Fáilte Romhat
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Ireland's Royal Garrison Artillery
The index contains entries sorted by surname, first name. Each item in the index points to the class and piece number. Index is created records dated 1872 - 1915. The original documents are at the Public Records Office, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Surrey and are in class WO96. Originals provide more information than the index.
Robert Thomas | ABERNETHY | Artrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | ADAMS | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | ALEXANDER | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Richard | ALEXANDER | Quigleys Point, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Henry | ALFORD | Donhaday, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
John | ALFORD | Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | ALFORD | Donnheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
John | ALLCORN | Carrickfyn, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | ALLEN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John James | ALLEN | Donhaday, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
James | ANDERSON | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | ANDERSON | All Saints nr.Newtoncunningham, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | ANDERSON | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | ANDERSON | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | ANDERSON | St. Johnston, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | ANDERSON | Gillygordon? Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
William John | ARBUTTON | Glenoe, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
John | ARMSTRONG | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | ARMSTRONG | Cromore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | ARMSTRONG | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | ARMSTRONG | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | ARMSTRONG | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | ARMSTRONG | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | ATCHESON | Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Walter | BAKER | nr. Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
John | BARON | Castlefin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | BARR | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BARR | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Charles | BARRETT | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | BARRETT | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BARRY | Dungiven, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Edward | BARTON | Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BARTON | Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | BARTON | Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | BARTON | Ballaghy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | BARTON | Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BARTON | Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | BATES | 25 in 1872 | WO96/1402 | |
William | BATES | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | BAXTEN | Newton Crumlin, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
George | BEATTIE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BEATTIE | Artrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BEATTIE | Moneyman, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BEGLEY | Magulbigan?(Malligan?) Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BEGLEY | Faughan Vale, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BEGLEY | Faughan Vale, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | BEGLEY | Muff? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BELL | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BEVERLEY | Ballyroughran, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | BIRDS | Aughnish? Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Richard | BIRMINGHAM | Sheffield, Yorkshire, England | WO96/1402 | |
Walter | BIRMINGHAM | Bombay, India | WO96/1402 | |
James | BLACK | Coleraine, Co.Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | BLACK | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
George | BLACKBURNE | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
William | BLEE | Taboyne, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Samuel | BLOOMFIELD | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BOLAND | Furvin? nr. Mount Charles, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | BONAR | Leek, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | BONAR | Newtoncunningham, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | BONAR | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BORELAND | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BORELAND | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Edward | BOYCE | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Manus | BOYCE | (R)amelton, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Daniel | BOYD | Arrigall? Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Henry | BOYD | Barnquarter, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | BOYD | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BOYD | St. Marys, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
William Kennedy | BOYD | Aghadoway? Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Alexander | BOYLE | Cumvel, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Bernard | BOYLE | Doe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Francis | BOYLE | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BOYLE | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BOYLE | Glenoe, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
Alexander | BRADLEY | Tubbermore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
David | BRADLEY | Garvagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Frederick | BRADLEY | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Henry | BRADLEY | Desert Toughil, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BRADLEY | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | BRADLEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | BRADLEY | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | BRADLEY | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | BRADLEY | Knocklaughray, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | BRADLEY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BRADLEY | All Saints, Kildrum, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | BRADY | Ennismaesaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | BRALLEY | Gortnachey, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BREEN | Kilrea, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BROGAN | Tanghboyne, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | BROTHERS | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
George | BROWN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BROWN | St. Joseph, Dublin, Co. Dublin | WO96/1402 | |
James | BROWN | Killea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BROWN | Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BROWN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BROWN | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BROWN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | BROWN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Samuel | BROWN | Carrigans? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BROWN | Newry, Co. Down | WO96/1402 | |
James | BURKE | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BURKE | Castlerock, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | BURKE | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | BURKE | Newtoncunningham, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | BURLAND | Darvock? Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
Alexander | BURNS | Tallyarchuish? Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | BURNS | Haddington, Haddingtonshire, Scotland | WO96/1402 | |
James | BURNS | Magherafelt, Co.Derry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BURNS | Drumhone, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | BURNS | nr. Stranorlar, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | BURNS | St. Marys, Donegal, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | BURNS | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Peter | BURNS | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
Barclay | BURNSIDE | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | BURNSIDE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | BYRNE | Innishmaesaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Edward | CAIN | Eglinton, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert John | CAIRNS | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
David | CALDWELL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
David | CALDWELL | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CALLAGHAN | Bridge End, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CALLAGHAN | Fannet, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | CALLAGHAN | Fahan, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CALLAGHAN | Burnfoot, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CALLAGHAN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Alexander | CAMPBELL | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Charles | CAMPBELL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Dawson | CAMPBELL | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Henry | CAMPBELL | Lamlagh? nr. Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CAMPBELL | Kilrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CAMPBELL | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CAMPBELL | Artrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CAMPBELL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James Henry | CAMPBELL | New York, America | WO96/1402 | |
