Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adams unknown Miss 65 Meath Adlercron Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Adlercron John L. 65 Meath Allen Thomas 65 Meath Allen Thomas Rev. 65 Meath Allen William 65 Meath Alley George 65 Meath Alley Japhet Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Armstrong Andrew Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Armstrong Elizabeth 65 Meath Armstrong James 65 Meath Armstrong John T. 65 Meath Athlumney unknown Lord 65 Meath Atkinson Edward 65 Meath Auchmuty Mary Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Aungier Mark 65 Meath Austin Peter 65 Meath Bailie Richard 65 Meath Balfe John 65 Meath Balfour Blaney T. 65 Meath Balfour H. B. 65 Meath Ball Geo. 73 Meath Ball Laurence 65 Meath Ball Richard 65 Meath Ball unknown Capt. 65 Meath Ball unknown Miss 65 Meath Ball unknown Mrs. 65 Meath Bannon Peter 65 Meath Barbidge John W. 65 Meath Barker Henry O. 65 Meath Barlow Arthur 65 Meath Barlow James W. 65 Meath Barlow John 65 Meath Barlow Wm. Edwd. Rev. 65 Meath Barnes John Coote 65 Meath Barnes Rositer 65 Meath Barnes William Arthur 65 Meath Barnewall R. Sir 65 Meath Barnewall Richard 65 Meath Barnwall Thomas 65 Meath Barnwell Charles 65 Meath Barry Henry 65 Meath Barry Robert 65 Meath Battersby Col. F. Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Battersby F. Dr. 65 Meath Battersby Francis 65 Meath Battersby G. Dr. 65 Meath Battersby George 65 Meath Battersby John L. 65 Meath Battersby Robert H. 65 Meath Battersby W. A. 65 Meath Beahan Owen Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Beaufort William Rev. 65 Meath Bellew unknown Lord 65 Meath Benson John 65 Meath Beresford Marcus Jervais Hon. Rev. 65 Meath Berry Francis R. 65 Meath Berwick John R. 65 Meath Bishop John 65 Meath Blackburne Francis W. 65 Meath Blackburne Margaret 65 Meath Blackburne W. F. 65 Meath Blacker J. R. Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Blackwood W. S. Hon. Rev. 65 Meath Blake James 65 Meath Blake John 65 Meath Blake Philip 65 Meath Bligh Edward 73 Meath Bligh F. C. Major 65 Meath Bligh Thos. 73 Meath Bobbett Patrick 65 Meath Bobbett William 65 Meath Bolton Francis G. 65 Meath Bomford George 65 Meath Bomford John 65 Meath Bond Willoughby 65 Meath Bor E. J. 65 Meath Bourne Richard E. 65 Meath Boylan Thomas 65 Meath Boyle Mary 65 Meath Boyle Owen 65 Meath Boyle Patrick 65 Meath Boyle William 65 Meath Boyle unknown Lord 65 Meath Brabazon Burton 65 Meath Brabazon George P. A. 65 Meath Brabazon H. Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Brabazon James Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Brabazon John Rev. 65 Meath Brabazon William Reps. of (deceased) 65 Meath Brabazon William M. Rev. 65 Meath Braddish William 65 Meath Bradley John 65 Meath Bradley Patrick 66 Meath Brady Bridget 66 Meath Brady D. F. 66 Meath Brady Mary 66 Meath Brady Mazarin Rev. 66 Meath Brady Patrick 66 Meath Brannigan Thomas 66 Meath Bredin Alexander 66 Meath Bredin Robert E. 66 Meath Brennan Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Brennan Robert 66 Meath Bridge John 66 Meath Brodigan Francis 66 Meath Brophy William 66 Meath Browne Anthony 66 Meath Brunton Francis 66 Meath Bruton Michael 66 Meath Bryan George 66 Meath Buchanan Mary 66 Meath Buller Elizabeth Lady 66 Meath Bunbury Col. Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Burrowes E. D. Sir 66 Meath Burrowes T. A. Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Bury Charles 66 Meath Bury John 66 Meath Butler Thomas 66 Meath Butler Whitwell 66 Meath Butler unknown Mrs. 66 Meath Byrne James 66 Meath Byrne Patk. Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Byrne Thomas 66 Meath Byrne William C. 66 Meath Caddell Robert 66 Meath Cairnes John E. 66 Meath Cairnes Thomas P. 66 Meath Cairnes William H. 66 Meath Caldwell Andrew G. 66 Meath Caldwell Charles B. 66 Meath Caldwell William B. 66 Meath Callaghan Thomas 66 Meath Callaghan unknown Mrs. 66 Meath Carew Laurence 66 Meath Carew Thomas 66 Meath Carleton Christopher 66 Meath Carleton David 66 Meath Carpenter Thomas 66 Meath Carter W. H. Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Carty Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Casey Edmond 66 Meath Casey James 66 Meath Cassidy Thomas 66 Meath Chadwick Francis 66 Meath Chadwick John 66 Meath Chaloner Richard 66 Meath Chamberlain Tankerville W. 66 Meath Chamberlain William 66 Meath Chambers E. C. Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Chapman B. Sir 66 Meath Chapman William 66 Meath Charlton Thomas 73 Meath Chester Finlay 66 Meath Chester Henrietta 66 Meath Chester unknown Miss 66 Meath Clarke John 66 Meath Clarke Owen 66 Meath Clements Theophilus 66 Meath Clifden Viscount 66 Meath Cliffe Anthony 66 Meath Clifford David L. 66 Meath Clinton Joseph 66 Meath Cloncurry unknown Lord 66 Meath Clouston Robert 66 Meath Coates Arthur 66 Meath Coates Matthew W. 66 Meath Coates Saml. Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Coddington Eleanor 66 Meath Coddington Henry B. 66 Meath Coddington William 66 Meath Coddington unknown Mrs. 66 Meath Coghill John J. Sir 66 Meath Colclough unknown Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Colgan Maria 66 Meath Colgan Mark 66 Meath Colgan T. 66 Meath Collins Rose 66 Meath Connell Patrick 66 Meath Connolly James 66 Meath Conyngham unknown Marquis 66 Meath Cooper Henry 66 Meath Cooper John 66 Meath Corballis E. Miss 66 Meath Corballis James H. 66 Meath Corballis John R. 66 Meath Corballis William H. 66 Meath Corbally Mrs. Hon. 66 Meath Corcoran Jane 66 Meath Cornelle Anne Mrs. 66 Meath Cornwall John 66 Meath Corrigan John 66 Meath Cosgrave Frederick 66 Meath Costello Richard 66 Meath Cowley Patrick 66 Meath Cowley William 66 Meath Cox Ambrose 66 Meath Coyle Thomas 66 Meath Cramer Oliver 66 Meath Crawford A. S. 66 Meath Crawford Wm. S. Reps. of (deceased) 66 Meath Cregan Christopher 66 Meath Cregan Michael 66 Meath Cregan unknown Mrs. 66 Meath Crosthwaite Leland 66 Meath Crozier William 66 Meath Cruise Richard F. 66 Meath Cullen James 66 Meath Cullen Michael 67 Meath Cullen Paul 67 Meath Curry Charles 67 Meath Curtis Andrew 67 Meath Curtis John Reps. of (deceased) 67 Meath Cusack John M. 67 Meath Cusack Ralph S. Sir 67 Meath Cusham Thomas 67 Meath Dalton G. T. 67 Meath Daly Edward 67 Meath Daly John 67 Meath Daly Robert Bedford 67 Meath Daniel Robert George 67 Meath Darcy Thomas L. 67 Meath Dardice Christopher 67 Meath Darnley unknown 67 Meath Davis Richard 67 Meath De Bath Henry P. Sir 67 Meath De Ros unknown Lord 67 Meath Decies unknown Lord 67 Meath Delaney Thomas 67 Meath Delany Edward 67 Meath Delany John R. 67 Meath Delany Marks 67 Meath Dempsy Catherine 67 Meath Devine Anne Reps. of (deceased) 67 Meath Devine Patrick 67 Meath Devlin Thomas 67 Meath Dewhurst Daniel 67 Meath Digges unknown Mrs. 67 Meath Dillon John 67 Meath Dillon John Sir 67 Meath Dillon unknown Miss 67 Meath Dogget Richard 67 Meath Donagh Francis 67 Meath Donaldson Richard 67 Meath Donnolly James 67 Meath Donovan J. T. 67 Meath Donovan William S. 67 Meath Dooley Samuel Reps. of (deceased) 67 Meath Doran Sarah O'Farrell 67 Meath Dorchester unknown Lord 67 Meath Dowd Margaret 67 Meath Dowling Christopher 67 Meath Dowling J. Rev. 67 Meath Dowling John 67 Meath Doyle Richard 67 Meath Doyne Philip 67 Meath Drake A. S. 67 Meath Drake Richard 67 Meath Duffy John 67 Meath Dunne Daniel 67 Meath Dunne Laurence 67 Meath Dunne Patrick 67 Meath Dunsany unknown Lord 67 Meath Dyar Alexander 67 Meath Dyas Joseph H. 67 Meath Dyas Nathaniel H. 67 Meath Eden Alice Julia 67 Meath