Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Tyrone
Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Tyrone
Abercorn           unknown                                             273     Tyrone
Acheson            Thomas                                              273     Tyrone
Adair              Thomas                      Reps. of (deceased)     273     Tyrone
Adams              James                                               273     Tyrone
Adams              Randal                                              273     Tyrone
Adams              Rebecca                                             273     Tyrone
Adams              William                                             273     Tyrone
Adams              unknown                     Mrs.                    273     Tyrone
Agnew              James                                               273     Tyrone
Aicken             William                                             273     Tyrone
Aiken              George                                              273     Tyrone
Aiken              James                                               273     Tyrone
Aiken              John                                                273     Tyrone
Aiken              Mary                                                273     Tyrone
Aiken              Robert                                              273     Tyrone
Aiken              Thomas H.                                           273     Tyrone
Alcorn             Miss                        Reps. of (deceased)     273     Tyrone
Alexander          George                                              273     Tyrone
Alexander          James                                               273     Tyrone
Alexander          James B.                                            273     Tyrone
Alexander          Joseph                                              273     Tyrone
Alexander          Robert                                              273     Tyrone
Alexander          Robert J.                                           273     Tyrone
Alexander          Samuel                                              273     Tyrone
Alexander          Thomas                                              273     Tyrone
Alexander          William                                             273     Tyrone
Allan              Thomas                                              273     Tyrone
Allen              James                                               273     Tyrone
Anderson           George                                              273     Tyrone
Anderson           James                                               273     Tyrone
Anderson           John                                                273     Tyrone
Anderson           Joseph                                              273     Tyrone
Anderson           Robert                                              273     Tyrone
Anderson           Samuel                                              273     Tyrone
Anderson           William                                             273     Tyrone
Andy               Jas.                                                275     Tyrone
Arbuckle           Alexander                                           273     Tyrone
Arbuckle           James                                               273     Tyrone
Arbuckle           John                                                273     Tyrone
Archdale           Mervyn                                              273     Tyrone
Armstrong          A.                          Mrs.                    273     Tyrone
Armstrong          Adam                                                273     Tyrone
Armstrong          Charles                                             273     Tyrone
Armstrong          Francis                                             273     Tyrone
Armstrong          James                                               273     Tyrone
Armstrong          Joseph                                              273     Tyrone
Armstrong          Montgomery                                          273     Tyrone
Armstrong          Thomas                                              273     Tyrone
Armstrong          William                                             273     Tyrone
Ashe               George                      Reps. of (deceased)     273     Tyrone
Ashe               Wm. H.                      Reps. of (deceased)     273     Tyrone
Atkinson           Jackson                                             273     Tyrone
Atkinson           Wolsey                                              273     Tyrone
Atwell             William                     Rev.                    273     Tyrone
Auchinleck         Alex. E.                    Rev.                    273     Tyrone
Auchinleck         Hugh                                                273     Tyrone
Auchinleck         Thos.                       Capt.                   273     Tyrone
Baggot             R. W.                       Rev.                    273     Tyrone
Bailie             unknown                     Miss                    273     Tyrone
Baird              Andrew                                              273     Tyrone
Baird              James                                               273     Tyrone
Baird              Joseph                                              273     Tyrone
Baird              Martha                                              273     Tyrone
Baird              Mary                                                273     Tyrone
Baird              Thomas                                              273     Tyrone
Baird              Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     273     Tyrone
Balfour            Blayney T.                                          273     Tyrone
Ballantine         Alexander                   Reps. of (deceased)     273     Tyrone
Bannagan           Patrick                                             273     Tyrone
Barclay            Eliza                                               273     Tyrone
Barclay            Isaac                                               273     Tyrone
Barclay            James                                               273     Tyrone
Barclay            William                                             273     Tyrone
Barclay            William                                             273     Tyrone
Barclay            Wm. George                                          273     Tyrone
Barclay            unknown                     Capt.                   273     Tyrone
Barcroft           Anna                                                273     Tyrone
Barcroft           W. James                                            274     Tyrone
Barnard            General H. W.               Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Barr               Samuel                                              274     Tyrone
Barton             Emily                                               274     Tyrone
Beacom             Edward                                              274     Tyrone
Beattie            James                                               274     Tyrone
Beattie            William                                             274     Tyrone
Beatty             Crozier                                             274     Tyrone
Beatty             James                                               274     Tyrone
Beatty             Jane                                                274     Tyrone
Beatty             Rowland                                             274     Tyrone
Beatty             William                                             274     Tyrone
Beggs              James                                               274     Tyrone
Beggs              Robert                                              274     Tyrone
Bell               Adam                                                274     Tyrone
Bell               Francis                                             274     Tyrone
Bell               Henry                       Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Bell               James G.                                            274     Tyrone
Bell               John                                                274     Tyrone
Belmore            unknown                                             274     Tyrone
Beresford          unknown                     Hon.                    274     Tyrone
Best               William                                             274     Tyrone
Betty              John                                                274     Tyrone
Biggar             William Finlay                                      274     Tyrone
Bird               Wilkin                                              274     Tyrone
Birney             George                                              274     Tyrone
Birney             John                        Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Birney             Letitia                                             274     Tyrone
Birney             Matthew                                             274     Tyrone
Black              Anne                                                274     Tyrone
Black              John                                                274     Tyrone
Black              Joseph                                              274     Tyrone
Black              William F.                                          274     Tyrone
Blackall           Samuel W.                                           274     Tyrone
Blackall           Samuel Wm.                  Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Blackall           Vincent                                             274     Tyrone
Blacker            B.                          Rev.                    274     Tyrone
Blacker            Thos. L.                    Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Blair              Mary                                                274     Tyrone
Bole               James                                               274     Tyrone
Bond               James                                               274     Tyrone
Bond               Oliver                                              274     Tyrone
Bond               Robert                                              274     Tyrone
Bond               Thomas                                              274     Tyrone
Bond               William M.                                          274     Tyrone
Bowen              John                                                274     Tyrone
Boyce              John                                                274     Tyrone
Boyd               Fanny                                               274     Tyrone
Boyle              Frederick                                           274     Tyrone
Boyle              James                                               274     Tyrone
Boyle              James A.                                            274     Tyrone
Boyle              Matilda                                             274     Tyrone
Brackenridge       G. C.                                               274     Tyrone
Bradley            Hamilton                                            274     Tyrone
Bradley            Neal                                                274     Tyrone
Brady              Edward                                              274     Tyrone
Brady              Francis                                             274     Tyrone
Branagan           John                                                274     Tyrone
Breen              Edward                                              274     Tyrone
Breen              John                                                274     Tyrone
Breen              Robert                                              274     Tyrone
Breen              Stewart                                             274     Tyrone
Brian              Robert                                              274     Tyrone
Brien              John D.                                             274     Tyrone
Brown              Alexander                                           274     Tyrone
Brown              Henry                                               274     Tyrone
Brown              James                                               274     Tyrone
Brown              John                        Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Brown              Montague                    Capt.                   274     Tyrone
Brown              Neal                                                274     Tyrone
Brown              William                                             274     Tyrone
Brown              William                                             274     Tyrone
Browne             Jas.                        Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Browne             Joseph                                              274     Tyrone
Browne             Thomas R.                                           274     Tyrone
Bryars             David                                               274     Tyrone
Bryars             James                                               274     Tyrone
Buchanan           A. C.                                               274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Alexander                                           274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Andrew                                              274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Anne                                                274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Anne                        Mrs.                    274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Charles C.                                          274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Daniel                                              274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Finlay                                              274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Geo.                        Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Buchanan           George                                              274     Tyrone
Buchanan           James                                               274     Tyrone
Buchanan           John                                                274     Tyrone
Buchanan           L. M.                       Major                   274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Luke                                                274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Mansergh G.                                         274     Tyrone
Buchanan           Rev. John                   Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Buchanan           William                                             274     Tyrone
Budd               James                       Rev.                    274     Tyrone
Bunbury            J.                          Sir                     274     Tyrone
Bunbury            Kane                                                274     Tyrone
Burges             John Ynyr                                           274     Tyrone
Burgoyne           Sir J. J.                   Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Burns              John                        Reps. of (deceased)     274     Tyrone
Burns              Samuel                                              274     Tyrone
Burnside           Anne                                                274     Tyrone
Burnside           Richd. Wm.                                          274     Tyrone
Cairnes            John                                                274     Tyrone
Cairnes            William                                             274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Anne                                                274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Audley                                              274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Charles                                             274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Hamilton                                            274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Henry                                               274     Tyrone
Caldwell           James                                               274     Tyrone
Caldwell           John                                                274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Matthew                                             274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Nelson                                              274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Robt. Henry                                         274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Samuel                                              274     Tyrone
Caldwell           Sarah                                               275     Tyrone
Caldwell           William                                             275     Tyrone
Caldwell           Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     275     Tyrone
Caldwell           Wm. John                                            275     Tyrone
Caledon            unknown                                             275     Tyrone
Callaghan          William                                             275     Tyrone
Campbell           Andrew                                              275     Tyrone
Campbell           Anne                                                275     Tyrone
Campbell           Hugh                                                275     Tyrone
Campbell           Hugh Kyle                                           275     Tyrone
Campbell           James                                               275     Tyrone
Campbell           Jas.                                                275     Tyrone
Campbell           John                                                275     Tyrone
Campbell           Letitia                                             275     Tyrone
Campbell           Neal                                                275     Tyrone
Campbell           Robert                                              275     Tyrone
Campbell           Robt. Boyle                                         275     Tyrone
Campbell           Samuel                                              275     Tyrone
Campbell           Terence                                             275     Tyrone
Campbell           Thomas                                              275     Tyrone
