Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Waterford
Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Waterford
Ahearn               Michael                                       173     Waterford
Alcock               Alexander             Rev.                    173     Waterford
Allen                Richard                                       173     Waterford
Alstons              unknown                                       173     Waterford
Ambrose              Joseph                                        173     Waterford
Anderson             T. W.                                         173     Waterford
Anderson             William                                       173     Waterford
Anthony              Henry                                         173     Waterford
Antony               James                                         173     Waterford
Ardagh               Jane F.                                       173     Waterford
Ardagh               Robert                                        173     Waterford
Ardagh               Wm. Michael                                   173     Waterford
Armstrong            William                                       173     Waterford
Ashtown              unknown               Lord                    173     Waterford
Atkins               Martha                                        173     Waterford
Bagge                J. H.                                         173     Waterford
Bagge                Michael                                       173     Waterford
Bagwell              John                                          173     Waterford
Bailey               R. W.                                         173     Waterford
Baker                Godfrey T.                                    173     Waterford
Baker                William                                       173     Waterford
Banfield             Peter Robert                                  173     Waterford
Barden               Alicia                                        173     Waterford
Barron               Catherine                                     173     Waterford
Barron               Edward                                        173     Waterford
Barron               Eliza Mary                                    173     Waterford
Barron               Georgina A.                                   173     Waterford
Barron               Henry P. T.           Sir                     173     Waterford
Barron               John M.                                       173     Waterford
Barron               Mary Anne                                     173     Waterford
Barron               Pierse M.                                     173     Waterford
Barron               William N.                                    173     Waterford
Barron-Newell        Pierse                                        173     Waterford
Barry                James                 Capt.                   173     Waterford
Barry                Mary                                          173     Waterford
Barry                William                                       173     Waterford
Beale                William                                       173     Waterford
Beresford            Nicholas                                      173     Waterford
Beresford            Robert H.                                     173     Waterford
Bernard              unknown               Col.                    173     Waterford
Bessborough          unknown                                       173     Waterford
Blake                James                                         173     Waterford
Blake                John A.                                       173     Waterford
Bolton               Charles N.                                    173     Waterford
Bolton               Jane                                          173     Waterford
Bolton               Richard                                       173     Waterford
Bosanquet            W. H. F.                                      173     Waterford
Bowles               George                                        173     Waterford
Boyce                Thomas                Capt.                   173     Waterford
Boyd                 Alexander                                     173     Waterford
Boyle                Richard W.                                    173     Waterford
Brennon              Elizabeth                                     173     Waterford
Briscoe              Henry W.                                      173     Waterford
Briscoe              William               Reps. of (deceased)     173     Waterford
Brown                Johanna                                       173     Waterford
Brown                Thomas                                        173     Waterford
Browning             Thomas                                        173     Waterford
Burke                Edmond                                        173     Waterford
Burke                John                  Rev.                    173     Waterford
Burke                Patrick                                       173     Waterford
Burkitt              F. H.                 Rev.                    173     Waterford
Burroughs            J. B.                                         173     Waterford
Bushe                Gervais P.            Col.                    173     Waterford
Butson               C. H. G.              Rev.                    173     Waterford
Byrne                Matthew                                       173     Waterford
Byrne                Patrick                                       173     Waterford
Cantwell             Patrick                                       173     Waterford
Carberry             Anne                                          173     Waterford
Carberry             James                                         173     Waterford
Carew                R. T.                                         173     Waterford
Carew                unknown               Lady                    173     Waterford
Carew                unknown               Lord                    173     Waterford
Carey                George                                        173     Waterford
Carey                Richard               Reps. of (deceased)     173     Waterford
Carey                Sophia Anne                                   173     Waterford
Casey                John                                          173     Waterford
Casey                John                  Rev.                    173     Waterford
Chapman              Joseph                                        173     Waterford
Chearnley            Richard A.                                    173     Waterford
Cherry               R. W.                                         173     Waterford
Christmas            Octavia                                       174     Waterford
