Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Laois
Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Laois
Adair             John G.                                         75      Laois
Alley             George                                          75      Laois
Alloway           Robert M.                                       75      Laois
Anderson          William                                         75      Laois
Annesley          unknown                                         75      Laois
Armstrong         Harvey                                          75      Laois
Ashbrook          Viscount                                        75      Laois
Aspa              Adelaide                Mrs.                    75      Laois
Atkinson          Samuel                                          75      Laois
Ayres             George                  Rev.                    75      Laois
Bailey            Daniel                  Reps. of (deceased)     75      Laois
Bailey            John T.                                         75      Laois
Bailey            Thomas A.                                       75      Laois
Banks             James                                           75      Laois
Banks             John                    Reps. of (deceased)     75      Laois
Barton            William                                         75      Laois
Baxter            Frances H.              Mrs.                    75      Laois
Beamish           J. N.                                           75      Laois
Bell              Wellington              Reps. of (deceased)     75      Laois
Bellew            Grattan                 Mrs.                    75      Laois
Bergan            Edward                                          75      Laois
Birch             John                    Rev.                    75      Laois
Bland             John Loftus                                     75      Laois
Bolton            William                                         75      Laois
Bond              William S.                                      75      Laois
Booth             Juliana                                         75      Laois
Booth             Robert                                          75      Laois
Borrowes          Erasmus D.              Sir                     75      Laois
Borrowes          Samuel                  Reps. of (deceased)     75      Laois
Borrowes          Walter                  Capt.                   75      Laois
Bowen             Charles H.              Capt.                   75      Laois
Bradish           James                                           75      Laois
Bradley           Edward                                          75      Laois
Bradley           Thomas                                          75      Laois
Brady             John B.                                         75      Laois
Brandon           William                 Rev.                    75      Laois
Bray              James                   Rev.                    75      Laois
Brennan           John                                            75      Laois
Brennan           Patrick                                         75      Laois
Brennan           Thomas                                          75      Laois
Brennan           William                                         75      Laois
Bridge            Frederick               Rev.                    75      Laois
Bridge            Timothy                 Reps. of (deceased)     75      Laois
Brooks            Richard N.                                      75      Laois
Broomfield        George                                          75      Laois
Brown             Francis D.                                      75      Laois
Brown             J.                      Rev.                    75      Laois
Brown             Samuel                                          75      Laois
Browne            Robert C.                                       75      Laois
Burke             Patrick                                         75      Laois
Burrowes          Peter                                           75      Laois
Burton            W. F.                                           75      Laois
Butler            Edward F.                                       75      Laois
Butler            Maria T.                Hon.                    75      Laois
Butler            Paget                                           75      Laois
Butler            Pierce                                          75      Laois
Butler            Robert                  Reps. of (deceased)     75      Laois
Byrne             Matthew                                         75      Laois
Byrne             Richard                                         75      Laois
Campion           Susan                                           75      Laois
Candle            William                                         75      Laois
Carbery           Lord                    Reps. of (deceased)     75      Laois
Carden            Henry D.                Major                   75      Laois
Carden            unknown                 Major                   78      Laois
Carew             unknown                 Lord                    75      Laois
Carey             Pierce                  Reps. of (deceased)     75      Laois
Carey             Thomas                                          75      Laois
Carroll           Anne                                            75      Laois
Carter            John                                            75      Laois
Carter            Samuel R.                                       75      Laois
Carter            Willoughby H.                                   75      Laois
Cassan            Joseph                                          75      Laois
Cassan            Matthew                                         75      Laois
Cassan            Matthew S.                                      75      Laois
Cassidy           James                                           75      Laois
Cassin            Patrick                                         75      Laois
Castletown        unknown                 Hon. Lord               75      Laois
Caulfield         Edmund                                          75      Laois
Champ             Arthur                                          75      Laois
Champ             Benjamin                                        75      Laois
Champ             Isaac                                           75      Laois
Champ             James                                           76      Laois
Champ             John                                            76      Laois
Champagne         Arthur                  Rev.                    76      Laois
Chenevix          Richard                 Rev.                    80      Laois
Chetwode          Knightly                                        76      Laois
Clarke            Benjamin                Rev.                    76      Laois
Clarke            George                                          76      Laois
Clarke            James T.                                        76      Laois
Clarke            John W.                                         76      Laois
Clarke            Jonathan                                        76      Laois
Clarke            Joseph                                          76      Laois
Clarke            Mary                    Miss                    76      Laois
