Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Wexford
Land Owners in Ireland, 1876 - Wexford
Acheson          Joseph                                         88      Wexford
Adams            William                                        88      Wexford
Alcock           Harry                  Col.                    88      Wexford
Alcock           Margt.                 Reps. of (deceased)     88      Wexford
Alexander        Eliza                                          88      Wexford
Alexander        George                                         88      Wexford
Alexander        Rev. John              Reps. of (deceased)     88      Wexford
Alexander        unknown                                        88      Wexford
Allen            John                                           88      Wexford
Allen            Patrick                                        88      Wexford
Allen            William                                        88      Wexford
Angle            Edward                                         88      Wexford
Archbald         John                                           88      Wexford
Archdall         J. C.                  Rev.                    88      Wexford
Archer           Anne                                           88      Wexford
Archer           Mary                   Mrs.                    88      Wexford
Armstrong        Francis C.                                     88      Wexford
Armstrong        J. B.                  Rev.                    88      Wexford
Armstrong        William                                        88      Wexford
Aspill           Nicholas                                       88      Wexford
Atkins           William                                        88      Wexford
Bailey           Edward                 Rev.                    88      Wexford
Baily            Abraham                                        88      Wexford
Ball             Julia                                          88      Wexford
Ball             Robert                                         88      Wexford
Ball             Shirley                                        88      Wexford
Banks            Lydia                                          88      Wexford
Banon            Denis                                          88      Wexford
Banon            James                                          88      Wexford
Barden           John                                           88      Wexford
Barlow           Walter                                         88      Wexford
Barrett          Samuel                                         88      Wexford
Barrington       John                                           88      Wexford
Barron           Anne                                           88      Wexford
Barron           Thomas                                         88      Wexford
Barry            John E.                                        88      Wexford
Barry            William                                        88      Wexford
Bass             John                                           88      Wexford
Bates            Joseph                 Reps. of (deceased)     88      Wexford
Batt             Armanella                                      88      Wexford
Batt             Jane                                           88      Wexford
Batt             William                                        88      Wexford
Battersby        George                                         88      Wexford
Batterton        Patrick                                        88      Wexford
Beakey           Patrick                                        88      Wexford
Beatty           David                  Mrs.                    88      Wexford
Beatty           David V.                                       88      Wexford
Beatty           John T.                                        88      Wexford
Beauman          Harriett                                       88      Wexford
Bell             George                                         88      Wexford
Bell             John                                           88      Wexford
Bell             Thomas                                         88      Wexford
Bell             William                                        88      Wexford
Bennions         Clinton                                        88      Wexford
Bently           Edward                                         88      Wexford
Bernard          Edward                                         88      Wexford
Berwick          Elizabeth M.                                   88      Wexford
Beston           Frazier F.                                     88      Wexford
Billing          Arthur                                         88      Wexford
Bishop           Anne                                           88      Wexford
Black            Gibson                 Rev.                    88      Wexford
Blacker          R. S. C.               Rev.                    88      Wexford
Blacker          William                                        88      Wexford
Bland            George                 Reps. of (deceased)     88      Wexford
Boggan           John                                           88      Wexford
Boggan           Michael                                        88      Wexford
Boggan           Patrick                                        88      Wexford
Bohanna          John                                           88      Wexford
Boland           John                                           88      Wexford
Bolger           James                                          88      Wexford
Bolger           Margaret                                       88      Wexford
Bolton           Abraham                                        88      Wexford
Bolton           Catherine                                      88      Wexford
Bolton           Henry                                          88      Wexford
Bolton           Lynden                                         88      Wexford
Bolton           Richard                                        88      Wexford
Bolton           William                                        88      Wexford
Borbidge         Richard F.                                     88      Wexford
Boxwell          Francis                                        88      Wexford
Boxwell          Frank                                          88      Wexford
Boxwell          John H.                                        88      Wexford
Boxwell          William                                        88      Wexford
Boyce            John                                           88      Wexford
Boyce            unknown                Capt.                   88      Wexford
Boyd             Thomas                                         88      Wexford
Boyde            James                                          88      Wexford
Braddell         Alex.                  Rev.                    88      Wexford
Braddell         Henry                                          88      Wexford
Braddell         John W.                                        88      Wexford
Braddell         Thomas                                         88      Wexford
Bradish          James                                          88      Wexford
Bradshaw         James P.                                       88      Wexford
Bratten          Henry                                          88      Wexford
Brawders         Mary                                           88      Wexford
Breen            Michael                                        88      Wexford
Breen            Patrick                                        88      Wexford
Brehon           George                                         88      Wexford
Brennan          Bartholomew                                    88      Wexford
Brennan          Edward                                         88      Wexford
Brennan          John                                           88      Wexford
Brennan          Patrick                                        89      Wexford
Brennan          Rachel                                         89      Wexford
Brennan          Sarah                                          89      Wexford
Bridges          Thomas T.              Rev.                    89      Wexford
Bridges          William                                        89      Wexford
Brien            James                                          89      Wexford
Brien            John                                           89      Wexford
Brien            Patrick                                        89      Wexford
Brien            Peter                                          89      Wexford
Brien            Timothy                                        89      Wexford
Brien            William                                        89      Wexford
Brierton         William S.                                     89      Wexford
Brooks           George F.                                      89      Wexford
Brophy           Robert                                         89      Wexford
Brown            John W.                                        89      Wexford
Brown            Joseph S.                                      89      Wexford
Brown            Michael Harry                                  89      Wexford
Browne           James                                          89      Wexford
Browne           Michael                                        89      Wexford
Browne           Philip                                         89      Wexford
Browne           William                                        89      Wexford
Browne           unknown                Mrs.                    89      Wexford
Brownrigg        Sarah                                          89      Wexford
Brownrigg        unknown                Mrs.                    89      Wexford
Bruen            Henry                                          89      Wexford
Bryan            Loftus A.                                      89      Wexford
Bryan            Robert B.              Reps. of (deceased)     89      Wexford
Buchanan         Charlotte A.                                   89      Wexford
Buchanan         Samuel                                         89      Wexford
Budd             William                                        89      Wexford
Budgeon          Thomas                                         89      Wexford
Burrows          unknown                Mrs.                    89      Wexford
Burton           G.                                             94      Wexford
Butler           Henry                                          89      Wexford
Byrne            Charles                                        89      Wexford
Byrne            E. A.                                          89      Wexford
Byrne            Eliza                                          89      Wexford
Byrne            Elizabeth                                      89      Wexford
Byrne            James E.                                       89      Wexford
Byrne            John                                           89      Wexford
Byrne            Margaret                                       89      Wexford
Byrne            Nicholas                                       89      Wexford
Byrne            Patrick                                        89      Wexford
Cahill           Thomas                 Rev.                    89      Wexford
Calderwood       James                                          89      Wexford
