Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adams B. W. Rev. 56 Louth Addy unknown Mrs. 56 Louth Anderson Joseph 56 Louth Arthur William 56 Louth Atkinson unknown Mrs. 56 Louth Aylmer Terence 56 Louth Bailie John Rev. 56 Louth Bailie Robert E. 56 Louth Bailie William 56 Louth Balfour Blaney T. 56 Louth Ball Geo. 61 Louth Bamford George 56 Louth Banks unknown Mr. 56 Louth Barbour John 56 Louth Barden William 56 Louth Barlow John 56 Louth Barry A. H. Smith 56 Louth Barton James 56 Louth Batt Samuel 56 Louth Battersby Thomas 56 Louth Batty Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 56 Louth Beatty Daniel 56 Louth Beatty Pakenham 56 Louth Bell Henry 56 Louth Bell John D. 56 Louth Bell Thomas W. 56 Louth Bell unknown Mrs. 56 Louth Bellew John 56 Louth Bellew Richard M. 56 Louth Bellew unknown Lord 56 Louth Bellingham A. E. Sir 56 Louth Benson John B. 56 Louth Berry Peter 56 Louth Bigger Charlotte 56 Louth Bigger John J. E. 56 Louth Black Wolf M. N. 56 Louth Blackley Travers R. 56 Louth Blakely F. R. 56 Louth Bolton E. H. 56 Louth Bolton Richd. Reps. of (deceased) 56 Louth Bond J. W. M. 56 Louth Bonynge Francis 56 Louth Booth Joseph F. 56 Louth Bornes R. M. 56 Louth Boylan George Reps. of (deceased) 56 Louth Boylan Patrick 56 Louth Boylan Patrick 56 Louth Boyle Bridget 56 Louth Boyle Catherine 56 Louth Boyle Daniel Archy 56 Louth Boyle Daniel Pat 56 Louth Boyle Denis 56 Louth Boyle Dr. Reps. of (deceased) 56 Louth Boyle Edward 56 Louth Boyle Jas. 56 Louth Boyle John 56 Louth Boyle Joseph 56 Louth Boyle Laurence 56 Louth Boyle Mary 56 Louth Boyle Owen 56 Louth Boyle Pat 56 Louth Boyle Peter 56 Louth Boyle Peter Bas 56 Louth Boyle Richard 56 Louth Boyle Terence 56 Louth Boyle Thomas 56 Louth Boyle Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 56 Louth Brabazon Catherine 56 Louth Brabazon Charles F. 56 Louth Brabazon Eliza C. 56 Louth Brabazon Henry 56 Louth Brabazon Wm. Rev. 56 Louth Bradford John 56 Louth Bradford Samuel 56 Louth Bradford Samuel 56 Louth Bradford William J. 56 Louth Brady Denis Caulfield 56 Louth Branagan Thomas 56 Louth Bredan Alexander M. 56 Louth Bredan Hall 56 Louth Brennan Anne 56 Louth Brennan Michael Mrs. 56 Louth Brodigan Francis 56 Louth Brooke V. B. Sir 56 Louth Brown Thomas 56 Louth Browne George 56 Louth Browne Jeremiah 56 Louth Browne Maria 56 Louth Browne Richard 56 Louth Brush Henry 56 Louth Burke E. H. 56 Louth Byrne Bernard 56 Louth Byrne Bryan 56 Louth Byrne Christopher 56 Louth Byrne Laurence 56 Louth Byrne Patk. J. Reps. of (deceased) 56 Louth Byrne Thomas 56 Louth Callaghan James 57 Louth Callaghan Michael 57 Louth Callaghan Patrick 57 Louth Callan Jas. 57 Louth Callan Philip 57 Louth Campbell Alexander F. 57 Louth Campbell Loughlin 57 Louth Cannon Susanna 57 Louth Caraher Edward 57 Louth Caraher Eugene 57 Louth Caraher Michael 57 Louth Caraher Owen J. 57 Louth Caraher Patrick D. 57 Louth Carey Olivia 57 Louth Carlingford unknown Lord 57 Louth Carpenter Thomas 57 Louth Carroll James 57 Louth Carroll James Reps. of (deceased) 57 Louth Carroll Laurence 57 Louth Carroll Owen 57 Louth Carty Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 57 Louth Carville John 57 Louth Casey Patrick 57 Louth Cassidy Owen 57 Louth Cassidy Patrick 57 Louth Cassidy Peter 57 Louth Castles Eliza 57 