Clarke            Mrs.                    Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Clarke            Richard                 Rev.                    76      Laois
Clarke            Robert                                          76      Laois
Clarke            William                                         76      Laois
Clarke            William                 Rev.                    76      Laois
Claxton           Thomas                                          76      Laois
Close             Maxwell C.                                      76      Laois
Cobbe             William L.                                      76      Laois
Cockburne         Phineas C.                                      76      Laois
Colborne          Thomas                                          76      Laois
Collis            Abraham                                         76      Laois
Congleton         unknown                 Lord                    76      Laois
Connor            Peter                                           76      Laois
Convent           unknown                                         76      Laois
Cooke             Robert                                          76      Laois
Cooper            Darby H.                                        76      Laois
Cooper            Thomas                                          76      Laois
Cooper            Thomas                                          77      Laois
Cooper            William Cope            Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Coote             Charles H.              Sir                     76      Laois
Coote             Eyre                                            76      Laois
Corbett           Mary                    Miss                    76      Laois
Corbett           Robert H.                                       76      Laois
Corcoran          Matthew                                         76      Laois
Cornelius         Henry                                           76      Laois
Cornelius         Henry                                           78      Laois
Cosby             Rev. Wm.                Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Cosby             Robert A. G.                                    76      Laois
Costigan          John                                            76      Laois
Costigan          Patrick                                         76      Laois
Cowan             Anne                    Mrs.                    76      Laois
Cowan             James P.                                        76      Laois
Coyne             Patrick                                         76      Laois
Craig             Margaret                Mrs.                    76      Laois
Crampton          G. J.                                           76      Laois
Croasdaile        John                    Capt.                   76      Laois
Croghan           Edward                                          76      Laois
Curran            James                                           76      Laois
Daly              Luke                                            76      Laois
Davis             David                                           76      Laois
Dawson            Damer                                           76      Laois
De Hazler         Baron                                           76      Laois
De Vesci          Viscount                                        76      Laois
Dease             Edmund G.                                       76      Laois
Deegan            Michael                                         76      Laois
Deigan            William                                         76      Laois
Delaney           Bernard L.                                      76      Laois
Delaney           Bernard W.                                      76      Laois
Delany            Andrew                                          76      Laois
Delany            Mary                                            76      Laois
Dempsey           Patrick                                         76      Laois
Dempsey           Richd.                  Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Dempsey           William                                         76      Laois
Des Voeux         Major Thos.             Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Despard           Richard                                         76      Laois
Despard           W. F.                                           76      Laois
Deverell          Richard                 Rev.                    76      Laois
Deverell          Robert                                          76      Laois
Digby             unknown                 Lord                    76      Laois
Dix               Edward S.               Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Domville          William C.                                      76      Laois
Donohoe           Johanna                                         76      Laois
Dooley            Sylvester                                       76      Laois
Dooner            John                                            76      Laois
Dowling           Hugh                                            76      Laois
Doxey             Thomas                  Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Doyle             Bryan                                           76      Laois
Doyle             James                                           76      Laois
Doyle             Michael                                         76      Laois
Doyne             C.                      Mrs.                    76      Laois
Drogheda          unknown                 Marquis                 76      Laois
Duckett           J. F.                                           76      Laois
Duke              Rev. C.                 Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Dundass           W. J.                   Rev.                    76      Laois
Dunne             Eliza                   Mrs.                    76      Laois
Dunne             Ewd. Meadows                                    76      Laois
Dunne             Francis                                         76      Laois
Dunne             J. W.                                           76      Laois
Dunne             Lawrence                Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Dunne             Michael                                         76      Laois
Dunne             Richard                 Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Dunne             William                                         76      Laois
Dunne             Wm.                     Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Edge              Benjamin B.                                     76      Laois
Edge              John                    Reps. of (deceased)     76      Laois
Edge              John D.                                         76      Laois
Edge              John H.                                         76      Laois
Edge              Samuel                                          76      Laois
Edge              Sarah Jane                                      76      Laois
Edge              William                                         76      Laois
Edmundson         Joshua W.                                       76      Laois
Egan              Mary T.                                         76      Laois