Campion          Richard                                        89      Wexford
Cardiff          Pat.                                           89      Wexford
Carew            unknown                Hon. Lord               89      Wexford
Carey            Michael                                        89      Wexford
Carr             E.                     Rev.                    89      Wexford
Carr             Edward                                         89      Wexford
Carr             George                                         89      Wexford
Carr             Gifford                                        89      Wexford
Carroll          Joseph                                         89      Wexford
Carroll          Mary Eliza                                     89      Wexford
Carroll          unknown                                        89      Wexford
Carty            Edward                                         89      Wexford
Carty            John                                           89      Wexford
Carty            Michael                                        89      Wexford
Carty            Myles                                          89      Wexford
Casey            Bridget                                        89      Wexford
Casey            Peter                                          89      Wexford
Chandler         Patrick                                        89      Wexford
Chapman          Joseph                                         89      Wexford
Christmas        William                                        89      Wexford
Clancey          Nicholas                                       89      Wexford
Clancy           Nicholas                                       89      Wexford
Clarke           William                                        89      Wexford
Clarke           unknown                Miss                    89      Wexford
Clayton          R. B.                                          89      Wexford
Cleary           Michael                                        89      Wexford
Cleary           Thomas                                         89      Wexford
Cliffe           Anthony                                        89      Wexford
Cliffe           Anthony J.                                     89      Wexford
Clifford         Edward J.                                      89      Wexford
Clifford         Robert                 Reps. of (deceased)     89      Wexford
Clifford         unknown                Miss                    89      Wexford
Close            Henry L.                                       89      Wexford
Codd             Anthony                                        89      Wexford
Codd             Mary                                           89      Wexford
Codd             Nicholas                                       89      Wexford
Codd             Richard                                        89      Wexford
Codd             Thomas                                         89      Wexford
Coghlan          John                   Reps. of (deceased)     89      Wexford
Cogley           Daniel                                         89      Wexford
Cogley           Patrick                                        89      Wexford
Colclough        Anne                                           89      Wexford
Colclough        J. T. R.               Reps. of (deceased)     89      Wexford
Colclough        John                                           89      Wexford
Colclough        Patrick                                        89      Wexford
Colclough        Thomas                                         89      Wexford
Cole             Edward                                         89      Wexford
Colfe            Margaret                                       89      Wexford
Colfer           James                                          89      Wexford
Colfer           Michael                                        89      Wexford
Colfor           John                                           89      Wexford
Colvin           John                   Rev.                    89      Wexford
Conlan           William                                        89      Wexford
Connell          Laurence                                       89      Wexford
Connick          Laurence                                       89      Wexford
Connor           Denis                                          89      Wexford
Connor           John                                           89      Wexford
Connor           Mary                                           89      Wexford
Connors          Andrew                                         89      Wexford
Connors          John                                           89      Wexford
Connors          Martin                                         89      Wexford
Connors          Patrick                                        89      Wexford
Conron           John                                           89      Wexford
Cookman          N. N.                                          89      Wexford
Cooney           Mary                                           89      Wexford
Cooper           Harry                                          89      Wexford
Cooper           Henry                                          89      Wexford
Cooper           Jonathan S.            Rev.                    89      Wexford
Cooper           William                                        90      Wexford
Copeland         Benjamin                                       90      Wexford
Coppinger        Edward J.                                      90      Wexford
Corcoran         Laurence W.                                    90      Wexford
Corish           Mary                                           90      Wexford
Corish           Michael K.                                     90      Wexford
Corish           Raymond                                        90      Wexford
Cormick          Isaac                  Reps. of (deceased)     90      Wexford
Cormick          Martin                                         90      Wexford
Cornick          Isaac                                          90      Wexford
Cornick          Patrick                                        90      Wexford
Cornick          Sachriah               Mrs.                    90      Wexford
Cornwall         John                                           90      Wexford
Cosgrave         Francis                                        90      Wexford
Cosgrave         James                                          90      Wexford
Costello         Eliza                                          90      Wexford
Courtown         unknown                                        90      Wexford
Cowell           George                                         90      Wexford
Craven           Charles C.                                     90      Wexford
Crawley          Joseph                                         90      Wexford
Creighton        Richard                                        90      Wexford
Crinston         Annetta                                        90      Wexford
Crofton          J. C.                                          90      Wexford
Croker           Henry                  Capt.                   90      Wexford
Croker           Michael                Rev.                    90      Wexford
Crosswright      Thomas                                         90      Wexford
Crowley          Eliza                                          90      Wexford
Culchet          unknown                                        90      Wexford
Cullen           John                                           90      Wexford
Cullen           John B.                                        90      Wexford
Cullen           Martha                                         90      Wexford
Cullen           Mary                                           90      Wexford
Cullen           Michael                                        90      Wexford
Cullen           Patrick                                        90      Wexford
Cullen           Simon                                          90      Wexford
Culleton         Michael                                        90      Wexford
Culleton         Thomas                                         90      Wexford
D'Arcy           M. P.                                          90      Wexford
Daly             James                                          90      Wexford
Daniel           E. M.                                          90      Wexford
Daniel           Ludford                Reps. of (deceased)     90      Wexford
Daniel           M. G.                  Reps. of (deceased)     90      Wexford
Danzelle         unknown                                        90      Wexford
Darley           Henry                                          90      Wexford
Davis            A. P.                                          90      Wexford
Davis            Abraham J.                                     90      Wexford
Davis            Francis                                        90      Wexford
Davis            James                                          90      Wexford
Davis            Robert J.                                      90      Wexford
Davis            Saml.                                          90      Wexford
Davis            Samuel                                         90      Wexford
Davis            Thomas                                         90      Wexford
Davision         Wm.                    Reps. of (deceased)     90      Wexford
Dawson           Montifort W. W.                                90      Wexford
Day              A. B.                  Rev.                    90      Wexford
Day              John                                           90      Wexford
De Burgh         A.                     Lady                    90      Wexford
Deane            J. W.                                          90      Wexford
Deane            John                                           90      Wexford
Deegan           Jane                                           90      Wexford
Delany           John                                           90      Wexford
Dempsey          Peter                                          90      Wexford
Derenzy          George F.                                      90      Wexford
Derry            Patrick                                        90      Wexford
Devereux         Edward                                         90      Wexford
Devereux         John                                           90      Wexford
Devereux         John Daly                                      90      Wexford
Devereux         John T.                                        90      Wexford
Devereux         Mark                                           90      Wexford
Devereux         Mary                                           90      Wexford
Devereux         Richard                                        90      Wexford
Devereux         William                                        90      Wexford
Dey              William                                        90      Wexford
Dillon           Francis                                        90      Wexford
Donaghmore       unknown                                        90      Wexford
Donavan          Elizabeth                                      90      Wexford
Donohoe          James                                          90      Wexford
Donohoe          John                                           90      Wexford
