Gribbon Edward 258 Derry Grunslead Teresa 258 Derry Guthrie Robert 258 Derry Hamill William 258 Derry Hamilton Jane 258 Derry Hamilton John 258 Derry Hamilton Robert 258 Derry Hamilton William 258 Derry Hamilton unknown 258 Derry Hammersley William 258 Derry Hammond George 258 Derry Hannay E. A. Major 258 Derry Hanson Eliza 258 Derry Harbison James 258 Derry Harris Frederick 258 Derry Hart George V. 258 Derry Hart John 258 Derry Harvey Daniel 258 Derry Hasard Richard 258 Derry Haslett Henry 258 Derry Haslett Thomas 258 Derry Hastings William 258 Derry Hatrick Margaret 258 Derry Hazlett Alexander 258 Derry Hemphill James 258 Derry Hemphill John 258 Derry Hemphill William 258 Derry Henderson Archibald Reps. of (deceased) 258 Derry Henderson James 258 Derry Henderson John 258 Derry Henderson John Capt. 258 Derry Henderson Mary 258 Derry Henderson Mary 258 Derry Henry David 258 Derry Henry E. C. C. 258 Derry Henry James 258 Derry Henry Mary 258 Derry Henry Richard 258 Derry Henry Robert 258 Derry Henry William 258 Derry Hewston James 258 Derry Hewston John 258 Derry Heygate F. W. Sir 258 Derry Heyland Robert Reps. of (deceased) 258 Derry Heylett Thomas 258 Derry Hezlet John 258 Derry Hill John 258 Derry Hill Samuel 258 Derry Hill Sir John Reps. of (deceased) 258 Derry Hodge George 258 Derry Hodge S. A. 258 Derry Hogg Rankin 258 Derry Holmes Elizabeth 258 Derry Holmes James 258 Derry Holmes Samuel 258 Derry Hopkins David 258 Derry Hopkins Margaret 258 Derry Hopkins Mark 258 Derry Hopkins William 258 Derry Horner Charles 258 Derry Horner John Lyle 258 Derry Houston David 258 Derry Houston John 258 Derry Houston Robert 258 Derry Houston Thomas 258 Derry Houston William 258 Derry Houston Wm. 258 Derry Hughes James 258 Derry Hughes John 258 Derry Hughes Robert 258 Derry Hughes William 258 Derry Hughes William Jas. 258 Derry Hull John Reps. of (deceased) 258 Derry Hunter Isaac 258 Derry Hunter James 258 Derry Hunter John 258 Derry Hunter John C. F. 258 Derry Hunter Joseph 258 Derry Hunter Robert 258 Derry Hunter William 258 Derry Hurley Alexander 258 Derry Hutchenson T. L. 258 Derry Hutchinson Creighton 258 Derry Hutchinson James 258 Derry Hutchinson Thomas 258 Derry Hyland A. C. 258 Derry Hyndman John 258 Derry Hyndman Samuel 258 Derry Hyndman William 258 Derry Irons John 258 Derry Irons William 258 Derry Irwin A. S. Rev. 259 Derry Irwin Alexander 258 Derry Irwin Benjamin 259 Derry Irwin John 259 Derry Irwin Oliver 259 Derry Irwin William 259 Derry Jackson David 259 Derry Jackson James 259 Derry Jackson Robert 259 Derry Jackson Samuel 259 Derry Jackson unknown Archd. 259 Derry Jamison W. Rev. 259 Derry Johnson David 259 Derry Johnson James 259 Derry Johnson Robert 259 Derry Johnston Andrew 259 Derry Johnston Andrew 259 Derry Johnston Anna 259 Derry Johnston Hannah 259 Derry Johnston James 259 Derry Johnston John 259 Derry Johnston John Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Johnston John C. 259 Derry Johnston Margaret 259 Derry Johnston Matthew 259 Derry Johnston Robert 259 Derry Johnston Thomas 259 Derry Johnston William 259 Derry Jones Elizabeth 259 Derry Junkin Hamilton 259 Derry Junkin Hugh 259 Derry Junkin John 259 Derry Junkin Joseph 259 Derry Jute John M. 259 Derry Kane Bernard 259 Derry Kane Charles 259 Derry Kane James 259 Derry Kane John 259 Derry Kane Michael 259 Derry Kane Patrick 259 Derry Kearney William 259 Derry Keenan John Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Keith Richard 259 Derry Kelly Daniel 259 Derry Kelly