Campbell           William                                             275     Tyrone
Campbell           Wm.                                                 275     Tyrone
Campbell           unknown                                             283     Tyrone
Cardwell           John                                                275     Tyrone
Cardwell           Nelson                                              275     Tyrone
Carey              Arthur L.                                           275     Tyrone
Carey              John                                                275     Tyrone
Carlan             John                                                275     Tyrone
Carland            Thomas                                              275     Tyrone
Carson             Elizabeth                                           275     Tyrone
Carter             Letitia                                             275     Tyrone
Carter             Mary E.                                             275     Tyrone
Casement           Robert                      Rev.                    275     Tyrone
Cassidy            Felix                                               275     Tyrone
Castlestuart       unknown                                             275     Tyrone
Caulfield          Edward                                              275     Tyrone
Caulfield          James Alfred                                        275     Tyrone
Caulfield          St. George Francis                                  275     Tyrone
Cavanagh           James                                               275     Tyrone
Chaigneau          Arthur                      Reps. of (deceased)     275     Tyrone
Chambers           Catherine                                           275     Tyrone
Chambers           Moses                                               275     Tyrone
Chambers           unknown                     Mrs.                    275     Tyrone
Charlemont         unknown                                             275     Tyrone
Charles            David Hughes                                        275     Tyrone
Charles            Henry Richd.                Reps. of (deceased)     275     Tyrone
Charles            Thomas                                              275     Tyrone
Charlton           William                                             275     Tyrone
Chayne             William                     Capt.                   275     Tyrone
Christie           David                                               275     Tyrone
Christie           John                                                275     Tyrone
Christie           Stewart                                             275     Tyrone
Christy            John                                                275     Tyrone
Clarke             A.                          Rev.                    275     Tyrone
Clarke             Andrew                                              275     Tyrone
Clarke             David                                               275     Tyrone
Clarke             James                                               275     Tyrone
Clarke             James J.                                            275     Tyrone
Clarke             Ledlie                                              275     Tyrone
Clarke             Matthew                                             275     Tyrone
Clarke             Matthew                     Rev.                    275     Tyrone
Clements           William                                             275     Tyrone
Clements           William                     Dr.                     275     Tyrone
Cluff              James                                               275     Tyrone
Cluff              John                                                275     Tyrone
Cluff              Richard                                             275     Tyrone
Cluff              Richard William                                     275     Tyrone
Cluff              Thomas                                              275     Tyrone
Cochrane           James                                               275     Tyrone
Cochrane           Robert                                              275     Tyrone
Cochrane           William                                             275     Tyrone
Cochrane           Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     275     Tyrone
Cole               Hume                                                275     Tyrone
Colhoun            Charles                                             275     Tyrone
Colhoun            Charles King                                        275     Tyrone
Colhoun            Hugh                                                275     Tyrone
Colhoun            James                                               275     Tyrone
Colhoun            John                                                275     Tyrone
Colhoun            Lewis                       Reps. of (deceased)     275     Tyrone
Colhoun            Samuel                      Reps. of (deceased)     275     Tyrone
Colhoun            Thomas                                              275     Tyrone
Colhoun            William                                             275     Tyrone
Collum             Archibald                                           275     Tyrone
Connison           Walter                                              275     Tyrone
Connor             Hugh                                                275     Tyrone
Conyngham          Wm. F. L.                                           275     Tyrone
Cooper             John Douglas                                        275     Tyrone
Cooper             Johnston                                            275     Tyrone
Coote              James                                               275     Tyrone
Corrigan           John                                                275     Tyrone
Coulter            David                                               275     Tyrone
Coulter            John                                                275     Tyrone
Coulter            Robert                                              275     Tyrone
Courtenay          Joseph                                              275     Tyrone
Courtney           John                                                275     Tyrone
Courtney           John                                                275     Tyrone
Cowan              Rev. T. C.                  Reps. of (deceased)     275     Tyrone
Craig              James                                               275     Tyrone
Craig              Robert                                              275     Tyrone
Craig              Thomas                                              276     Tyrone
Cranston           John                        Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Crawford           Alexander                                           276     Tyrone
Crawford           Andrew                      Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Crawford           Francis                     Rev.                    276     Tyrone
Crawford           Gerard                                              276     Tyrone
Crawford           James                                               276     Tyrone
Crawford           John                                                276     Tyrone
Crawford           Samuel                                              276     Tyrone
Crawford           William                                             276     Tyrone
Crawford           William A.                                          276     Tyrone
Cregan             Charles                                             276     Tyrone
Creighton          James                       Mrs.                    276     Tyrone
Crommelin          Samuel D.                                           276     Tyrone
Crosbie            R. Charles                                          276     Tyrone
Crosby             Samuel                      Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Cross              Robert                                              276     Tyrone
Cross              Samuel                                              276     Tyrone
Cross              Thomas                                              276     Tyrone
Crossle            James                                               276     Tyrone
Crothers           James                                               276     Tyrone
Culbertson         John                                                276     Tyrone
Cummings           George                                              276     Tyrone
Cummins            Ellen                                               276     Tyrone
Cunningham         Eliza                       Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Cunningham         James                                               276     Tyrone
Curry              Eliza                                               276     Tyrone
Curry              Samuel                                              276     Tyrone
Cuthbertson        Sarah                       Mrs.                    276     Tyrone
D'Arcy             Francis                                             276     Tyrone
Daniel             Edward J.                                           276     Tyrone
Daniel             Edward Thomas                                       276     Tyrone
Danton             Henry                                               276     Tyrone
Davis              George                                              276     Tyrone
Davis              Mat                                                 276     Tyrone
Davis              W. Sinclair                                         276     Tyrone
Dawson             Capt.                       Hon.                    276     Tyrone
Dawson             Eliza                                               276     Tyrone
Dawson             William                                             276     Tyrone
De Bille           Louisa Eliz.                                        276     Tyrone
Deazley            Charles                     Dr.                     276     Tyrone
Deazley            John                                                276     Tyrone
Deazley            William                                             276     Tyrone
Dennis             Alexander                                           276     Tyrone
Denny              Henry                                               276     Tyrone
DerManerze         E.                          Madame                  276     Tyrone
Devine             Bernard                                             276     Tyrone
Devine             Henry                                               276     Tyrone
Devine             James                                               276     Tyrone
Devine             John                                                276     Tyrone
Devine             Joseph                                              276     Tyrone
Devine             Patrick                                             276     Tyrone
Devlin             Archibald                                           276     Tyrone
Devlin             Dudley                                              276     Tyrone
Devlin             P.                          Rev.                    276     Tyrone
Devlin             Patrick                                             276     Tyrone
Devlin             W. James                                            276     Tyrone
Devlin             William James                                       276     Tyrone
Dickson            John                        Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Dickson            Thomas A.                                           276     Tyrone
Dillon             unknown                                             283     Tyrone
Dilworth           Anthony                     Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Dilworth           John                                                276     Tyrone
Dilworth           Richard                                             276     Tyrone
Doherty            Margaret                                            276     Tyrone
Dolan              Daniel                                              276     Tyrone
Donaghy            James                                               276     Tyrone
Donaghy            Michael                                             276     Tyrone
Donnell            Fanny                                               276     Tyrone
Donnell            James                                               276     Tyrone
Donnell            Robt. C.                    Rev.                    276     Tyrone
Donnell            Samuel                      Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Donnell            William                                             276     Tyrone
Donnelly           Anne                                                276     Tyrone
Donnelly           Francis                     Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Donnelly           Hugh                                                276     Tyrone
Donnelly           Jas.                                                276     Tyrone
Donnelly           Jas.                                                276     Tyrone
Donnelly           Patk.                                               276     Tyrone
Donnelly           Patrick                                             276     Tyrone
Donnolly           Jas.                                                276     Tyrone
Donnolly           Laurence                                            276     Tyrone
Donnolly           Patk.                                               276     Tyrone
Donnolly           Patrick                                             276     Tyrone
Dorchester         unknown                     Lord                    276     Tyrone
Douglas            George                                              276     Tyrone
Douglas            James                                               276     Tyrone
Douglas            Robert                                              276     Tyrone
Dudgeon            William                                             276     Tyrone
Duff               Hugh                                                276     Tyrone
Duff               James                                               276     Tyrone
Duff               William                                             276     Tyrone
Duff               unknown                                             276     Tyrone
Duffin             Patrick                                             276     Tyrone
Duffy              Patrick                                             276     Tyrone
Dunbar             David                                               276     Tyrone
Dunbar             George                      Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Dunbar             John                                                276     Tyrone
Duncan             Alexander                                           276     Tyrone
Duncan             James                                               276     Tyrone
Duncan             John                                                276     Tyrone
Duncan             Thos.                       Reps. of (deceased)     276     Tyrone
Duncan             William                                             276     Tyrone
Duncan             Wm.                                                 276     Tyrone
Duncan             Wm.                                                 277     Tyrone
Dunlop             James                                               277     Tyrone
Dunne              Andrew                                              277     Tyrone
Dunne              Andrew                                              277     Tyrone
Dunne              Andrew Black                                        277     Tyrone
Dunne              Charles                                             277     Tyrone
Dunne              Isabella                                            277     Tyrone
Dunne              James                                               277     Tyrone
Dunne              John                                                277     Tyrone
Dunne              Robert                                              277     Tyrone
Dunne              Samuel                                              277     Tyrone
Dunne              Thomas                                              277     Tyrone
Dunne              William                                             277     Tyrone
Eaton              Robert                                              277     Tyrone
Eccles             James                                               277     Tyrone
Eccles             John                                                277     Tyrone
Eccles             John S.                                             277     Tyrone
Eccles             Thomas                                              277     Tyrone
Eccles             William                                             277     Tyrone
Echlin             Chas. H.                    Reps. of (deceased)     277     Tyrone
Ecklin             unknown                     Miss                    277     Tyrone
Edie               Alexander                   Reps. of (deceased)     277     Tyrone
Edwards            Edward                      Rev.                    277     Tyrone
Edwards            John                                                277     Tyrone
Edwards            Matthew                                             277     Tyrone
Edwards            William                     Rev.                    277     Tyrone
Egan               Robert                                              277     Tyrone
Egleton            Robert                      Reps. of (deceased)     277     Tyrone
Eglison            William                                             277     Tyrone
Ekin               Samuel Ellison                                      277     Tyrone
Ellen              Patk.                                               282     Tyrone
Elliott            James                                               277     Tyrone
Elliott            Thomas                                              277     Tyrone
Ellis              Fras.                       Col.                    277     Tyrone
Ellis              George                                              277     Tyrone
Ellis              Margaret                                            277     Tyrone
Ellis              Robert Hawkes                                       277     Tyrone
