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  Ireland's Royal Garrison Artillery - Antrim

Ireland's Royal Garrison Artillery

The index contains entries sorted by surname, first name. Each item in the index points to the class and piece number. Index is created records dated 1872 - 1915. The original documents are at the Public Records Office, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Surrey and are in class WO96. Originals provide more information than the index. 


Jeffery ALLEN St. Patricks, Waterford WO96/1447
John ANDERSON Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Richard BARRY St. Patricks, Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas BARRY St. Johns, Waterford WO96/1447
Samuel BAXTER Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Thomas BRANNON Drumcree, Portadown, Co. Armah WO96/1447
William BURNS Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Michael BUTLER Trinity Wishous,  Waterford WO96/1447
James CARRALL St. Johns,  Waterford WO96/1447
Samuel CARSON Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
David CARTER Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
John CARTHY Carrick, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
Robert CARVEL Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Francis CASKIN Newtown, nr Kilmaethomas,  Waterford WO96/1447
John CASTLES Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Edward CLOSE Shankill, Belfast, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
William COLBERT St. Johns,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas COMERFORD Portlaw,  Waterford WO96/1447
Edward CONNOLLY Moy, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
John CONNOLLY Derrylornan, nr Cookstown, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
John CONNOLLY Carrick, Tipperary WO96/1447
James CONNORS Ballybricken,  Waterford WO96/1447
James CONNORS Abbeyside, Dungarvan,  Waterford WO96/1447
William COOK Tunlight, nr Corglo, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
John COOPER Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
James CORRY Tartavaghan, nr Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
David CRAIG birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
William CRAIG birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
Patrick CROKE Ferrybank,  Waterford WO96/1447
Walter CULLAN St. Johns,  Waterford WO96/1447
William CULLAN Ballybricken,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas CULLEN Moy, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
William James CULLEN Moy, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Hugh DALLAS birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
Michael DALY Dungarten,  Waterford WO96/1447
John DANIEL Portlaw,  Waterford WO96/1447
David DAWSON birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
John DOHERTY Rismore,  Waterford WO96/1447
John DONNELLY Drumcree, nr Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
James DORAN Benburb, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Thomas DOWER St. Johns,  Waterford WO96/1447
Joseph DUFFY Sengal, nr Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Thomas DUFFY Armagh, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Andrew DUGGAN Drunglass, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Michael DUGGAN Slirvevue?, nr  Waterford, Co. Kilkenny WO96/1447
Joseph DUNN Drunglass, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
William DWYER Tipperary, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
James DWYER  Tipperary, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447 water damaged
John FEEHAN Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
Samuel FERGUSON Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Samuel FINNIGAN Drumcree, Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Hugh  FITCHPATRICK Drumglass, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
John FITZGERALD Carrickbeg,  nr Carrick, Waterford WO96/1447
John FITZGERALD Trinity Wishous,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas FITZGERALD Trinity Wishous,  Waterford WO96/1447
Daniel FLAHERTY Trinity Wishous,  Waterford WO96/1447
James FLANNAGAN Ballyuxitton,  Waterford WO96/1447
Samuel FRENCH Tanmiglemore, nr Randlestown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
William GARDNER birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
David GRAHAM Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Hugh  GREGG Drumcree, nr Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Thomas GRIFFIN St. Marys, Clonmel,  Waterford WO96/1447
John GRIMES Arboe, nr Stewartstown, nr Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Patrick HAHASEY Ballyduff, nr Kilmeadon,  Waterford WO96/1447
Edward HALLEY New Ross, Co. Wexford WO96/1447
Michael HALLORAN Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
Richard HAMILTON Donaghcloney, nr Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Edward HANLEY Slaverine, Co. Kilkenny WO96/1447
John HANNAN birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
James HARBINSON Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