Louth Castles unknown Mrs. 57 Louth Caulfield Thomas 57 Louth Charleton William 57 Louth Chester Finlay 57 Louth Chester Henrietta 57 Louth Clarke Loughlin 57 Louth Clarke Peter 57 Louth Clarke Richard 57 Louth Clements George C. Reps. of (deceased) 57 Louth Clermont unknown Lord 57 Louth Clinton Richard 57 Louth Clive Archer Rev. 57 Louth Cobbe Charles 57 Louth Coddington John Geo. 57 Louth Coleman Bernard 57 Louth Coleman Jane 57 Louth Coleman Neil T. Reps. of (deceased) 57 Louth Coleman Thomas K. 57 Louth Collier Anne 57 Louth Collier Patrick 57 Louth Conlan John 57 Louth Conlon James 57 Louth Conlon Thomas 57 Louth Connell Darby 57 Louth Connell Laurence 57 Louth Connellan James 57 Louth Connolly James 57 Louth Connor Peter 57 Louth Cooper Anne Miss 57 Louth Cooper unknown Col. 57 Louth Cotter Nicholas 57 Louth Coulter Henry 57 Louth Coulter Jane Reps. of (deceased) 57 Louth Coulter John B. 57 Louth Coulter Joseph A. 57 Louth Cox Ambrose 57 Louth Coyle Bryan 57 Louth Coyle Peter 57 Louth Craig Andrew 57 Louth Craig Bridget 57 Louth Craig Eliza 57 Louth Craig Henry 57 Louth Craig Laurence 57 Louth Craig Mary 57 Louth Craig Owen 57 Louth Cremorne unknown Lord 57 Louth Crevan C. C. 57 Louth Cunningham John 57 Louth Curran George 57 Louth Curtis Anne Reps. of (deceased) 57 Louth Curtis James 57 Louth Curtis John 57 Louth Curtis John 57 Louth Curtis Michael 57 Louth Curtis Patrick 57 Louth Curtis Peter 57 Louth Curtis Thomas 57 Louth Daly Bartholemew 57 Louth Daly Michael 57 Louth Daniel Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 57 Louth Darcy Matthew 57 Louth Davies John 57 Louth Devlin John 57 Louth Dickie Alexander 57 Louth Dickie Ellen 57 Louth Dickie John J. 57 Louth Dickie Joseph 57 Louth Dickie Joseph Rev. 57 Louth Dobbs Conway E. 57 Louth Dogherty John 57 Louth Doherty Eugene K. 57 Louth Donagh Francis 57 Louth Donnelly Esther 57 Louth Donnelly Hugh 57 Louth Donnelly Patrick 57 Louth Donnelly William 57 Louth Donoughmore unknown 57 Louth Dooly Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 57 Louth Doran Matthew 57 Louth Doran unknown Mr. 57 Louth Dowd Margaret 57 Louth Dowdal John P. 61 Louth Dowdall John 57 Louth Drumm Patrick 57 Louth Duff Bernard 57 Louth Duffy Bridget 57 Louth Duffy Maria 57 Louth Duffy Philip 57 Louth Dullaghan James 57 Louth Dullaghan Owen 57 Louth Dungan Peter 57 Louth Dunlop Robert Foster 57 Louth Dunsterville Andrew Frederick 57 Louth Durnin Anne 57 Louth Eastwood C. Mrs. 58 Louth Ekins James 58 Louth Ellis Nicholas 58 Louth Ellis T. C. 58 Louth Elmore John 58 Louth Eyre Thomas J. 58 Louth Eyres Joseph 58 Louth Fagan Anne 58 Louth Fagan James 58 Louth Fagan John 58 Louth Fairtlough H. B. Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Fairtlough Martha 58 Louth Fairtlough William 58 Louth Fairtlough William Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Fairtlough William Q. 58 Louth Farrell James 58 Louth Farrell Robert 58 Louth Faughey Patrick 58 Louth Fenton Michl. 