Donohoe          Moses                                          90      Wexford
Donovan          Jeremiah                                       90      Wexford
Donovan          Richard                                        90      Wexford
Dooley           James                                          90      Wexford
Dooley           Patrick                                        90      Wexford
Doran            Laurence                                       90      Wexford
Doran            Patrick                                        90      Wexford
Douglas          William                                        90      Wexford
Dowd             John                                           90      Wexford
Dower            Denis                                          90      Wexford
Downers          James                                          90      Wexford
Downes           Jas.                                           90      Wexford
Downes           Michl.                                         90      Wexford
Doyle            Bridget                                        90      Wexford
Doyle            Catherine                                      90      Wexford
Doyle            Denis                                          90      Wexford
Doyle            Edward                                         90      Wexford
Doyle            Francis                                        90      Wexford
Doyle            John                                           90      Wexford
Doyle            Laurence                                       90      Wexford
Doyle            Laurence               Reps. of (deceased)     90      Wexford
Doyle            Matthew                                        90      Wexford
Doyle            Michael                                        90      Wexford
Doyle            Patrick                                        90      Wexford
Doyle            Richard                                        90      Wexford
Doyle            William                                        90      Wexford
Doyle            unknown                Capt.                   90      Wexford
Doyle            unknown                Mrs.                    90      Wexford
Doyne            Charles M.                                     90      Wexford
Dreake           Deane J.                                       90      Wexford
Drew             William                                        90      Wexford
Drury            William                                        90      Wexford
Duckett          John D.                                        90      Wexford
Dundas           Lorenzo                                        90      Wexford
Dunne            John                                           90      Wexford
Dunne            John                   Rev.                    90      Wexford
Dunne            Patrick                                        90      Wexford
Dunne            Stephen                                        90      Wexford
Dunne            Thomas                                         90      Wexford
Dunne            W. John                                        90      Wexford
Dwyer            Peter                                          90      Wexford
Eakins           Walter                                         90      Wexford
Ebrington        C. H.                  Rev.                    90      Wexford
Edwards          Anne                   Reps. of (deceased)     90      Wexford
Edwards          Cadwalder                                      91      Wexford
Edwards          Richard                                        91      Wexford
Ellis            T. C.                                          91      Wexford
Elms             Samuel                                         91      Wexford
Ely              unknown                Marquis                 91      Wexford
English          Anastatia                                      91      Wexford
English          James                                          91      Wexford
English          Margaret                                       91      Wexford
Ennis            Catherine                                      91      Wexford
Ennis            James A.                                       91      Wexford
Ennis            John                                           91      Wexford
Esmond           John                   Sir                     91      Wexford
Evans            E.                                             91      Wexford
Evoy             Peter                                          91      Wexford
Evshaw           Thomas                                         91      Wexford
Farmar           William H.                                     91      Wexford
Farmer           Henrietta                                      91      Wexford
Farrell          James                                          91      Wexford
Farrell          William                Reps. of (deceased)     91      Wexford
Feale            Joseph R.                                      91      Wexford
Fenlon           Patrick                                        91      Wexford
Finn             Michael                                        91      Wexford
Finnemor         unknown                                        91      Wexford
Fishbourne       Robt.                  Rev.                    91      Wexford
Fisher           Peter M.                                       91      Wexford
Fitzhenry        Charles                                        91      Wexford
Fitzhenry        Edward                                         91      Wexford
Fitzhenry        Law                                            91      Wexford
Fitzhenry        Mary                                           91      Wexford
Fitzhenry        Peter                                          91      Wexford
Fitzpatrick      Anne                                           91      Wexford
Fitzpatrick      F.                                             91      Wexford
Fitzpatrick      Francis J.                                     91      Wexford
Fitzsimons       William                                        91      Wexford
Fitzwigram       Robert                 Sir                     91      Wexford
Fitzwilliam      unknown                                        91      Wexford
Fleming          Eliza                                          91      Wexford
Flood            Frederick S.                                   91      Wexford
Flood            Moses                                          91      Wexford
Flood            Patrick                                        91      Wexford
Foley            Moses                                          91      Wexford
Foley            William                                        91      Wexford
Foote            Mat.                                           91      Wexford
Forbes           Adelaide               Lady                    91      Wexford
Fortune          Pat.                                           91      Wexford
Fortune          Patrick                                        91      Wexford
Foster           Wm. Orme                                       91      Wexford
Fowler           Ellen                                          91      Wexford
Francis          Thomas                                         91      Wexford
French           Martin                                         91      Wexford
French           Peter                                          91      Wexford
Frood            William S.                                     91      Wexford
Furlong          Alice                                          91      Wexford
Furlong          Andrew                                         91      Wexford
Furlong          Bridget                                        91      Wexford
Furlong          Edward                                         91      Wexford
Furlong          Eliza                                          91      Wexford
Furlong          Fanny                                          91      Wexford
Furlong          James                                          91      Wexford
Furlong          John                                           91      Wexford
Furlong          Joseph                                         91      Wexford
Furlong          Laurence                                       91      Wexford
Furlong          Luke                                           91      Wexford
Furlong          Mary                                           91      Wexford
Furlong          Mat.                                           91      Wexford
Furlong          Matthew                                        91      Wexford
Furlong          Pat.                                           91      Wexford
Furlong          Philip                                         91      Wexford
Furlong          Walter                                         91      Wexford
Furlong          unknown                                        91      Wexford
Furlong          unknown                Rev. Dr.                91      Wexford
Gaffney          Catherine                                      91      Wexford
Galavan          James E.                                       91      Wexford
Gavin            Jas.                                           91      Wexford
Geary            unknown                Lady                    91      Wexford
George           John D'Olier                                   91      Wexford
Gethings         Jas.                   Reps. of (deceased)     91      Wexford
Getting          John                                           91      Wexford
Gibbon           William                                        91      Wexford
Gibbon           William M.                                     91      Wexford
Gibson           Richd.                 Reps. of (deceased)     91      Wexford
Gibson           William                                        91      Wexford
Gifford          Edward                                         91      Wexford
Gifford          Nicholas                                       91      Wexford
Gilbert          John                                           91      Wexford
Gildea           J. R.                  Rev.                    91      Wexford
Gill             John                   Reps. of (deceased)     91      Wexford
Glascott         J. H.                                          91      Wexford
Glascott         Julia                                          91      Wexford
Glascott         W. M.                                          91      Wexford
Godkin           John                                           91      Wexford
Godkin           Sarah                                          91      Wexford
Goff             Abraham H.             Reps. of (deceased)     91      Wexford
Goff             Mary                   Reps. of (deceased)     91      Wexford
Goff             Strangman D.                                   91      Wexford
Goodall          Jane                   Reps. of (deceased)     91      Wexford
Goodall          John                   Reps. of (deceased)     91      Wexford
Goodall          Nicholas                                       91      Wexford
Goodisson        Henry                                          91      Wexford
Goodisson        unknown                Mrs.                    91      Wexford
Gorman           Eliza                                          91      Wexford
Gough            Arthur                                         91      Wexford