David 259 Derry Kelly Edward 259 Derry Kelly Francis Rev. 259 Derry Kelly Henry 259 Derry Kelly James 259 Derry Kelly John 259 Derry Kelly Laurence 259 Derry Kelly Michael 259 Derry Kelly Peter 259 Derry Kelly Thos. 259 Derry Kelly Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Kennedy Alexander 259 Derry Kennedy Andrew 259 Derry Kennedy Church 259 Derry Kennedy Henry 259 Derry Kennedy John 259 Derry Kennedy John Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Kennedy Sidney 259 Derry Kennedy Thos. W. 259 Derry Kennedy William 258 Derry Kennedy William 259 Derry Kerr James 259 Derry Kerr William 259 Derry Killen James Brice 259 Derry Kilpatrick Daniel 259 Derry Kilpatrick David 259 Derry Kilpatrick William 259 Derry King Henry 259 Derry King Joseph 259 Derry King Joseph Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry King Michael 259 Derry King William 259 Derry King William 259 Derry Knipe unknown Miss 259 Derry Knipe unknown Miss 259 Derry Knox Charles James Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Knox Charles James Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Knox Edward C. 259 Derry Knox Edward C. 259 Derry Knox George 259 Derry Knox George 259 Derry Knox John 259 Derry Knox John 259 Derry Knox Marcus 259 Derry Knox Marcus 259 Derry Knox Robert 259 Derry Knox Robert 259 Derry Knox Robert Kyle 259 Derry Knox Robert Kyle 259 Derry Knox Saml. Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Knox Saml. Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Kyle Henry 259 Derry Kyle Henry 259 Derry Kyle John Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Kyle John Reps. of (deceased) 259 Derry Kyle Thomas James 259 Derry Kyle Thomas James 259 Derry Lagan James 259 Derry Lagan James 259 Derry Laird William 259 Derry Laird William 259 Derry Lamont Hugh 259 Derry Lamont Hugh 259 Derry Lamont Robert 259 Derry Lamont Robert 259 Derry Lancey Thomas 259 Derry Lancey Thomas 259 Derry Lane Benjamin 259 Derry Lane Benjamin 259 Derry Lane Master Hugh 259 Derry Lane Master Hugh 259 Derry Lane Michael B. 260 Derry Lane Michael B. 260 Derry Lane William 260 Derry Lane William 260 Derry Lapsley John 260 Derry Lapsley John 260 Derry Larkin Henry 260 Derry Larkin Henry 260 Derry Larkin James 260 Derry Larkin James 260 Derry Laughlin David 260 Derry Laughlin David 260 Derry Laughlin James 260 Derry Laughlin James 260 Derry Laughlin John 260 Derry Laughlin John 260 Derry Laughlin Martha 260 Derry Laughlin Martha 260 Derry Laughlin Mat. 260 Derry Laughlin Mat. 260 Derry Law Michael Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Law Michael Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Law Nathaniel 260 Derry Law Nathaniel 260 Derry Law Nathaniel Junior 260 Derry Law Nathaniel Senior 260 Derry Law Robert Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Law Robert Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lawder unknown Mrs. 260 Derry Lawder unknown Mrs. 260 Derry Lawrence Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lawrence Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lawrence Sarah Mrs. 260 Derry Lawrence Sarah Mrs. 260 Derry Lawrence W. Gregory 260 Derry Lawrence W. Gregory 260 Derry Laycock John 260 Derry Laycock John 260 Derry Leckey unknown Reps. of (deceased) 266 Derry Leckey unknown Reps. of (deceased) 266 Derry Lecky C. M'C. Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lecky C. M'C. Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lecky Henry 260 Derry Lecky Henry 260 Derry Lecky Hugh Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lecky Hugh Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lecky Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lecky Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lee James 260 Derry Lee James 260 Derry Lee Thomas 260 Derry Lee Thomas 260 Derry Lee William 260 Derry Lee William 260 Derry Legg Francis A. 260 Derry Legg Francis A. 260 Derry Lennox James 260 Derry Lennox James 260 Derry Lennox James Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lennox James Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lenten John 260 Derry Lenten John 260 Derry Licken John 260 Derry Licken John 260 Derry Liken John 260 Derry Liken John 260 Derry Liken Margaret 260 Derry Liken Margaret 260 Derry Lindsay Francis 260 Derry Lindsay Francis 260 Derry Lindsay Thomas 260 Derry Lindsay Thomas 260 Derry Linton John 260 Derry Linton John 260 Derry Linton William 260 Derry Linton William 260 Derry Lithgow William J. 260 Derry Lithgow William J. 260 Derry Lockhart James 260 Derry Lockhart James 260 Derry Londonderry unknown Marquis 260 Derry Londonderry unknown Marquis 260 Derry Long Andrew 260 Derry Long Andrew 260 Derry Long Elizabeth 260 Derry Long Elizabeth 260 Derry Long James 260 Derry Long James 260 Derry Long John 260 Derry Long John 260 Derry Long Samuel 260 Derry Long Samuel 260 Derry Long William 260 Derry Long William 260 Derry Loughery John 260 Derry Loughery John 260 Derry Loughery Robert 260 Derry Loughery Robert 260 Derry Loughery William 260 Derry Loughery William 260 Derry Love Thomas 260 Derry Love Thomas 260 Derry Lowden Paul 260 Derry Lowden Paul 260 Derry Lowdon Francis 260 Derry Lowdon Francis 260 Derry Lush John 260 Derry Lush John 260 Derry Lyle Hugh Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lyle Hugh Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lyle James Acheson 260 Derry Lyle James Acheson 260 Derry Lyle John Rev. 260 Derry Lyle John Rev. 260 Derry Lyle Robert 260 Derry Lyle Robert 260 Derry Lyle Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lyle Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry Lynd Archibald 260 Derry Lynd Archibald 260 Derry Lynd John 260 Derry Lynd John 260 Derry Lyndsay Alexander 260 Derry Lyndsay Alexander 260 Derry Lynn John 260 Derry Lynn John 260 Derry Lynn William 260 Derry Lynn William 260 Derry Lyons unknown Mrs. 260 Derry Lyons unknown Mrs. 260 Derry Lyttle Alex. Kerr 260 Derry Lyttle Alex. Kerr 260 Derry Lyttle Samuel 260 Derry Lyttle Samuel 260 Derry Lyttle Thomas Rev. 260 Derry Lyttle Thomas Rev. 260 Derry M'Alister Archibald 260 Derry M'Alister Archibald 260 Derry M'Anamy Matthew 260 Derry M'Anamy Matthew 260 Derry M'Auley James 260 Derry M'Auley James 260 Derry M'Caghey John 260 Derry M'Caghey John 260 Derry M'Cann John 260 Derry M'Cann John 260 Derry M'Cann Patrick 260 Derry M'Cann Patrick 260 Derry M'Cann Sarah 260 Derry M'Cann Sarah 260 Derry M'Cann William 260 Derry M'Cann William 260 Derry M'Carter Joseph 260 Derry M'Carter Joseph 260 Derry M'Carter William 260 Derry M'Carter William 260 Derry M'Carthur Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry M'Carthur Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry M'Cartney Geo. Capt. 260 Derry M'Cartney Geo. Capt. 260 Derry M'Cartney Michael 260 Derry M'Cartney Michael 260 Derry M'Cartney Patrick 260 Derry M'Cartney Patrick 260 Derry M'Causland Anderson Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry M'Causland