Ellis              Thomas                                              277     Tyrone
Ellis              William                                             277     Tyrone
Ellis              unknown                     Dr.                     277     Tyrone
Emerson            T.                                                  279     Tyrone
Entrican           Robert                                              277     Tyrone
Erskine            James                                               277     Tyrone
Evans              Mary                                                277     Tyrone
Evans              Robert                                              277     Tyrone
Evans              Thomas Kelly                                        277     Tyrone
Ewing              John                                                277     Tyrone
Ewing              Samuel                                              277     Tyrone
Eyre               Thomas                      Reps. of (deceased)     277     Tyrone
Falls              Henry                                               277     Tyrone
Falls              Joseph                                              277     Tyrone
Falls              William                                             277     Tyrone
Ferguson           Andrew                                              277     Tyrone
Ferguson           Andrew Thos.                                        277     Tyrone
Ferguson           George                                              277     Tyrone
Ferguson           John                                                277     Tyrone
Ferrall            J. J. O. F. C.                                      277     Tyrone
Ferrall            Joseph S.                                           277     Tyrone
Fiddis             James                                               277     Tyrone
Fiddis             R. J.                                               277     Tyrone
Fitzmaurice        Geo.                        Reps. of (deceased)     277     Tyrone
Flack              Hugh                                                277     Tyrone
Flanagan           Sarah                                               277     Tyrone
Fleming            Hans                        Dr.                     277     Tyrone
Fleming            Josias                                              277     Tyrone
Fleming            Maria                                               277     Tyrone
Fleming            Thomas                                              277     Tyrone
Fleming            William                                             277     Tyrone
Forsythe           Andrew                                              277     Tyrone
Foster             Arthur                                              277     Tyrone
Foster             William                     Reps. of (deceased)     277     Tyrone
Frank              Jas.                                                282     Tyrone
Fullan             Arthur                      Reps. of (deceased)     277     Tyrone
Fullerton          Robert                                              277     Tyrone
Fulton             Andrew                                              277     Tyrone
Fulton             John                                                277     Tyrone
Fulton             Joseph                                              277     Tyrone
Fulton             William                                             277     Tyrone
Fyffe              James                                               277     Tyrone
Fyffe              William                                             277     Tyrone
Galbraith          John                                                277     Tyrone
Galbraith          John A.                                             277     Tyrone
Galbraith          John James                                          277     Tyrone
Galbraith          John S.                                             277     Tyrone
Galbraith          Samuel                                              277     Tyrone
Gallagher          Daniel                                              277     Tyrone
Gallagher          John                                                277     Tyrone
Gamble             John                                                277     Tyrone
Gamble             William                                             277     Tyrone
Gardiner           Charles                     Reps. of (deceased)     277     Tyrone
Gervais            Francis J.                                          277     Tyrone
Gervais            Marcus                      Rev.                    274     Tyrone
Gibson             David H.                                            277     Tyrone
Gilchrist          William                                             277     Tyrone
Gilmore            John                                                277     Tyrone
Gilmore            Joseph                                              277     Tyrone
Given              John                                                277     Tyrone
Givens             John                                                277     Tyrone
Glasgow            Benjamin                                            278     Tyrone
Gledstanes         A. U.                                               278     Tyrone
Gledstanes         Moutray                                             278     Tyrone
Gledstanes         Robert                                              278     Tyrone
Glendenning        William                                             278     Tyrone
Glenn              James                                               278     Tyrone
Glenn              Joseph                                              278     Tyrone
Godfrey            William                                             278     Tyrone
Goff               Joseph                                              278     Tyrone
Gordon             R. F.                                               278     Tyrone
Gordon             Robert                                              278     Tyrone
Gordon             Robert Francis                                      278     Tyrone
Gore               Hugh E.                                             278     Tyrone
Gormley            Charles                                             278     Tyrone
Gormley            James                                               278     Tyrone
Gormley            James                       Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Gormley            Michael                                             278     Tyrone
Gormley            Owen                                                278     Tyrone
Gormley            Patrick                                             278     Tyrone
Gorrell            William                                             278     Tyrone
Gourlie            William                                             278     Tyrone
Graham             Charles                                             278     Tyrone
Graham             Christopher                 Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Graham             Constantine                                         278     Tyrone
Graham             George                                              278     Tyrone
Graham             James                                               278     Tyrone
Graham             Robert                                              278     Tyrone
Graham             Thomas                                              278     Tyrone
Graham             unknown                     Mrs.                    278     Tyrone
Greer              Caroline                                            278     Tyrone
Greer              Edward                                              278     Tyrone
Greer              Frederick                                           278     Tyrone
Greer              H. H.                       Col.                    278     Tyrone
Greer              James                                               278     Tyrone
Greer              John Robert                                         278     Tyrone
Greer              Robert Smyly                                        278     Tyrone
Greer              Thomas                                              278     Tyrone
Greer              Thomas Fergus                                       278     Tyrone
Greeves            John Greer                                          278     Tyrone
Greeves            William                                             278     Tyrone
Gresson            W. R.                       Rev.                    278     Tyrone
Gribbin            Patrick                                             278     Tyrone
Griffin            James                                               278     Tyrone
Griffin            Matthew                                             278     Tyrone
Gunning            Henry                                               278     Tyrone
Gunning            James                                               278     Tyrone
Gunning            John                                                278     Tyrone
Gunning            William A.                                          278     Tyrone
Guy                James                                               278     Tyrone
Guy                Matthew                                             278     Tyrone
Guy                Matthew                     Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Hackett            John                                                278     Tyrone
Hagan              Catherine                                           278     Tyrone
Hagan              Daniel                                              278     Tyrone
Hagan              Peter                                               278     Tyrone
Hale               Francis                                             278     Tyrone
Hall               Robert                      Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Hamill             Stewart                                             278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Alexander                                           278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Anne                                                278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Arthur W. Cole                                      278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Charles                                             278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Claud                       Lord                    278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Eleanor                                             278     Tyrone
Hamilton           George                      Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Henry                                               278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Hugh                                                278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Isaac                                               278     Tyrone
Hamilton           James                                               278     Tyrone
Hamilton           James                       Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Hamilton           James J.                    Sir                     278     Tyrone
Hamilton           John                                                278     Tyrone
Hamilton           John E.                     Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Joseph                                              278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Margaret                                            278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Margt.                      Mrs.                    278     Tyrone
Hamilton           R. S.                       Major                   278     Tyrone
Hamilton           R. W.                                               278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Robert                                              278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Robert                      Rev.                    278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Thomas                                              278     Tyrone
Hamilton           William                                             278     Tyrone
Hamilton           William                     Rev.                    278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Hamilton           Wm. James                                           278     Tyrone
Hamilton-Jones     Thos. M.                                            278     Tyrone
Hanna              Thomas                      Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Hannah             Matilda                                             278     Tyrone
Hannington         unknown                     Mrs.                    278     Tyrone
Harbison           John                                                278     Tyrone
Harbison           William John                                        278     Tyrone
Harkin             Michael                     Reps. of (deceased)     278     Tyrone
Harper             Thomas H.                                           278     Tyrone
Harris             Arthur                      Hon.                    275     Tyrone
Harris             Frederick                                           278     Tyrone
Harris             Wm. Wallace                                         278     Tyrone
Harvey             Agnes                                               278     Tyrone
Harvey             Hannah                                              278     Tyrone
Harvey             Mary                                                278     Tyrone
Harvey             Robert                                              278     Tyrone
Harvey             William James                                       278     Tyrone
Haslett            Hugh                                                278     Tyrone
Haveran            John                                                278     Tyrone
Hawkshaw           Isaiah                                              278     Tyrone
Hazleton           Dowson                                              278     Tyrone
Hazleton           John                                                278     Tyrone
Hazleton           Robert                                              278     Tyrone
Hemphill           Robert                                              278     Tyrone
Henderson          James                                               278     Tyrone
Henderson          Robert                                              279     Tyrone
Henderson          William                                             279     Tyrone
Henry              James                                               279     Tyrone
Henry              Joseph                                              279     Tyrone
Henry              Robert                                              279     Tyrone
Henry              Robert J.                                           279     Tyrone
Herdman            John                                                279     Tyrone
Hewett             Thomas                                              279     Tyrone
Hewitt             Thomas                                              275     Tyrone
Heyland            John                                                279     Tyrone
Hill               James                                               279     Tyrone
Hill               John                                                276     Tyrone
Hines              Rebecca                     Mrs.                    279     Tyrone
Hoey               Anne                                                279     Tyrone
Hoey               William                                             279     Tyrone
Hoggins            Saml.                       Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Holles             Messrs.                                             279     Tyrone
Holmes             Cecil                                               279     Tyrone
Holmes             John                                                279     Tyrone
Holmes             Robert M'Crea               Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Holmes             William                                             279     Tyrone
Hope               Thomas Arthur                                       279     Tyrone
Hopper             Thomas                                              279     Tyrone
Hornidge           Robt.                       Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Houston            Charlotte                   Mrs.                    279     Tyrone
Houston            Christopher                                         279     Tyrone
Houston            Fleming                                             279     Tyrone
Houston            Francis J.                                          279     Tyrone
Houston            James                                               279     Tyrone
Houston            John                                                279     Tyrone
Houston            Mary Anne                                           279     Tyrone
Houston            Patrick                                             279     Tyrone
Houston            Thomas                                              279     Tyrone
Houston            William                                             279     Tyrone
Houston            unknown                     Miss                    279     Tyrone
Hudson             Richd.                      Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Hugh               Hen.                                                282     Tyrone
Hughes             Patrick                                             279     Tyrone
Hughey             George                                              279     Tyrone
Hughey             Henry                                               279     Tyrone
Hughey             James                                               279     Tyrone
Hughey             James J.                                            279     Tyrone
Hughey             John                                                279     Tyrone
Hughey             Joseph                                              279     Tyrone
Hughey             Robert                                              279     Tyrone
Hughey             Robert                                              279     Tyrone
Hughey             William                                             279     Tyrone
Hughey             Wm. George                                          279     Tyrone