Edgeworth Essex Rev. 67 Meath Egan William 67 Meath Egginton Robert 67 Meath Ellison unknown Mrs. 67 Meath Ennis Bartholomew 67 Meath Ennis John 67 Meath Ennis Nicholas 67 Meath Essex unknown 67 Meath Evans Geo. William Reps. of (deceased) 67 Meath Everard Mat 67 Meath Everard Nugent T. 67 Meath Everard Patrick 67 Meath Fagan Matthew 67 Meath Farrell Christopher 67 Meath Farrell Francis A. 67 Meath Farrell James 67 Meath Farrell John Arthur 67 Meath Farrelly Philip 67 Meath Fay Mary 67 Meath Fay Thomas F. 67 Meath Fearis Wm. Major Gen. 67 Meath Fegan Edward 67 Meath Ferguson Hamilton 67 Meath Ferguson John 67 Meath Ferguson R. 67 Meath Fetherston Rev. John Reps. of (deceased) 67 Meath Fetherston H. Richard S. 67 Meath Filgate Charles 67 Meath Fingall unknown 67 Meath Finglis William 67 Meath Fitzgerald Peter N. 67 Meath Fitzherbert Thomas 67 Meath Fitzpatrick Thomas 67 Meath Fitzsimons John 67 Meath Fletcher J. J. Rev. 67 Meath Flood Peter 67 Meath Flood Thomas 67 Meath Flynn Henry 67 Meath Flynn Margaret 67 Meath Forbes A. K. 67 Meath Forde William 67 Meath Forster James F. 67 Meath Fowler Robert 67 Meath Fox James George Hubert 67 Meath Fox Luke L. B. 67 Meath Froode J. N. 67 Meath Gaisford unknown Lieutenant Col. 68 Meath Gannon Edward J. 68 Meath Gannon N. Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Gardiner William Rev. 68 Meath Gargan Edward 68 Meath Gargan Joseph 68 Meath Gargan Patrick 68 Meath Garnett Cope 68 Meath Garnett H. Mrs. 68 Meath Garnett Louisa 68 Meath Garnett Mary 68 Meath Garnett Richard 68 Meath Garnett Samuel 68 Meath Garnett William Stawell 68 Meath Garnett unknown Miss 68 Meath Gasteen John 68 Meath Gearty Hugh 68 Meath Gearty James 68 Meath Gearty Thomas 68 Meath Gernon Henry C. 68 Meath Gernon Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Gerrard Thomas 68 Meath Gerrard unknown Miss 68 Meath Gibbons Ellen 68 Meath Gibney Bridget 68 Meath Gibson E. 68 Meath Gibson Edward 68 Meath Gifford Louisa 68 Meath Gilsenan John Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Godley John 68 Meath Goff unknown 68 Meath Goff unknown Capt. 68 Meath Goodban Anne 68 Meath Goodman John F. 68 Meath Gore Admiral 68 Meath Gore Henry 68 Meath Gormanstown Viscount 68 Meath Goslin unknown Mrs. 68 Meath Gough George 68 Meath Gough Robert 68 Meath Gough William 68 Meath Gowran W. A. 68 Meath Gradwell Ellen 68 Meath Gradwell Richard 68 Meath Graham William 68 Meath Grattan Henry Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Gray Anne Mrs. 68 Meath Green unknown Miss 68 Meath Greene Henry Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Greene unknown Mrs. 68 Meath Gregg Tresham Rev. 68 Meath Grierson Philip 68 Meath Griffin unknown Mrs. 68 Meath Grogan John Rev. 68 Meath Grote Joseph 68 Meath Halligan Patrick Rev. 68 Meath Hamilton Arthur 73 Meath Hamilton C. W. 68 Meath Hamilton Charles William 73 Meath Hamilton Eliza Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Hamilton Francis 68 Meath Hamilton G. 73 Meath Hamilton Hans H. Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Hamilton Henry A. 68 Meath Hamilton Ion T. 68 Meath Hamilton James Rev. 68 Meath Hamilton John E. 68 Meath Hamilton R. T. 68 Meath Hamilton Richard F. 68 Meath Hamilton T. R. 68 Meath Hanbury Hugh 68 Meath Hanbury Samuel 68 Meath Handy Alexander K. 68 Meath Hannigan Anthony 68 Meath Hardman Robert 68 Meath Harlin Patrick 68 Meath Harpur George 68 Meath Hart Charles C. 68 Meath Hart Thomas Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Hartley Richard W. 68 Meath Hatch John 68 Meath Hawkins James 68 Meath Hawkshaw Col. Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Headfort Marchioness 68 Meath Headfort unknown Marquis 68 Meath Healey Robert 68 Meath Heeney James 68 Meath Heeney John 68 Meath Heeney Richard 68 Meath Heffernan M. Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Heffernan Margaret 68 Meath Hegarty Christopher 68 Meath Hegarty James 68 Meath Henderson George 68 Meath Henn William P. 68 Meath Henry Alex. Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Henry Arthur 68 Meath Henry Thomas E. 68 Meath Henzell Jane Anne 68 Meath Hewetson Amelia Sarah 68 Meath Hewitt Lady Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Hill Frances 68 Meath Hill John Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Hilliard Michael 68 Meath Hinds John T. 68 Meath Hodgens Henry 68 Meath Hodson George Sir 68 Meath Holmes George Reps. of (deceased) 68 Meath Homrigh John Van 68 Meath Hone John 68 Meath Hone Nathaniel 68 Meath Hope Edward 68 Meath Hopkins Jane 68 Meath Hopkins Jane 69 Meath Hopkins Mary Mrs. 69 Meath Hopkins William 69 Meath Hopkins unknown Mr. 69 Meath Hopkins unknown Mrs. 69 Meath Horan Edward Rev. 69 Meath Howard Christopher 69 Meath Howard Jane 69 Meath Howard John 69 Meath Howard Robert 69 Meath Howard Sir Ralph Reps. of (deceased) 69 Meath Howard William N. 69 Meath Howth unknown 69 Meath Hudson Richard 69 Meath Hughes Peter 69 Meath Hussey Anthony 69 Meath Hussey Edward 69 Meath Hussey Malachi S. 69 Meath Hutchinson C. S. Col. 69 Meath Hutchinson S. Miss 69 Meath Hutchinson W. S. Sir 69 Meath Ireland Lydia Barbara 69 Meath Irwan Bridget 69 Meath Irwin Edward 69 Meath Irwin James 69 Meath Jackson Gordon 69 Meath Jackson Thomas 69 Meath Jackson Thomas 69 Meath Jameson John J. 69 Meath Jameson Thomas 69 Meath Jebb John Rev. 69 Meath Jebb unknown Miss 69 Meath Jiles Patrick 69 Meath John William 69 Meath Johnston Eliza M. 69 Meath Johnston unknown Mrs. 69 Meath Joly Jasper R. 69 Meath Jones Gilbert P. 69 Meath Jones John C. 69 Meath Jones Patrick 69 Meath Jones Theobald 69 Meath Kavanagh Catherine 69 Meath Kavanagh George 69 Meath Kavanagh Patrick 69 Meath Kavanagh Thos. Mrs. 69 Meath Kearney Patrick J. 69 Meath Kearney Thomas 69 Meath Keating Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 69 Meath Keeffe Marcus 69 Meath Keiran Nicholas 69 Meath Kellett John 69 Meath Kellett Rich. Reps. of (deceased) 69 Meath Kellett Richard 69 Meath Kelly Eleanor 69 Meath Kelly Francis James 69 Meath Kelly Margaret Mrs. 69 Meath Kelly Margaret M. 69 Meath Kelly Maria 69 Meath Kelly Martin 69 Meath Kenna Patrick 69 Meath Kennedy Bryan 69 Meath Kennedy Patrick 69 Meath Kennedy Patrick J. 69 Meath Kennedy Richard 69 Meath Kennedy Thomas 69 Meath Kent William J. 69 Meath Keogh Catherine E. 69 Meath Keogh George 69 Meath Keogh Mary Anne 69 Meath Keogh Thomas 69 Meath Keoghan Patrick 69 Meath Kiernan Francis 69 Meath Kimmins Henry 69 Meath King Bryan 69 Meath King Margaret 69 Meath Kingston Jane Mrs. 69 Meath Kinshella John 69 Meath Kinshella Laurence 69 Meath Knaggs George 69 Meath Knaggs George 69 Meath La Nauze unknown 73 Meath La Nauze unknown 73 Meath Ladley Essy 69 Meath Ladley Essy 69 Meath Lambart Gustavus W. 69 Meath Lambart Gustavus W. 69 Meath Landon Charles Rev. 68 Meath Landon Charles Rev. 68 Meath Landy Bridget 69 Meath Landy Bridget 69 Meath Landy Kate 69 Meath Landy Kate 69 Meath Langan Frederick H. 69 Meath Langan Frederick H. 69 Meath Langan John 69 Meath Langan John 69 Meath Langan Richard 69 Meath Langan Richard 69 Meath Langan Robert 69 Meath Langan Robert 69 Meath Langan unknown Mrs. 69 Meath Langan unknown Mrs. 69 Meath Langdale Charles 69 Meath Langdale Charles 69 Meath Langford unknown Lord 69 Meath Langford unknown Lord 69 Meath Lansdowne unknown Marquis 69 Meath Lansdowne unknown Marquis 69 Meath Larkin Philip 69 Meath Larkin Philip 69 Meath Leathley J. F. Rev. 69 Meath Leathley J. F. Rev. 69 Meath Lee Thomas 69 Meath Lee Thomas 69 Meath Leeson Robert Hon. 69 Meath Leeson Robert Hon. 69 Meath Leeson William Sir 69 