Anderson Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry M'Causland C. T. 260 Derry M'Causland C. T. 260 Derry M'Causland Marcus Rev. 260 Derry M'Causland Marcus Rev. 260 Derry M'Causland unknown General 260 Derry M'Causland unknown General 260 Derry M'Caw James 260 Derry M'Caw James 260 Derry M'Caw James Dr. 260 Derry M'Caw James Dr. 260 Derry M'Caw Kennedy 260 Derry M'Caw Kennedy 260 Derry M'Clatchey David 260 Derry M'Clatchey William 260 Derry M'Clean Jane 260 Derry M'Clean Robert 260 Derry M'Clelland David 260 Derry M'Clelland Hugh 260 Derry M'Clelland Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry M'Cleod William 260 Derry M'Clintock Robert 260 Derry M'Clintock Thompson 260 Derry M'Clintock William H. Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry M'Clintock Wm. R. Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry M'Clorg Alexander 260 Derry M'Closkey Charles 260 Derry M'Closkey Hugh 260 Derry M'Closkey James 260 Derry M'Closkey Jas. 260 Derry M'Closkey Philip 260 Derry M'Closkey Rich. Jr. 260 Derry M'Clure Rev. William Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry M'Cluskey Denis 260 Derry M'Coey John 260 Derry M'Conamy Edward 260 Derry M'Cool John Reps. of (deceased) 260 Derry M'Cord Eliza 261 Derry M'Cord William 261 Derry M'Coreston Denis Reps. of (deceased) 261 Derry M'Corkell Henry J. 261 Derry M'Corkell Thomas 261 Derry M'Corkell William Reps. of (deceased) 261 Derry M'Corkell unknown Mrs. 261 Derry M'Cotter Denis 261 Derry M'Cotter John 261 Derry M'Cracken James 261 Derry M'Cracken John 261 Derry M'Crea Patrick 261 Derry M'Crory Adam J. 261 Derry M'Cullagh James 261 Derry M'Cullagh John 261 Derry M'Cullagh Paul 261 Derry M'Cullagh Robert 261 Derry M'Cullagh William 261 Derry M'Cully Robert 261 Derry M'Cully William 261 Derry M'Cunn James 261 Derry M'Curdy Lachlin 261 Derry M'Curdy Samuel Rev. 261 Derry M'Donnell John 261 Derry M'Donnell Samuel 261 Derry M'Elree Mathew 261 Derry M'Elroy Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 261 Derry M'Erlane Henry 261 Derry M'Erlane James 261 Derry M'Fadden Adam 261 Derry M'Fadden Frederick 261 Derry M'Fadden James 261 Derry M'Fadden John 261 Derry M'Fadden John Jr. 261 Derry M'Fadden John Sr. 261 Derry M'Fadden Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 261 Derry M'Fadden Wm. John 261 Derry M'Fall James 261 Derry M'Fall John Junior 261 Derry M'Fall John Senior 261 Derry M'Fall Nancy 261 Derry M'Fall Owen 261 Derry M'Fall Peter 261 Derry M'Fall Thomas 261 Derry M'Farland Joseph 261 Derry M'Farland Robert 261 Derry M'Fitridge Alexander 261 Derry M'Fitridge James 261 Derry M'Fitridge Torrens 261 Derry M'Glade Charles 261 Derry M'Glone David 261 Derry M'Glone John Jack 261 Derry M'Glone John Peter 261 Derry M'Glone John Tom 261 Derry M'Glone Laurence 261 Derry M'Gonigal David 261 Derry M'Gowan Andrew 261 Derry M'Gowan David 261 Derry M'Gowan Henry 261 Derry M'Gowan Samuel 261 Derry M'Gowan Samuel M. D. 261 Derry M'Gowan Wm. S. 261 Derry M'Grogan Eliza 261 Derry M'Gucken Robert 261 Derry M'Ildowney John 261 Derry M'Ilroy John 261 Derry M'Ilwaine R. Reps. of (deceased) 261 Derry M'Intyre John 261 Derry M'Intyre William 261 Derry M'Kay James 261 Derry M'Kay Jane 261 Derry M'Kay John 261 Derry M'Kay Neal 261 Derry M'Kay Samuel 261 Derry M'Kay Thomas 261 Derry M'Kee James 261 Derry M'Kendry James 261 Derry M'Kendry John 261 Derry M'Kenna George 261 Derry M'Kenna Henry 261 Derry M'Kenna James Reps. of (deceased) 261 Derry M'Kenney John 261 Derry M'Kenney William 261 Derry M'Keon