John James | CAMPBELL | Inch, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | CAMPBELL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | CAMPBELL | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert John | CAMPBELL | nr. Portstewart, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | CAMPBELL | Ballyneach, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas King | CAMPBELL | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas King | CAMPBELL | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CAMPBELL | Ballnascillun, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CAMPBELL | Lambage, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
William James | CAMPTON | Tamlaght, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
James | CANE | Kilone, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CANE | Buncrana, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | CANE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | CANNING | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | CANNING | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CANNON | Camus, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | CANNON | Creggans? Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | CANNON | Newtonlimaidy? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Mathew | CARLETON | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Mathew | CARLETON | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | CARLETON | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CARLETON | Artrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Daniel | CARLIN | Drung, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Henry | CARLIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | CARLIN | Strabane, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
John | CARLIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Richard | CARLIN | 39 in 1876 | WO96/1402 | |
William | CARLIN | Moville, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | CARLON | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CARLTON | Artrea, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Michael | CARRICK | Castlefin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Francis | CARROL | Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland | WO96/1402 | |
James | CARROL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | CARROL | Shrule, Co. Longford | WO96/1402 | |
James | CARSON | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CARSON | Castlerock, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CARTAN | nr. Garvagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
David | CARTEN | Garvagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Philip | CARTEN | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | CARTIN | Garvagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CASEY | Ballymoney, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
Alexander | CASSIDY | Kilrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CASSIDY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CASSIDY | Moneyheaney, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CASSIDY | Shantalton? Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CASSIDY | Mount Osquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CASSIDY | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John James | CASSIDY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | CASSIDY | Dunfarmaghy, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CASSIDY | Limavady, Co.Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | CAULFIELD | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Michael | CAULFIELD | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | CAVANAGH | nr. Dundalk, Co. Louth | WO96/1402 | |
William Alfred | CHAMBERS | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William Alfred | CHAMBERS | Omagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
Robert James | CHIPPINGTON | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CHIPPINGTON | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
George | CHRISTIE | Ballymoney, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
James | CHRISTIE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CHRISTIE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Samuel | CHRISTY | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
George | CHURCH | Castledawson. Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
George | CLARK | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CLARK | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CLARK | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CLARK | Govan, Lanarkshire, Scotland | WO96/1402 | |
William | CLARK | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CLARK | Balinadery? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CLARKE | St. Marys, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CLARKE | Collin? Co. Louth | WO96/1402 | |
John | CLARKE | 29 in 1871 | WO96/1402 | |
Samuel | CLARKE | Deserttoghill, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CLARKE | Rathdrum, Co. Wickford | WO96/1402 | |
William | CLARKE | Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CLARKE | Donougheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
William | CLARKE | Coolestown, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
James | CLEARY | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Isaac | COCHRANE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | COCHRANE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
George | COLHOUN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | COLHOUN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
David | COLLINS | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
James | COLLINS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | COLLINS | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | COLVILLE | Carloan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Daniel | CONAGHAN | All Saints, Newtoncunningham, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
George | CONAWAY | Cloudy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CONERY | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | CONNAGHAN | All Saints, Londonderry, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Charles | CONNEGHAN | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Michael | CONNLEY | Colonney, Co. Sligo | WO96/1402 | |
Bernard | CONNOLLY | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | CONNOR | St. Catherine, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
James | CONNOR | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CONNOR | Creag, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CONNOR | Carndonagh, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
Richard | CONNOR | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CONNORS | Templemore?, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CONRILL | Ballymaguigan, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Edward | CONROY | Coleraine, Co.Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | CONROY | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | COOK | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Frederick | COOKE | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | COOLEY | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Daniel | COONEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | COOPER | Drumachose, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Barned | CORR | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CORR | Ballinderry, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | CORR | Drumullan? Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
William | CORRAN | Calry, Co. Sligo | WO96/1402 | |
William | COWDEN | Castlefin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | COYLE | Killygordon, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | COYLE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | COYLE | Lissblack, Co. Fermanagh | WO96/1402 | |
William | CRADDOCK | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CRANFORD | Castlefin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | CRAWFORD | North America, res. Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | CRAWFORD | The Woods nr. Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | CRAWFORD | The Woods nr. Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CREAN | Stranorbar, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | CREELMAN | nr. Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Edward | CROFT | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
David | CRONIN | Coleraine, Co.Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Robert | CROOKES | Dunmaw, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
John | CROOKS | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | CROOKS | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | CROOKS | Desertlin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CROSETT | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
