Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Extracts of the hearths or firing places and Stoves returned at a general Sessions of the peace held at Atherdee in the County of Lowth the twelfth day of January in the fiveteenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second By the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Before Henry Bellingham, Richarde Bolton, Wolstan Dixiem James Hopton, James Smallwood and Bryan Heron, Esqrs., and other their fellow Justices of our sayde Sovereigne Lorde the King assigned to keep the peace in and throughout the sayd County of Louth by virture of A Comission of our said Lorde the King bears date at Dublin the sixth day of January in the fiveteenth yeare of his reigne [a.d. 1664] wch follow Only includes entries of more than 1 hearth.
Forename Surname Townland Parish Barony Lord Marcus Dundalke Dundalke Dundalke Michael Dee Isaac Dee Widdow Casshell George Lambert Mrs Owens Mr Bleeck Thomas Hoy John McNabb Patrick Rory Robert Clarke James Greaton Mrs Bishop Eusebius Thornicragh Robert Taaffe Nicgolas Cavenagh Kodagh McDonnell Francis Pierce Ralph Carr Widow Gernon John Taaffe James Carney Lucke Callon Patrick Kolly William Turner Neale Fee Patrick Collin James Nuttin (Miltin) Dennisse Connolly Matthew Bloxson Thomas Matthewes Thomas Cutler Thomas Boyd Teige Fitzgarret Thomas Quinn John Lucocke Edward Hanly Walter Flynn Lawrence Glew Cormacke O'Conolan John Poulson Robert Smith Donnogh Donney Patrick Cornan Henry Whyte Owen Murphy Robert Wright Thomas Jones William Shipman Donnigh Kelly James Murtagh Laurence Bellew Willyam Hoy Nicholas Dowdall Patrick Cartan Henry McIlmony Dorby King Garvisse Low Patrick Connolly William Hanly Murtagh O'Connolan John Robinson Richard Tyre Richard Winewright William Fisher Captaine Page Thomas Moy John Rud Thomas Bonus Patrick Moore John Kelly Thomas Moore John Tallon John Corby Bryan Sauter Thomas Elytorne William Wall George Bleeke Bryan Gaghan Henry Cassidy William McCorroe Patrick Cullin Patrick Tallon Thomas Raty Patrick Loan Knogher McGee Eliagh Haslam George Mabe Samuel Irland John Wilde John Williamson Robert Mason Edward Walkin William Barber Michael Toomes John Younge Owen Slaunan John Evans Thomas Bradbery Richard Matthewes John Corby Alexander Daws John Golson (Gotson) William Dawson Richard Evans John Michael Peter Burkett Mrs Buckworty Robert Buxton Thomas Blackborrow James Joodon Mrs Chambers Stephen Duffe Patrick Crelly Patrick McGartlany Owen Dermott Jane Gernon Patrick Fitzpatrick Nicholas Frock Shane O'Hunthin Richard Meany Nicholas McNamee James Comim …mphry Taylor (Humphrey?) Patrick Cransy George Taaffe Patt Dowdall fitzluke Thomas Bath Edmond Holand James Dalton Thomas Watkins John Casy William Gunner John Eaton Thomas Atkins Arthur Caesar John Cristy John Wilshire William Boate Nicholas Carroll Patrick Clogan Thomas Beg William Marshall John Marky Teage Doogan Edward Bath Thomas Abbott Michael Clarke William Clarke John Weldon Coll Carroll Phillip Dromun Philemy Cassidy John Kenedy Hugh Iltorly Patrick Roo O'Kelly Robert Atkins Bryan Roony John Ledwidge Thomas Disney Art Callan Michael Lurkan Richard Dooran Henry Clarke Bryan Connolan Teige Kendelan William Shyell Patrick Callan Samwell Alderly James McCabe Dorby Caffery Owen O'Neale Cullow O'Heire Connor Lurkan Patrick Kinnaghan John Blake James Matthew Widdow Hendran Nicholas Haghey Michael Richard Higin Abraham Ambler Patrick Sloan Patrick Casy Patrick Ilwurry Henry Hestwitcy Patrick Marky Richard Karny Patrick Callan Bryan Connolly Michael Callan John Cappock Hugh Keneely Widdow Branagan Phillip Really Dennisse Callan Patrick Iny Murtagh Connolan John Flyn Cuchonnaght Birne Jeremy Browne Garrett Fitzgarrett Richard Cooper John Davy Sanders Christy Shane Lincey John Bradyone Widdow See Bryan Heire Nicholas Boy James Fife Jenkin Horsmell Anthony Wright Shane Mulloy James Doom Edward Setto Captain Francis Burrush Edward Dalton Mr Smith Richard Dowdall Patrick Connellan Patrick Murphy Patrick Connolly Shane Curry Hugh Ilboy Mathew Haghy John Bryan Shane McGueege William Haghy John McIllroy William Chuort Luogher Cleary John Shyoll John McIlreavy James Hemell (Herrell) Patrick McGugin John Aston Thomas Berrell William Hathson Patrick Rush