Elliott           James                   Rev.                    76      Laois
Eustace           Henry                                           77      Laois
Evans             George                                          77      Laois
Evans             unknown                 Mrs.                    77      Laois
Falkiner          Richard J.                                      77      Laois
Fallon            William                                         77      Laois
Farrell           Michael                                         77      Laois
Fayle             Robert                                          77      Laois
Fingleton         Catherine                                       77      Laois
Finnerty          E. G.                                           77      Laois
Fishbourne        Joseph                                          77      Laois
Fishbourne        Thos. J. H.             Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Fishbourne        Wm. F.                  Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Fisher            Benjamin                Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Fisher            Robert                  Col.                    77      Laois
Fitzgerald        Gerald                  Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Fitzgerald        John                                            77      Laois
Fitzgerald        John A.                                         77      Laois
Fitzgerald        R. W. P.                                        77      Laois
Fitzmaurice       Arthur                                          77      Laois
Fitzmaurice       Gamabiel                                        77      Laois
Fitzmaurice       James                                           77      Laois
Fitzmaurice       Wm. R.                                          77      Laois
Fitzpatrick       Walter                                          77      Laois
Fleming           Patrick                                         77      Laois
Fleming           Thomas                                          77      Laois
Fletcher          Margaret                Mrs.                    77      Laois
Flintoff          Catherine E.                                    77      Laois
Foster            Samuel                                          77      Laois
Franks            John                                            77      Laois
Freer             John                                            77      Laois
Gahon             Thomas W.               Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Gardiner          John                    Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Gatchell          Alfred                                          77      Laois
Gatchell          Frances                 Mrs.                    77      Laois
Gatchell          John                    Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Gaze              John                                            77      Laois
Gibbs             John                                            77      Laois
Gibby             John                                            77      Laois
Gilborne          Maria                                           77      Laois
Goodbody          Robert                                          77      Laois
Gough             Viscount                                        77      Laois
Gowan             William                                         77      Laois
Grace             J. D.                                           77      Laois
Grace             John                                            77      Laois
Grace             O. W. D.                Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Grace             P. R.                                           77      Laois
Grace             William                 Sir                     77      Laois
Graham            John W.                                         77      Laois
Grange            John                                            77      Laois
Grange            William                                         77      Laois
Green             John                                            77      Laois
Grogan            unknown                                         77      Laois
Guest             James                                           77      Laois
Guinness          William                 Rev.                    77      Laois
Hackett           Michael                 Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Halpin            Margaret                                        77      Laois
Halpin            Nicholas J.                                     77      Laois
Hamilton          Ion Trant                                       77      Laois
Hamilton          James A.                                        77      Laois
Hamilton          Mrs. E.                 Hon.                    77      Laois
Hamilton          William                 Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Hamilton          unknown                 Capt.                   77      Laois
Hamphill          Saml.                                           78      Laois
Hardgrove         John                                            77      Laois
Harpur            John                                            77      Laois
Harrick           John                                            77      Laois
Harrison          Huton J.                                        77      Laois
Harte             Sophia                                          77      Laois
Harte             William                                         77      Laois
Harvey            Crosby                                          77      Laois
Harvey            Richard                                         77      Laois
Haslam            Alexander                                       77      Laois
Haslam            Catherine                                       77      Laois
Haslam            James                                           77      Laois
Hawksworth        John                                            77      Laois
Hawksworth        Richard Steele                                  77      Laois
Hawksworth        Richd.                                          76      Laois
Hawksworth        William                 Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Hayes             W. A.                   Rev.                    77      Laois
Henderson         Zoro R.                                         77      Laois
Heron             Robert                                          77      Laois
Hetherington      Francis                                         77      Laois
Hickey            John                                            77      Laois
Higgins           Lewis                                           77      Laois
Hinds             P.                                              77      Laois
Hipwell           Thomas                                          77      Laois
Hobson            J.                      Rev.                    76      Laois
Holmes            Charles                                         77      Laois
Hopkins           Thomas A.                                       77      Laois
Hopkins           William                                         77      Laois
Hopper            Arthur                                          77      Laois