Meath Leeson William Sir 69 Meath Lefroy Margaret 65 Meath Lefroy Margaret 65 Meath Lefroy unknown Mrs. 69 Meath Lefroy unknown Mrs. 69 Meath Leinster unknown 69 Meath Leinster unknown 69 Meath Leland Francis W. 69 Meath Leland Francis W. 69 Meath Lennon Charles 69 Meath Lennon Charles 69 Meath Leonard John 70 Meath Leonard John 70 Meath Leonard Richard 70 Meath Leonard Richard 70 Meath Leslie John 70 Meath Leslie John 70 Meath Levinge Anne 70 Meath Levinge Anne 70 Meath Levinge Marcus H. 70 Meath Levinge Marcus H. 70 Meath Levins Thomas N. 70 Meath Levins Thomas N. 70 Meath Lewis Harvey John 70 Meath Lewis Harvey John 70 Meath Lewis Henry O. 70 Meath Lewis Henry O. 70 Meath Lightholder George 70 Meath Lightholder George 70 Meath Little unknown Hon. Judge 70 Meath Little unknown Hon. Judge 70 Meath Littledale W. F. 70 Meath Littledale W. F. 70 Meath Logan Nicholas R. 70 Meath Logan Nicholas R. 70 Meath Longfield Thos. 70 Meath Longfield Thos. 70 Meath Longfield Wm. 70 Meath Longfield Wm. 70 Meath Loughran John 70 Meath Loughran John 70 Meath Loughran Mary 70 Meath Loughran Mary 70 Meath Loughran Pat 70 Meath Loughran Pat 70 Meath Louth unknown Lady 70 Meath Louth unknown Lady 70 Meath Lube William F. 70 Meath Lube William F. 70 Meath Luby John Henry 70 Meath Luby John Henry 70 Meath Lusi unknown 70 Meath Lusi unknown 70 Meath Lynch David 70 Meath Lynch David 70 Meath Lynch Philip J. 70 Meath Lynch Philip J. 70 Meath Lynch Thomas J. 70 Meath Lynch Thomas J. 70 Meath Lynch Thomas R. 70 Meath Lynch Thomas R. 70 Meath Lynch unknown Miss 70 Meath Lynch unknown Miss 70 Meath Lyons John C. 70 Meath Lyons John C. 70 Meath M'Ardle Eliza 70 Meath M'Ardle Eliza 70 Meath M'Ardle James 70 Meath M'Ardle James 70 Meath M'Ardle John 70 Meath M'Ardle John 70 Meath M'Cabe Bryan J. 70 Meath M'Cabe Bryan J. 70 Meath M'Cabe Felix 70 Meath M'Cabe Felix 70 Meath M'Cann James 70 Meath M'Cann James 70 Meath M'Cann John 70 Meath M'Cann John 70 Meath M'Cann Joseph 70 Meath M'Cann Joseph 70 Meath M'Cartney George Reps. of (deceased) 70 Meath M'Cartney George Reps. of (deceased) 70 Meath M'Cartney Margaret 70 Meath M'Cartney Margaret 70 Meath M'Causland Marcus Rev. 70 Meath M'Causland Marcus Rev. 70 Meath M'Conkey Robert 70 Meath M'Court John 70 Meath M'Cullen John 70 Meath M'Cullin James 70 Meath M'Dermott Thos. Reps. of (deceased) 70 Meath M'Donnell Francis 70 Meath M'Donnell Jane 70 Meath M'Donnell Richard 70 Meath M'Dougall William 70 Meath M'Evoy Edward 70 Meath M'Evoy Maria 70 Meath M'Evoy Peter Reps. of (deceased) 70 Meath M'Evoy Thomas 70 Meath M'Gillicuddy unknown 70 Meath M'Grath C. B. 70 Meath M'Grath Edward 70 Meath M'Grath John 70 Meath M'Kay William 70 Meath M'Keever Jane 70 Meath M'Kenna Arthur H. 70 Meath M'Laughlin unknown Dr. 70 Meath M'Mahon Patrick 70 Meath M'Manus James 70 Meath M'Manus Marcus Reps. of (deceased) 70 Meath M'Nally James 70 Meath M'Veigh Ferdinand 70 Meath Macann James Reps. of (deceased) 70 Meath Macann James Reps. of (deceased) 70 Meath Madden John T. 70 Meath Madden John T. 70 Meath Madden Nicholas 70 Meath Madden Nicholas 70 Meath Magan E. G. Mrs. 70 Meath Magan E. G. Mrs. 70 Meath Magennis Charles 70 Meath Magennis Charles 70 Meath Magennis Michael 70 Meath Magennis Michael 70 Meath Magill James 70 Meath Magill James 70 Meath Magrane Patrick 70 Meath Magrane Patrick 70 Meath Maguire A. R. 70 Meath Maguire A. R. 70 Meath Maguire James 70 Meath Maguire James 70 Meath Maguire John Lieutenant Col. 70 Meath Maguire John Lieutenant Col. 70 Meath Maguire Patrick 70 Meath Maguire Patrick 70 Meath Maher James 70 Meath Maher James 70 Meath Maher John 70 Meath Maher John 70 Meath Maher Patrick 70 Meath Maher Patrick 70 Meath Maher William 70 Meath Maher William 70 Meath Mahon James 70 Meath Mahon James 70 Meath Mahon Michael 70 Meath