Graham           Hannah                                         91      Wexford
Graham           Henry                                          91      Wexford
Graham           Michael                                        91      Wexford
Grannell         Patrick                                        91      Wexford
Grant            Michael                                        91      Wexford
Graves           James H.                                       92      Wexford
Green            John                                           92      Wexford
Green            Mark                                           92      Wexford
Green            Pat                                            92      Wexford
Green            Rawdon G.              Rev.                    92      Wexford
Greene           John                                           92      Wexford
Greene           Samuel                                         92      Wexford
Greene           Thomas                 Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Greene           Walter                 Rev.                    92      Wexford
Greene           unknown                                        92      Wexford
Greenham         Letitia                                        92      Wexford
Gresson          Wm. R.                 Rev.                    92      Wexford
Griffin          Amelia                                         92      Wexford
Grogan           C. J.                  Rev.                    92      Wexford
Grogan           Edward                 Sir                     92      Wexford
Guinness         unknown                Miss                    92      Wexford
Guise            J. C.                  Col.                    92      Wexford
Hainey           John                                           92      Wexford
Hall             John                                           92      Wexford
Hall-Dare        R. W.                                          92      Wexford
Hamilton         Mary                                           92      Wexford
Hamilton         Patrick                                        92      Wexford
Hanna            Francis                Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Harman           S. T.                                          92      Wexford
Harper           John L.                                        92      Wexford
Harpur           Mary                                           92      Wexford
Harpur           Walter                                         92      Wexford
Harris           Louis                                          92      Wexford
Harris           Margaret               Mrs.                    92      Wexford
Harris           Matthew H.                                     92      Wexford
Harrison         Rachel                                         92      Wexford
Harvey           Crosbie W.                                     92      Wexford
Harvey           Henrietta                                      92      Wexford
Harvey           Henry R.                                       92      Wexford
Harvey           John                                           92      Wexford
Harvey           Joseph                                         92      Wexford
Harvey           Percy L.                                       92      Wexford
Harvey           William                                        92      Wexford
Harvey           unknown                                        92      Wexford
Hatchell         John                                           92      Wexford
Hatchell         unknown                Mrs.                    92      Wexford
Hatton           Henry                  Rev.                    92      Wexford
Hatton           John G.                Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Hatton           Villiers La Touche                             92      Wexford
Haughton         Geo.                   Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Haughton         James                                          92      Wexford
Haughton         Jonathan                                       92      Wexford
Hawkins          A.                     Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Hayden           Nicholas                                       92      Wexford
Hayes            Eliza                                          92      Wexford
Hayes            James                                          92      Wexford
Hayes            James                  Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Hayes            John                                           92      Wexford
Hayes            Roger                                          92      Wexford
Herbert          Francis B.                                     92      Wexford
Hervey           C. V. J.                                       92      Wexford
Hickey           Michael                                        92      Wexford
Higgins          Bridget                                        92      Wexford
Higgins          James                                          92      Wexford
Higgins          Johanna                                        92      Wexford
Higgins          Mary                                           92      Wexford
Hill             Charles H.             Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Hill             Hugh                   Rev.                    92      Wexford
Hincks           unknown                Mrs.                    92      Wexford
Hinson           H. G.                                          92      Wexford
Hinson           Henry                  Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Hinton           John                                           92      Wexford
Hobbs            May E. Hatchell                                92      Wexford
Hobson           S. Le Hunt                                     92      Wexford
Hobson           unknown                Mrs.                    92      Wexford
Hogan            James                                          92      Wexford
Hogan            John A.                                        92      Wexford
Hogan            Nicholas                                       92      Wexford
Hone             Addison                                        92      Wexford
Hone             Joseph                                         92      Wexford
Hone             Nathaniel                                      92      Wexford
Hore             Bridget                                        92      Wexford
Hore             Denis                                          92      Wexford
Hore             H. Walter              Hon.                    92      Wexford
Hore             Henry C.                                       92      Wexford
Hore             John                                           92      Wexford
Hore             Patrick                                        92      Wexford
Hore             Peter                                          92      Wexford
Hore             Philip H.                                      92      Wexford
Hore             Walter                                         92      Wexford
Howlett          James                                          92      Wexford
Howlett          John                                           92      Wexford
Howlett          Mary                                           92      Wexford
Howlin           A. J.                                          92      Wexford
Howlin           Denney                                         92      Wexford
Howlin           James                                          92      Wexford
Howlin           Jeffrey                                        92      Wexford
Howlin           John                                           92      Wexford
Hudson           Elizabeth                                      92      Wexford
Hudson           Henry                                          92      Wexford
Hudson           Samuel                                         92      Wexford
Hughes           Edward                 Rev.                    92      Wexford
Hughes           Frederick              Sir                     92      Wexford
Hughes           John                                           92      Wexford
Hughes           William                Rev.                    92      Wexford
Humphrey         Catherine                                      92      Wexford
Humphreys        John W.                                        92      Wexford
Humphries        William                                        92      Wexford
Huson            N. E.                                          92      Wexford
Hutcheson        Joseph                                         92      Wexford
Ingham           C. D.                                          92      Wexford
Iniskella        Michael                                        92      Wexford
Inman            Anne                                           92      Wexford
Ireland          R. S.                  Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Irvine           Edward T.              Capt.                   92      Wexford
Irwin            James                                          92      Wexford
Jackman          John                                           92      Wexford
Jackson          John                                           92      Wexford
Jacob            Charles                Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Jacob            Ebenezer               Reps. of (deceased)     92      Wexford
Jacob            Ellen                                          92      Wexford
Jacob            unknown                Mrs.                    92      Wexford
James            Rev. John              Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Jameson          Andrew                 Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Jeffares         Danby                                          93      Wexford
Jeffares         Joe                                            93      Wexford
Jeffares         Joseph                 Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Jefferes         Jane                                           93      Wexford
Jefferes         John                   Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Jeffers          Jane                                           93      Wexford
Jeffers          John                                           93      Wexford
Jeffers          William                                        93      Wexford
Jenkins          A. E.                                          93      Wexford
Jervis           H. C. J. W.            Sir                     93      Wexford
Johns            Magdallen                                      93      Wexford
Johnson          Andrew                                         93      Wexford
Johnson          Arthur C.                                      93      Wexford
Johnson          Mary                                           93      Wexford
Johnson          Samuel                                         93      Wexford
Johnson          William                                        93      Wexford
Johnson          unknown                                        93      Wexford
Johnson          unknown                Rev. Mr.                93      Wexford
Joint            Charles                                        93      Wexford
Jones            Frederick                                      93      Wexford