58 Louth Ferguson Chaworth 58 Louth Filgate Charles 58 Louth Filgate Elizabeth 58 Louth Filgate T. P. 58 Louth Filgate T. P. H. M. 58 Louth Filgate Thomas 58 Louth Filgate William De S. 58 Louth Finegan John 58 Louth Finnegan Philip 58 Louth Fitzgerald J. T. 58 Louth Fitzgerald Percy 58 Louth Fitzgerald W. V. L. F. 58 Louth Flanagan Charles 58 Louth Flanagan John 58 Louth Flanagan Nicholas 58 Louth Flanagan Peter 58 Louth Flynne Eliza 58 Louth Flynne Laurence 58 Louth Forde Heathely 58 Louth Fortescue J. C. W. Col. 58 Louth Foster Augusta Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Foster Cavendish Rev. Sir 58 Louth Foster Frederick J. 58 Louth Foster John 58 Louth Frith Benjamin Rev. 58 Louth Gardiner William C. 58 Louth Garland John 58 Louth Garland Patrick 58 Louth Garner William H. 58 Louth Garstin Edw. A. Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Gartlan James 58 Louth Garvey Rose 58 Louth Gernon H. C. 58 Louth Gernon James Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Getty Anna 58 Louth Glenny Robert 58 Louth Godley Archibald 58 Louth Goodricke unknown Lady 58 Louth Grant Bryan 58 Louth Grant Felix 58 Louth Grant Patrick 58 Louth Gray James 58 Louth Gray Sophia 58 Louth Hacket Cuth. T. Rev. 58 Louth Hale Nathaniel 58 Louth Halfpenny James 58 Louth Halfpenny Patrick 58 Louth Hall Robt. Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Hall Samuel M. 58 Louth Halpin Thos. B. Rev. 58 Louth Hamill Arthur 58 Louth Handfield Lydia 58 Louth Hanlon Thomas 58 Louth Hardman Patk. Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Hardman Robert 58 Louth Hardman Townley Wm. 58 Louth Harold Hugh 58 Louth Harold Owen 58 Louth Harper Singleton C. Rev. 58 Louth Harpur George 58 Louth Hatch Dr. John Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Hawkins Elizabeth A. T. 58 Louth Henry Alex. Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Henry John 58 Louth Henry Richard 58 Louth Henry unknown 58 Louth Henzell Sophia C. 58 Louth Hickey Peter 58 Louth Hill Anne 58 Louth Hoey Eliza 58 Louth Hoey James 58 Louth Holt Zellah 58 Louth Hudson W. B. 58 Louth Hudson William 58 Louth Hudson unknown Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Hughes Patrick 58 Louth Humphries Benjamin G. Capt. 58 Louth Hutton Robert 58 Louth Irwin J. G. 58 Louth Irwine Sarah J. 58 Louth James unknown 58 Louth Jameson unknown 58 Louth Jebb D. Reps. of (deceased) 58 Louth Jebb Robert 58 Louth Jeffers Francis 58 Louth Jeffers James 59 Louth Johnston Arthur 59 Louth Johnston Henry 59 Louth Johnston Thomas 59 Louth Jones John Fleming 59 Louth Jordan Mary 59 Louth Kearney John 59 Louth Kearney Mary Miss 59 Louth Kearney Patrick 59 Louth Keelan Mary 59 Louth Kelly Denis 59 Louth Kelly Henry E. 59 Louth Kelly James 59 Louth Kelly Michael 59 Louth Kelly Patrick 59 Louth Kelly Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 59 Louth Kenny Charles P. 59 Louth Kenny Mary 59 Louth Kenny Plunket 59 Louth Kenny Theobald P. Reps. of (deceased) 59 Louth Kidd John 59 Louth Kieran James 59 Louth Kieran Jane 59 Louth Kieran John 59 Louth Kieran John C. 59 Louth Kieran Laurence 59 Louth Kieran Patrick 59 Louth Kieran Simon 59 Louth Kieran unknown Mrs. 59 Louth King John P. 59 Louth King Mary J. Reps. of (deceased) 59 Louth King unknown Miss 59 Louth King unknown Mrs. 59 Louth Kirk George Harley 59 Louth Kirwan William 59 Louth Kirwan William 59 Louth Knaggs George 59 Louth Knaggs George 59 Louth Lamb Bernard 59 Louth Lamb Bernard 59 Louth Lamb Patrick 59 Louth Lamb Patrick 59 Louth Larassy Mary 59 Louth Larassy Mary 59 Louth Lawlor unknown Mrs. 59 