Christopher          James                                         174     Waterford
Christopher          John K.                                       174     Waterford
Clarke               Hannah                                        174     Waterford
Clarke               Jane S.                                       174     Waterford
Clarke               Mary M.                                       174     Waterford
Clements             Henry T.                                      174     Waterford
Coatey               Abraham                                       174     Waterford
Cody                 Hannah                                        174     Waterford
Cody                 Margaret                                      174     Waterford
Cody                 Mary                                          174     Waterford
Cody                 Philomena                                     174     Waterford
Coffey               James                                         174     Waterford
Coffey               John                                          174     Waterford
Coffey               Mary                                          174     Waterford
Coffey               Patrick                                       174     Waterford
Coghlan              J. D.                                         174     Waterford
Coghlan              W. C.                                         174     Waterford
Coleman              Michael                                       174     Waterford
Condell              J. W.                 Reps. of (deceased)     174     Waterford
Congreve             Ambrose                                       174     Waterford
Connelly             Pierse B.                                     174     Waterford
Connery              George                                        174     Waterford
Cooley               unknown               Hon.                    174     Waterford
Courteney            Mary Anne                                     174     Waterford
Cowell               Henry                 Major                   174     Waterford
Crampton             Judge                                         178     Waterford
Crawford             Mable S.                                      174     Waterford
Crawford             Robert                                        174     Waterford
Crawford             William H.                                    174     Waterford
Creaghe              Richard                                       174     Waterford
Crolty               Thomas                Reps. of (deceased)     174     Waterford
Cronin               A. M.                 Miss                    174     Waterford
Crossley             Eliza                 Mrs.                    174     Waterford
Cullinan             John                                          174     Waterford
Cullinan             Patrick                                       174     Waterford
Cunningham           Dudley                                        174     Waterford
Cunningham           Michael                                       174     Waterford
Cunningham           Patrick                                       174     Waterford
Curreen              Michael                                       174     Waterford
Curreen              Patrick                                       174     Waterford
Curtis               unknown               Miss                    174     Waterford
Dartrey              unknown                                       174     Waterford
Davis                William                                       174     Waterford
Dawson               Ellen                 Mrs.                    174     Waterford
De La Poer           Edmond                                        174     Waterford
De Valmore           Charles                                       174     Waterford
Delandre             V. R.                 Reps. of (deceased)     174     Waterford
Dennehy              George                                        174     Waterford
Devonshire           unknown                                       174     Waterford
Dickson              William                                       174     Waterford
Dobbyn               Joseph                                        174     Waterford
Doneraile            Viscount                                      174     Waterford
Donnell              Joseph                                        174     Waterford
Donoughmore          unknown                                       174     Waterford
Donovan              John                                          174     Waterford
Dower                Catherine                                     174     Waterford
Dower                John R.               Reps. of (deceased)     174     Waterford
Dowling              Margaret                                      174     Waterford
Doyle                Thomas                                        174     Waterford
Drew                 Barry                                         174     Waterford
Drury                unknown                                       174     Waterford
Dudley               Charles               Reps. of (deceased)     174     Waterford
Elstead              Lucretia                                      174     Waterford
English              Pierse                                        174     Waterford
Esmonde              John                  Sir                     174     Waterford
Eyre                 Thos. Joseph          Reps. of (deceased)     174     Waterford
Fahy                 Laurence                                      174     Waterford
Fanning              J. H.                                         174     Waterford
Fayle                Samuel                                        174     Waterford
Fermoy               unknown               Lord                    174     Waterford
Finter               Sarah Alexandra                               174     Waterford
Fisher               William Allen         Rev.                    174     Waterford
Fitzgerald           Anthony                                       174     Waterford
Fitzgerald           Eleanor                                       174     Waterford
Fitzgerald           John                                          174     Waterford
Fitzgerald           Robert                                        174     Waterford
Fitzgerald           Thomas J.                                     174     Waterford
Fitzmaurice          George                                        174     Waterford
Flahavan             Ellen                                         174     Waterford
Flahavan             Mary                                          174     Waterford
Flinter              Ellen                                         174     Waterford
Flinter              Ellen St. John                                174     Waterford