Horan             Elizabeth               Miss                    77      Laois
Horan             William D.                                      77      Laois
Hort              J. W.                   Sir                     77      Laois
Hosey             James                   Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Hosey             Patrick                 Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Hosey             Pierce                  Reps. of (deceased)     77      Laois
Hovendon          Henry                                           77      Laois
Hovendon          William                                         77      Laois
Hovendon          unknown                 Miss                    77      Laois
Hudson            Henry                                           77      Laois
Hughes            John                    Rev.                    77      Laois
Humphreys         William                                         77      Laois
Hunt              Edward                                          77      Laois
Hutchinson        John Dawson                                     77      Laois
Hutchinson        Joseph F.                                       77      Laois
Hutton            Charles                                         77      Laois
Hyland            John                                            77      Laois
Irwin             unknown                 Mrs.                    78      Laois
Jackson           Nathl.                  Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Jacob             David                                           78      Laois
Jameson           James                   Rev.                    78      Laois
Jebb              Letitia                                         78      Laois
Jessop            Airy P.                                         78      Laois
Jestin            Anne                                            78      Laois
Johnson           Benjamin B.                                     78      Laois
Johnston          Charles                                         78      Laois
Johnston          H.                      Rev.                    78      Laois
Kavanagh          James                                           78      Laois
Kavanagh          Jas.                    Rev. Dr.                78      Laois
Kavanagh          Martin                                          78      Laois
Kavanagh          Peter                                           78      Laois
Kealy             Thomas                  Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Kelly             Borrowes                                        78      Laois
Kelly             Harriett                                        78      Laois
Kelly             John                                            78      Laois
Kelly             Mary                                            78      Laois
Kelly             Mary Anne               Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Kelly             Peter                                           78      Laois
Kemmis            Betty                   Mrs.                    78      Laois
Kemmis            George                  Rev.                    78      Laois
Kemmis            Henry                                           78      Laois
Kemmis            Jas.                    Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Kemmis            Thomas                                          78      Laois
Kemmis            Thomas                  Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Kemmis            William                                         78      Laois
Kennedy           Eliza                                           78      Laois
Kenny             James                                           78      Laois
King              Anthony                                         78      Laois
King              W. S.                   Rev.                    78      Laois
King-Harman       Hon. L. H.              Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Kinnerney         Eliza                                           78      Laois
Kirk              William M.                                      78      Laois
Knaggs            unknown                 Mrs.                    78      Laois
Knaggs            unknown                 Mrs.                    78      Laois
Lalor             Eliza                                           78      Laois
Lalor             Eliza                                           78      Laois
Lalor             Judith                                          78      Laois
Lalor             Judith                                          78      Laois
Lalor             Murtagh                                         78      Laois
Lalor             Murtagh                                         78      Laois
Lalor             William                                         78      Laois
Lalor             William                                         78      Laois
Lambe             John                                            78      Laois
Lambe             John                                            78      Laois
Lansdowne         unknown                 Marquis                 78      Laois
Lansdowne         unknown                 Marquis                 78      Laois
Larkin            William                                         78      Laois
Larkin            William                                         78      Laois
Laurenson         Wm.                     Rev.                    78      Laois
Laurenson         Wm.                     Rev.                    78      Laois
Lawlor            John                                            76      Laois
Lawlor            John                                            76      Laois
Lecky             J. H.                   Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Lecky             J. H.                   Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Leech             Anne                    Mrs.                    78      Laois
Leech             Anne                    Mrs.                    78      Laois
Leech             Thomas                                          78      Laois
Leech             Thomas                                          78      Laois
Leicester         Anthony                                         78      Laois
Leicester         Anthony                                         78      Laois
Lidwell           George                                          78      Laois
Lidwell           George                                          78      Laois
Lloyd             Anne                                            78      Laois
Lloyd             Anne                                            78      Laois
Lloyd             Michl.                  Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Lloyd             Michl.                  Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Lodge             Richard F.                                      78      Laois
Lodge             Richard F.                                      78      Laois
Lowry             Peter                                           78      Laois
Lowry             Peter                                           78      Laois
Lyster            John                                            78      Laois
Lyster            John                                            78      Laois