Louth Lawlor unknown Mrs. 59 Louth Leggett William 59 Louth Leggett William 59 Louth Leland F. W. 59 Louth Leland F. W. 59 Louth Leland Frederick 59 Louth Leland Frederick 59 Louth Lennon Anne 59 Louth Lennon Anne 59 Louth Lennon James 59 Louth Lennon James 59 Louth Lennon Laurence 59 Louth Lennon Laurence 59 Louth Lennon Patrick 59 Louth Lennon Patrick 59 Louth Lennon Patrick W. 59 Louth Lennon Patrick W. 59 Louth Lennon Rose 59 Louth Lennon Rose 59 Louth Lennon Stephen 59 Louth Lennon Stephen 59 Louth Lennon Thomas 59 Louth Lennon Thomas 59 Louth Lennon Thomas 59 Louth Lennon Thomas Sr. 59 Louth Long Eliza 59 Louth Long Eliza 59 Louth Long Peter 59 Louth Long Peter 59 Louth Lonsdale Arthur P. 59 Louth Lonsdale Arthur P. 59 Louth Louth unknown Lord 59 Louth Louth unknown Lord 59 Louth Lowe Nathaniel 59 Louth Lowe Nathaniel 59 Louth Lynch Mary 59 Louth Lynch Mary 59 Louth M'Alester Michael 59 Louth M'Alester Michael 59 Louth M'Alester Thos. 59 Louth M'Alester Thos. 59 Louth M'Alester W. 59 Louth M'Alester W. 59 Louth M'Alister Daniel 59 Louth M'Alister Daniel 59 Louth M'Ardle Robert 59 Louth M'Ardle Robert 59 Louth M'Cabe Charles 59 Louth M'Cabe Charles 59 Louth M'Cabe Charles F. 59 Louth M'Cabe Charles F. 59 Louth M'Cabe Owen 59 Louth M'Cabe Owen 59 Louth M'Cabe Patrick Reps. of (deceased) 59 Louth M'Cabe Patrick Reps. of (deceased) 59 Louth M'Cann Margaret 59 Louth M'Cann Margaret 59 Louth M'Cann Patrick 59 Louth M'Cann Patrick 59 Louth M'Cann Richard 59 Louth M'Cann Richard 59 Louth M'Carte John 59 Louth M'Carte John 59 Louth M'Clintock R. L. Rev. 59 Louth M'Court Arthur 59 Louth M'Court Patrick 59 Louth M'Court Patrick Jr. 59 Louth M'Cready Henry S. 59 Louth M'Cullagh Patrick 59 Louth M'Darra Patrick 59 Louth M'Dermott Catherine 59 Louth M'Donald Alexander 59 Louth M'Donald John 59 Louth M'Dowell John 59 Louth M'Dowell Robert 59 Louth M'Eleavy Bernard 59 Louth M'Elveen Patrick 59 Louth M'Elveen Robert 57 Louth M'Entegart Mary 59 Louth M'Entegart Owen 59 Louth M'Entegart Thomas 59 Louth M'Gee John 59 Louth M'Gee Judith 59 Louth M'Gough Michael 59 Louth M'Gough Owen 59 Louth M'Ivor James Rev. 59 Louth M'Kee Henry Rev. 59 Louth M'Kenna Edward 59 Louth M'Kenna Owen 59 Louth M'Kenna Patrick 59 Louth M'Keogh Peter 59 Louth M'Keone Francis 59 Louth M'Kevitt Arthur 59 Louth M'Kevitt Hugh 59 Louth M'Kevitt Patrick 59 Louth M'Kone James 59 Louth M'Kone Thomas 59 Louth M'Laughlin Bernard 59 Louth M'Loughlin Peter 59 Louth M'Mahon Charles 59 Louth M'Namee Bernard 59 Louth M'Neil Torquil 59 Louth M'Neill Bruce 59 Louth M'Neill M. Miss 59 Louth M'Nello John 59 Louth M'Shane Arthur 59 Louth M'Shane Francis 59 Louth M'Shane Patrick 59 Louth Macann Richard 59 Louth Macann Richard 59 Louth Macken Laurence Reps. of (deceased) 59 Louth Macken Laurence Reps. of (deceased) 59 Louth Mackin Andrew 59 Louth Mackin Andrew 59 Louth Mackin Denis 59 Louth Mackin Denis 59 Louth Mackin Thomas 59 Louth Mackin Thomas 59 Louth Magee Catherine 59 Louth Magee Catherine 59 Louth Magee James 59 Louth Magee James 59 Louth Magee John 59 Louth Magee John 59 Louth Magee Mary 59 Louth Magee Mary 59 Louth Magee William 59 Louth Magee William 59 Louth Magennis Cornelius 59 Louth Magennis Cornelius 59 Louth Magill Anne 60 Louth Magill Anne 60 Louth Magrath Patrick 60 Louth