Mahon Michael 70 Meath Mahon Philip 70 Meath Mahon Philip 70 Meath Maley Michael 70 Meath Maley Michael 70 Meath Malone Eliza 70 Meath Malone Eliza 70 Meath Malone Patrick 70 Meath Malone Patrick 70 Meath Malton Isabella 70 Meath Malton Isabella 70 Meath Mangan Michael 70 Meath Mangan Michael 70 Meath Mapas Talbot 70 Meath Mapas Talbot 70 Meath Marsh George 70 Meath Marsh George 70 Meath Marthy William 70 Meath Marthy William 70 Meath Martin Catherine 70 Meath Martin Catherine 70 Meath Martin John 70 Meath Martin John 70 Meath Martin Thomas 70 Meath Martin Thomas 70 Meath Martin Thomas Rev. 70 Meath Martin Thomas Rev. 70 Meath Massereene unknown Lord 70 Meath Massereene unknown Lord 70 Meath Masterson Hanna J. 70 Meath Masterson Hanna J. 70 Meath Mathews James 70 Meath Mathews James 70 Meath Mathews John 70 Meath Mathews John 70 Meath Mathews Thomas 70 Meath Mathews Thomas 70 Meath Mathews Thomas Rev. 70 Meath Mathews Thomas Rev. 70 Meath Matthews Patrick 70 Meath Matthews Patrick 70 Meath Maunsell Geo. Woods 70 Meath Maunsell Geo. Woods 70 Meath Maxwell J. W. 70 Meath Maxwell J. W. 70 Meath Maxwell Robert P. 70 Meath Maxwell Robert P. 70 Meath Mayne Mary Miss 70 Meath Mayne Mary Miss 70 Meath Mayne Wm. J. Rev. 70 Meath Mayne Wm. J. Rev. 70 Meath Mayo unknown 70 Meath Mayo unknown 70 Meath Meade John 70 Meath Mealia Nicholas 70 Meath Meath unknown Lord 70 Meath Meldon Charles H. 70 Meath Metge Peter Ponsonby 70 Meath Metge William Rev. 71 Meath Michell unknown Mrs. 71 Meath Miller W. R. 71 Meath Mollan John M. D. 71 Meath Molloy Richard 71 Meath Moloney William 71 Meath Monaghan Patrick 71 Meath Montgomery Alex. S. 71 Meath Montgomery John 71 Meath Moore Emily Reps. of (deceased) 71 Meath Moore Henry Rev. 71 Meath Moore James C. 71 Meath Moran James 71 Meath Moran John Reps. of (deceased) 71 Meath Moran Patrick 71 Meath Morgan Patrick 71 Meath Morgan William 71 Meath Mountford Archibald 71 Meath Mullen Catherine 71 Meath Mullen Michael 71 Meath Mulvey Margaret 71 Meath Munkettrell Anne 71 Meath Murland William J. 71 Meath Murphy Anne Mrs. 71 Meath Murphy Christopher 71 Meath Murphy Francis 71 Meath Murphy George F. 71 Meath Murphy J. S. 71 Meath Murphy James 71 Meath Murphy O'C. S. 71 Meath Murphy Patrick 71 Meath Murphy Richard 71 Meath Murphy Thomas 71 Meath Murphy William 71 Meath Murray Arthur G. 71 Meath Murray Christopher 71 Meath Murray F. A. Rev. 71 Meath Murray Richard 71 Meath Murray Thomas 71 Meath Murray William 71 Meath Murray unknown Capt. 71 Meath Murray unknown Mrs. 71 Meath Murtagh Bernard 71 Meath Murtagh Judith 71 Meath Murtagh Mary 71 Meath Naper James Lennox 71 Meath Neary O. P. 71 Meath Netterfield Moses 71 Meath Netterville unknown Lord 71 Meath Neville Wm. A. Rev. 71 Meath Newman Henry 71 Meath Newman James 71 Meath Newman Mary P. 71 Meath Newman Matthew 71 Meath Newman Patrick 71 Meath Newman Thomas 71 Meath Newman William 71 Meath Nicholls Patk. J. 71 Meath Nicholson Christr. A. 71 Meath Nicholson Gilbert 71 Meath Nicholson William N. 71 Meath Nicholson Wm. Rev. 71 Meath Nixon unknown Mrs. 71 Meath Norman Alexander C. 71 Meath Norman Thomas Lee 71 Meath Norris Edwd. M. Reps. of (deceased) 71 Meath Nugent C. E. 71 Meath Nugent George 71 Meath Nugent Richard 71 Meath Nugent Sir John Reps. of (deceased) 71 Meath Nugent unknown Lady 71 Meath Nulty unknown Rev. Dr. 71 Meath O'Beirne Edmond 71 Meath O'Brien James 71 Meath O'Brien Jos. P. 71 Meath O'Brien unknown Miss 71 Meath O'Connor Denis 71 Meath O'Connor George Capt. 71 Meath O'Ferrall Edwd. More Reps. of (deceased) 71 Meath O'Ferrall Richard More Hon. 71 Meath O'Grady M. Mrs. 71 Meath O'Hara William 71 Meath O'Leary H. Reps. of (deceased) 71 Meath O'Reilly Anthony 71 Meath O'Reilly Anthony Reps. of (deceased) 71 Meath O'Reilly D. C. 71 Meath O'Reilly Edward 71 