Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Extracts of the hearths or firing places and Stoves returned at a general Sessions of the peace held at Atherdee in the County of Lowth the twelfth day of January in the fiveteenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second By the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Before Henry Bellingham, Richarde Bolton, Wolstan Dixiem James Hopton, James Smallwood and Bryan Heron, Esqrs., and other their fellow Justices of our sayde Sovereigne Lorde the King assigned to keep the peace in and throughout the sayd County of Louth by virture of A Comission of our said Lorde the King bears date at Dublin the sixth day of January in the fiveteenth yeare of his reigne [a.d. 1664] wch follow Only includes entries of more than 1 hearth.
Forename Surname Townland Parish Barony Tho Clarke, Esq Castletown Cooley Dundalke Thorlagh Callan Laughlin Lyndon John Geogh Owen Cleary Gildony O'Dolochan Danyel O'Rourke John Hooper James McCreeve Farroll O'Cleary Hugh O'Cleary Hugh boy O'Cleary Phillip O'Cleary Patt Boyle Nicholas O'Fychan Patt Hanlon Art O'Boyle Danyel Moran Henry Henegan Whitestown Bryan Roddy Owen McIlconnell Thomas Murphy Murtagh McOwen Thorlagh Hanlon Ballagan Bryan Hanlon Hugh Duffin George Courtisy John O'Diuin Patrick McIntee Patt Fichan John Boyle Ballymony Roger McMahon Edmond Murphy Patrick Hagan Patrick Glassany James Whyte Ballyverty Donnogh McIlbride Nicholas Wolsey Patrick Sheredan Patrick Birne Edmond McConnell Lower Grange Walter Dowdall Cormack McConnell Patt Grehon Daniell Merly Bryan Daragh Art McConnell Dermod Brutten Hugh McMahon Joseph Looth John Palmer John Hanlon Hugh Roy John Hanlon Garrett Dowdall Patrick Dowdall John Murphy Upper Grange Richard Murphy John Marvernagh Teige Boyle Patrick McGuire Edmond McGinniss Patrick O'Toner Manus Mervernagh Patrick Murphy Hugh Duffy Patrick Carroll Laughlin Murphy Teige Folyn Owen Connor Stephen Dowdall Patrick Whyte Old Grange Edward Whyte John McGragh Daniel Hornan Phelemy Kelly Laughlin O'Ratty Edward Whyte Manus O'Leriny Rory McKeone Ballugg John Keredy Patrick O'Donlan (O'Doulan) Patrick Carroll James O'Connelly Glasny O'Hanlon Bryan Murphy Owen Luan Dunbin Charles Rory Terence Marky William O'Heyre Bryan McIlvony Patrick Borgagh Phillip Gorman Patrick Shasky Bryan Cruttin Edward Whyte Templetowne Henry Murphy Bryan Ferguss Bryan Harrell Edmond Whyte William Murphy Patrick Gorman Patrick Betagh Corballis John Bryn Patrick Blany Hugh Fagan Richard O'Larnan (O'Sarnan) Daniel Forcusle Nicholas McCan Bryan Casy Newtowne Phelemy O'Hanlon Manus O'Hanlon James O'Hanlon Bryan O'Hanlon Hugh O'Neale Nicholas Fehan Bryan Doonan Bryan Hanlon Charles Hanlon Patrick O'Boyle John Crosdall Henry Cusker (Carker) Henry Nutome Ballorgan Danyell Se ? Patrick O'Conry Owen Rourke Patrick McKeone Hugh McChuort Bryan Cassely Patrick Quin Owen Lyze Patrick Cassaly Thorlagh Ilchurry Thorlagh Cassely Patrick Cassely Patrick Quin Manus Quin Bryan Rourke Thomas Hone Thorlagh Greene Patrick Golriske Patrick Ilchallon Balboies James Craner Toale O'Boyle Teige Horth Robert Bonner Thomas Fisher Patrick Pollon John Gony (Gory) Richard Giragh Patrick Browne Rory Ilchallon Patrick Connolly