Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Meath

Griffiths Valuation - Meath 1855

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in Meath

Agher Cookstown Gernonstown Kilskeer Rataine
Ardagh Crickstown Girley Kiltale Rathbeggan
Ardbraccan Cruicetown Grangegeeth Knock Rathcore
Ardcath Culmullin Greenoge Knockcommon Rathfeigh
Ardmulchan Cushinstown Inishmot Knockmark Rathkenny
Ardsallagh Danestown Julianstown Laracor Rathmolyon
Assey Derrypatrick Kells Liscartan Rathmore
Athboy Diamor Kentstown Lismullin Rathregan
Athlumney Donaghmore Kilbeg Loughan or Castlekeeran Ratoath
Balfeaghan Donaghpatrick Kilberry Loughbrackan Rodanstown
Ballyboggan Donore Kilbrew Loughcrew Scurlockstown
Ballygarth Dowdstown Kilbride Macetown Siddan
Ballymagarvey Dowth Kilcarn Martry Skreen
Ballymaglassan Drakestown Kilclone Mitchelstown Slane
Balrathboyne Drumcondra Kilcooly Monknewtown St.Marys
Balsoon Drumlargan Kilddalkey Monktown Stackallan
Bective Dulane Killaconnigan Moorechurch Staffordstown
Brownstown Duleek Killallon Moybolgue Staholmog
Burry Duleekabbey Killary Moyglare Stamullin
Castlejordan Dunboyne Killeagh Moylagh Tara
Castlerickard Dunmoe Killeen Moymet Teltown
Castletown Dunsany Killegland Moynalty Templekeeran
Churchtown Dunshaughlin Killyon Navan Timoole
Clonalvy Emlagh Kilmainham Newtown Trevet
Clonard Enniskeen Kilmessan Newtownclonbun Trim
Clongill Fennor Kilmoon Nobber Trubley
Clonmacduff Follistown Kilmore Oldcastle Tullaghanoge
Collon Gallow Kilsharvan Painestown
Colp Galtrim Kilshine Piercetown