Flinter              Ephraim Stuart                                174     Waterford
Flynn                William                                       174     Waterford
Foley                Denis                                         174     Waterford
Foley                Edward                                        174     Waterford
Foley                Frances Letitia                               174     Waterford
Foley                Nelson Trafalgar                              174     Waterford
Foley                Thomas                                        174     Waterford
Foran                Denis                                         174     Waterford
Fortescue            unknown                                       174     Waterford
Fox                  G. L.                                         174     Waterford
Furlong              J. P.                                         174     Waterford
Gallwey              Henry                                         175     Waterford
Gamble               Fanny                                         175     Waterford
Gamble               Sarah                                         175     Waterford
Garde                Ellen                                         175     Waterford
Garde                Henry                                         175     Waterford
Garde                Margaret                                      175     Waterford
Garde                Thomas                                        175     Waterford
Gibbons              Mrs. Catherine        Reps. of (deceased)     175     Waterford
Giles                Catherine                                     175     Waterford
Giles                Walter                                        175     Waterford
Glanville            J. G.                 Rev.                    175     Waterford
Godley               Denis                                         175     Waterford
Gordon               Stephen B.                                    175     Waterford
Gore                 unknown                                       178     Waterford
Gorman               Johacco                                       175     Waterford
Gorman               Michael                                       175     Waterford
Gorman               Thomas                                        175     Waterford
Gorman               Thomas                                        175     Waterford
Gorman               Thomas Wm.                                    175     Waterford
Gough                Thomas                                        175     Waterford
Grady                Thomas                                        175     Waterford
Granard              unknown                                       175     Waterford
Grant                E. A. L.              Mrs.                    175     Waterford
Grant                Thos. St. John                                175     Waterford
Grattan              Amina                                         175     Waterford
Graves               Robert                                        175     Waterford
Greene               John                  Mrs.                    175     Waterford
Greer                Elizabeth             Reps. of (deceased)     175     Waterford
Griffith             Christopher D.                                175     Waterford
Grub                 Thos.                 Reps. of (deceased)     175     Waterford
Grubb                Anne                                          175     Waterford
Grubb                S. T.                                         175     Waterford
Grubb                Thomas C.                                     175     Waterford
Grubb                Thomas S.                                     175     Waterford
Guerin               John                                          175     Waterford
Gumbleton            Fanny                 Miss                    175     Waterford
Gumbleton            Margt.                Miss                    175     Waterford
Gumbleton            R. J. Maxwell                                 175     Waterford
Gumbleton            Wm. Ed.                                       175     Waterford
Hackett              Sarah                                         175     Waterford
Hackett              William L.            Reps. of (deceased)     175     Waterford
Halley               Rev. Jeremiah         Reps. of (deceased)     175     Waterford
Hallinan             Thomas                                        175     Waterford
Hargrave             John                                          175     Waterford
Harney               John                                          175     Waterford
Hartford             John Pierse                                   175     Waterford
Hassard              Anne                                          175     Waterford
Hassard              R. J.                                         175     Waterford
Hassard              unknown               Dr.                     175     Waterford
Hawley               R. B.                 Lieutenant Col.         175     Waterford
Hayden               John                                          175     Waterford
Hayman               Matthew                                       175     Waterford
Hearne               George B.                                     175     Waterford
Hearne               John Bagge                                    175     Waterford
Hearne               Patrick                                       175     Waterford
Heffernan            Patrick                                       175     Waterford
Hely                 John George                                   175     Waterford
Hely                 William                                       175     Waterford
Hennebeny            Patrick                                       175     Waterford
Hennsbury            John                                          175     Waterford
Higgins              David H.                                      175     Waterford
Hobbs                Jane W.                                       175     Waterford
Hogan                Robert                                        175     Waterford
Homer                Joseph                                        175     Waterford
Hoolihan             Patrick                                       175     Waterford
Howlett              James                                         175     Waterford
Hudson               Richard G.                                    175     Waterford
Hughes               John                                          175     Waterford
Hughes               Thomas                                        175     Waterford
Hughes               Thomas W.                                     175     Waterford
Humble               John Nugent           Sir                     175     Waterford