Humphreys          John                        Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Humphreys          Thomas William Drummond                             279     Tyrone
Humphries          A. S.                       Rev.                    279     Tyrone
Hunter             James                                               279     Tyrone
Hunter             John                                                279     Tyrone
Hyde               John                                                279     Tyrone
Hyndman            David                                               279     Tyrone
Inch               William                                             279     Tyrone
Irvine             Charles                                             279     Tyrone
Irvine             Gerrard                                             279     Tyrone
Irvine             Gerrard                     Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Irvine             H. M. D. A.                 Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Irvine             Henry                                               279     Tyrone
Irvine             John                                                279     Tyrone
Irvine             John G.                     Lieutenant Col.         279     Tyrone
Irvine             William                     Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Irwin              Alexander                   Rev.                    279     Tyrone
Irwin              Andrew                                              279     Tyrone
Irwin              Anne                                                279     Tyrone
Irwin              Duncan                      Capt.                   279     Tyrone
Irwin              Eliza                                               279     Tyrone
Irwin              James                                               279     Tyrone
Irwin              Jer.                        Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Irwin              John                                                279     Tyrone
Irwin              Mrs.                        Reps. of (deceased)     279     Tyrone
Irwin              Robert                                              279     Tyrone
Irwin              Samuel                                              279     Tyrone
Irwin              Thomas                                              279     Tyrone
Irwin              Thomas S.                                           279     Tyrone
Irwin              William                                             279     Tyrone
Irwin              Wm.                         General                 279     Tyrone
Jack               Henry                                               279     Tyrone
Jack               John                                                279     Tyrone
Jack               William                                             279     Tyrone
Jackson            John                                                279     Tyrone
Jackson            John J.                     Rev.                    279     Tyrone
Jameson            James                                               279     Tyrone
Jas.               George                                              279     Tyrone
Jas.               James                                               282     Tyrone
Jas.               Robert                                              279     Tyrone
Johnston           Archibald                                           279     Tyrone
Johnston           David                                               279     Tyrone
Johnston           Edward                                              279     Tyrone
Johnston           Fanny                                               279     Tyrone
Johnston           Henry                                               279     Tyrone
Johnston           Hugh                                                279     Tyrone
Johnston           James                                               279     Tyrone
Johnston           James                                               279     Tyrone
Johnston           John                                                279     Tyrone
Johnston           John                                                280     Tyrone
Johnston           Mary                                                280     Tyrone
Johnston           Noble                                               280     Tyrone
Johnston           Noble                                               280     Tyrone
Johnston           Richard                                             280     Tyrone
Johnston           Robert                                              280     Tyrone
Johnston           S. Y.                                               280     Tyrone
Johnston           William                                             280     Tyrone
Jones              unknown                     Mrs.                    280     Tyrone
Joyce              John                                                280     Tyrone
Joyce              Wolsey                                              280     Tyrone
Kanavan            Bernard                                             280     Tyrone
Kane               Eliza                                               280     Tyrone
Kane               Henry                                               280     Tyrone
Kane               James                                               280     Tyrone
Kane               Robert                                              280     Tyrone
Kays               William                                             280     Tyrone
Kearney            Francis                                             280     Tyrone
Kearney            Patrick                                             280     Tyrone
Kee                William                                             280     Tyrone
Keightly           Samuel                                              280     Tyrone
Kelly              John                                                280     Tyrone
Kelly              Oliver                                              280     Tyrone
Kelly              unknown                     Miss                    280     Tyrone
Kelso              James                                               280     Tyrone
Kennedy            Chas. George Belgrave                               280     Tyrone
Kennedy            Henry                                               280     Tyrone
Kennedy            James                                               280     Tyrone
Kennedy            John                                                280     Tyrone
Kennedy            John Pitt                                           280     Tyrone
Kennedy            Robert                      Rev.                    280     Tyrone
Kennedy            Thomas                                              280     Tyrone
Kerr               Andrew                                              280     Tyrone
Kerr               James                                               280     Tyrone
Keys               Davidson                                            280     Tyrone
Keys               Thompson                                            280     Tyrone
Killen             Robert                      Mrs.                    280     Tyrone
Kilpatrick         Joseph                                              280     Tyrone
Kilpatrick         Letitia                                             280     Tyrone
Kilpatrick         William                                             280     Tyrone
King               Robert                                              280     Tyrone
King               William                                             280     Tyrone
Kinley             Hugh                                                280     Tyrone
Kirkpatrick        George                                              280     Tyrone
Kirkpatrick        George                                              280     Tyrone
Knox               Andrew F.                   Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Knox               Andrew F.                   Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Knox               Edwd. Challoner                                     280     Tyrone
Knox               Edwd. Challoner                                     280     Tyrone
Knox               John                                                280     Tyrone
Knox               John                                                280     Tyrone
Knox               Mary                                                280     Tyrone
Knox               Mary                                                280     Tyrone
Knox               Mat                                                 280     Tyrone
Knox               Mat                                                 280     Tyrone
Knox               Patrick                                             280     Tyrone
Knox               Patrick                                             280     Tyrone
Knox               Thomas J.                                           280     Tyrone
Knox               Thomas J.                                           280     Tyrone
Knox               W. S.                       Col. Hon.               280     Tyrone
Knox               W. S.                       Col. Hon.               280     Tyrone
Knox               Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Knox               Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Knox               unknown                                             280     Tyrone
Knox               unknown                                             280     Tyrone
Kyle               Gregory                                             280     Tyrone
Kyle               Gregory                                             280     Tyrone
Kyle               James                                               280     Tyrone
Kyle               James                                               280     Tyrone
Kyle               John                                                280     Tyrone
Kyle               John                                                280     Tyrone
Kyle               Robert                                              280     Tyrone
Kyle               Robert                      Junior                  280     Tyrone
Kyle               Robert                      Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Kyle               Robert                      Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Kyle               William                                             280     Tyrone
Kyle               William                                             280     Tyrone
Kyle               William John                                        280     Tyrone
Kyle               William John                                        280     Tyrone
Lafferty           Charles                                             280     Tyrone
Lafferty           Charles                                             280     Tyrone
Lamont             William                                             280     Tyrone
Lamont             William                                             280     Tyrone
Lannon             Patrick                                             280     Tyrone
Lannon             Patrick                                             280     Tyrone
Lapsley            William                                             280     Tyrone
Lapsley            William                                             280     Tyrone
Latta              William                                             280     Tyrone
Latta              William                                             280     Tyrone
Laughran           John                                                280     Tyrone
Laughran           John                                                280     Tyrone
Laurence           unknown                     Mrs.                    280     Tyrone
Laurence           unknown                     Mrs.                    280     Tyrone
Lavens             John                        Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Lavens             John                        Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Lavery             Napoleon                                            280     Tyrone
Lavery             Napoleon                                            280     Tyrone
Leard              John                                                280     Tyrone
Leard              John                                                280     Tyrone
Leary              Samuel                                              280     Tyrone
Leary              Samuel                      M. D.                   280     Tyrone
Leatham            William                     Dr.                     280     Tyrone
Leatham            William                     Dr.                     280     Tyrone
Lech               Jane                                                280     Tyrone
Lech               Jane                                                280     Tyrone
Ledlie             William                                             277     Tyrone
Ledlie             William                                             277     Tyrone
Leech              Andrew                                              280     Tyrone
Leech              Andrew                                              280     Tyrone
Leech              Charles                     Mrs.                    280     Tyrone
Leech              Charles                     Mrs.                    280     Tyrone
Leech              John                        Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Leech              John                        Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Lendrum            Andrew                                              280     Tyrone
Lendrum            Andrew                                              280     Tyrone
Lendrum            James                                               280     Tyrone
Lendrum            James                                               280     Tyrone
Lendrum            John                                                280     Tyrone
Lendrum            John                                                280     Tyrone
Lepper             Eliza                       Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Lepper             Eliza                       Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Leslie             John                                                280     Tyrone
Leslie             John                                                280     Tyrone
Lifford            Viscount                                            280     Tyrone
Lifford            Viscount                                            280     Tyrone
Lighton            Rev. Sir Christopher        Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Lighton            Rev. Sir Christopher        Reps. of (deceased)     280     Tyrone
Lindsay            Alexander                                           280     Tyrone
Lindsay            Alexander                                           280     Tyrone
Lindsay            Fredk. Sandys                                       280     Tyrone
Lindsay            Fredk. Sandys                                       280     Tyrone
Lindsay            James                                               280     Tyrone
Lindsay            James                                               280     Tyrone
Lindsay            John                                                280     Tyrone
Lindsay            John                                                280     Tyrone
Lindsay            Robert P.                                           280     Tyrone
Lindsay            Robert P.                                           280     Tyrone
Lindsay            Thomas                                              280     Tyrone
Lindsay            Thomas                                              280     Tyrone
Lipsett            unknown                     Mrs.                    280     Tyrone
Lipsett            unknown                     Mrs.                    280     Tyrone
Little             Alexander                                           280     Tyrone
Little             Alexander                                           280     Tyrone
Little             John                                                280     Tyrone
Little             John                                                280     Tyrone
Little             Samuel                                              281     Tyrone
Little             Samuel                                              281     Tyrone
Lloyd              Richard                                             281     Tyrone
Lloyd              Richard                                             281     Tyrone
Longhead           Eliza                                               281     Tyrone
Longhead           Eliza                                               281     Tyrone
Loughlin           James                                               281     Tyrone
Loughlin           James                                               281     Tyrone
Loughlin           John William                                        281     Tyrone
Loughlin           John William                                        281     Tyrone
Loughlin           Robert                                              281     Tyrone
Loughlin           Robert                                              281     Tyrone
Loughlin           William                                             281     Tyrone
Loughlin           William                                             281     Tyrone
Loughran           David                                               281     Tyrone
Loughran           David                                               281     Tyrone
Loughran           John N.                                             281     Tyrone
Loughran           John N.                                             281     Tyrone
Love               Andrew                                              281     Tyrone
Love               Andrew                                              281     Tyrone
Love               Eliza                                               281     Tyrone
Love               Eliza                                               281     Tyrone
Love               James                                               281     Tyrone
Love               James                                               281     Tyrone
Love               John                                                281     Tyrone