Neal Junior 261 Derry M'Keown Joseph 261 Derry M'Keown Nicholas 261 Derry M'Keown Robert 261 Derry M'Keown William 261 Derry M'Kernan Patrick 261 Derry M'Laughlin Alex. 261 Derry M'Laughlin Daniel 261 Derry M'Laughlin George 261 Derry M'Laughlin James 261 Derry M'Laughlin James Rev. 261 Derry M'Laughlin John 261 Derry M'Laughlin John Reps. of (deceased) 261 Derry M'Laughlin William 261 Derry M'Master Archibald 261 Derry M'Master Hugh 261 Derry M'Master Robert 261 Derry M'Morris Robert 261 Derry M'Namee Joseph 261 Derry M'Neese unknown Archd. 261 Derry M'Neill Edward 261 Derry M'Peake Daniel 261 Derry M'Peake Eliza 261 Derry M'Peake William 261 Derry M'Quillan James 261 Derry M'Quillan James Jr. 262 Derry M'Quillan James Sr. 261 Derry M'Quillan William 262 Derry M'Runnell William 262 Derry M'Shane William 262 Derry M'Sparron James 262 Derry M'Teague John 262 Derry M'Vey James 262 Derry M'Vey John 262 Derry M'Whinney George 262 Derry M'Whinney James S. Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry M'Whinney John 262 Derry M'Whinney Robert 262 Derry M'Whinney Thomas 262 Derry M'Whinney William 262 Derry M'Whinney William Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry M'Whinney Wilson 262 Derry MacDonnell Hugh 261 Derry MacDonnell Hugh 261 Derry MacDonnell Rev. Joseph Reps. of (deceased) 261 Derry MacDonnell Rev. Joseph Reps. of (deceased) 261 Derry Mackey James T. 261 Derry Mackey James T. 261 Derry Mackey John 261 Derry Mackey John 261 Derry Macnaghten E. W. Sir 261 Derry Macnaghten E. W. Sir 261 Derry Macrory Robert 262 Derry Macrory Robert 262 Derry Madden Daniel 262 Derry Madden Daniel 262 Derry Magill Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry Magill Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry Major James 262 Derry Major James 262 Derry Mann William C. 262 Derry Mann William C. 262 Derry Marlin George 262 Derry Marlin George 262 Derry Marlin James 262 Derry Marlin James 262 Derry Marshall Joseph 262 Derry Marshall Joseph 262 Derry Martin James 262 Derry Martin James 262 Derry Martin John 262 Derry Martin John 262 Derry Martin John Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry Martin John Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry Martin Samuel Sir 262 Derry Martin Samuel Sir 262 Derry Mathers Thomas 262 Derry Mathers Thomas 262 Derry Mathews unknown Mrs. 262 Derry Mathews unknown Mrs. 262 Derry Maughan J. D. Rev. 262 Derry Maughan J. D. Rev. 262 Derry Mauleverer Anne 262 Derry Mauleverer Anne 262 Derry Mauleverer Bellingham Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry Mauleverer Bellingham Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry Maxwell R. W. Rev. 262 Derry Maxwell R. W. Rev. 262 Derry Mays Joseph 262 Derry Mays Joseph 262 Derry Meighan William 262 Derry Mercers Co. 262 Derry Michales John 262 Derry Millar Joseph E. 262 Derry Millen Robert 262 Derry Miller Alexander 262 Derry Miller Alexander Rev. 262 Derry Miller Daniel 262 Derry Miller Elizabeth 262 Derry Miller Hugh 262 Derry Miller Hunter 262 Derry Miller James 262 Derry Miller John 262 Derry Miller John Betty 262 Derry Miller John James 262 Derry Miller Matthew 262 Derry Miller Saml. Mountain 262 Derry Miller Samuel Betty 262 Derry Miller William 262 Derry Milligan Ann 262 Derry Milliken Martha 262 Derry Milliken Samuel 262 Derry Millikin George 262 Derry Milling William 262 Derry Millon Toal 262 Derry Mitchell David 262 Derry Mitchell Francis 262 Derry Mitchell George 262 Derry Mitchell James 262 Derry Mitchell Mary A. 262 Derry Mitchell Thomas 262 Derry Mitchell William 262 Derry Moffat John 262 Derry Montgomery John 262 Derry Montgomery R. J. Capt. 262 Derry Montgomery Rev. Saml. Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry Montgomery Thomas 262 Derry Moody William 262 Derry Mooney James 262 Derry Moore Alexander 262 Derry Moore David 262 Derry Moore David R. 262 Derry Moore Hugh 262 Derry Moore Jacob 262 Derry Moore James 262 Derry Moore John 262 Derry Moore Joseph 262 Derry Moore Robert 262 Derry Moore Robert L. 262 Derry Moore Solomon 262 Derry Moore Thomas 262 Derry Moore Trestram 262 Derry Moore William 262 Derry Moore William Jr. 262 Derry Moore William Teag 262 Derry Moran James 262 Derry Moran John 262 Derry More Jas. 260 Derry Morell Henry 262 Derry Morell John Junior 262 Derry Morell John Senior 262 Derry Morell Samuel 262 Derry Morell William 262 Derry Morrison Alexander Reps. of (deceased) 262 Derry Morrison Hugh 262 Derry Morrison Hugh Rankin 262 Derry Morrison James 262 Derry Morrison James Junior 263 Derry Morrison John 263 Derry Morrison John Junior 263 Derry Morrison Joseph 263 Derry Morrison Mary Anne 263 Derry Morrison Robert 263 Derry Morrison William 263 Derry Morrow James 263 Derry Morrow Lyle Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Mulholland Alex. Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Mulholland Alexander David 263 Derry Mulholland Andrew 263 Derry Mulholland Beresford 263 Derry Mulholland Bernard Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Mulholland James 263 Derry Mulholland Thomas 263 Derry Mulholland Thompson 263 Derry Mulholland William 263 Derry Mulholland Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Mullan Charles 263 Derry Mullan Daniel 263 Derry Mullan Denis 263 Derry Mullan George 263 Derry Mullan George 263 Derry Mullan John Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Mullan Margaret 263 Derry Mullan Michael 263 Derry Mullan Thomas 263 Derry Mullen Michael 263 Derry Munn unknown Mrs. 263 Derry Murdock James Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Murray Bernard 263 Derry Murray Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Neary James 263 Derry Neary Robert 263 Derry Neely John Mrs. 263 Derry Neely Thomas 263 Derry Neill Henry 263 Derry Neilly William 263 Derry Nelson John 263 Derry Nelson Robert 263 Derry Nelson William 263 Derry Nesbitt Catherine T. 263 Derry Nesbitt James E. 263 Derry Newton Robert 263 Derry Newton Robert W. 263 Derry Nolan Robert H. 263 Derry Norris Mary Anne 263 Derry Nutt David 263 Derry Nutt John 263 Derry Nutt Mary 263 Derry O'Brien John 263 Derry O'Brien Michael 263 Derry O'Brien Robert 263 Derry O'Hagan Charles 263 Derry O'Hara James Rev. 263 Derry O'Kane Patrick 263 Derry O'Neill Francis 263 Derry O'Neill Henry 263 Derry O'Neill Jane 263 Derry O'Neill John 263 Derry O'Neill Robert Thomas Hon. 263 Derry O'Neill Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Oge John 260 Derry Ogilby James 263 Derry Ogilby R. L. Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Ogilby William 263 Derry Oliver Alexander 263 Derry Oliver Andrew 263 Derry Oliver Henry 263 Derry Oliver Henry James 263 Derry Oliver John 263 Derry Oliver Robert 263 Derry Oliver Samuel 263 Derry Oliver William 263 Derry Olpherts Richard Capt. 263 Derry Orr A. C. 263 Derry Orr David 263 Derry Orr James 263 Derry Orr James Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Orr John 263 Derry Orr Samuel 263 Derry Orr William 263 Derry Orwell Henry 263 Derry Osborne John 263 Derry Osborne Smith 263 Derry Osborne William 263 Derry Otterson William 263 Derry Palmer William 263 Derry Patchell James 263 Derry Patchell John 263 Derry Patchell Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 263 Derry Patterson Alexander 264 Derry Patterson Wm. Rowney 264 Derry Pattin Mary 264 Derry Pattin Miss Reps. of (deceased) 264 Derry Pattison William 264 Derry Patton Abraham 264 Derry Patton Joseph 264 Derry Patton Richard 264 Derry Patton Robert 264 Derry Patton William 264 Derry Paul J. T. Rev. 264 Derry Paul John 264 Derry Pellos Hugh 264 Derry Perry Joseph 264 Derry Phillips Thomas 264 Derry Pickering Wm. John 264 Derry Pickerman William 264 Derry Piden Hugh 264 Derry Piden James 264 Derry Piden Robert 264 Derry Pollock James 264 Derry Pollock Joseph 264 Derry Pollock Rachel 264 Derry Pollock Samuel 264 Derry Port David Reps. of (deceased) 264 Derry Porter William D. 264 Derry Purcell Robert 264 Derry Purcell Robert 264 Derry Quigley James 264 Derry Quigley John 264 Derry Quigley Joseph 264 Derry Quinn John 264 Derry Quinn Neal 264 Derry Ramsay George 264 Derry Ramsay John 264 Derry Ramsay Samuel 264 Derry Ranken William 264 Derry Rankin Robert 264 Derry Rankin Robt. P. 264 Derry Rankin Thomas 264 Derry Rankin Thomas R. Reps. of (deceased) 264 Derry Rankin William 264 Derry Rankin unknown Miss 264 Derry Rea Adam 264 Derry Rea Edward 264 Derry Reid Alexander 264 Derry Reid Edward Sir 264 Derry Reid Forrest 264 Derry Reid William 264 Derry Reynolds Archibald 264 Derry Reynolds Wm. Rev. 264 Derry Rice Rebecca 264 Derry Richardson Thomas R. Reps. of (deceased) 264 Derry Richmond James 264 Derry Ritchie Robert 264 Derry Robb William 264 Derry Robinson Elizabeth 264 Derry Robinson John 264 Derry Robinson Mervin 264 Derry Robinson Robert 264 Derry Robson James Rev. 264 Derry Rodgers Alexander 264 Derry Rogers Rose Ann 264 Derry Ross John 264 Derry Ross Mary Anne 264 Derry Ross Michael 264 Derry Ross Robert 264 Derry Ross Thomas 264 Derry Ross William 264 Derry Ross William S. 264 Derry Ross unknown Miss 264 Derry Scott Henry Reps. of (deceased) 264 Derry Scott James 264 Derry Scott Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 264 Derry Scott Thomas Rev. 264 Derry Scott unknown Miss 264 Derry Seawright Andrew 264 Derry Seawright James 264 Derry Seawright John 264 Derry Semple John 264 Derry Shane James 264 Derry Shannon James 264 Derry Shannon John 264 Derry Sharpe Robert 264 Derry Sheil Augustus 264 Derry Sheilds Francis 264 Derry Sheilds Samuel 264 Derry Sheils John 264 Derry Sheils Robert 264 Derry Sheils William 264 Derry Sherrard Henry 265 Derry Sherrard John 265 Derry Sherrard Mary Anne 265 Derry Sherrard Michael 265 Derry Sherrard Paul 265 Derry Sherrard Robert 265 Derry Sherrard Samuel 265 Derry Sherrard Wm. 265 Derry Sherrard Wm. 265 Derry Shouldham Alexander 265 Derry Simpson Daniel 265 Derry Simpson Hugh 265 Derry Simpson Hugh 265 Derry Simpson John 265 Derry Simpson William 265 Derry Sinclair John 265 Derry Skipton George 265 Derry Skipton Kennedy 265 Derry Skipton V. Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Sloan Thomas William 265 Derry Smith Catherine Miss 265 Derry Smith David 265 Derry Smith Mitchell Rev. 265 Derry Smith Samuel Edwards 265 Derry Smith Thomas 265 Derry Smyth Anne 265 Derry Smyth Daniel 265 Derry Smyth Hamill 265 Derry Smyth James 265 Derry Smyth Jane 265 Derry Smyth John 265 Derry Smyth Margaret 265 Derry Smyth Rev. James Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Smyth Robert Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Smyth William 265 Derry Smyth William D. 265 Derry Speers David 265 Derry Spencer Lee 265 Derry Stafford Francis 265 Derry Stafford Jane 265 Derry Staples Nathaniel Alexander Sir 265 Derry Staples Robert 265 Derry Steele Hudson 265 Derry Steele James 265 Derry Steele John 265 Derry Steele William 265 Derry Steen William 265 Derry Stevenson James 265 Derry Stevenson John 265 Derry Stevenson John Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Stevenson Jos. 265 Derry Stevenson Robert 265 Derry Stewart George 265 Derry Stewart Hall Rev. 265 Derry Stewart Hugh 265 Derry Stewart James 265 Derry Stewart Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Stewart John 265 Derry Stewart John Rev. 265 Derry Stewart Samuel 265 Derry Stewart William 265 Derry Stewart unknown Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Stirling Henry 265 Derry Stirling J. B. Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Stone George Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Stone Henry John 265 Derry Stone Robert 265 Derry Stothard unknown Col. 265 Derry Strafford unknown 265 Derry Strong James M. Sir 265 Derry Sturgeon James 265 Derry Swinerton Joseph 265 Derry Taylor Daniel 265 Derry Tedlie John 265 Derry Templemore unknown Lord 265 Derry Templeton Rev. S. Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Thompson Alexander 265 Derry Thompson George 265 Derry Thompson Robert 265 Derry Thompson William 265 Derry Tillie William 265 Derry Tittle John Moore Reps. of (deceased) 265 Derry Toghill James 265 Derry Toghill Laurence 265 Derry Toghill Roderick Reps. of (deceased) 266 Derry Tompkins George 266 Derry Torbett Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 266 Derry Torrens James 266 Derry Torrens John Reps. of (deceased) 266 Derry Torrens Robert 266 Derry Torrens Samuel 266 Derry Torrens Thomas 266 Derry Torrens William 266 Derry Toy William 266 Derry Traynor Charles 266 Derry Turbitt Mat. 266 Derry Turnbull Jane 266 Derry Twigg Henry 266 Derry Tyler Henry 266 Derry Tyrell Frederick 266 Derry Tyrell Timothy Reps. of (deceased) 266 Derry Vance Alexander 266 Derry Vance David 266 Derry Wagstaff Messrs. 255 Derry Waike William 266 Derry Walker Henry 266 Derry Walker John 266 Derry Walker Susan 266 Derry Wallace Gavin 266 Derry Wallace Henry 266 Derry Wallace James 266 Derry Wallace John 266 Derry Wallace Joseph 266 Derry Wallace Joseph 266 Derry Wallace Samuel 266 Derry Wallace William 266 Derry Walls John 266 Derry Ward James 266 Derry Watson Samuel 266 Derry Watt David 266 Derry Wee unknown Archd. 259 Derry Weir John 266 Derry West James 266 Derry White Joseph 266 Derry Whiteside John 266 Derry Wiggins Henry 266 Derry Wiley Isabella 266 Derry Wills George 266 Derry Wilson Charles 266 Derry Wilson George 266 Derry Wilson James 266 Derry Wilson John 266 Derry Wilson John F. 266 Derry Wilson John Gilfillan 266 Derry Wilson Maria 266 Derry Wilson Matilda Reps. of (deceased) 266 Derry Wilson Moore 266 Derry Wilson Robert 266 Derry Wilson Thomas 266 Derry Wilson William 266 Derry Withrow John 266 Derry Woodhead George 266 Derry Woods Margaret 266 Derry Woods Thomas 266 Derry Woodside William 266 Derry Wright Gertrude 266 Derry Wright Robert 266 Derry York David Reps. of (deceased) 266 Derry York Henry 266 Derry York James 266 Derry Young Dr. Reps. of (deceased) 266 Derry Young George 266 Derry Young Richard 266 Derry Young William 266 Derry Young unknown 266 Derry