Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Drogheda
Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Drogheda
Alley            George                                      63      Drogheda
Atkinson         Edward                                      63      Drogheda
Balfour          Blayney Townley                             63      Drogheda
Ball             Geo.                                        64      Drogheda
Batt             Samuel                                      63      Drogheda
Batterscombe     R. L.               Rev.                    63      Drogheda
Behan            Owen                Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Bellew           unknown             Lord                    63      Drogheda
Brabazon         Charles F.                                  63      Drogheda
Bredan           Hall                Dr.                     63      Drogheda
Briscoe          unknown                                     63      Drogheda
Brodigan         Francis                                     63      Drogheda
Burton           Tandy               Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Carpenter        Thomas                                      63      Drogheda
Carroll          William                                     63      Drogheda
Carty            Thomas              Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Chester          Finlay                                      63      Drogheda
Clinton          Henry                                       63      Drogheda
Collins          James               Rev.                    63      Drogheda
Devine           Anne                Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Duffy            John                Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Ennis            Patrick                                     63      Drogheda
Fairlough        G.                  Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Fairlough        H. B.               Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Fairlough        Wm.                 Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Fogarty          G. A.                                       63      Drogheda
Godley           Archibald                                   63      Drogheda
Gower            Mary                                        63      Drogheda
Gradwell         Chadwick                                    63      Drogheda
Graham           William                                     63      Drogheda
Hamilton         Francis                                     63      Drogheda
Hamilton         Francis             Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Hamlin           B.                                          63      Drogheda
Hanes            E. John                                     63      Drogheda
Hardman          Robert                                      63      Drogheda
Hardman          Townley Wm.                                 63      Drogheda
Hennessy         unknown                                     63      Drogheda
Hill             Anne                                        63      Drogheda
Hinchy           John                                        63      Drogheda
Hudson           Maria                                       63      Drogheda
Kirby            Thomas                                      63      Drogheda
Knaggs           George                                      63      Drogheda
Knaggs           George                                      63      Drogheda
Lamb             Eleanor                                     63      Drogheda
Lamb             Eleanor                                     63      Drogheda
Larkin           P. F.               Rev.                    63      Drogheda
Larkin           P. F.               Rev.                    63      Drogheda
Leland           Francis Wm.                                 63      Drogheda
Leland           Francis Wm.                                 63      Drogheda
M'Cabe           Felix               Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
M'Cabe           Felix               Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
M'Evoy           Peter               Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Martin           John                Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Martin           John                Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
Mathews          Thos.               Rev.                    63      Drogheda
Mathews          Thos.               Rev.                    63      Drogheda
Matthews         James Duff                                  63      Drogheda
Matthews         James Duff                                  63      Drogheda
Mayne            W. J.               Rev.                    63      Drogheda
Mayne            W. J.               Rev.                    63      Drogheda
Moore            Henry                                       63      Drogheda
Myles            William                                     63      Drogheda
O'Brien          Patrick                                     63      Drogheda
O'Leary          H.                  Reps. of (deceased)     63      Drogheda
O'Neill          John                                        64      Drogheda
Owens            Rose                                        64      Drogheda
Pentland         George H.                                   64      Drogheda
Singleton        H. S.                                       64      Drogheda
Smith            St. George          Reps. of (deceased)     64      Drogheda
Smyth            Frederick                                   64      Drogheda
Smyth            Ralph                                       64      Drogheda
Smyth            Richard A.                                  64      Drogheda
Smythe           Ralph               Capt.                   64      Drogheda
Taylor           James J.                                    64      Drogheda
Verdon           Peter                                       64      Drogheda
Wallace          Thomas              Rev.                    64      Drogheda
Whitworth        Benjamin                                    64      Drogheda
Wright           Stephen                                     64      Drogheda