Love               John                                                281     Tyrone
Love               Joseph                                              281     Tyrone
Love               Joseph                                              281     Tyrone
Love               Mary                                                281     Tyrone
Love               Mary                                                281     Tyrone
Love               Rebecca                                             281     Tyrone
Love               Rebecca                                             281     Tyrone
Love               Robert                                              281     Tyrone
Love               Robert                                              281     Tyrone
Love               William                                             281     Tyrone
Love               William                                             281     Tyrone
Lowe               William                                             281     Tyrone
Lowe               William                                             281     Tyrone
Lowry              James                                               281     Tyrone
Lowry              James                                               281     Tyrone
Lowry              James Corry Jones                                   281     Tyrone
Lowry              James Corry Jones                                   281     Tyrone
Lowry              John F. H.                                          281     Tyrone
Lowry              John F. H.                                          281     Tyrone
Lowry              Robert Wm.                                          281     Tyrone
Lowry              Robert Wm.                                          281     Tyrone
Lowry              Thomas                                              281     Tyrone
Lowry              Thomas                                              281     Tyrone
Lowry              Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
Lowry              Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
Lyle               Alexander M.                                        281     Tyrone
Lyle               Alexander M.                                        281     Tyrone
Lynch              Alexander                                           281     Tyrone
Lynch              Alexander                                           281     Tyrone
Lynch              Edward                                              281     Tyrone
Lynch              Edward                                              281     Tyrone
Lynch              Mark                                                281     Tyrone
Lynch              Mark                                                281     Tyrone
Lynch              William                                             281     Tyrone
Lynch              William                                             281     Tyrone
Lynd               James                                               281     Tyrone
Lynd               James                                               281     Tyrone
Lynn               William                                             281     Tyrone
Lynn               William                                             281     Tyrone
Lyons              David                                               281     Tyrone
Lyons              David                                               281     Tyrone
Lyttle             Hugh                                                281     Tyrone
Lyttle             Hugh                                                281     Tyrone
M'Aleer            John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Aleer            John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Alister          Isaac                                               281     Tyrone
M'Alister          Isaac                                               281     Tyrone
M'Allister         John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Allister         John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Alpine           Col. James                  Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Alpine           Col. James                  Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Anulty           Charles                                             281     Tyrone
M'Anulty           Charles                                             281     Tyrone
M'Aree             Francis                     Dr.                     281     Tyrone
M'Aree             Francis                     Dr.                     281     Tyrone
M'Arthur           William                                             281     Tyrone
M'Arthur           William                                             281     Tyrone
M'Auley            Charles                     Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Auley            Charles                     Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Bride            Edward                                              281     Tyrone
M'Bride            Edward                                              281     Tyrone
M'Bride            James                                               281     Tyrone
M'Bride            James                                               281     Tyrone
M'Caffrey          Patrick                                             281     Tyrone
M'Caffrey          Patrick                                             281     Tyrone
M'Callion          Chas.                       Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Callion          Chas.                       Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Callion          Mary                        Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Callion          Mary                        Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Carter           George                                              281     Tyrone
M'Carter           George                                              281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          Andrew                                              281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          Andrew                                              281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          Rev. Sir William James      Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          Rev. Sir William James      Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          Samuel                      Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          Samuel                      Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          William                                             281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          William                                             281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          unknown                     Miss                    281     Tyrone
M'Cartney          unknown                     Miss                    281     Tyrone
M'Causland         Alexander                                           281     Tyrone
M'Causland         Alexander                                           281     Tyrone
M'Causland         John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Causland         John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Causland         John                        Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Causland         John                        Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Causland         Oliver                                              281     Tyrone
M'Causland         Oliver                                              281     Tyrone
M'Cay              John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Cay              John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Claren           James                                               281     Tyrone
M'Claren           John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Clea             John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Clean            Alexander                                           281     Tyrone
M'Clean            Archibald                                           281     Tyrone
M'Clean            Daniel                                              281     Tyrone
M'Clean            David                       Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Clean            James                       Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Clean            Jane                                                281     Tyrone
M'Clean            John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Cleary           John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Cleave           Nathaniel                                           281     Tyrone
M'Clelland         Jane                                                281     Tyrone
M'Clelland         John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Clenchan         Roger                                               281     Tyrone
M'Clintock         A.                          Mrs.                    281     Tyrone
M'Clintock         G. P.                       Major                   281     Tyrone
M'Cloy             Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Clung            James                                               281     Tyrone
M'Clure            David                                               281     Tyrone
M'Clure            John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Cluskey          William                                             281     Tyrone
M'Colgan           Chas.                       Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Collum           Adam                                                281     Tyrone
M'Comb             John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Connell          Ellen                                               281     Tyrone
M'Connell          John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Connell          William                                             281     Tyrone
M'Cormick          Henry                                               281     Tyrone
M'Cormick          Jn.                         Reps. of (deceased)     281     Tyrone
M'Cormick          Sarah W.                                            281     Tyrone
M'Court            Ann                                                 281     Tyrone
M'Court            Gilbert                     Rev.                    281     Tyrone
M'Court            John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Cousy            Madeline                                            281     Tyrone
M'Coy              Adam                                                281     Tyrone
M'Coy              Isabella                                            281     Tyrone
M'Coy              Robert                                              281     Tyrone
M'Crea             Alexander                                           281     Tyrone
M'Crea             John                                                281     Tyrone
M'Crea             John                        Reps. of (deceased)     282     Tyrone
M'Crea             Robert                                              282     Tyrone
M'Crea             William                                             282     Tyrone
M'Crea             Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     282     Tyrone
M'Crea             Wm. George                                          282     Tyrone
M'Cready           William                                             282     Tyrone
M'Creight          Andrew W.                                           282     Tyrone
M'Crory            Edward                                              282     Tyrone
M'Crory            James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Crory            Owen                                                282     Tyrone
M'Crory            Terence                                             282     Tyrone
M'Crossan          Alice                                               282     Tyrone
M'Crossan          Henry                                               282     Tyrone
M'Crum             James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          Catherine                                           282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          Felix                                               282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          Hen.                                                282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          Henry                                               282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          Jas.                                                282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          Michael                                             282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          Patk.                                               282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          Patrick                                             282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          Thomas                                              282     Tyrone
M'Cullagh          William                                             282     Tyrone
M'Cusker           Jos.                                                282     Tyrone
M'Cusker           Rose                                                282     Tyrone
M'Dermott          Felix                                               282     Tyrone
M'Donald           James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Donald           John R.                                             282     Tyrone
M'Donnell          John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Donnell          William                                             282     Tyrone
M'Dowell           James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Dowell           Thomas                                              282     Tyrone
M'Dowell           William                                             282     Tyrone
M'Elhone           Thomas                                              282     Tyrone
M'Entire           James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Andrew                                              282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Andrew                      Reps. of (deceased)     282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Anne                                                282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Armor                                               282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Charles                                             282     Tyrone
M'Farland          George                                              282     Tyrone
M'Farland          H. L.                                               282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Henry                                               282     Tyrone
M'Farland          James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Jane                                                282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Jas.                        Reps. of (deceased)     282     Tyrone
M'Farland          John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Farland          John                        Senior                  282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Joseph                                              282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Robert                                              282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Robert                      Sr.                     282     Tyrone
M'Farland          Thomas                                              282     Tyrone
M'Farland          William                                             282     Tyrone
M'Farland          William                     Mrs.                    282     Tyrone
M'Farlane          James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Feeters          Andrew                                              282     Tyrone
M'Gahan            Bernard                                             282     Tyrone
M'Gahan            Eliza Anne                                          282     Tyrone
M'Gahey            Robert                                              282     Tyrone
M'Garrigle         James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Geone            Laurence                                            282     Tyrone
M'Ghee             James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Gill             James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Gillian          Anne                                                282     Tyrone
M'Ginley           Michael                                             282     Tyrone
M'Girr             Anne                                                282     Tyrone
M'Girr             Charles                                             282     Tyrone
M'Girr             Edward                                              282     Tyrone
M'Girr             Henry                                               282     Tyrone
M'Girr             John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Glinchy          James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Gonnell          John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Grath            Denis                                               282     Tyrone
M'Greagh           John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Gregor           James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Gucken           Paul                                                282     Tyrone
M'Gucken           Robert                                              282     Tyrone
M'Guckian          Edward                                              282     Tyrone
M'Guckian          Robert                                              282     Tyrone
M'Guiggan          Henry                                               282     Tyrone
M'Hugh             Andrew                                              282     Tyrone
M'Hugh             Francis                                             282     Tyrone
M'Hugh             Henry                                               282     Tyrone
M'Hugh             Hugh                                                282     Tyrone
M'Hugh             John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Illheny          James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Ilroy            Alexander                                           282     Tyrone
