Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Extracts of the hearths or firing places and Stoves returned at a general Sessions of the peace held at Atherdee in the County of Lowth the twelfth day of January in the fiveteenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second By the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Before Henry Bellingham, Richarde Bolton, Wolstan Dixiem James Hopton, James Smallwood and Bryan Heron, Esqrs., and other their fellow Justices of our sayde Sovereigne Lorde the King assigned to keep the peace in and throughout the sayd County of Louth by virture of A Comission of our said Lorde the King bears date at Dublin the sixth day of January in the fiveteenth yeare of his reigne [a.d. 1664] wch follow Only includes entries of more than 1 hearth.
Forename Surname Townland Parish Barony Redmond Heyre Cornanmucklagh Omeath Dundalke Patrick McGuire Roger McChuort Lislea Phelemy mor O'Hanlon Phelemy O'Hanlon Hugh Hanlon Dromullagh Phelemy Kennedy Bryan Connolly Connor Connolly John Davies Bryan Callan Ardaghy Art Murphy Roger Sara Bane James McChuort Hugh Manus Tullagh Edmund McManus Patrick Leany Corkitt Patrick McColgan Art McCavett Donnogh McIllure Ballenteskin Neale McIlluredye Rose Sharry James Brady Phelemy Moyle Knocknegoran Hugh McCabe Balloonan