Meath O'Reilly Edwd. Sterling 71 Meath O'Reilly Farrell 71 Meath O'Reilly Hugh Reps. of (deceased) 71 Meath O'Reilly James W. 71 Meath O'Reilly John 71 Meath O'Reilly Laurence 71 Meath O'Reilly Louisa 71 Meath O'Reilly Richard 71 Meath O'Reilly-Dease Matt. 71 Meath Ogle Arthur 71 Meath Ogle William A. 71 Meath Osbourne Charles W. 71 Meath Osbourne Francis C. 71 Meath Osbourne Henry St. George 71 Meath Oswald unknown Mrs. 71 Meath Owens Anne 71 Meath Palles Christopher 71 Meath Palmer William 71 Meath Patrick Eliza Mrs. 71 Meath Patten F. Rev. 71 Meath Pentland George H. 71 Meath Pentland Henry Dr. 71 Meath Pentony Patrick 71 Meath Pentony Thomas 71 Meath Pepper Blundell 71 Meath Pepper Thomas St. George 72 Meath Perrin William 72 Meath Pierce William 72 Meath Plunkett George 72 Meath Plunkett James 72 Meath Plunkett Jos. 72 Meath Pollock Arthur 72 Meath Pollock Louisa 72 Meath Pollock Maria 72 Meath Potterton John 72 Meath Potterton Rev. John Reps. of (deceased) 72 Meath Potterton Thomas 72 Meath Potterton William 72 Meath Powell Nathaniel R. 72 Meath Pratt Edwina Rebecca 72 Meath Pratt Mervyn 72 Meath Preston John Joseph 72 Meath Preston Nathaniel F. 72 Meath Preston Rev. Arthur Reps. of (deceased) 72 Meath Preston Thomas Hon. 72 Meath Purcell Francis Rev. 72 Meath Purdon Henry 72 Meath Purdon Philip E. 72 Meath Quinn Elizabeth 72 Meath Quinn Sylvester 72 Meath Quirke Edward 72 Meath Radcliff Henry 72 Meath Radcliff John 72 Meath Radcliff Thomas 72 Meath Rafferty Michael 72 Meath Ramadge Henry 72 Meath Ramadge Smith 72 Meath Rathbourne Henry T. 72 Meath Rathburne John 72 Meath Read Philip 72 Meath Reddy Thomas 72 Meath Reeves Edward 72 Meath Reeves Robert 72 Meath Reid Ignatius 72 Meath Reilly Anne 72 Meath Reilly Charles 72 Meath Reilly Farrell 72 Meath Reilly Frances Mrs. 72 Meath Reilly Hugh 72 Meath Reilly Luke 72 Meath Reilly Patrick 72 Meath Reilly Peter 72 Meath Reilly W. A. A. 72 Meath Rennie unknown Mrs. 72 Meath Reynell Richard 72 Meath Reynell Samuel A. 72 Meath Rich George W. 72 Meath Rippon unknown Mrs. 72 Meath Roberts Thomas L. 72 Meath Robinson William H. 72 Meath Rochford Michael 72 Meath Rochfort Francis 72 Meath Roe Joseph 72 Meath Rooney Edward 72 Meath Rooney James 72 Meath Rotheram Edward 72 Meath Rotheram George A. 72 Meath Rotheram George S. 72 Meath Rotheram Morgan F. 72 Meath Rothwell Thomas 72 Meath Rotten Grey Col. 72 Meath Rotton John 72 Meath Rowley H. L. Hon. 72 Meath Rowley Henry 72 Meath Rowley Richard Hon. 72 Meath Rowley Standish G. 72 Meath Russell Mary 72 Meath Russell Thomas 72 Meath Russell unknown 72 Meath Rutherford unknown Mrs. 72 Meath Ryan James 72 Meath Rynd R. F. Reps. of (deceased) 72 Meath Sadlier Francis Rev. 72 Meath Sallary Charles 72 Meath Sandford Samuel Rev. 72 Meath Saunderson J. W. Rev. 72 Meath Scott Charles B. Rev. 72 Meath Scriver William B. 72 Meath Seymour Mary Anne 69 Meath Shannon George W. 72 Meath Shaw William J. A. 72 Meath Shaw Wm. Alex. Major 72 Meath Sheel Robert 72 Meath Sheffield unknown 72 Meath Sheppard Harriett Reps. of (deceased) 72 Meath Sheppard unknown Mrs. 72 Meath Sheridan John E. 72 Meath Sheridan Rev. John Reps. of (deceased) 72 Meath Sheridan Richard 72 Meath Sheridan Thomas B. 72 Meath Sherlock David 72 Meath Sherlock John 72 Meath Sherlock Patk. 72 Meath Shields James 72 Meath Shirley A. W. 65 Meath Sillery Henry 72 Meath Sillery unknown Miss 72 Meath Simpson Richard A. 72 Meath Singleton H. C. 73 Meath Singleton Henry S. 73 Meath Singleton Sydenham 73 Meath Smith Anne 73 Meath Smith Currell B. 73 Meath Smith Edward T. 73 Meath Smith John 73 Meath Smith Michael 73 Meath Smith Moore 73 Meath Smith Patrick 73 Meath Smith Richard J. 73 Meath Smith St. Geo. Reps. of (deceased) 73 Meath Smith St. George 73 Meath Smith St. George W. 73 Meath Smith Stephen