William HARBINSON Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Luke HASSETT Modeligo, nr Dungannon,  Waterford WO96/1447
Henry HEANEY Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Michael HEARNE Portlaw,  Waterford WO96/1447
Patrick James HEENAN Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
Martin HEFFERNAN   Portlaw,  Waterford WO96/1447
David HEGARTY Ballylaneen, nr Kilmaethomas,  Waterford WO96/1447
David HENNESSEY Cappoquin, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
John HIGGINS Kilmaethomas,  Waterford WO96/1447
John HOUSTON Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Ross HOUSTON Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Bernard HUGHES Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
John HURLEY St. Patricks,  Waterford WO96/1447
John HURLEY St. Patricks,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas HUTCHINSON  Carrick Fergus,  WO96/1447 fragile
Richard IRWIN Warringstown, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Daniel KAVANAGH Shadbally,  Waterford WO96/1447
Francis KEARNEY Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
Francis KEARNEY Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
John KEARNEY Ballyduff,  Waterford WO96/1447
Michael KEARNEY Ballyduff,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas KEARNEY Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
Joseph KELLEHER Leadmore, nr Kilrush, Co. Clare WO96/1447
Francis KELLY Famanmore, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
John KENIHAN Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
John KENNA Clonmel, Co. Tipperary                    WO96/1447 ( On scrap of paper but still gives most of discription of rank, age, date and service occupation )
William KENNEDY St. Johns,  Waterford WO96/1447
James KENNEY Ballybricken,  Waterford WO96/1447
John KENNY Carnree, Co. Wexford WO96/1447
Patrick KERR Killeeshil, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
James LAVERY Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
John LAVERY Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Thomas LECKEY  Belfast, Co. Antrim. wife living Glasgow WO96/1447 fragile
Michael LONERGAN St. Patricks,  Waterford WO96/1447
John LONG St. Johns,  Waterford WO96/1447
John LOUGHRAM Donaghmore, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Thomas LOUGHRIDGE birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
John LYNCH Templemore, nr Thurless, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
Michael LYONS Cappoquiy, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
John MAGUINNESS Seagoe, nr Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Richard MAHER Ballytragh, nr Dungannon, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
Patrick MAHONEY Slievance, nr  Waterford, Killkerry WO96/1447
William MAHONY Dungarvan, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
John MALLOW Coagh, nr Minnymore, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Thomas MANSFIELD Keil, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
David MARA Clonmel, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
Thomas MAXWELL Maralin,nr Lurgan, Cunty Armagh WO96/1447
William MAXWELL Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Joseph Mc DONNELL Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
James McAREAVEY Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Bernard McCANN Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
James McCANN Iskannie, nr Dungannon, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
John McCANN Iskannie, nr Dungannon, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Patrick McCANN birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
John McCARTHY Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
James McCONVILLE Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Alexander McCREA Drumcree, nr Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Bernard McELROY Belfast, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Johnston McGALL birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
Thomas McGAW Derryloran, nr Cookstown, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Joseph McGIBBON Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
James McGRATH Drumglass, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
James McGRATH Ballybricken, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
Michael McGRATH St. Patricks,  Waterford WO96/1447
Peter McGRATH Ferrybank, nr  Waterford, Co. Killkenny WO96/1447
James McINTOSH Tullilish, nr Gilford, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Hugh  McKENNA Donaghmore, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Thomas McNALLY Shankill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Hugh McRANDLES Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Hugh McSHANE Drumglass, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Edward McSHERRY Antrim, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Michael McTAGGART St. Michael, Armagh, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
James MILLEA Dallynea, nr Carrick, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