Jones            H.                     Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Jones            John H.                                        93      Wexford
Jones            Thomas                                         93      Wexford
Jones            William                                        93      Wexford
Jordan           Charles B.                                     93      Wexford
Kavanagh         Arthur                                         93      Wexford
Kavanagh         D. E.                                          93      Wexford
Kavanagh         James                  Rev.                    93      Wexford
Kavanagh         M.                                             93      Wexford
Kavanagh         Michl.                 Rev.                    93      Wexford
Kean             John                                           93      Wexford
Keane            John                   Hon.                    93      Wexford
Keane            John M.                                        93      Wexford
Keane            Margaret                                       93      Wexford
Keane            Patrick                                        93      Wexford
Kearney          Charles                                        93      Wexford
Kearney          William E.                                     93      Wexford
Kearns           John                                           93      Wexford
Kearns           William                                        93      Wexford
Keating          Francis                                        93      Wexford
Keating          Nicholas                                       93      Wexford
Keefe            Laurence                                       93      Wexford
Keefe            Michael                                        93      Wexford
Keeffe           Anastatia                                      93      Wexford
Keeffe           James                                          93      Wexford
Keeffe           Mary                                           93      Wexford
Keeffe           Philip                                         93      Wexford
Keegan           Richard                                        93      Wexford
Keegan           Thomas                                         93      Wexford
Keegan           W.                     Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Keelin           John                                           93      Wexford
Keelin           Margaret                                       93      Wexford
Keely            Denis                                          93      Wexford
Kehoe            Peter                                          93      Wexford
Kehoe            Thomas                                         93      Wexford
Kehoe            Thomas A.                                      93      Wexford
Kelly            James                                          93      Wexford
Kelly            John                                           93      Wexford
Kelly            Laurence                                       93      Wexford
Kelly            Mary                                           93      Wexford
Kelly            Mary Anne                                      93      Wexford
Kelly            Mat.                                           93      Wexford
Kelly            Peter                                          93      Wexford
Kempston         unknown                Mrs.                    93      Wexford
Kennedy          Francis                                        93      Wexford
Kennedy          William                                        93      Wexford
Kensella         John                                           93      Wexford
Kensellagh       Michael                                        93      Wexford
Keyes            Patrick                                        93      Wexford
Kidd             William                                        93      Wexford
Kiely            Nicholas                                       93      Wexford
Kiely            Patrick                                        93      Wexford
Kilmaine         unknown                Hon. Lord               93      Wexford
Kincella         John                                           93      Wexford
King             Alexander N.                                   93      Wexford
King             John                                           93      Wexford
King             Pierce                                         93      Wexford
King             Richard                Rev.                    93      Wexford
King             Samuel                                         93      Wexford
King             Thomas                                         93      Wexford
King             unknown                                        93      Wexford
King             unknown                Capt.                   93      Wexford
Kinselagh        Patrick                                        93      Wexford
Kinsella         Andrew                                         93      Wexford
Kinsella         Martin                                         93      Wexford
Kirk             William M.                                     93      Wexford
Kirkham          unknown                Mrs.                    93      Wexford
Kirkham          unknown                Mrs.                    93      Wexford
Knox             Samuel W.                                      93      Wexford
Knox             Samuel W.                                      93      Wexford
Kyle             William H.                                     93      Wexford
Kyle             William H.                                     93      Wexford
Labertouche      Abel                                           93      Wexford
Labertouche      Abel                                           93      Wexford
Lambert          Luke                                           93      Wexford
Lambert          Luke                                           93      Wexford
Lambert          Michael                                        93      Wexford
Lambert          Michael                                        93      Wexford
Lambert          Nicholas                                       93      Wexford
Lambert          Nicholas                                       93      Wexford
Larkin           Edward                                         93      Wexford
Larkin           Edward                                         93      Wexford
Lawles           Philip                                         93      Wexford
Lawles           Philip                                         93      Wexford
Le Hunte         George                                         93      Wexford
Le Hunte         George                                         93      Wexford
Leared           Richard                                        93      Wexford
Leared           Richard                                        93      Wexford
Leary            Andrew                                         93      Wexford
Leary            Andrew                                         93      Wexford
Leary            Anne                                           93      Wexford
Leary            Anne                                           93      Wexford
Leary            John                                           93      Wexford
Leary            John                                           93      Wexford
Leary            Martin                                         93      Wexford
Leary            Martin                                         93      Wexford
Leary            Thomas                                         93      Wexford
Leary            Thomas                                         93      Wexford
Leckey           John J.                                        93      Wexford
Leckey           John J.                                        93      Wexford
Leckey           unknown                                        92      Wexford
Leckey           unknown                                        92      Wexford
Leech            George                                         93      Wexford
Leech            George                                         93      Wexford
Leeson           Robert                 Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Leeson           Robert                 Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Leigh            F. A.                                          93      Wexford
Leigh            F. A.                                          93      Wexford
Leigh            Francis                                        93      Wexford
Leigh            Francis                                        93      Wexford
Leigh            unknown                                        93      Wexford
Leigh            unknown                                        93      Wexford
Lennon           Patrick                                        93      Wexford
Lennon           Patrick                                        93      Wexford
Leslie           C. J.                                          93      Wexford
Leslie           C. J.                                          93      Wexford
Leslie           Eliza                                          93      Wexford
Leslie           Eliza                                          93      Wexford
Lett             Benjamin                                       93      Wexford
Lett             Benjamin                                       93      Wexford
Lett             Edwd. J.               Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Lett             Edwd. J.               Reps. of (deceased)     93      Wexford
Lett             George                                         93      Wexford
Lett             George                                         93      Wexford
Lett             George C.                                      94      Wexford
Lett             George C.                                      94      Wexford
Lett             Nicholas                                       94      Wexford
Lett             Nicholas                                       94      Wexford
Lett             Nicholas               Reps. of (deceased)     94      Wexford
Lett             Nicholas               Reps. of (deceased)     94      Wexford
Lett             William                                        94      Wexford
Lett             William                                        94      Wexford
Lewis            Edward                                         94      Wexford
Lewis            Edward                                         94      Wexford
Little           Simon                                          94      Wexford
Little           Simon                                          94      Wexford
M'Bride          James                                          94      Wexford
M'Bride          James                                          94      Wexford
M'Dermott        William                                        94      Wexford
M'Donnell        John                                           94      Wexford
M'Grath          Anthony                                        94      Wexford
M'Grath          James                                          94      Wexford
M'Grath          John                                           94      Wexford
M'Kenna          J. N.                  Sir                     94      Wexford
M'Lean           Maryanne                                       94      Wexford