Hunt                 Ambrose                                       175     Waterford
Hunt                 Thomas                                        175     Waterford
Huntingdon           unknown                                       175     Waterford
Hutchinson           unknown               Miss                    175     Waterford
Jackman              Deborah                                       175     Waterford
Jackson              Mary                                          175     Waterford
Jackson              Wm. Oliver                                    175     Waterford
Jacob                Benjamin              Rev.                    175     Waterford
Jameson              Henry                                         175     Waterford
John                 unknown               Mrs.                    175     Waterford
Jones                Edward                                        175     Waterford
Jones                J. H.                                         175     Waterford
Jones                Morgan                                        175     Waterford
Jones                William                                       175     Waterford
Keane                James                                         175     Waterford
Keane                John Henry            Sir                     175     Waterford
Kearney              James                                         175     Waterford
Keeffe               Denis                 Reps. of (deceased)     175     Waterford
Keely                Denis                                         175     Waterford
Keily                Bridget                                       175     Waterford
Keily                John                                          175     Waterford
Keily                Patrick               Reps. of (deceased)     175     Waterford
Kelly                Denis                                         175     Waterford
Kelly                Pierse                                        175     Waterford
Kennedy              Ambrose                                       175     Waterford
Kennedy              Cath.                 Reps. of (deceased)     175     Waterford
Kennedy              Catherine                                     175     Waterford
Kennedy              Chas. E. B.           Sir                     175     Waterford
Kennedy              Francis               Mrs.                    175     Waterford
Kennedy              Patrick                                       175     Waterford
Kennedy              Robt. Ronayne                                 175     Waterford
Kenny                Patrick                                       175     Waterford
Kiely                Catherine             Reps. of (deceased)     175     Waterford
Kiely                George                                        175     Waterford
Kiely                John                                          175     Waterford
Kiely                Richard                                       175     Waterford
Kiely                Ussher                                        175     Waterford
King                 Samuel                                        175     Waterford
Kirwan               James                                         175     Waterford
Kirwan               James                                         175     Waterford
La Barte             Richd.                Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
La Barte             Richd.                Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
Lambert              L. J.                                         176     Waterford
Lambert              L. J.                                         176     Waterford
Lane                 Denny                                         176     Waterford
Lane                 Denny                                         176     Waterford
Langan               Robert                                        176     Waterford
Langan               Robert                                        176     Waterford
Langley              Henry                                         176     Waterford
Langley              Henry                                         176     Waterford
Lawson               James                 Rev.                    176     Waterford
Lawson               James                 Rev.                    176     Waterford
Leahy                Michael                                       176     Waterford
Leahy                Michael                                       176     Waterford
Leamy                James                                         176     Waterford
Leamy                James                                         176     Waterford
Lloyd                Geo. Whitelock                                176     Waterford
Lloyd                Geo. Whitelock                                176     Waterford
Lonergan             Michael                                       176     Waterford
Lonergan             Michael                                       176     Waterford
Lynch                James                                         176     Waterford
Lynch                James                                         176     Waterford
Lyons                Michael                                       176     Waterford
Lyons                Michael                                       176     Waterford
M'Cabe               William B.                                    176     Waterford
M'Cabe               William B.                                    176     Waterford
M'Cance              Wm.                   Rev.                    176     Waterford
M'Cance              Wm.                   Rev.                    176     Waterford
M'Cullagh            Robert                                        176     Waterford
M'Dougall            William                                       176     Waterford
M'Grath              John                                          176     Waterford
M'Guire              Edward                                        176     Waterford
M'Kenna              J. N.                 Sir                     176     Waterford
Mackesy              G. J.                                         176     Waterford
Mackesy              G. J.                                         176     Waterford
Magrath              John                                          176     Waterford
Magrath              John                                          176     Waterford
Maher                Edward                                        176     Waterford
Maher                Edward                                        176     Waterford
Maher                John                  Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
Maher                John                  Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
Mahony               John E.                                       176     Waterford