George | CROSS | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Daniel | CROSSON | Bimarane? Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | CRUMLEY | Trew, Co. Monaghan | WO96/1402 | |
John | CRUMLEY | Trew, Co. Monaghan | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | CULLEN | Derryloran, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
William | CULLEN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | CUMMINS | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Edward | CUNNINGHAM | Ardmore. Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CUNNINGHAM | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CUNNINGHAM | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CUNNINGHAM | Moville, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Daniel | CURAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | CURRAN | Laughboyne, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | CURRAN | Newry, Co. Down | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | CURREN | Donegal, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Samuel | CURREN | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
William | CURREN | Ray, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Sandy | CURRY | Dervork, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
John | CURTIS | Stroid, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | CUSHLEY | Ballaghy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | CUSHLEY | Ballaghy, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | DAILEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Francis | DALEY | Lurgan, Co. Armagh | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | DALLAS | Atroghill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
George | DALY | Cloghemeely, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | DARBY | Stovaststanga?, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | DARRAGH | Drumagarmer, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Francis | DAVIES | Dunluce, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
John | DAVY | Upper Falls, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
John | DAWSON | St. Johns, Dundalk, Co. Louth | WO96/1402 | |
John | DEARY | Stride Claggan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Michael | DEARY | Balinascreen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | DEEGHAN | Eglington, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DEEHAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DEENEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DEENEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | DEENEY | Burt, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Michael | DEERY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DEMPSTER | Ballymena, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
Samuel | DENNISON | Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | DENNISON | Bellaghy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William Henry | DEVIN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
James | DEVINE | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
William | DEVINE | Sion Mills, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
William | DEVINE | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Edward | DEVLIN | Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | DEVLIN | Derrygalt, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
William | DEZELL | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Daniel | DIAMOND | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DIAMOND | Castledawson, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DIAMOND | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | DIFFIN | Garvagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | DILLON | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John Wilson | DINSMORE | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | DIVER | Conwal, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
William | DIVER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Anthony | DOHERTY | Ballymoney, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
Anthony | DOHERTY | Newry, Co. Down | WO96/1402 | |
Bernard | DOHERTY | Ballymena, Co. Antrim | WO96/1402 | |
Charles | DOHERTY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Charles | DOHERTY | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Daniel | DOHERTY | Magullagan, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Edward | DOHERTY | Three Trees, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Edward | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Francis | DOHERTY | Calmore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
George | DOHERTY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | DOHERTY | Donagh, Carmadonagh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Hugh | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | DOHERTY | Moville, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | DOHERTY | Lokaheen, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
James | DOHERTY | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | DOHERTY | Killacreen, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | DOHERTY | Clonmany, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | DOHERTY | Raymoghy, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
James | DOHERTY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | DOHERTY | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DOHERTY | Adara, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
John | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DOHERTY | Limavady, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
John | DOHERTY | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Joseph | DOHERTY | Claudy, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Owen | DOHERTY | Lower Badoney, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | DOHERTY | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Patrick | DOHERTY | Carudonagh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
Phil. | DOHERTY | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | DOHERTY | Glenn, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
Thomas | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | DOHERTY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
William | DOHERTY | Buncrama? Co. Donegal | WO96/1402 | |
George | DOLLAR | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1402 | |
James | DONAGHY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | DONAGHY | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Michael | DONALD | Killeymard, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | DONNELL | Munglass, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Michael | DONNELL | Burt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | DONNELL | Ardstan, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
William | DONNELL | Burt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | DONNELLY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | DONNELLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | DONNELLY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | DONNELLY | Dennela, Co. Armagh | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | DONNELLY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | DOOGAN | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Andrew | DOOL | Desertmartin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | DOWNEY | Armagh, Co. Armagh | WO96/1403 | |
David | DOWNS | Aghadowey, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | DOYLE | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | DRUMMER | Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Daniel | DUDDY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | DUDDY | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | DUFFIN | Shankhill, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
Hugh | DUFFY | Birds End, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Edward | DUGAN | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | DUNN | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | DUNN | Ballyneal, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | ELDER | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | ELDER | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | ELDER | Aghadowey, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Campbell | ELKIN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | ELKIN | Buncrona, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | ELLIOTT | Genalla, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | ELLIOTT | St. Marys, Enniskellan, Co. Fermanagh | WO96/1403 | |
James | ELLIS | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | EVANS | Drumlamp, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | EVANS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Alexander | EWING | Drumglass, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
William | FARIL | Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Francis | FARLEY | Ardtrea Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | FARLEY | Newry, Co. Antrim & Down | WO96/1403 | |
John | FEE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | FEENEY | Tamnearn, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | FERGUSON | Aghadowey, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