M'Loughlin       Michael                                        94      Wexford
M'Namee          Patrick                                        94      Wexford
M'Quillan        Joseph                                         94      Wexford
MacKay           Patrick                                        94      Wexford
MacKay           Patrick                                        94      Wexford
MacMorrough      unknown                                        93      Wexford
MacMorrough      unknown                                        93      Wexford
Macutcheon       William                                        94      Wexford
Macutcheon       William                                        94      Wexford
Maddock          Edward                                         94      Wexford
Maddock          Edward                                         94      Wexford
Maddock          John                                           94      Wexford
Maddock          John                                           94      Wexford
Maher            Mathias A.                                     94      Wexford
Maher            Mathias A.                                     94      Wexford
Mahony           Denis                                          94      Wexford
Mahony           Denis                                          94      Wexford
Malloney         Ellen                                          94      Wexford
Malloney         Ellen                                          94      Wexford
Manning          Thomas                                         94      Wexford
Manning          Thomas                                         94      Wexford
Markham          W.                                             94      Wexford
Markham          W.                                             94      Wexford
Martin           Arthur                                         94      Wexford
Martin           Arthur                                         94      Wexford
Martin           Henry                  Reps. of (deceased)     94      Wexford
Martin           Henry                  Reps. of (deceased)     94      Wexford
Martin           John                   Reps. of (deceased)     88      Wexford
Martin           John                   Reps. of (deceased)     88      Wexford
Martin           Josiah                                         94      Wexford
Martin           Josiah                                         94      Wexford
Martin           unknown                Capt.                   94      Wexford
Martin           unknown                Capt.                   94      Wexford
Mason            Thomas                                         94      Wexford
Mason            Thomas                                         94      Wexford
Matchell         William                                        94      Wexford
Matchell         William                                        94      Wexford
Maunsell         George W.                                      94      Wexford
Maunsell         George W.                                      94      Wexford
Meadows          Joseph                                         94      Wexford
Mearse           James                                          94      Wexford
Medlicott        James E.                                       94      Wexford
Merryman         Edward                                         94      Wexford
Merryman         Nicholas                                       94      Wexford
Meyler           James E.                                       94      Wexford
Meyler           Matthew                                        94      Wexford
Moffatt          James                                          94      Wexford
Monck            Viscount                                       94      Wexford
Moore            Charles                Rev.                    94      Wexford
Moore            John                                           94      Wexford
Moore            Laurence                                       94      Wexford
Moore            Thomas                                         94      Wexford
Moran            Martin                 Rev.                    94      Wexford
Moran            Patrick                                        94      Wexford
Moran            William                                        94      Wexford
Morgan           Mrs. Deane             Hon.                    94      Wexford
Morris           John                                           94      Wexford
Morris           William                                        94      Wexford
Morrison         James                                          94      Wexford
Morrissy         Stephen                                        94      Wexford
Morrogh          Leonard                                        94      Wexford
Morton           Humphrey                                       94      Wexford
Morton           John                                           94      Wexford
Motte            Standish R.                                    94      Wexford
Mountgarrett     unknown                Lord                    94      Wexford
Murphy           Anne                                           94      Wexford
Murphy           Arthur M'M.                                    94      Wexford
Murphy           Bryan                  Reps. of (deceased)     94      Wexford
Murphy           Charles                                        89      Wexford
Murphy           Charles                                        94      Wexford
Murphy           Denis                                          94      Wexford
Murphy           Edward                                         94      Wexford
Murphy           Ferdinand                                      94      Wexford
Murphy           George                                         94      Wexford
Murphy           James                                          94      Wexford
Murphy           John                                           94      Wexford
Murphy           John D.                                        94      Wexford
Murphy           Martin                                         94      Wexford
Murphy           Matthew                                        94      Wexford
Murphy           Michael                                        94      Wexford
Murphy           Nicholas                                       94      Wexford
Murphy           Pat.                                           94      Wexford
Murphy           Patrick                                        94      Wexford
Murphy           Thomas                                         94      Wexford
Murphy           William                                        94      Wexford
Murphy           William                Rev.                    94      Wexford
Murry            Ellen                                          94      Wexford
Muskerry         unknown                Lord                    94      Wexford
Neille           Daniel                                         94      Wexford
Neville          Catherine                                      94      Wexford
Neville          M. A.                                          91      Wexford
Newal            Mary                                           94      Wexford
Nunn             Edward Westly                                  94      Wexford
Nunn             John                                           94      Wexford
Nunn             Loftus                 Rev.                    94      Wexford
Nunne            Edward W.                                      94      Wexford
Nunne            John                                           94      Wexford
Nuzum            Catherine                                      94      Wexford
O'Connor         Ellen                                          94      Wexford
O'Connor         John                                           94      Wexford
O'Connor         Patrick                                        94      Wexford
O'Dell           Thomas                                         94      Wexford
O'Donovan        William                                        94      Wexford
O'Farrell        Eliza                                          94      Wexford
O'Farrell        Michael R.                                     94      Wexford
O'Farrell        Tim.                                           94      Wexford
O'Grady          Jane S.                Hon.                    94      Wexford
O'Kelly          P. De Pentheny                                 94      Wexford
O'Neill          Mary                                           94      Wexford
O'Rierdon        John                   Reps. of (deceased)     94      Wexford
Ogle             Charles W.                                     94      Wexford
Ormsby           George                                         94      Wexford
Ossory           unknown                                        94      Wexford
Park             Johnston                                       95      Wexford
Parker           John                   Rev.                    95      Wexford
Parle            Francis                                        95      Wexford
Parle            John                                           95      Wexford
Parsons          Henry L.                                       95      Wexford
Parsons          Laurence               Hon.                    95      Wexford
Patten           Robert                                         95      Wexford
Peacocke         Charles H.                                     95      Wexford
Peare            John                                           92      Wexford
Peare            John                                           95      Wexford
Penrose          Jacob                                          95      Wexford
Penrose          James                                          95      Wexford
Percival         John J.                                        95      Wexford
Percival         Sarah                                          95      Wexford
Perry            George                                         95      Wexford
Phayre           Humphrey                                       95      Wexford
Phayre           William                                        95      Wexford
Pigott           Edward C.                                      95      Wexford
Pigott           unknown                Capt.                   95      Wexford
Plumer           Francis                                        95      Wexford
Poole            Jacob                                          95      Wexford
Portsmouth       unknown                                        95      Wexford
Pounden          Jane M.                                        95      Wexford
Pounden          John Colly                                     95      Wexford
Pounden          Lonsdale                                       95      Wexford
Pounden          P.                     Rev.                    95      Wexford
Pounden          Thomas                                         95      Wexford
Pounden          William                                        95      Wexford
Pounden          William D.                                     95      Wexford
Pounder          Geo.                   Reps. of (deceased)     95      Wexford
Power            James                  Sir                     95      Wexford
Power            John Talbot                                    95      Wexford
Power            Michael                                        95      Wexford