Lyster            William                 Rev.                    78      Laois
Lyster            William                 Rev.                    78      Laois
M'Coombe          Rowan                                           78      Laois
M'Donald          Charles                                         78      Laois
M'Donald          John                                            78      Laois
M'Donnell         Patrick                                         78      Laois
M'Donnell         Sir Edward              Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
M'Donnell         Susan                                           78      Laois
M'Fall            Edward                                          78      Laois
M'Intosh          John                                            78      Laois
M'Kinstry         S.                      Miss                    78      Laois
M'Mahon           John                                            78      Laois
M'Mahon           Robert M.                                       78      Laois
M'Neale           Margaret                Mrs.                    78      Laois
M'Wey             Ellen                                           78      Laois
Mackasey          Thomas                                          78      Laois
Mackasey          Thomas                                          78      Laois
Maguire           unknown                                         78      Laois
Maguire           unknown                                         78      Laois
Mahon             John H.                                         78      Laois
Mahon             John H.                                         78      Laois
Mahon             Joseph                                          78      Laois
Mahon             Joseph                                          78      Laois
Maillard          Parnell R.                                      78      Laois
Maillard          Parnell R.                                      78      Laois
Maquay            John L.                 Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Maquay            John L.                 Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Marnell           Michael                                         78      Laois
Marnell           Michael                                         78      Laois
Maunsell          Richard                                         78      Laois
Maunsell          Richard                                         78      Laois
Maunsell          Robert                                          78      Laois
Maunsell          Robert                                          78      Laois
Maunsell          Robert A.               Rev.                    78      Laois
Maunsell          Robert A.               Rev.                    78      Laois
Maxwell           Albert                                          78      Laois
Maxwell           Albert                                          78      Laois
Meara             James                                           78      Laois
Mercier           David                                           78      Laois
Meredith          Rice                                            78      Laois
Meredith          William                                         78      Laois
Metcalf           Alexander                                       78      Laois
Metcalf           Robert                                          78      Laois
Micheau           George                                          78      Laois
Mill              Richard                                         78      Laois
Millner           Henry                                           78      Laois
Millner           James                                           78      Laois
Milltown          unknown                                         78      Laois
Mitchell          Thomas                                          78      Laois
Molloy            E.                                              78      Laois
Molony            Arthur                  Rev.                    78      Laois
Molyneux          Capel                   Sir                     78      Laois
Mooney            William                 Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Moore             Arthur                  Rev.                    78      Laois
Moore             Lewis                                           78      Laois
Moore             Murtagh                 Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Moore             Thos.                   Reps. of (deceased)     78      Laois
Moore             unknown                 Col.                    78      Laois
Moran             Patrick                                         78      Laois
Morgan            Richard                                         78      Laois
Morton            Matthew Sankey          Capt.                   78      Laois
Mullin            John W.                                         78      Laois
Murphy            Patrick                                         79      Laois
Murray            John                                            79      Laois
Neale             George                                          79      Laois
Neale             R.                                              78      Laois
Neale             Thomas                                          79      Laois
Norris            Henry K.                                        79      Laois
O'Brien           Patk.                   Sir                     79      Laois
O'Connor          N.                                              79      Laois
O'Cuffe           John                                            79      Laois
O'Neill           Anne                                            79      Laois
Onions            John                                            79      Laois
Onions            Robert                                          79      Laois
Orkney            unknown                                         79      Laois
Owen              Adelaide F.                                     79      Laois
Owen              Frances                                         79      Laois
Owen              Henry A.                                        79      Laois
Owen              Robert                                          79      Laois
Owen              Rowland                                         79      Laois
Owen              William                                         79      Laois
Palmer            Eleanor                 Mrs.                    79      Laois
Palmer            Humphrey                                        79      Laois
Palmer            Joseph                                          79      Laois
Palmer            Joseph L.                                       79      Laois
Palmer            Mrs. E. Bickerstaff     Reps. of (deceased)     79      Laois
Palmer            Penelope                                        79      Laois
Pattison          Henry                                           79      Laois
Pattison          James                                           79      Laois
Pattison          William D.                                      79      Laois
Penrose           William                                         79      Laois
Percy             John                                            79      Laois
Perry             Ellen                                           79      Laois