David | FERRIS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Henry | FERRY | Caradonagh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | FINLAY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | FITZGERALD | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | FLANAGAN | Kilnabeg, Co. Longford | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | FLEMING | Kilfinney, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | FLEMING | Feeney, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
James | FLEMMING | Killowen, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
William | FLEMMING | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | FOSTER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Archibald | FOWLER | Shankhill, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
William | FOWLER | Claudy, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | FOX | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Ermin | FOYE | nr. Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | FRANKLIN | Urney, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | FRANKLING | Templemore, Co.Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Henry | FREEMAN | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Con | FRIEL | Macfin? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | FRIEL | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Daniel | FULLERTON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Alexander | FULTON | Ballymoney, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
David | FULTON | Ballymoney, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas(John deleted) | FULTON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Denis | GALLAGHER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Edward | GALLAGHER | Moroity, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Ferridy | GALLAGHER | Barony, Glasgow, Lanarkshire | WO96/1403 | |
Francis | GALLAGHER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GALLAGHER | Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | GALLAGHER | Cumher, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GALLAGHER | Camus, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
John | GALLAGHER | Killea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GALLAGHER | Garten, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GALLAGHER | Stranorlar, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | GALLAGHER | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | GALLAGHER | Geveedore? Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | GALLAGHER | Braetead, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | GALLAGHER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | GALLAGHER | Altihoney, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | GALLAGHER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | GALLAGHER | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | GALLAGHER | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | GALLAGHER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | GALLAGHER | Urney, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | GALLAGHER | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
William | GALLAGHER | Claugheor, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
William | GALLAGHER | Camus, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
William | GALLAGHER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William Joseph | GALLAGHER | Ardagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GAMBLE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GAMBLE | All Saints, Carrigans, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GAMBLE | Clonleigh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
William | GAMBLE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | GANNON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GARDINER | Castle....d nr. Colraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GARDNER | Dervock, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
John | GASTON | nr. Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | GIBSON | Cookstown, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | GIFFEN | Coleraine, Co.Derry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GILCHRIST | Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland | WO96/1403 | |
John | GILGOUR | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | GILGOUR | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GILLEN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | signed GILLIN |
Thomas | GILLESPIE | nr. Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Henry | GILLIAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GILMORE | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GILMORE | Mount Glass, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | GILMORE | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GILMOUR | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Alexander | GODFREY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GOLD | Mayagall, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GOLDING | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Albert | GOOSE | Woolwich, Kent, England | WO96/1403 | |
Cecil | GOOSE | Fermoy, Co. Cork | WO96/1403 | |
Charles William | GOOSE | Shoeburyness, Essex, England | WO96/1403 | |
Hugh | GORDON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Francis | GORMLEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | GORMLEY | Donaghedy, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | GORRY | nr. Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Daniel | GRAHAM | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | GRAHAM | nr. Omagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | GRAINGER | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GRAY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GRAY | Ballymoney, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | GRAY | Kilrnonaghan? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Hugh | GREEN | Tamney? Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | GREEN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | GREEN | Glenalls, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | GREEN | St. Andrews, Glasgow, Lanarkshire | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | GREEN | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | GREER | Saschel, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
John | GREGG | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | GRIBBEN | Guildford, Co. Down | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | GRIBBEN | Drumalee, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Andrew Henry | GRIFFIN | Ballyriff, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | GRIFFIN | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GRIFFITHS | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GUNN | Castletara, Co. Cavan | WO96/1403 | |
William | GURNEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | GUY | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | GUY | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HACKETT | Portdunna, Co. Galway | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | HALFERTY | Conrose, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Daniel | HALLAHAN | Poona, East India | WO96/1403 | |
James | HAMILTON | Ballymaguiggan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | HANLEY | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | HANLON | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Edward | HANLON | Antrim, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
Hugh | HANLON | Antrim, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
John | HANLON | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
David | HANNA | Tubbermore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | HANNA | Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | HANNA | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | HANNAGAN | Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HANNIGHAN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
James | HARBISON | Dongehrim, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | HARDY | Cookstown, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Edward | HARKIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Hugh | HARKIN | Donoughady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
James | HARKIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HARKINS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | (Harkness deleted) |
Hugh | HARLEY | Carrickhell, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Francis | HARRINGTON | All Saints, Newtoncunningham, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
George | HARRIS | Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | HARRISON | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HARRISON | Garvagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HARRISON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HARRISON | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | HARRISON | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | HART | Donaghmore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HARTE | Garrison, Fermoy | WO96/1403 | |
James | HARVEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | HARVEY | Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