Power            Nicholas                                       95      Wexford
Powerscourt      Viscount                                       95      Wexford
Prandy           William                                        95      Wexford
Prendergast      John                                           95      Wexford
Prendergast      Thomas                                         95      Wexford
Purdon           Edward                                         95      Wexford
Purdon           William                Rev.                    95      Wexford
Purvis           Thomas                                         95      Wexford
Pyne             unknown                                        95      Wexford
Quin             Henry                                          95      Wexford
Quinn            Laurence                                       95      Wexford
Radford          Joseph                                         95      Wexford
Rainsford        R. William                                     95      Wexford
Ram              Abel J.                Rev.                    95      Wexford
Rathe            Anne                                           95      Wexford
Reade            George                                         95      Wexford
Reade            Loftus                                         95      Wexford
Redington        Chris N.                                       95      Wexford
Redmond          Anne                                           95      Wexford
Redmond          Denis                                          95      Wexford
Redmond          Francis                                        95      Wexford
Redmond          Henry                                          95      Wexford
Redmond          J. W.                  Reps. of (deceased)     95      Wexford
Redmond          John P.                                        95      Wexford
Redmond          Mark                                           95      Wexford
Redmond          Martin                                         95      Wexford
Redmond          Michael                                        95      Wexford
Redmond          Michael S.                                     95      Wexford
Redmond          P. W.                                          95      Wexford
Redmond          Pat                                            95      Wexford
Redmond          W. T. Prendergast                              95      Wexford
Redmond          unknown                                        92      Wexford
Reid             George                                         95      Wexford
Reilly           Patrick                                        95      Wexford
Reilly           Thomas                                         95      Wexford
Revington        Thomas H.                                      95      Wexford
Reynell          Richard W.                                     95      Wexford
Ricards          Martha                                         95      Wexford
Richards         E.                     Rev.                    95      Wexford
Richards         Edward M. G. H.                                95      Wexford
Richards         James                                          95      Wexford
Richards         John                                           95      Wexford
Richards         John H.                                        89      Wexford
Richards         Solomon                                        95      Wexford
Richards         Solomon A.             Reps. of (deceased)     95      Wexford
Rickard          Robert                                         95      Wexford
Roberts          John D.                                        95      Wexford
Robinson         Eusebius                                       95      Wexford
Robinson         John                                           95      Wexford
Robinson         John                   Reps. of (deceased)     95      Wexford
Robinson         Martha                 Reps. of (deceased)     95      Wexford
Robinson         William                                        95      Wexford
Roche            Benj.                  Reps. of (deceased)     95      Wexford
Roche            G. Robert                                      95      Wexford
Roche            James                                          95      Wexford
Roche            John                                           95      Wexford
Roche            Margaret                                       95      Wexford
Roche            P. T.                                          95      Wexford
Roche            Philip                                         95      Wexford
Roche            Syl.                                           95      Wexford
Rochford         John                                           95      Wexford
Roe              Henry                                          95      Wexford
Rogers           Congrave                                       95      Wexford
Roice            Clement                                        95      Wexford
Ross             M.                                             95      Wexford
Rossiter         Anne                                           95      Wexford
Rossiter         Thomas                                         95      Wexford
Rossiter         Tobias                                         95      Wexford
Rossiter         W. T.                                          95      Wexford
Rowe             John H. R.             Reps. of (deceased)     95      Wexford
Rowe             Thomas H.                                      95      Wexford
Rowley           J.                                             95      Wexford
Rudd             Thomas                                         95      Wexford
Russell          Roice                                          95      Wexford
Ryan             Myles                                          95      Wexford
Ryan             Pierce                                         95      Wexford
Ryan             Rodolphus W.                                   95      Wexford
Salkeld          Joseph                                         95      Wexford
Sankey           John                                           95      Wexford
Savage           James                                          95      Wexford
Scallan          Francis                                        95      Wexford
Scallan          James                                          95      Wexford
Scallan          Margaret                                       95      Wexford
Scallan          Nicholas                                       95      Wexford
Scallan          Richard                                        96      Wexford
Scallan          Thomas                                         96      Wexford
Scallan          William                                        96      Wexford
Scott            Letitia                Reps. of (deceased)     96      Wexford
Scott            unknown                Miss                    96      Wexford
Segrave          O'Neill                                        96      Wexford
Shanahan         Ambrose                                        96      Wexford
Sheill           Matthew                                        96      Wexford
Sheppard         Thomas                                         96      Wexford
Sherrard         Wm.                    Rev.                    96      Wexford
Simpson          Pierce                                         96      Wexford
Sinnott          Anne                                           96      Wexford
Sinnott          Ellen                                          96      Wexford
Sinnott          James                                          96      Wexford
Sinnott          John                                           96      Wexford
Sinnott          Judith                                         96      Wexford
Sinnott          Michael                                        96      Wexford
Sinnott          Nicholas                                       96      Wexford
Sinnott          Peter                                          96      Wexford
Sinnott          Thomas                                         96      Wexford
Smith            James                                          96      Wexford
Smith            John                                           96      Wexford
Smith            Mary                                           96      Wexford
Smith            unknown                                        96      Wexford
Smyth            Henry                                          96      Wexford
Somers           Francis                                        96      Wexford
Somers           Patrick                                        96      Wexford
Somers           Peter                                          96      Wexford
Sparrow          Francis                                        96      Wexford
Sparrow          James                                          96      Wexford
Sparrow          Jane                                           96      Wexford
Sparrow          John                                           96      Wexford
Sparrow          Jos.                   Reps. of (deceased)     96      Wexford
Sparrow          Nathaniel                                      96      Wexford
Sparrow          Robert                                         96      Wexford
Sparrow          Thomas                                         96      Wexford
Sparrow          Thos.                  Reps. of (deceased)     96      Wexford
Stafford         Francis                                        96      Wexford
Stafford         James                                          96      Wexford
Stafford         John                                           96      Wexford
Stafford         Maria                  Mrs.                    96      Wexford
Stafford         Martin                                         96      Wexford
Stafford         Mary                                           96      Wexford
Stafford         Mary Anne                                      96      Wexford
Stafford         Patrick                                        96      Wexford
Stafford         Robert                                         96      Wexford
Stanforth        John W.                                        96      Wexford
Stannan          Michael                                        96      Wexford
Stannard         James                                          96      Wexford
Steele           William E.                                     96      Wexford
Stokes           unknown                Rev. Mr.                96      Wexford
Stronge          unknown                Capt.                   96      Wexford
Sullivan         John                                           96      Wexford
Sullivan         Martha                                         96      Wexford
Sutton           Ellen                                          96      Wexford
Sutton           Michael                                        96      Wexford
Swan             John                                           96      Wexford
Swan             John A.                                        96      Wexford
Swan             Joseph                                         96      Wexford
Swan             unknown                                        96      Wexford
Swayne           Anne                                           96      Wexford
Sweeny           Wm.                                            96      Wexford