H. Lieutenant Col. 73 Meath Smith Thomas 73 Meath Smith William 73 Meath Smith William B. 73 Meath Smith William E. 73 Meath Smith Wm. F. Capt. 73 Meath Smyth George Charles 73 Meath Smyth Henry 73 Meath Smyth Luke 73 Meath Smyth Ralph 73 Meath Smyth Richard A. 73 Meath Smyth Thomas 73 Meath Smyth William E. 73 Meath Snell E. S. Mrs. 73 Meath Somerville James 73 Meath Soran Michael 73 Meath Standish Henry 73 Meath Stanhope R. Mrs. 73 Meath Stronge H. L. 73 Meath Sullivan Francis 73 Meath Sullivan William 73 Meath Sullivan William Rev. 73 Meath Supple David W. 73 Meath Supple William R. 73 Meath Swan James 73 Meath Swanzey James Rev. 73 Meath Sweetman John 73 Meath Sweetman unknown Mrs. 73 Meath Swift Godwin M. Reps. of (deceased) 73 Meath Synge Francis 73 Meath Taaffe John 73 Meath Taaffe John R. 73 Meath Taaffe Stephen 73 Meath Tabuteau Joseph 73 Meath Tallon James 73 Meath Tandy Thomas 73 Meath Taylor J. J. 73 Meath Taylor Richard C. H. General 73 Meath Taylor Robert 73 Meath Taylor T. T. 73 Meath Taylor Thomas E. Hon. 73 Meath Teernan Patrick 73 Meath Thomond Marchioness Reps. of (deceased) 73 Meath Thompson Charles W. 73 Meath Thompson George W. 73 Meath Thompson Thomas 73 Meath Thompson Thomas H. 73 Meath Thompson William 73 Meath Thunder George 73 Meath Thunder Michael 73 Meath Tighe Anne 73 Meath Tisdall John 73 Meath Tisdall William 73 Meath Tobin Nicholas 73 Meath Trench William Rev. 73 Meath Trimleston unknown Lord 73 Meath Tucker Martin 73 Meath Tuite F. Mrs. 73 Meath Tuite Thomas 73 Meath Twohill Jeremiah 73 Meath Tyrrell James 73 Meath Tyrrell John 73 Meath Urquhart Pollard 73 Meath Van Homrigh John Reps. of (deceased) 73 Meath Vandeleur Richard J. Ormsby 73 Meath Vaux unknown Lord 73 Meath Verdon Thomas 73 Meath Verschoyle H. Lieutenant Col. 73 Meath Verschoyle unknown Mrs. 73 Meath Vigors Julia Mrs. 73 Meath Wade Edward Rev. 73 Meath Wade Robert C. 73 Meath Wade Thomas 73 Meath Wade Thomas F. 73 Meath Wade W. B. 73 Meath Walker Alexander 73 Meath Walker Charles 73 Meath Walker G. 73 Meath Walker George 74 Meath Walker Gerald 74 Meath Wallace Thomas Rev. 74 Meath Waller James Noble 74 Meath Walsh James 74 Meath Walsh Jane M. 74 Meath Walsh Peter 74 Meath Walsh Richard 74 Meath Walsh Samuel 74 Meath Walsh Spencer Rev. 74 Meath Walsh Thomas 74 Meath Walsh William 74 Meath Ward Christopher 74 Meath Ward John 74 Meath Ward William 74 Meath Wardell John 74 Meath Waring Lucius 74 Meath Warner Patience Mrs. 74 Meath Warren Anne 74 Meath Warren Charles 74 Meath Warren William 74 Meath Webb Noah 74 Meath Wellington unknown Capt. 74 Meath Westenra J. J. Capt. 74 Meath Whelan James 74 Meath White George 74 Meath White John 74 Meath White Samuel 74 Meath White Thomas 74 Meath White William 74 Meath White unknown Miss 74 Meath Whitshed E. Miss 74 Meath Whitty Jeremiah G. 74 Meath Wilkinson John 74 Meath Wilkinson Mary 74 Meath Wilkinson Peter 74 Meath Wilkinson Robert 74 Meath Wilkinson unknown Mrs. 74 Meath Williams James Lewis 74 Meath Williams John 74 Meath Williams John Kerr 74 Meath Williams Maria Jane 74 Meath Williams R. Mrs. 74 Meath Williamson M. A. Miss 74 Meath Wilson Edward 74 Meath Wilson Elizabeth 74 Meath Wilson George 74 Meath Wilson John 74 Meath Wilson Rachel 74 Meath Wilson Thomas 74 Meath Wilson unknown Reps. of (deceased) 74 Meath Wilson-Slator G. W. 74 Meath Winter James S. 74 Meath Wisdom Obadiah Reps. of (deceased) 74 Meath Wogan Simon 74 Meath Woods George 74 Meath Woods Hans H. 74 Meath Woods John 74 Meath Woulfe Stephen 74 Meath Wybrant Robert 74 Meath Wynne Alfred H. 67 Meath Wynne James 74 Meath Young Anna S. 74 Meath Yourell John 74 Meath Yourell John J. 74 Meath Yourell Mary 74 Meath Yourell Mary Anne 74 Meath Yourell Patk. Reps. of (deceased) 74 Meath Yourell William 74 Meath er unknown Mr. 65 Meath