William | HASLETT | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | HASWELL | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HASWELL | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | HASWELL | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Alfred | HATRICK | St. Johnston, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Francis Chambers | HATRICK | St. Johnston, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William Joseph | HATRICK | St. Johnston, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | HAVERAN | Dungiven, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HAWTHORNE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Andrew | HAZLETT | Dungevy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | HAZLETT | Donagheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | HEANEY | Broagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Hugh | HEGARTY | Leek, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | HEGARTY | nr. Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Michael | HEGARTY | nr. Duncrana? Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
William | HEGARTY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | HENDERSON | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
George | HENRY | Castlerow, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Stephen | HENRY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | HENRY | Kilrea, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
James | HEYLAND | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | HIGGINS | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | HILL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HILL | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HOGAN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HOLDEN | Limavady, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
William | HOLLAND | Killingarvan? Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | HONE | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | HORNER | Aghadowey, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HOUSTON | Luor? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | HOWARD | Glevin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | HOY | Co. Longford | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | HUDSON | 33 in 1873 | WO96/1403 | |
Peter | HUGHES | Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
William | HUGHES | Kilcronaghan, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | HULL | Ballyeglish? Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | HUMPHRYS | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | HUNTER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | HUNTER | Shankhill, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
James | HUTCHINSON | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | HUTCHINSON | Dumboe, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | HYNES | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | IRVIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Henry | IRVINE | Ballytofey? Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
William | IRVINE | Coleraine, Co.Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Edward | IRWIN | Coleraine, Co.Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Henry | IRWIN | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | JACKSON | Cappagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Peter | JACKSON | Balinascreen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | JACKSON | Grencastle, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | JAMIESON | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | JAMIESON | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Arthur | JARVIS | Woolwich, Kent, England | WO96/1403 | |
Alexander | JOHNSON | Dumbs? nr.Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | JOHNSON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | JOHNSON | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | JOHNSON | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Andrew | JOHNSTON | Culmore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | JOHNSTON | Articliffe, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | JOHNSTON | St. Peters, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | JOHNSTON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | JOHNSTON | Shankhill, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | JOHNSTON | Desertlyn, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | JOHNSTON | Glad Hill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
William | JOHNSTON | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Andrew | JOHNSTONE | nr. Moville, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | JOHNSTONE | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Edward | JONES | Hackney, Middlesex, London | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | JORDAN | Moville, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Peter | JOYCE | Raghan, Co. Galway | WO96/1403 | |
Henry | JUDGE | Drumcree, Co. Armagh | WO96/1403 | |
John | JUNK | Derywran? Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Alexander | KANE | Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland | WO96/1403 | |
David | KANE | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KANE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KANE | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KANE | Eglington, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KANE | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | KANE | Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | KANE | (L)enton, Dunbarton, Scotland | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | KANE | Limavady, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | KANE | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | KARR | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Henry | KAVANAGH | Camus, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
James | KAVANAGH | Donegal, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Michael | KAVANAGH | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | KAVANAGH | Carlow, Co. Carlow | WO96/1403 | |
James | KEENAN | Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | KEENAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Henry | KEILD | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Andrew | KELLY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KELLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KELLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KELLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KELLY | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
James | KELLY | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KELLY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KELLY | Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KELLY | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | KELLY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | KELLY | Fannett? Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | KELLY | Doneghedy, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
John | KELLY | Kilbarron Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | KELLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | KELLY | Tipkeeran? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | KELLY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | KELLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | KELLY | Donamanagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | KELLY | Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | KELLY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | KELLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Andrew | KENNEDY | Echrein? Co. Antrim | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | KENNEDY | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | KENNEDY | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Charles | KENNEDY | Dunboe, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Hugh | KENNEDY | Woods Church nr. Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KENNEDY | Gweedore, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
John | KENNEDY | Conwell, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | KENNEDY | Bovea? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Patrick | KENNEDY | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Samuel | KENNEDY | Ballyclose, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
William James | KENNEDY | Boveba, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Richard | KENT | Grange Gorman, Dublin | WO96/1403 | |
William | KEOWN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Michael | KERBY | nr. Lesserkenny, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
Hugh | KERR | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | KERR | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | KERR | New Buildings, Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | KERR | Knockenterm, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | KERR | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
James | KERRIGAN | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1403 | |
William | KIDD | Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
John | KIELT | Falaghoon? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | KILGOUR | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Robert | KILGOUR | Sherieff Mountain, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
Henry | KILLEN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | KILLEN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Thomas | KING | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