Sweetman         Edward                                         96      Wexford
Sweetman         Eliza                                          96      Wexford
Swiny            Shapland W.            Rev.                    96      Wexford
Symes            George                                         96      Wexford
Symes            Robert                                         96      Wexford
Talbot           Anne                   Hon.                    96      Wexford
Talbot           George                                         96      Wexford
Talbot           John P.                                        96      Wexford
Taylor           Charles                                        96      Wexford
Taylor           Christopher                                    96      Wexford
Taylor           John                                           96      Wexford
Taylor           William                                        96      Wexford
Templemore       unknown                Lord                    96      Wexford
Tenant           John                                           96      Wexford
Tench            Samuel                                         96      Wexford
Thackary         A.                     Rev.                    96      Wexford
Thacker          Alex.                  Reps. of (deceased)     96      Wexford
Thomas           A.                                             96      Wexford
Thomas           Francis A.                                     96      Wexford
Thomas           John                                           96      Wexford
Thompson         Fredk.                 Rev.                    96      Wexford
Thompson         James                                          96      Wexford
Thompson         Nathaniel              Reps. of (deceased)     96      Wexford
Thornton         Francis                Rev.                    96      Wexford
Thorpe           Charles R.                                     96      Wexford
Thunder          Andrew                 Reps. of (deceased)     96      Wexford
Thunder          George                                         96      Wexford
Tighe            Susan                  Mrs.                    96      Wexford
Tighe            W. F.                  Hon.                    96      Wexford
Tobin            John                                           96      Wexford
Tobin            Pat.                                           96      Wexford
Toole            Thomas                                         96      Wexford
Toole            William                                        96      Wexford
Tottenham        Anne                                           96      Wexford
Tottenham        C. J.                                          96      Wexford
Tottenham        Charles                                        96      Wexford
Tottenham        Chas.                  Reps. of (deceased)     96      Wexford
Tottenham        E. W.                  Reps. of (deceased)     96      Wexford
Tottenham        H. L.                                          96      Wexford
Townsend         John                                           96      Wexford
Townsend         Thos.                  Rev.                    96      Wexford
Trench           Francis                Rev.                    96      Wexford
Truell           Henry P.                                       96      Wexford
Trumbell         Robert                                         96      Wexford
Tudor            Richard                                        96      Wexford
Turner           Edward                                         96      Wexford
Turner           Francis J.                                     96      Wexford
Tyndal           Robert                                         96      Wexford
Usher            Richard                                        96      Wexford
Vane             Charley                                        96      Wexford
Vernon           unknown                Mrs.                    96      Wexford
Vero             Christopher                                    97      Wexford
Vicary           Benjamin                                       97      Wexford
Vicary           Michael James                                  97      Wexford
Vigors           J. C.                                          97      Wexford
Vigors           unknown                Rev. Mr.                97      Wexford
Waddy            John                   Reps. of (deceased)     97      Wexford
Waddy            unknown                Mrs.                    97      Wexford
Walker           Ellen                  Mrs.                    97      Wexford
Walker           Joseph                                         97      Wexford
Walker           Thomas A.                                      97      Wexford
Wall             Ellen                                          97      Wexford
Wall             James A.                                       97      Wexford
Wall             Rev. Dr.               Reps. of (deceased)     97      Wexford
Wallace          Thos. W. J.                                    97      Wexford
Waller           Flora                                          97      Wexford
Walsh            Catherine                                      97      Wexford
Walsh            James                                          97      Wexford
Walsh            John                                           97      Wexford
Walsh            John J.                                        97      Wexford
Walsh            Laurence                                       97      Wexford
Walsh            Law                                            97      Wexford
Walsh            Mary                                           97      Wexford
Walsh            Richd.                 Reps. of (deceased)     97      Wexford
Walsh            William                                        97      Wexford
Walsh            unknown                Miss                    97      Wexford
Ward             Mary                                           97      Wexford
Ward             Rachel                                         97      Wexford
Waring           Joseph                                         97      Wexford
Warner           Robert                                         97      Wexford
Warner           Samuel                                         97      Wexford
Warner           W. S.                                          97      Wexford
Warren           George                                         97      Wexford
Warren           John                                           97      Wexford
Warren           Richard                                        97      Wexford
Warren           William                                        97      Wexford
Watkins          Henry                                          97      Wexford
Watson           Sarah                                          97      Wexford
Watts            George                 Reps. of (deceased)     97      Wexford
Watts            Joseph                                         97      Wexford
Webb             R. W.                  Reps. of (deceased)     97      Wexford
Weekes           E.                     Reps. of (deceased)     97      Wexford
Weldon           P. B.                  Rev.                    97      Wexford
West             W. H.                                          97      Wexford
Wheeler          Eliza                  Reps. of (deceased)     97      Wexford
Wheelock         Jane                   Mrs.                    97      Wexford
Whelan           Edward                                         97      Wexford
Whelan           Francis                                        97      Wexford
Whelan           Richd.                 Reps. of (deceased)     97      Wexford
Whitaker         William                                        97      Wexford
Whitcroft        John H.                                        97      Wexford
White            Andrew                                         97      Wexford
White            Barbara Jane                                   97      Wexford
White            Dutton                                         97      Wexford
White            Harriett                                       97      Wexford
White            John                                           97      Wexford
White            John J.                                        97      Wexford
White            Patrick                                        97      Wexford
White            Rev. Thomas            Reps. of (deceased)     97      Wexford
White            Thomas G.              Rev.                    97      Wexford
Whitmore         Robert                                         97      Wexford
Whitmore         Thomas                                         97      Wexford
Whitney          Elliott                                        97      Wexford
Whitney          Luke                                           97      Wexford
Whitney          Thomas                                         97      Wexford
Whitney          Thomas A.                                      97      Wexford
Whitty           Catherine                                      97      Wexford
Whitty           James                                          97      Wexford
Whitty           John                                           97      Wexford
Whitty           Nicholas                                       97      Wexford
Whitty           Peter                                          97      Wexford
Whitty           Richard                                        97      Wexford
Widdup           John                                           97      Wexford
Williams         Eliza                                          97      Wexford
Williamson       R. W.                                          97      Wexford
Williamson       Richard                                        97      Wexford
Williamson       Robert                                         97      Wexford
Wilson           Cadwalder                                      97      Wexford
Wilson           Eleanor                                        97      Wexford
Wilson           George C.                                      97      Wexford
Wilson           George O.                                      97      Wexford
Wilson           John                                           97      Wexford
Wilson           unknown                                        97      Wexford
Wolseley         Clement                Sir                     97      Wexford
Wolseley         Ven.                                           97      Wexford
Woodcocke        Robert                                         97      Wexford
Woodroofe        Abel                   Rev.                    97      Wexford
Woodroofe        H. P.                                          97      Wexford
Wright           Eliza                                          97      Wexford
Wyatt            Arthur                                         97      Wexford
Wybrants         William                                        97      Wexford
Wybrants         unknown                Mrs.                    97      Wexford
Wynne            Henry E.                                       97      Wexford
Young            unknown                Mrs.                    97      Wexford
er               John                   Rev.                    88      Wexford
ey               Georgina                                       88      Wexford