Magrath Patrick 60 Louth Magreehan Bryan 60 Louth Magreehan Bryan 60 Louth Magreehan Owen 60 Louth Magreehan Owen 60 Louth Maguire A. C. 60 Louth Maguire A. C. 60 Louth Maguire A. John 60 Louth Maguire A. John 60 Louth Maguire Patrick 60 Louth Maguire Patrick 60 Louth Maguire Rose 60 Louth Maguire Rose 60 Louth Major George 60 Louth Major George 60 Louth Manning Francis Geo. 60 Louth Manning Francis Geo. 60 Louth Marchbanks Philip J. 60 Louth Marchbanks Philip J. 60 Louth Markey Nicholas Owen 60 Louth Markey Nicholas Owen 60 Louth Marley Charles B. 60 Louth Marley Charles B. 60 Louth Marley John Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth Marley John Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth Martin John 60 Louth Martin John 60 Louth Martin Patrick 60 Louth Martin Patrick 60 Louth Massereene unknown Lord 60 Louth Massereene unknown Lord 60 Louth Mateer Archibald 60 Louth Mateer Archibald 60 Louth Mateer Eleanor 60 Louth Mateer Eleanor 60 Louth Mateer John 60 Louth Mateer John 60 Louth Mathews Arthur 60 Louth Mathews Arthur 60 Louth Mathews Jane 60 Louth Mathews Jane 60 Louth Mathews Patk. Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth Mathews Patk. Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth Mathews Peter 60 Louth Mathews Peter 60 Louth Matthews Thomas 61 Louth Matthews Thomas 61 Louth Maxwell J. N. 60 Louth Maxwell J. N. 60 Louth Mayne Joseph 60 Louth Mayne Joseph 60 Louth Mee Charles H. 60 Louth Milling Henry 60 Louth Mitchell Cadwaller B. 60 Louth Mohan Michael 60 Louth Montgomery Richd. T. 60 Louth Moore James 60 Louth Moore John L. 60 Louth Moore Laurence 60 Louth Moore Mary 60 Louth Moore T. A. Col. 60 Louth Morgan Daniel 60 Louth Morgan Daniel Junior 60 Louth Morgan James 60 Louth Morgan Patrick 60 Louth Mouritz Isabella Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth Mulholland Bernard 60 Louth Mulholland Mary 60 Louth Mulholland Rose 60 Louth Mulkittrick unknown Miss 60 Louth Mulligan Bridget 60 Louth Mulligan Michael 60 Louth Mulligan Owen 60 Louth Murdock William 60 Louth Murphy James 60 Louth Murphy James 60 Louth Murphy John 60 Louth Murphy Matthew 60 Louth Murray M. 60 Louth Murray Mary 60 Louth Neary Bernard Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth Neary Christopher M. 60 Louth Neary Owen P. 60 Louth Newcomen Arthur 60 Louth Newton Andrew 60 Louth Norman Luke A. 60 Louth Normon Thomas Lee 60 Louth Nugent Patrick 60 Louth O'Byrne Henry 60 Louth O'Byrne unknown 60 Louth O'Callaghan Frederick 60 Louth O'Hagan Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth O'Hagan Jas. C. Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth O'Hare Bernard 60 Louth O'Hare Bridget 60 Louth O'Hare Daniel 60 Louth O'Hare Francis 60 Louth O'Hare Hugh 60 Louth O'Hare James 60 Louth O'Hare John Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth O'Hare Mary 60 Louth O'Hare Neil 60 Louth O'Hare Peter 60 Louth O'Hare Philip 60 Louth O'Hare William 60 Louth O'Neill Bryan 60 Louth O'Neill James 60 Louth O'Neill John 60 Louth O'Neill unknown Miss 60 Louth O'Reilly M. W. 60 Louth O'Reilly-Dease M. 60 Louth Oakes Michael 60 Louth Oakes Peter 60 Louth Ogle George E. Rev. 60 Louth Ogle unknown 60 Louth Oliver Mary Jane 60 Louth Owens Thomas 60 Louth Pentland George H. 60 Louth