Samuel MILLER birth place not shown WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
William MILLS Pomeroy, nr Dungannon, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
Patrick MOONEY Shankill, Belfast, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Robert MOORE birthplace not shown WO96/1447
George MOORE  Bullimorant, Co. Antrim WO96/1447
Patrick MORRIN Athy, Co. Dublin WO96/1447 fragile
James MULCAHY Killongford,  Waterford WO96/1447
William MULLAN Kildress, nr Cookstown, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
James MURPHY Moy, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
John MURPHY Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas MURRAY Armagh, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
William NOONAN Cahir, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
Maurice OBRIEN Kill, nr Bonmahon,  Waterford WO96/1447
Michael OBRIEN Dungarvon,  Waterford WO96/1447
John OCONNOR St. Marys, Tipperary WO96/1447
Thomas OMEARA Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
Francis O'NEILL Lumbarastown, nr Stewardstown, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
William ORGAN Ballylaneen, nr Kilmaethomas, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
Robert PATTERSON Tullylisken, nr Coalisland, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Samuel PATTERSON birthplace not shown WO96/1447
John PHELAN Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas PHILLIPS Ardmor, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
James POWER Trinity within,  Waterford WO96/1447
John POWER Carrick, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
Thomas POWER Bonmahon,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas POWER Bonmahon,  Waterford WO96/1447
Richard QUILTY Killure St. Johns,  Waterford WO96/1447
John QUINN Newtown, Kilmaethomas,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas RAINEY birthplace not shown WO96/1447
James REARDAN  Templemore, nr Thurless, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447 damaged
Henry John ROBINSON Seagoe, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
James ROBINSON Drumglass, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
Richard ROCHE Cappoquin,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas ROLSTON Drumcree, nr Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
John ROONEY Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
John RYAN Cashil, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
John RYAN Trinity without,  Waterford WO96/1447
Martin RYAN Triniyty without,  Waterford WO96/1447
William RYAN Ballybricken, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
-------- S-----------   Randlestown, Co. Armagh(Protestant) WO96/1447 (eaten away)
-------- S-----------   (Roman Catholic) Shankill, Belfast, Co. Armagh WO96/1447 (eaten away)
John S-----------   birthplace not shown WO96/1447 (eaten away)
John SANDES Waringstow, Co. Down WO96/1447
Michael SAUNDERS Killmacrow,  Waterford, Co. Kilkenny WO96/1447
John SCOTT Tullylisken, nr Dungannon, Co. Tyrone WO96/1447
James Edward SHANKS Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Thomas SHEA Carrick on Suir, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
William SHEILDS birthplace not shown WO96/1447
Isaac SMYTH Scarva, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
John SMYTH  Shankill, Belfast, Co. Armagh WO96/1447 fragile
James STEWART Tulliskin, nr Dungannon, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
John   STEWERT  Shankill, Belfast, Co. Armagh WO96/1447 alias EWERT
William James STRETTON Killyman, nr Dungannon, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
James SULLIVAN Dunhill (without ? ), nr Annestown, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
James SWEENEY Artree, nr Magherdfell, Co. Londondery WO96/1447
*Richard THOMPSON St. Patrick,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas THOMPSON Stradbally, nr Kilmaethomas, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
Michael TOAL St. Malachi, Armagh, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Patrick TOLAND Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Edward TRAINOR birthplace not shown, enlisted Carrick Fergus WO96/1447 Without Birthplaces were called to serve on mobilisation of reserves in 1870.
George TUTTY Dunganan, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
Robert WALLACE birthplace not shown WO96/1447
Maurice WALSH Cappoquin,  Waterford WO96/1447
Michael WALSH St. Patrick,  Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas WALSH Stradbally,  Waterford WO96/1447
William WALSH Kilmaethomas,  Waterford WO96/1447
William James WATSON Knocknamuckley, nr Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Michael WHELAN Ballybricken, Co.  Waterford WO96/1447
Patrick WHELAN Lismore, Co. Waterford WO96/1447
Thomas WHELAN Carrick on Suir, Co. Tipperary WO96/1447
Kennedy WILKINSON Shankill, Belfast, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Joseph WILSON Shankhill, Lurgan, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
Marshall WRIGHT Drumcree, Portadown, Co. Armagh WO96/1447
William WRIGHT Trinity Within Waterford WO96/1447