Perry             J.                                              79      Laois
Perry             Robinson G.                                     79      Laois
Phillips          Charles                                         79      Laois
Phillips          Richard                                         79      Laois
Phillips          William                                         77      Laois
Phillips          William                                         79      Laois
Phillips          Wm.                                             76      Laois
Phillips          Wm.                                             78      Laois
Pigot             Robert A. R.                                    79      Laois
Pigott            J.                      Lady                    79      Laois
Pigott            William                                         79      Laois
Pilkington        William                                         79      Laois
Pilkinton         George                                          79      Laois
Pilsworth         William                                         79      Laois
Pim               Anna                    Mrs.                    79      Laois
Pim               Anthony                                         79      Laois
Pim               Anthony                 Mr.                     77      Laois
Pim               Edward                                          79      Laois
Pim               George                                          79      Laois
Pim               Joshua                  Reps. of (deceased)     79      Laois
Pim               Samuel                                          79      Laois
Pim               William Goff                                    79      Laois
Poe               unknown                 Mrs.                    79      Laois
Portarlington     unknown                                         79      Laois
Powell            Caleb                                           79      Laois
Pratt             George                                          79      Laois
Pratt             James                                           79      Laois
Pratt             Sargent                                         79      Laois
Preston           John C. J.                                      79      Laois
Putland           Charles                                         79      Laois
Quigley           James T.                                        79      Laois
Redfern           Thomas                                          79      Laois
Redmond           H. N.                                           79      Laois
Relly             Margaret                Reps. of (deceased)     79      Laois
Reynolds          Andrew                                          79      Laois
Rhodes            Thomas                                          79      Laois
Richardson        Grace                                           79      Laois
Riddall           James                                           79      Laois
Riddick           George                                          79      Laois
Ridge             Robert Thomas                                   79      Laois
Roach             Mary                                            79      Laois
Roberts           Thomas                                          79      Laois
Roberts           Thos.                   Reps. of (deceased)     79      Laois
Robinson          John D.                                         79      Laois
Robinson          Rev. Charles            Reps. of (deceased)     79      Laois
Rochfort          Horace                                          79      Laois
Roe               George                                          79      Laois
Roe               John                                            79      Laois
Roe               Peter                                           79      Laois
Roe               Thomas                                          79      Laois
Roe               Ven. Archdeacon                                 79      Laois
Roe               William                                         79      Laois
Roe               William C.                                      79      Laois
Rooney            Andrew                                          79      Laois
Rotten            John                                            79      Laois
Ruckley           Mary                                            79      Laois
Ryall             Browne                  Lieutenant Col.         79      Laois
Ryan              Mrs. Ellis              Reps. of (deceased)     79      Laois
Ryan              Philip L.                                       79      Laois
Ryan              Val.                                            79      Laois
Saintjohn         Thomas                                          79      Laois
Sandes            Maria                   Mrs.                    79      Laois
Sandes            Wm. S. Sandes                                   79      Laois
Sandford          Wm. S. W.                                       79      Laois
Saunders          R. F.                                           79      Laois
Sawyer            Sharp                                           79      Laois
Scott             James W. B.                                     79      Laois
Scott             W.                      Reps. of (deceased)     79      Laois
Seale             Richard                                         79      Laois
Senior            Julia                   Mrs.                    79      Laois
Senior            Richd.                  Reps. of (deceased)     79      Laois
Shackleton        Richard                                         79      Laois
Shannassy         John                                            79      Laois
Shannon           Eliza Jane              Mrs.                    79      Laois
Sheahan           Timothy                                         80      Laois
Sheane            James                                           80      Laois
Short             Albert                                          80      Laois
Shortt            Vere D.                                         80      Laois
Sibthorpe         John                                            80      Laois
Smallman          James                                           80      Laois
Smith             Boys                    Reps. of (deceased)     80      Laois
Smith             Henry J.                                        80      Laois
Smith             Humphrey                                        80      Laois
Smith             William                                         80      Laois
Smyth             Edward S. R.                                    80      Laois
Sothern           George                                          80      Laois
Sothern           Sarah                                           80      Laois
Spearing          George                                          80      Laois
Stanhope          unknown                                         80      Laois
Stanley           John                                            80      Laois
Stanley           Joseph                                          80      Laois
Stanley           Robert                                          80      Laois
Stannus           Robert T.                                       80      Laois
Staples           Robert                                          80      Laois