M'Ilroy            William                                             282     Tyrone
M'Ilwaine          George                                              282     Tyrone
M'Ilwaine          Hugh                                                282     Tyrone
M'Intyre           Samuel                                              282     Tyrone
M'Intyre           Thomas                                              282     Tyrone
M'Ivor             Robert James                                        282     Tyrone
M'Kay              Thomas                                              282     Tyrone
M'Kean             John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Keever           John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Kelry            R. William                                          282     Tyrone
M'Kelvey           Daniel                                              282     Tyrone
M'Kelvey           Robert                                              282     Tyrone
M'Kelvy            James                                               282     Tyrone
M'Kelvy            Jane                        Mrs.                    282     Tyrone
M'Kenna            Felix                                               282     Tyrone
M'Kenna            John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Kenzie           John                                                282     Tyrone
M'Kimm             Robert                                              282     Tyrone
M'Kimmin           Andrew                                              283     Tyrone
M'Kimmin           Robert                                              283     Tyrone
M'Kinley           Robert                                              283     Tyrone
M'Laughlin         James                                               283     Tyrone
M'Laughlin         Neal                                                283     Tyrone
M'Lea              James S.                                            283     Tyrone
M'Lea              Samuel                                              283     Tyrone
M'Loughlin         Messrs.                                             279     Tyrone
M'Loughlin         Samuel                                              283     Tyrone
M'Loughlin         Sarah                                               283     Tyrone
M'Loughlin         Thomas                                              283     Tyrone
M'Loughlin         William                                             283     Tyrone
M'Macken           Michael                                             283     Tyrone
M'Master           John                                                283     Tyrone
M'Master           Joseph                                              283     Tyrone
M'Master           Richard                                             283     Tyrone
M'Minn             Isabella                                            283     Tyrone
M'Minn             John                                                283     Tyrone
M'Minn             Robert                                              283     Tyrone
M'Minn             Samuel                                              283     Tyrone
M'Minn             Sarah                                               283     Tyrone
M'Minn             Thomas                                              283     Tyrone
M'Minn             William                                             283     Tyrone
M'Moran            C.                          Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
M'Morris           Elizabeth                   Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
M'Morris           Ninian                                              283     Tyrone
M'Namee            William                                             283     Tyrone
M'Neece            Felix                                               283     Tyrone
M'Neece            William                                             283     Tyrone
M'Neece            unknown                     Miss                    283     Tyrone
M'Neillance        Jane                                                283     Tyrone
M'Neillance        Thomas                      Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
M'Nickle           Isabella                                            283     Tyrone
M'Nickle           Moses                                               283     Tyrone
M'Quade            Charles                                             283     Tyrone
M'Quade            Patrick                                             283     Tyrone
M'Quade            Philip                                              283     Tyrone
M'Reynolds         Thomas                                              283     Tyrone
M'Rory             Daniel                                              283     Tyrone
M'Shane            Catherine                                           283     Tyrone
M'Sorley           Michael                                             283     Tyrone
M'Sorley           Thomas                                              283     Tyrone
M'Sweengan         Thomas                                              283     Tyrone
M'Veagh            John                                                283     Tyrone
M'Williams         Elizabeth                                           283     Tyrone
M'Williams         Oliver                                              283     Tyrone
M'Williams         Walter                      Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
MacMahon           Sir Wm.                     Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
MacMahon           Sir Wm.                     Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Macartney          James                                               281     Tyrone
Macartney          James                                               281     Tyrone
Mackay             John                                                287     Tyrone
Mackay             John                                                287     Tyrone
Magee              Charles                                             283     Tyrone
Magee              Charles                                             283     Tyrone
Magee              Elizabethn                                          283     Tyrone
Magee              Elizabethn                                          283     Tyrone
Magee              Frederick                                           283     Tyrone
Magee              Frederick                                           283     Tyrone
Magee              Garrett                                             283     Tyrone
Magee              Garrett                                             283     Tyrone
Magee              Patrick                     Rev.                    283     Tyrone
Magee              Patrick                     Rev.                    283     Tyrone
Magee              Robert                                              283     Tyrone
Magee              Robert                                              283     Tyrone
Magill             Samuel                      Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Magill             Samuel                      Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Magill             William                                             283     Tyrone
Magill             William                                             283     Tyrone
Maginnis           John                                                283     Tyrone
Maginnis           John                                                283     Tyrone
Maguckian          Hugh                                                283     Tyrone
Maguckian          Hugh                                                283     Tyrone
Maguire            James                                               283     Tyrone
Maguire            James                                               283     Tyrone
Maguire            unknown                     Madam                   283     Tyrone
Maguire            unknown                     Madam                   283     Tyrone
Major              James                       Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Major              James                       Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Mann               Deane                       Major                   283     Tyrone
Mann               Deane                       Major                   283     Tyrone
Mann               Mervyn                                              283     Tyrone
Mann               Mervyn                                              283     Tyrone
Mann               Thomas                                              283     Tyrone
Mann               Thomas                                              283     Tyrone
Mansfield          Francis                                             283     Tyrone
Mansfield          Francis                                             283     Tyrone
Mansfield          George A.                                           283     Tyrone
Mansfield          George A.                                           283     Tyrone
Marshal            Rev. Joseph                 Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Marshal            Rev. Joseph                 Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Marshall           George                                              283     Tyrone
Marshall           George                                              283     Tyrone
Marshall           Joseph                                              283     Tyrone
Marshall           Joseph                                              283     Tyrone
Martin             Claud                                               283     Tyrone
Martin             Claud                                               283     Tyrone
Martin             James                                               283     Tyrone
Martin             James                                               283     Tyrone
Martin             James R.                                            283     Tyrone
Martin             James R.                                            283     Tyrone
Martin             John                                                283     Tyrone
Martin             John                                                283     Tyrone
Martin             Patrick                                             283     Tyrone
Martin             Patrick                                             283     Tyrone
Martin             Samuel                      Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Martin             Samuel                      Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Mathers            Henry                                               283     Tyrone
Mathers            Henry                                               283     Tyrone
Mathers            James                                               283     Tyrone
Mathers            James                                               283     Tyrone
Mathers            John                                                283     Tyrone
Mathers            John                                                283     Tyrone
Mathers            Joseph                                              283     Tyrone
Mathers            Joseph                                              283     Tyrone
Mathers            Robert                                              283     Tyrone
Mathers            Robert                                              283     Tyrone
Mathewson          Clarke                      Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Mathewson          Clarke                      Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Maturin            Daniel Baird                                        283     Tyrone
Maturin            Daniel Baird                                        283     Tyrone
Maude              M. C.                                               283     Tyrone
Maude              M. C.                                               283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Alicia                                              283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Alicia                                              283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Anne                        Mrs.                    283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Anne                        Mrs.                    283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Isabella                                            283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Isabella                                            283     Tyrone
Maxwell            John                        Rev.                    283     Tyrone
Maxwell            John                        Rev.                    283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Moses                                               283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Moses                                               283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Rev. P. B.                  Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Maxwell            Rev. P. B.                  Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Mayne              Joseph                                              283     Tyrone
Mayne              Joseph                                              283     Tyrone
Mayne              Nathaniel                                           283     Tyrone
Mayne              Nathaniel                                           283     Tyrone
Mayne              W. Harriet                  Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Mayne              W. Harriet                  Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Mayne              William                                             283     Tyrone
Mayne              William                                             283     Tyrone
Mayne              unknown                     Mrs.                    283     Tyrone
Mayne              unknown                     Mrs.                    283     Tyrone
Meade              Wm. E.                      Rev.                    283     Tyrone
Meek               Daniel Steel                Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Meenan             Nogher                                              283     Tyrone
Mertington         unknown                                             283     Tyrone
Michael            Thomas                                              282     Tyrone
Migaw              Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     283     Tyrone
Millagh            Christopher                                         283     Tyrone
Millar             A. M.                                               283     Tyrone
Millar             Thomas                                              283     Tyrone
Miller             Alexander E.                                        283     Tyrone
Miller             Andrew                                              277     Tyrone
Mitchell           Alexander                                           283     Tyrone
Mitchell           William                                             283     Tyrone
Moffett            William                                             283     Tyrone
Monaghan           Francis                                             283     Tyrone
Montague           Michael                                             284     Tyrone
Montague           unknown                     Rev. Mr.                284     Tyrone
Monteith           Andrew                                              284     Tyrone
Monteith           John                                                284     Tyrone
Monteith           John L.                                             284     Tyrone
Montgomery         H. D. F.                                            284     Tyrone
Montgomery         Jane                                                284     Tyrone
Montgomery         Joseph                                              284     Tyrone
Montgomery         Mary                                                284     Tyrone
Montgomery         Robert                                              284     Tyrone
Montgomery         Thomas                                              284     Tyrone
Montgomery         Vaughan                                             284     Tyrone
Moody              John                        M. D.                   284     Tyrone
Moody              Robert                                              284     Tyrone
Moon               Davis                                               284     Tyrone
Moore              A. G.                                               284     Tyrone
Moore              Acheson                                             284     Tyrone
Moore              Alexander M.                                        284     Tyrone
Moore              Catherine                                           284     Tyrone
Moore              Cecil                                               284     Tyrone
Moore              E.                          Reps. of (deceased)     284     Tyrone
Moore              James                                               278     Tyrone
Moore              James                                               284     Tyrone
Moore              Joseph                      Reps. of (deceased)     284     Tyrone
Moore              Joseph H.                                           284     Tyrone
Moore              Joshua                                              284     Tyrone
Moore              Mary A.                                             284     Tyrone
Moore              Mary Jane                                           284     Tyrone
Moore              Mat.                        Reps. of (deceased)     284     Tyrone
Moore              Richard O.                                          284     Tyrone
Moore              Robert M.                                           284     Tyrone
Moore              William                                             284     Tyrone
Moore              unknown                     Mrs.                    284     Tyrone
Morgan             Thomas                      Rev.                    284     Tyrone
Morgan             William                                             284     Tyrone
Morison            Lendrum                                             284     Tyrone
Morris             Archibald                                           284     Tyrone
