Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Mayo

Griffiths Valuation - Mayo 1856-57

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in Mayo.

Achill Ballyovey Kilbeagh Kilmaclasser Meelick
Addergoole Ballysakeery Kilbelfad Kilmainebeg Moorgagagh
Aghagower Bekan Kilbride Kilmainemore Moygawnagh
Aghamore Bohola Kilcolman Kilmeena Oughaval
Aglish Breaghwy Kilcommon Kilmolara Rathreagh
Annagh Burriscarra Kilconduff Kilmore Robeen
Ardagh Burrishoole Kilcummin Kilmoremoy Rosslee
Attymass Cong Kildacommoge Kilmovee Shrule
Balla Crossboyne Kilfian Kilturra Tagheen
Ballinchalla Crossmolina Kilgarvan Kilvine Templemore
Ballinrobe Doonfeeny Kilgeever Knock Templemurry
Ballintober Drum Killala Lackan Toomore
Ballyhean Inishbofin Killasser Manulla Touaghty
Ballynahaglish Islandeady Killedan Mayo Turlough