William | KINKADE | Laek, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1403 | |
William | KIRKWOOD | Tamlaght Ocally, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
Joseph | KYLE | Boornhall, Co. Derry | WO96/1403 | |
William | KYLE | Kilfey, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1403 | |
James | LAFFERTY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | LAGAN | Desertmartin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | LAIRD | Stranorlar, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | LAKIN | Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William John | LAMONT | Moneymore, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | LAPPIN | Donarisk, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Charles | LAPSLEY | Convoy, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
John | LARKIN | Tambtoerilly, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | LAUGHLIN | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | LAVENDER | Ballymquiggan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
George | LAVERT | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Francis | LAVERY | Shankhill, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
Michael | LAWLER | St. Johns, Dublin, Dublin | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | LAWSON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | LAYCOCK | Killaneece, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Andrew | LEATHAM | Drumglass, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | LEE | Derrylornan, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
William | LEITCH | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Andrew Thomas | LENNOX | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
David | LENNOX | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Edward | LENNOX | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | LENNOX | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Richard | LENNOX | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | LENNOX | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | LENNOX | Aughrim, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | LENNOX | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
David | LETTRES | Kirkindola? Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
William Arthur | LEWIS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | LIDDLE | Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland | WO96/1404 | |
Westley | LINDSAY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | LINDSAY | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | LITTLE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | LITTLE | Donemana, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | LITTLE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | LIVINGSTONE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | LOCKHART | Feeney, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
David | LOGAN | Cumber, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
William | LOGAN | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | LOGUE | Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland | WO96/1404 | |
William | LOGUE | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | LONE | Desertmartin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Edward | LONG | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | LONG | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | LONG | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | LOUGHREY | Bunerana, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
William | LOUGHREY | Hurkey, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
James | LOUGHRIE | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Henry | LOVE | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | LOVE | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | LOVE | Drumclose, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Solomon | LOVE | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | LOVE | Ballymena, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
John | LOWREY | Carrickdrick? Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
William | LUCAS | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | LUDFORD | Ahmendabad, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph Archibald C. | LUDFORD | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | LUGG | Newtonlimiasaldy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Edward | LYNCH | Castleconner, Co. Kilkenny | WO96/1404 | |
James | LYNCH | Drumacoe, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | LYNCH | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | LYNCH | Donagal, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Marcus | LYND | Limavady, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
John | LYONS | Nimisshoam? Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Joshua | LYONS | Limavady, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Alexander | MACALISTER | Bally, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
William | MACDERMOTT | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Gilbert | MACKAY | Ardstraw, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Henry | MACKEL | Ballymaquiggan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MADDEN | Coleraine, Co.Derry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MAGEE | Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
John | MAGEE | Coleraine, Co.Derry | WO96/1405 | |
John Joseph | MAGEE | Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | MAGEE | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | MAGEE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MAGUIRE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Johnston | MAHAFFEY | Donaghmore, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | MAHON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
David | MALONE | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | MALONE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MARRS | Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MARSHALL | Desertlyn, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | MARTIN | Croydon, Surrey, England | WO96/1405 | |
Ernest | MARTIN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Frederick | MARTIN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Hugh | MARTIN | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MARTIN | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MARTIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MARTIN | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MARTIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MARTIN | New Mills, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MARTIN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert John | MARTIN | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Samuel | MARTIN | Ballyrashane, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | MARTIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | MARTIN | Coleraine, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | McALHONE | Ballymaquigan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McALLISTER | Ballinaderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Arthur | McAMENEY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Francis | McANELLY | Kildross, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
John | McANULLA | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Edward | McANULTY | Stranorcar, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Francis | McARTHUR | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McATAMNEY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McATAMNEY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Francis | McAULAY | Ramoin, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
Henry | McAULAY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McAULAY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McAVOY | nr. Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny | WO96/1404 | |
Daniel | McBRIDE | Buncranna, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Daniel | McBRIDE | nr. Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McBRIDE | Clonleigh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
James | McBRIDE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McBRIDE | Newtoncunningham, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McBRIDE | All Saints, Gortra?(torn document) | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McBRIEN | Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCABE | Belleek, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCABE | Strabane, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Edward | McCAFFERTY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Harry | McCAFFERTY | Conwace, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCAFFERTY | Killa, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCALLION | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Samuel | McCALLION | Gateside, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McCANE | Likepatrick, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCANN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCANN | Cappagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Michael | McCANN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McCANN | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McCANN | Ballinaderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCANN | Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCANNY | Derryloran, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McCARRON | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCARTHY | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCARTNEY | Killyboys, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McCARTNEY | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCARTNEY | Ballaghy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McCAUL | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
David | McCAULEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCAULEY | Aghalacy? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Archibald | McCAWLEY | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCAWLEY | Raymoghy, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
George | McCLAY | Broagh, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Charles | McCLEAN | Dunhanaghy? Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | McCLEAN | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCLEARY | Articliff, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCLELLAND | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | McCLENAGHAN | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
Harry | McCLENAHAN | Garvagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCLINTOCK | Black Patrick, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Francis | McCLOSKEY | Banagher, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | McCLOSKEY | Ballycastle, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCLOSKEY | Muff, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCOACH | Aughnish, don | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCOLGAN | Carndonagh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Charles | McCOLLAUGH | Magilligan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | McCOLLOCH | Belloghy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Daniel | McCOLLOUGH | Drumnaghadee, Co. Down | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCOMB | Coleraine, Co.Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McCOMBS | Artrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas Henry | McCOMBS | Annaghmen?, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Andrew | McCONNELL | Leek, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Francis | McCONNELL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | McCONOMY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCONOMY | Sion Mills, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Edward | McCOOL | Long Tower, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCOOL | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
George | McCORKELL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Charles | McCORKILL | Ballymorgrotey? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Felix | McCORMACK | Glevin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCORMACK | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McCORMACK | Calry, Co. Sligo | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McCORMACK | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Edward | McCORMICK | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
George | McCORMICK | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCORMICK | nr. Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James Henry | McCORMICK | Marlin, Co. Down | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCORMICK | 22 in 1872. Served 1872 - 1903 | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McCOTTER | Aghadowey, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCOURTER | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
David | McCOY | Portaglone, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCREANOR | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McCRORY | Glendermott?, Co.Derry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCROSSON | Urney, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCROSSON | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McCROSSON | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | McCRUDDAN | Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCRUDDAN | Moville, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCRUDDAN | Carndonagh, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCRUDDAN | Carndonagh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Charles | McCRYSTAL | Omagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Daniel | McCUE | Crossroads nr. Letterkenny, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCUE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCULLAGH | Balinascreen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | McCULLOUGH | Casudonagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McCULLUM | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Henry | McCURDY | Agherton, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McCURRY | Ballymaquiggaan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McCURRY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McCUSKER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McCUSKER | Tolly- Allen, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
John | McDAID | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Michael | McDAID | Moville, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McDAID | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McDAID | All Saints, Newtoncunningham, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Charles | McDERMOTT | Claudy? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Jacob | McDERMOTT | Claudy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McDERMOTT | Killtony, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McDERMOTT | Straw? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McDERMOTT | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Michael | McDERMOTT | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Peter | McDERMOTT | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McDERMOTT | Altihony, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McDERMOTT | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Edward | McDEVITT | Tohone, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Bernard | McDONAGH | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McDONAGH | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Francis | McDONALD | Simla, India | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | McDONALD | Holymena, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
James | McDONALD | Ballymena, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
John | McDONALD | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McDONALD | Urney, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Tool | McDONALD | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McDONALD | nr. Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McDONIGH | Claudy? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Archibald | McDONNELL | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Samuel | McDOWELL | St. Johnston, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McELHATTIN | Derryloran, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Charles | McELHONE | Barbadoes, West Indies | WO96/1404 | |
James | McELHONE | East India | WO96/1404 | |
William John | McELHONE | Barbadoes, West Indies | WO96/1404 | |
John | McELURE | Limavady, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McELWEE | Maragh, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McERLANE | Drumore? Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Bernard | McFADDEN | Clondahorky, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
James | McFADYEN | Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Scotland | WO96/1404 | |
Charles | McFALL | Creghan, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Manassa | McFALL | Waterside, Derry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | McFARLAND | Donagheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
John | McFEE | Garvagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McFEE | Ballyrashane, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John Hamilton | McFEETERS | Killymana, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William John | McFLYNN | Coagh, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McGAHER | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Daniel | McGANDY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McGARRIGLE | Urney, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGEE | Dunsavick, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGEE | Ballybose? Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McGEE | Ballymoney, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McGEE | Culdaff, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
William | McGEE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McGEORGHAN | Carndonagh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Francis | McGEOWN | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McGILL | Clonleigh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Arthur | McGINLEY | Clonleigh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGINLEY | Rathmullen, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGINLEY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGINLEY | Clooney, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McGINLEY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGLADE | Toher?more, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Francis | McGLINEHEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGLINN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGLINN | Glensuwilly?, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGLYNN | Castlederg? Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGOLDRICK | Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh | WO96/1404 | |