Mahony               John E.                                       176     Waterford
Malcomson            Frederick                                     176     Waterford
Malcomson            Frederick                                     176     Waterford
Malcomson            Messrs.                                       176     Waterford
Malcomson            Messrs.                                       176     Waterford
Malcomson            Thomas                Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
Malcomson            Thomas                Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
Malcomson            William                                       176     Waterford
Malcomson            William                                       176     Waterford
Mandeville           Thomas H.                                     176     Waterford
Mandeville           Thomas H.                                     176     Waterford
Mansfield            Capt. Walter          Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
Mansfield            Capt. Walter          Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
Mansfield            G. L. P.                                      176     Waterford
Mansfield            G. L. P.                                      176     Waterford
Mansfield            Patk.                                         176     Waterford
Mansfield            Patk.                 Sr.                     176     Waterford
Maquay               George Disney                                 176     Waterford
Maquay               George Disney                                 176     Waterford
Mara                 Denis                                         176     Waterford
Mara                 Denis                                         176     Waterford
Maxwell              W. Percival                                   176     Waterford
Maxwell              W. Percival                                   176     Waterford
Meagher              Michael F.                                    176     Waterford
Meagher              Philip                                        176     Waterford
Meara                Fox                                           176     Waterford
Meara                John                                          176     Waterford
Meara                Patrick                                       176     Waterford
Medlycott            J. T.                 Rev.                    176     Waterford
Merritt              Frances                                       176     Waterford
Middleton            John                                          176     Waterford
Mitchell             M. C.                                         176     Waterford
Mockler              E. B.                                         176     Waterford
Moore                Stephen                                       176     Waterford
Morgan               E. G. D.              Hon.                    176     Waterford
Moriarty             Jeremiah                                      176     Waterford
Morris               Catherine                                     176     Waterford
Morris               G. W.                                         176     Waterford
Morrissey            James                                         176     Waterford
Mulcahy              Catherine             Mrs.                    176     Waterford
Mulcahy              Edmond M.                                     176     Waterford
Mulcahy              Patrick               Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
Mullins              James                                         176     Waterford
Mullowney            James                                         176     Waterford
Murphy               Ellen                                         176     Waterford
Murray               Abraham                                       176     Waterford
Musalla              Joseph                                        176     Waterford
Musgrave             Richard John          Sir                     176     Waterford
Myers                James                                         176     Waterford
Neville              R. B.                 Rev.                    176     Waterford
Nevins               Hugh N.                                       176     Waterford
Nixon                Maria B.                                      176     Waterford
Noonan               James                                         176     Waterford
Norris               James                                         176     Waterford
Nugent               John                                          176     Waterford
O'Brien              James                                         176     Waterford
O'Brien              Jeremiah                                      176     Waterford
O'Brien              Matthew               Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
O'Brien              Thos. K.              Rev.                    176     Waterford
O'Donnell            Francis Robt.         Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
O'Donnell            Joseph W.                                     176     Waterford
O'Donnell            Maurice                                       176     Waterford
O'Donnell            Richard                                       176     Waterford
O'Donnell            Thomas                                        176     Waterford
O'Donnell            unknown               Miss                    176     Waterford
O'Donohue            Thomas                                        176     Waterford
O'Gorman             Purcell                                       176     Waterford
O'Grady              Francis               Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
O'Keeffe             John                                          176     Waterford
O'Mahony             Catherine                                     176     Waterford
O'Neill              Jane                                          176     Waterford
O'Reilly             Mary Anne Power                               176     Waterford
O'Shea               N. P.                                         176     Waterford
Odell                E. G. H.                                      176     Waterford
Oliver               Richard Silver                                176     Waterford
Orpen                Basil                                         176     Waterford
Osborne              C. J.                 Mrs.                    178     Waterford
Osborne              Cath. Isabella                                176     Waterford
Oughton              John R.                                       176     Waterford
Palliser             John                                          176     Waterford
Palliser             W. B.                                         176     Waterford