Pepper William 60 Louth Pilkington F. 60 Louth Plunkett John 60 Louth Plunkett Thomas 60 Louth Pollock William 60 Louth Powderly Edward 60 Louth Purcell Admiral Reps. of (deceased) 60 Louth Quinn Owen 60 Louth Rath Monica 61 Louth Rathdonnell unknown Lord 61 Louth Rawdon unknown Miss 61 Louth Rawson William 61 Louth Reilly Anne 61 Louth Reilly Bridget 61 Louth Reilly John 61 Louth Reilly Michael 61 Louth Reilly Patrick 61 Louth Reynolds James 61 Louth Reynolds John 61 Louth Reynolds Laurence 61 Louth Reynolds Mary 61 Louth Reynolds Patrick 61 Louth Reynolds Peter 61 Louth Reynolds Thomas 61 Louth Rice Rose 61 Louth Richard Mrs. Reps. of (deceased) 61 Louth Richardson Thomas M. 61 Louth Ritchie James 61 Louth Robinson George G. 61 Louth Robinson John S. Sir 61 Louth Roden unknown 61 Louth Rogan Bridget 61 Louth Rogan Edward 61 Louth Rogan James 61 Louth Rogan Judith 61 Louth Rogan Patrick 61 Louth Rogan Peter 61 Louth Rogan Thomas 61 Louth Rooney Brien 61 Louth Rourke John 61 Louth Ruddy Thomas 61 Louth Russell Henry 61 Louth Russell T. W. 61 Louth Russell unknown 61 Louth Ruxton George Wm. 61 Louth Ruxton William 61 Louth Ryan Edward 61 Louth Salmon Mark 61 Louth Sandiford F. Rev. 61 Louth Scott Robert Rev. 61 Louth Scott Robinson Rev. 61 Louth Shaw Thomas K. 61 Louth Sheals Jane 61 Louth Sheals Michael 61 Louth Sheals Pat 61 Louth Sheals Peter 61 Louth Sheeran James 61 Louth Sheffield unknown 61 Louth Shegog unknown Mrs. 61 Louth Shekleton Alexander 61 Louth Shekleton Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 61 Louth Show unknown Mrs. 61 Louth Singleton Edward A. H. 61 Louth Singleton H. S. 61 Louth Skelton William 61 Louth Smith Henry 61 Louth Smith Henry St. George 61 Louth Smith James 61 Louth Smith John Rev. 61 Louth Smith Patrick 61 Louth Smith Ralph 61 Louth Smith Richard 61 Louth Smith Richard A. 61 Louth Smyth Arthur 61 Louth Smyth Geo. Charles 61 Louth Smyth Ralph Capt. 61 Louth Smyth Thomas 61 Louth Smythe Henry 61 Louth Spear Thomas 61 Louth Stafford B. B. 61 Louth Stannus Daniel Reps. of (deceased) 61 Louth Stannus Robert T. 61 Louth Steen Patrick 61 Louth Stobart Henry Rev. 61 Louth Stratton Isabella Reps. of (deceased) 61 Louth Supple William R. 61 Louth Taaffe John 61 Louth Taaffe Laurence 61 Louth Taylor unknown Col. 61 Louth Tenneson W. P. 61 Louth Thompson Acheson Mrs. 61 Louth Thompson Thomas 61 Louth Thornton H. 61 Louth Tiernan Jas. Reps. of (deceased) 61 Louth Tiernan Nicholas 61 Louth Tierney James 61 Louth Tipping Edward 61 Louth Tisdale John 61 Louth Toner Michael 61 Louth Townley John 61 Louth Traynor David 61 Louth Trimble unknown Reps. of (deceased) 61 Louth Twiss M. Rev. 61 Louth Tyrrell James 61 Louth Upton Lewis 61 Louth Verdon James 61 Louth Verdon Michael 61 Louth Verdon Thomas 61 Louth Wade Robert C. 62 Louth Wade Thomas F. 62 Louth Wallace T. Rev. 62 Louth Watters Michael 62 Louth Watters Peter 62 Louth Watters Wm. Reps. of (deceased) 62 Louth White unknown Mrs. 62 Louth Whitshed Sir St. V. Reps. of (deceased) 62 Louth Whitworth Bn. 62 Louth Wilson Thomas 62 Louth Wilson Thos. 62 Louth Woodhouse John O. 62 Louth Woodroffe Jos. Reps. of (deceased) 62 Louth Woods William 57 Louth Woods William 62 Louth Woolsey John 62 Louth Woolsey William 62 Louth Wright Jane 62 Louth Wynne Thomas 62 Louth