Morris             Thomas                                              284     Tyrone
Morrison           George                                              284     Tyrone
Morrison           Patrick                                             284     Tyrone
Morrow             Jane                                                284     Tyrone
Morrow             John                                                284     Tyrone
Morrow             Samuel                                              284     Tyrone
Mosgrove           Alicia                                              284     Tyrone
Moutray            Anketell                                            284     Tyrone
Moutray            Edmond                                              284     Tyrone
Moutray            Eliza                                               284     Tyrone
Moutray            Henry                       Reps. of (deceased)     284     Tyrone
Moutray            J. J.                       Rev.                    284     Tyrone
Moutray            Richard Wm.                                         284     Tyrone
Moutray            Whitney                                             284     Tyrone
Mulholland         John                                                284     Tyrone
Mullan             Hugh                                                284     Tyrone
Mullan             James                                               284     Tyrone
Mullan             Samuel                                              284     Tyrone
Mullin             Alexander                                           284     Tyrone
Mullin             Alexander W.                                        284     Tyrone
Mullin             Anne                                                284     Tyrone
Mullin             Mary                                                284     Tyrone
Mullin             William                                             284     Tyrone
Mulloy             David                                               284     Tyrone
Murphy             Andrew                                              284     Tyrone
Murphy             James                                               284     Tyrone
Murray             John C.                                             284     Tyrone
Murray             William                                             284     Tyrone
Neeland            Mary                                                284     Tyrone
Neely              George S.                                           284     Tyrone
Neely              James                                               284     Tyrone
Neely              John                                                284     Tyrone
Neely              Robert                                              284     Tyrone
Neely              Robert                                              284     Tyrone
Neely              Robert                                              284     Tyrone
Neely              Thomas                                              284     Tyrone
Neely              William                                             284     Tyrone
Neely              William                                             284     Tyrone
Neill              Mary                                                284     Tyrone
Nelis              John                                                284     Tyrone
Nelson             James                                               284     Tyrone
Nelson             Matthew                                             284     Tyrone
Nelson             Rebecca                                             284     Tyrone
Nelson             Robert                      Rev.                    284     Tyrone
Nelson             Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     284     Tyrone
Nesbitt            John                                                284     Tyrone
Newton             A.                                                  284     Tyrone
Newton             Courtenay                                           284     Tyrone
Newton             Robert                                              284     Tyrone
Nichol             Alice                       Reps. of (deceased)     284     Tyrone
Nicholson          Armytage                                            284     Tyrone
Nixon              John                        Reps. of (deceased)     284     Tyrone
Nixon              Samuel                                              284     Tyrone
Nixon              William                                             284     Tyrone
Nugent             Francis                                             284     Tyrone
O'Brien            James                                               284     Tyrone
O'Brien            James Vance                                         284     Tyrone
O'Kane             Francis                                             284     Tyrone
O'Kane             Patrick                                             284     Tyrone
O'Neill            Bernard                                             284     Tyrone
O'Neill            Francis                                             284     Tyrone
O'Neill            Fras.                       Reps. of (deceased)     284     Tyrone
O'Neill            Hugh                                                284     Tyrone
O'Neill            James                                               284     Tyrone
O'Neill            Jane                                                284     Tyrone
O'Neill            John                                                284     Tyrone
O'Neill            Joseph                                              284     Tyrone
O'Neill            Joseph B.                                           284     Tyrone
O'Neill            unknown                     Lord                    284     Tyrone
Oakley             Wm. H.                      Rev.                    284     Tyrone
Ogilby             Claud                                               284     Tyrone
Ogilby             James                                               284     Tyrone
Orr                Jacob                                               284     Tyrone
Orr                James                                               284     Tyrone
Orr                John                                                284     Tyrone
Orr                R. Moore                                            284     Tyrone
Orr                Robert                                              284     Tyrone
Orr                William                     Reps. of (deceased)     284     Tyrone
Orr                William O.                                          284     Tyrone
Osborne            Archibald                                           287     Tyrone
Osborne            George                                              284     Tyrone
Park               Robert                      Rev.                    285     Tyrone
Park               William                     Rev.                    285     Tyrone
Parker             Thos.                       Reps. of (deceased)     285     Tyrone
Patrick            Joseph                                              285     Tyrone
Patrick            Robert                                              285     Tyrone
Patrick            William N.                                          285     Tyrone
Patrick            Wm.                         Reps. of (deceased)     285     Tyrone
Patterson          Alexander                                           285     Tyrone
Patterson          Andrew                                              285     Tyrone
Patterson          John                                                285     Tyrone
Patterson          Joseph                                              285     Tyrone
Patton             John                                                285     Tyrone
Paul               William                                             285     Tyrone
Peebles            Hans                                                285     Tyrone
Peebles            William                                             285     Tyrone
Peebles            unknown                     Mrs.                    285     Tyrone
Percival           John M.                                             285     Tyrone
Percival           Philip                                              285     Tyrone
Percival           Philip                      Capt.                   285     Tyrone
Pike               Richard                                             285     Tyrone
Pollock            John                                                285     Tyrone
Pomeroy            John A.                                             285     Tyrone
Portal             James                                               285     Tyrone
Porter             Francis                                             285     Tyrone
Porter             James                                               285     Tyrone
Porter             John G. V.                                          285     Tyrone
Porter             Margaret Anne               Mrs.                    285     Tyrone
Porter             Rev. John G.                Reps. of (deceased)     285     Tyrone
Porter             Thomas H.                   Rev.                    285     Tyrone
Porter             William                                             285     Tyrone
Porter             William J.                                          285     Tyrone
Porter             William John                                        285     Tyrone
Posten             Jane                                                285     Tyrone
Posten             Robert                                              285     Tyrone
Powerscourt        Viscount                                            285     Tyrone
Preston            Richard                     Col.                    285     Tyrone
Pringle            Alexander                                           285     Tyrone
Purden             James                                               285     Tyrone
Purden             Susan                                               285     Tyrone
Purden             William                                             285     Tyrone
Quin               Hugh                        Reps. of (deceased)     285     Tyrone
Quin               Michael                                             285     Tyrone
Quin               Peter                                               285     Tyrone
Quinn              Bernard                                             285     Tyrone
Quinn              Daniel                                              285     Tyrone
Quinn              James                                               285     Tyrone
Quinn              John                                                285     Tyrone
Quinn              Patrick                                             285     Tyrone
Quinn              St. John                                            285     Tyrone
Quinn              Thomas                                              285     Tyrone
Ramsay             Frances                                             285     Tyrone
Ramsay             James                                               285     Tyrone
Ramsay             Mary E.                                             285     Tyrone
Ramsay             Samuel                                              285     Tyrone
Ranfurly           unknown                                             285     Tyrone
Rankin             John                                                285     Tyrone
Rankin             unknown                     Miss                    285     Tyrone
Ray                Joseph                                              285     Tyrone
Rea                John                                                285     Tyrone
Read               Thomas                                              285     Tyrone
Reid               Alexander                                           285     Tyrone
Reynolds           Ellen                                               285     Tyrone
Richardson         Benjamin                                            285     Tyrone
Richardson         Henry M.                                            285     Tyrone
Richardson         J. J.                                               285     Tyrone
Richardson         Jas. Greer                                          285     Tyrone
Richardson         John                                                285     Tyrone
Richardson         Marcus                                              285     Tyrone
Richie             James                                               285     Tyrone
Riddal             Robert                      Reps. of (deceased)     285     Tyrone
Robb               James                                               285     Tyrone
Robin              Wm.                                                 275     Tyrone
Robinson           Alex. H.                    Dr.                     285     Tyrone
Robinson           James                                               285     Tyrone
Robinson           John B.                                             285     Tyrone
Robinson           Rev. J. K.                  Reps. of (deceased)     285     Tyrone
Robinson           Richard                                             285     Tyrone
Robinson           Robert                                              285     Tyrone
Robinson           Thomas                                              285     Tyrone
Robson             Charles A.                                          285     Tyrone
Rocks              Edward                                              285     Tyrone
Roddy              Catherine                                           285     Tyrone
Roddy              Felix                                               285     Tyrone
Roddy              James                                               285     Tyrone
Rodgers            Andrew                      Reps. of (deceased)     285     Tyrone
Rodgers            John                                                285     Tyrone
Rodgers            William                                             285     Tyrone
Rogers             John                        Reps. of (deceased)     285     Tyrone
Rogers             Robert                      Reps. of (deceased)     285     Tyrone
Rogers             unknown                                             285     Tyrone
Rooney             George                                              285     Tyrone
Rooney             Samuel                                              285     Tyrone
Roper              Edward                                              285     Tyrone
Ross               unknown                     Dr.                     285     Tyrone
Roulston           John                        Rev.                    285     Tyrone
Russell            J. F.                                               285     Tyrone
Russell            James                                               285     Tyrone
Russell            Robert                                              285     Tyrone
Ruth               James                                               285     Tyrone
Ruth               Samuel                                              285     Tyrone
Rutherford         Anne                                                285     Tyrone
Rutledge           Charles                                             285     Tyrone
Rutledge           Henry                                               285     Tyrone
Rutledge           Robert                                              285     Tyrone
Rutledge           William                                             286     Tyrone
Rynd               H. N.                       Rev.                    286     Tyrone
Rynd               M'Kay                                               286     Tyrone
Rynd               W. R.                                               286     Tyrone
Sankey             unknown                     Major                   286     Tyrone
Scott              Charles                                             286     Tyrone
Scott              Chas. R. N.                 Commander               286     Tyrone
Scott              Ellen C.                                            286     Tyrone
Scott              Hamilton                                            286     Tyrone
Scott              Irvine                                              286     Tyrone
Scott              James                                               286     Tyrone
Scott              James                       Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Scott              John                                                286     Tyrone
Scott              Joseph                                              286     Tyrone
Scott              Joseph                      Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Scott              Luke F.                     Capt.                   286     Tyrone
Scott              Richard                                             286     Tyrone
Scott              Robert                                              286     Tyrone
Scott              Robert W.                                           286     Tyrone
Scott              William                                             286     Tyrone
Semple             Francis                     Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Shanral            Bernard                                             276     Tyrone
Sharkey            James                                               286     Tyrone
Sheerin            Denis                                               286     Tyrone
Sheil              James                                               286     Tyrone
Sheil              Robert                                              286     Tyrone
Sheilds            Edward                                              286     Tyrone
Shellington        John                                                286     Tyrone
Shepherd           George                                              286     Tyrone
Sherard            Robert                                              286     Tyrone
Shields            Daniel                                              286     Tyrone
Shields            Michael                                             286     Tyrone
Shields            Patrick                                             286     Tyrone
Short              Matilda                                             286     Tyrone
Shuter             James Coote                                         286     Tyrone
Shuter             Kennedy                                             286     Tyrone