Parker               John F.               Rev.                    176     Waterford
Parker               William Henry                                 176     Waterford
Paul                 Mary Anne             Reps. of (deceased)     176     Waterford
Paul                 R. J.                 Sir                     176     Waterford
Pedder               Henry                                         176     Waterford
Peet                 E. G.                                         176     Waterford
Pennefather          Edward                                        177     Waterford
Penrose              Cooper                                        177     Waterford
Percival             Wm.                   Rev.                    177     Waterford
Perrott              William                                       177     Waterford
Perry                Richard L.                                    177     Waterford
Perry                Robert D.                                     177     Waterford
Phelan               Bernard Paul                                  177     Waterford
Phelan               James                                         177     Waterford
Phelan               Richard                                       177     Waterford
Philips              John                                          177     Waterford
Plunkett             P. J.                                         177     Waterford
Poer                 Samuel                Reps. of (deceased)     177     Waterford
Poole                Thomas Walter                                 177     Waterford
Poole                W. W. W.                                      177     Waterford
Pope                 Henry                                         177     Waterford
Pope                 Josiah                                        177     Waterford
Pope                 Thomas                Mrs.                    177     Waterford
Power                Anastasia                                     177     Waterford
Power                Edmond                                        177     Waterford
Power                Eliza                                         177     Waterford
Power                James                                         177     Waterford
Power                John                                          177     Waterford
Power                John                  Mrs.                    177     Waterford
Power                Joseph O'N                                    177     Waterford
Power                Mary Anne                                     177     Waterford
Power                Maurice                                       177     Waterford
Power                Nicholas                                      177     Waterford
Power                Patrick                                       177     Waterford
Power                Patrick Joseph                                177     Waterford
Power                Patrick W.                                    177     Waterford
Power                Pierse                                        177     Waterford
Power                Rev. A.               Reps. of (deceased)     177     Waterford
Power                Richard               Sir                     177     Waterford
Power                Robert                                        177     Waterford
Power                Samuel B.                                     177     Waterford
Power                Thomas                                        177     Waterford
Power                William                                       177     Waterford
Prendergast          Mary Jane                                     177     Waterford
Quealy               John                                          177     Waterford
Quin                 Edward                                        177     Waterford
Quinlan              James                                         177     Waterford
Quinlan              John                                          177     Waterford
Quinn                Mary H.                                       177     Waterford
Rea                  R. R.                                         177     Waterford
Reade                Joseph                                        177     Waterford
Reade                W. M.                                         177     Waterford
Reynett              Sarah                                         177     Waterford
Rice                 Anne                                          177     Waterford
Roberts              Edward                                        177     Waterford
Roberts              Samuel                                        177     Waterford
Roche                George                                        177     Waterford
Roche                Mary                                          177     Waterford
Rogers               Congreve                                      177     Waterford
Ryan                 H. Ellen M.                                   177     Waterford
Ryan                 James                                         177     Waterford
Ryan                 Roger                 Reps. of (deceased)     177     Waterford
Ryan                 Thomas                                        177     Waterford
Ryan                 William                                       177     Waterford
Sankey               Jacob                                         177     Waterford
Sargent              W. A.                                         177     Waterford
Saunderson           Hardress Luttrell                             177     Waterford
Scott                Eliza                                         177     Waterford
Scurrey              Walter                                        177     Waterford
Seely                Mary                  Mrs.                    177     Waterford
Shanahan             James                                         177     Waterford
Shanahan             John                                          177     Waterford
Shaw                 A. C.                                         177     Waterford
Shea                 Alice                                         177     Waterford
Shearman             Josiah                                        177     Waterford
Shee                 James John                                    177     Waterford
Sheehan              Francis                                       177     Waterford
Sherlock             Anne                  Mrs.                    177     Waterford
Sherlock             George                                        177     Waterford
Sherlock             Thomas P.                                     177     Waterford
Slattery             Denis F.                                      177     Waterford
Slattery             Jeremiah                                      177     Waterford
Smith                David                                         177     Waterford