Steele            Eliza                   Mrs.                    80      Laois
Stephenson        John                                            80      Laois
Stoker            Elizabeth                                       80      Laois
Stoker            Sophia                                          80      Laois
Stone             Henry                   Rev.                    80      Laois
Stone             John                                            80      Laois
Stubber           Robert H.                                       80      Laois
Swan              John George                                     80      Laois
Sweetman          unknown                 Mrs.                    80      Laois
Switzer           Nathl.                  Rev.                    80      Laois
Taggart           Rev. Ralph              Reps. of (deceased)     80      Laois
Talbot            Mrs. Mary               Reps. of (deceased)     80      Laois
Talbot            Samuel                                          80      Laois
Tarleton          John                                            80      Laois
Tarleton          Weldon                                          80      Laois
Taylor            Henry                                           80      Laois
Thacker           Joseph                  Rev.                    80      Laois
Thomas            Henry                   Reps. of (deceased)     80      Laois
Thomas            Mary                    Reps. of (deceased)     80      Laois
Thompson          Charles                                         80      Laois
Thompson          George                                          80      Laois
Tilly             Robert H.                                       80      Laois
Toler             Otway                   Hon.                    80      Laois
Tottenham         William D.                                      80      Laois
Townsend          Richard                                         80      Laois
Tracey            A. E.                                           80      Laois
Tracey            John                                            80      Laois
Treacy            Daniel                                          80      Laois
Treacy            Philip                                          80      Laois
Trench            Henry                                           80      Laois
Trench            Rev. F. F.              Reps. of (deceased)     80      Laois
Trench            Thomas C.                                       80      Laois
Trench            W. R.                   Rev.                    80      Laois
Trench            unknown                 Hon.                    80      Laois
Turpin            Thomas                                          80      Laois
Vernon            Charles                                         80      Laois
Verschoyle        James L.                                        80      Laois
Verschoyle        unknown                 Lieutenant Col.         80      Laois
Vicars            Elizabeth                                       80      Laois
Vignolles         Charles                 Rev.                    80      Laois
Wakefield         Thomas C.                                       80      Laois
Walker            Eliza D.                                        80      Laois
Wall              John A.                 Rev.                    80      Laois
Walpole           George                                          80      Laois
Walpole           Joseph                                          80      Laois
Walpole           Thomas                                          80      Laois
Walsh             Allen                   Sir                     80      Laois
Walsh             Thomas                                          80      Laois
Walsh             Thomas                                          80      Laois
Walsh             unknown                 Rev. Dr.                80      Laois
Warburton         Richard                                         80      Laois
Warburton         Wm.                                             80      Laois
Ward              Eliza                   Reps. of (deceased)     80      Laois
Ward              Vere                    Reps. of (deceased)     80      Laois
Warneford         John H.                 Rev.                    80      Laois
Warren            Daniel                                          80      Laois
Warren            William                                         80      Laois
Warrenford        Joseph                  Rev.                    80      Laois
Watson            Fanny                                           80      Laois
Watson            John                                            80      Laois
Watson            Robert                                          80      Laois
Watson            Thomas                                          80      Laois
Watson            William                                         80      Laois
Watters           Samuel                                          80      Laois
Webber            D.                                              76      Laois
Webber            W. D.                                           80      Laois
Weldon            A. C.                   Sir                     80      Laois
Westbury          Dean                    Rev.                    80      Laois
Wetherall         Frederick A.            Reps. of (deceased)     80      Laois
Whelan            Michael                                         80      Laois
Whelan            Michl.                                          77      Laois
White             Charles                                         81      Laois
White             Ellen                                           81      Laois
White             Hans                                            81      Laois
White             Henry                                           81      Laois
White             Peter                                           81      Laois
White             Robert P.                                       81      Laois
White             Thomas                                          81      Laois
Whitford          Harriett                                        81      Laois
Whitty            Irwin                                           81      Laois
Whitty            Thomas R.                                       81      Laois
Willington        Mary                                            81      Laois
Willis            Newcombe                Rev.                    81      Laois
Willoughby        Wm.                     Reps. of (deceased)     81      Laois
Wilson            Eleanor                                         81      Laois
Wilson            George P.                                       81      Laois
Wilson            Mary                                            81      Laois
Wolseley          John                    Rev.                    81      Laois
Wrafter           John                                            81      Laois
Wright            Thomas                                          81      Laois
Wyer              William                                         81      Laois
Young             James                                           81      Laois
Young             William                                         81      Laois
Yovel             Thomas                  Reps. of (deceased)     81      Laois