Simpson            Eliza                                               286     Tyrone
Simpson            John                                                286     Tyrone
Simpson            Mary                                                286     Tyrone
Simpson            Robert                                              286     Tyrone
Simpson            Thomas                                              286     Tyrone
Sinclair           James                                               286     Tyrone
Sinclair           Thomas W.                                           286     Tyrone
Sinclair           William                                             286     Tyrone
Singleton          Crawford                                            286     Tyrone
Singleton          Thomas D.                                           286     Tyrone
Skelton            John                                                286     Tyrone
Skelton            William                                             286     Tyrone
Skipton            Col.                        Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Slevin             Daniel                                              286     Tyrone
Slevin             John                                                286     Tyrone
Slevin             Michael                                             286     Tyrone
Slevin             William                                             286     Tyrone
Slevin             unknown                     Miss                    286     Tyrone
Sloan              George                                              286     Tyrone
Sloan              George M.                                           286     Tyrone
Sloan              unknown                     Mrs.                    286     Tyrone
Sloane             James                                               286     Tyrone
Sloane             John                        Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Smith              Andrew                                              286     Tyrone
Smith              Erasmus                                             286     Tyrone
Smith              Erasmus                                             287     Tyrone
Smith              Francis                                             286     Tyrone
Smith              George S.                   Rev.                    286     Tyrone
Smith              Henry                                               286     Tyrone
Smith              James                                               286     Tyrone
Smith              James                       Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Smith              Michael                                             286     Tyrone
Smith              Rev. George                 Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Smith              Robert                      Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Smith              William                                             286     Tyrone
Smith              unknown                     Mrs.                    286     Tyrone
Smyly              John G.                     Capt.                   286     Tyrone
Smyth              Allan                                               286     Tyrone
Smyth              Andrew                                              286     Tyrone
Smyth              David M.                                            286     Tyrone
Smyth              James                                               286     Tyrone
Smyth              John Alexander              Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Smyth              Joseph                                              286     Tyrone
Smyth              Robert                                              286     Tyrone
Smyth              Thomas John                                         286     Tyrone
Smyth              William                                             286     Tyrone
Somerville         James                                               286     Tyrone
Spear              James                       Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Speer              Isaac                                               286     Tyrone
Spence             George                                              286     Tyrone
Spottiswoode       Andrew                                              286     Tyrone
Sproule            Andrew                                              286     Tyrone
Sproule            Charles                                             286     Tyrone
Sproule            James                       Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Sproule            Moses                       Reps. of (deceased)     286     Tyrone
Sproule            Oliver                                              286     Tyrone
Sproule            Robert                                              286     Tyrone
Sproule            Thomas                                              286     Tyrone
Sproule            W. Thomas                                           286     Tyrone
Sproule            Wm. Beatty                                          286     Tyrone
Stack              George Hall                                         286     Tyrone
Stack              Richard                                             286     Tyrone
Stanley            Charles                                             286     Tyrone
Staples            Nathaniel Alexander         Sir                     286     Tyrone
Stark              James                                               286     Tyrone
Steele             Samuel                                              286     Tyrone
Stenson            Archibald                                           286     Tyrone
Stenson            Jane                                                287     Tyrone
Stenson            Thomas                                              286     Tyrone
Stephenson         Elizabeth                                           286     Tyrone
Stephenson         John                                                286     Tyrone
Stephenson         William                                             286     Tyrone
Sterling           Judge                                               286     Tyrone
Stevenson          James                                               286     Tyrone
Stevenson          John                                                286     Tyrone
Stevenson          John                                                287     Tyrone
Stevenson          Robert                                              286     Tyrone
Stewart            Adam                                                286     Tyrone
Stewart            Alexander G.                                        287     Tyrone
Stewart            Charles                                             287     Tyrone
Stewart            G. V.                                               287     Tyrone
Stewart            Hon. A. G.                  Reps. of (deceased)     287     Tyrone
Stewart            J. D. H.                                            287     Tyrone
Stewart            Jane                                                287     Tyrone
Stewart            John                                                287     Tyrone
Stewart            John                        Reps. of (deceased)     287     Tyrone
Stewart            John M.                     Sir                     287     Tyrone
Stewart            Mervyn                                              287     Tyrone
Stewart            Mervyn                      Capt.                   287     Tyrone
Stewart            Rebecca                                             287     Tyrone
Stewart            Rev. George                 Reps. of (deceased)     287     Tyrone
Stewart            Thomas B. L.                                        287     Tyrone
Stewart            William                                             287     Tyrone
Stokes             unknown                                             287     Tyrone
Stopford           G.                          Rev.                    287     Tyrone
Story              J. R.                                               287     Tyrone
Story              James                                               287     Tyrone
Story              Robert                                              287     Tyrone
Story              William                     Rev.                    287     Tyrone
Stronge            James M.                    Sir                     287     Tyrone
Stuart             Hamilton                                            287     Tyrone
Stuart             Mary                                                287     Tyrone
Stuart             Robert                                              287     Tyrone
Stuart             William                                             287     Tyrone
Stuart             unknown                                             287     Tyrone
Taggart            Robert                                              287     Tyrone
Taylor             Andrew                                              287     Tyrone
Taylor             Charles                                             287     Tyrone
Tener              Hampton E.                                          287     Tyrone
Tener              John K.                                             287     Tyrone
Tener              John Kinley                                         287     Tyrone
Tennent            Ann                         Reps. of (deceased)     287     Tyrone
Tennison           Patrick                                             287     Tyrone
Thompson           A.                          Reps. of (deceased)     287     Tyrone
Thompson           Hamilton                    Reps. of (deceased)     287     Tyrone
Thompson           James                                               287     Tyrone
Thompson           John                                                287     Tyrone
Thompson           Livingston                                          287     Tyrone
Thompson           Mary Anne                                           287     Tyrone
Thompson           Robert                                              287     Tyrone
Thompson           William George                                      287     Tyrone
Tisdal             W. A.                                               287     Tyrone
Todd               John                                                287     Tyrone
Todd               William                                             287     Tyrone
Tottenham          Richard                                             287     Tyrone
Townley            David                                               287     Tyrone
Traynor            Patrick                                             287     Tyrone
Treanor            Christopher                                         287     Tyrone
Treanor            Francis                     Dr.                     287     Tyrone
Tredennick         J. A.                                               287     Tyrone
Tredennick         Wm. R.                                              287     Tyrone
Trench             Mary S.                                             287     Tyrone
Trimble            Catherine A.                                        287     Tyrone
Trimble            James                                               287     Tyrone
Trimble            James                       Reps. of (deceased)     287     Tyrone
Twaite             Hawthorne                                           287     Tyrone
Tweedy             James                                               287     Tyrone
Tweedy             John                                                287     Tyrone
Tweedy             Samuel                                              287     Tyrone
Twigg              R.                                                  287     Tyrone
Vance              John                                                287     Tyrone
Vance              Robert                                              287     Tyrone
Venables           E. Whyte                    Rev.                    287     Tyrone
Verner             William                     Sir                     287     Tyrone
Verner             Wingfield                                           287     Tyrone
Vesey              Samuel                                              287     Tyrone
Vigors             Thomas C.                                           287     Tyrone
Wade               William                                             287     Tyrone
Wakefield          Ed.                         Reps. of (deceased)     287     Tyrone
Wakefield          Thomas                                              287     Tyrone
Walker             David                                               287     Tyrone
Walker             James                                               287     Tyrone
Walker             William                                             287     Tyrone
Wallace            Joseph                                              287     Tyrone
Wallace            Mary Ann                                            287     Tyrone
Wallace            William                                             281     Tyrone
Walters            Robert                                              287     Tyrone
Walters            Thomas                                              287     Tyrone
Walters            William                                             287     Tyrone
Ward               Michael                                             287     Tyrone
Warnick            James                                               287     Tyrone
Warnock            Alexander                                           287     Tyrone
Warnock            Archibald                                           287     Tyrone
Warnock            Hugh                                                287     Tyrone
Warnock            James                                               287     Tyrone
Warnock            James                                               288     Tyrone
Warnock            Messrs.                                             288     Tyrone
Warnock            Robert                                              288     Tyrone
Watson             Hans                                                288     Tyrone
Watson             Joseph                                              288     Tyrone
Watson             William                                             288     Tyrone
Wauchob            Samuel                                              287     Tyrone
Wauchope           Samuel                                              287     Tyrone
Waugh              Thomas                                              288     Tyrone
Waugh              unknown                     Mrs.                    288     Tyrone
Webster            Maria                       Reps. of (deceased)     288     Tyrone
Wee                James                                               279     Tyrone
Wee                John                                                288     Tyrone
Wee                Robert                                              277     Tyrone
West               Rev. W. J.                  Reps. of (deceased)     288     Tyrone
Whilton            George                                              288     Tyrone
White              Humphrey                                            288     Tyrone
White              John                                                288     Tyrone
White              Mary Margaret                                       287     Tyrone
White              Oliver                                              288     Tyrone
White              Robert                                              288     Tyrone
White              Thomas                                              288     Tyrone
Whiteside          Arthur                                              288     Tyrone
Whiteside          John                                                288     Tyrone
Whiteside          John C.                                             288     Tyrone
Wilcox             William                                             288     Tyrone
Wiley              James                                               288     Tyrone
Wiley              Joseph                                              288     Tyrone
Wiley              Sarah                                               288     Tyrone
Willcocks          James C.                    Rev.                    288     Tyrone
Wilson             Alexander                                           288     Tyrone
Wilson             Ch. Thomas                                          288     Tyrone
Wilson             Elizabeth                                           288     Tyrone
Wilson             Fleming                                             288     Tyrone
Wilson             James                                               288     Tyrone
Wilson             John                                                288     Tyrone
Wilson             Mary                                                288     Tyrone
Wilson             Sarah                       Mrs.                    288     Tyrone
Wilson             Thomas                                              288     Tyrone
Wilson             William                                             288     Tyrone
Wishart            Joseph                                              288     Tyrone
Woodhouse          J.                                                  288     Tyrone
Woods              Catherine                                           288     Tyrone
Woods              Charles                                             288     Tyrone
Wray               John                                                288     Tyrone
Wright             Isabella                                            288     Tyrone
Young              Charles                                             288     Tyrone
Young              Henry Wray                  Rev.                    288     Tyrone
Young              Isabella                    Mrs.                    288     Tyrone
Young              James                                               288     Tyrone
Young              Robert                                              288     Tyrone
Young              Robert F.                                           288     Tyrone
Young              Stewart                                             288     Tyrone
Young              Thomas A.                                           288     Tyrone
Young              William                                             288     Tyrone