Smith                Godfrey C.            Rev.                    177     Waterford
Smith                Henry                                         177     Waterford
Smith                Sarah A.              Mrs.                    177     Waterford
Smith                unknown               Miss                    177     Waterford
Smyth                C. W. M.              Hon.                    177     Waterford
Smyth                Percy                                         177     Waterford
Sparrow              Robert                                        177     Waterford
Sparrow              William                                       177     Waterford
St. George           Evge. Christina       Reps. of (deceased)     177     Waterford
Stafford             John                                          177     Waterford
Stafford             William               Reps. of (deceased)     177     Waterford
Stephenson           Patrick               Reps. of (deceased)     177     Waterford
Stephenson           Thomas                                        177     Waterford
Stokes               Maria                                         177     Waterford
Stokes               Mary                  Mrs.                    177     Waterford
Stoute               Richard                                       177     Waterford
Strangman            Samuel                                        177     Waterford
Strangman            T. H.                                         177     Waterford
Stuart               Colonel W. O.         Reps. of (deceased)     177     Waterford
Stuart De Decies     unknown               Lord                    177     Waterford
Swiney               Ellen                                         177     Waterford
Terry                William                                       177     Waterford
Thackwell            unknown               Lady                    177     Waterford
Tobin                David                                         178     Waterford
Tobin                Henchy                                        178     Waterford
Tobin                John                                          178     Waterford
Tobin                Margaret                                      178     Waterford
Tobin                Patk.                                         178     Waterford
Tobin                Patrick                                       178     Waterford
Tobin                Thomas                                        178     Waterford
Tobin                William                                       178     Waterford
Tottenham            W. D.                                         178     Waterford
Townshend            C. U.                                         178     Waterford
Tracy                Declan                                        178     Waterford
Travers              Eliza                                         178     Waterford
Trench               unknown               Hon. Rev. Dr.           178     Waterford
Ussher               Arthur E.                                     178     Waterford
Ussher               Christopher M.                                178     Waterford
Ussher               John                                          178     Waterford
Ussher               Richard J.                                    178     Waterford
Ussher               Wm. Neville                                   178     Waterford
Walker               Eliza                                         178     Waterford
Wall                 C. H.                 Rev.                    178     Waterford
Wall                 David                                         178     Waterford
Wall                 James                 Mrs.                    178     Waterford
Wall                 John                                          178     Waterford
Wallace              Alexander                                     178     Waterford
Wallace              Anne                                          178     Waterford
Walsh                Bridget                                       178     Waterford
Walsh                Ellen                                         178     Waterford
Walsh                John                                          178     Waterford
Walsh                Michael                                       178     Waterford
Walsh                P. D.                                         178     Waterford
Walsh                Patrick J.                                    178     Waterford
Walsh                Peter                                         178     Waterford
Walsh                Philip                                        178     Waterford
Walsh                Richard                                       178     Waterford
Walsh                Thomas                                        178     Waterford
Waterford            unknown               Marquess                178     Waterford
Waters               Mary                                          178     Waterford
Watson               Thomas W.                                     178     Waterford
Webster              R. F.                                         178     Waterford
Weekes               E. S.                 Reps. of (deceased)     178     Waterford
Weldon               Anne                                          178     Waterford
Wheeler              Sir Trevor            Reps. of (deceased)     178     Waterford
Whelan               Edmond                                        178     Waterford
Whelan               Honora                                        178     Waterford
Whelan               Lawrence                                      178     Waterford
White                Michael                                       178     Waterford
White                Sarah                 Lady                    178     Waterford
White                T. R.                                         178     Waterford
Whitney              Sarah                                         178     Waterford
Whitney              Thomas                                        178     Waterford
Williams             unknown               Mrs.                    178     Waterford
Wilson               John                                          178     Waterford
Wilson               T. B.                                         178     Waterford
Wise                 William                                       178     Waterford
Wood                 Geo. Abraham                                  178     Waterford
Woodrooff            W. Morton                                     178     Waterford
Wyse                 Napoleon B.                                   178     Waterford
Wyse                 William C. B.                                 178     Waterford
Young                Henry L.                                      178     Waterford