James | McGONAGLE | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGONAGLE | Clooney, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McGONAGLE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGONIGLE | Arigle, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | McGOWAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGOWAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McGOWAN | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McGOWAN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Joseph | McGOWAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | McGRADY | Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
James | McGRATH | Ballyngar, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGRATH | Conwell, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | McGRATH | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Robert | McGRAW | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Richard | McGREEVY | Preston, Lancashire, England | WO96/1404 | |
William John | McGREGOR | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1404 | |
Edward | McGROARY | Dunree, don | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McGROARY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Nillis | McGRORY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McGRORY | Clunney? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McGROTTY | Claudy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGUCKAN | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGUCKIAN | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McGUCKIN | Ballinderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McGUCKIN | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McGUCKIN | Desertmartin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
David | McGUIGAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
James | McGUIGAN | Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Charles | McGUINESS | Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGUINESS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
William | McGUINISS | Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Patrick | McGUIRE | Carman, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McGUIRE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McGUIRE | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
William | McGUIRE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McGURK | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McHARG | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
John | McHUGH | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
John | McHUGH | St. Marys, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
John | McILVEEN | Cadllerea? Co. Down | WO96/1404 | |
John | McINTYRE | Clonmellan, Co. West Meath | WO96/1404 | |
Peter | McINTYRE | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McINTYRE | Malin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
William John | McINTYRE | Articlave, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Thomas | McIVER | Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1404 | |
Hugh | McKAY | Dunluce, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
James | McKAY | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1404 | |
William | McKAY | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1404 | |
Barnett | McKEE | Ballinderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | McKEE | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | McKEE | Frosses, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | McKEENE | Kilrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | McKEEVOR | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
William | McKENDRY | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McKENNA | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McKENNA | Ballinderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McKENNA | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McKENNA | Waterside Derry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | McKENNA | Ballinderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Wilson | McKENNEY | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | McKENNIE | Artrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McKENNY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McKEOWN | Tubbermore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Matthew | McKEOWN | Derrykeagha, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
Hugh | McKIMM | Drumragh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | McKINDRIC | Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
James | McKINLEY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | McLANNAY | nr. Cady, Co. Armagh | WO96/1405 | |
Alexander | McLAUGHLIN | Eglington, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | McLAUGHLIN | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Daniel | McLAUGHLIN | Hallier, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Francis | McLAUGHLIN | Drumcurn, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Francis | McLAUGHLIN | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
George | McLAUGHLIN | The Loop, Magherafelt, Co.Derry | WO96/1405 | |
George | McLAUGHLIN | New Bridge, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
George | McLAUGHLIN | The Loop, Magherafelt, Co.Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Henry | McLAUGHLIN | Eglington, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
James | McLAUGHLIN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
James | McLAUGHLIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | McLAUGHLIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | McLAUGHLIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McLAUGHLIN | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McLAUGHLIN | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McLAUGHLIN | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McLAUGHLIN | Limavady, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McLAUGHLIN | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McLAUGHLIN | Limavady, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Michael | McLAUGHLIN | nr. Dungiven, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Michael | McLAUGHLIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert John | McLAUGHLIN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | McLAUGHLIN | Faughville, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | McLAUGHLIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Alexander | McLEAN | Dervock, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | McLEAN | Portlenone, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Francis | McLEAN | Bunburgh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
Johnston | McLEAN | Desertmartin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | McLEAN | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | McLEAN | Garvagh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | McLEAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | McLEAN | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Alexander | McLEARY | Dunbar, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McLERON | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | McLUCAS | Gallagh, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McMAHON | Cavan, Co. Cavan | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McMANUS | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Philip | McMANUS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | McMENAMIN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McMENAMIN | Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland | WO96/1405 | |
John | McMENAMIN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | McMENAMIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | McMENAMIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Samuel | McMICHAEL | Cullion, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | McMIMIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | McMONAGLE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McMONAGLE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McMULLAN | Castlewellan, Co. Down | WO96/1405 | |
James | McMULLIN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | McMUNN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McMURRAY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Alexander | McNALLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | McNALLY | Artrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | McNALLY | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
John | McNALLY | Ballinagaroh, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | McNAMEE | Ayr, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
John | McNAMEE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Marcus | McNAMEE | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Alexander | McNAUGHT | nr. Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Henry | McNAUGHT | Killowen, Co. Londonderry (cut document) | WO96/1405 | |
Henry | McNAUGHT | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Henry | McNAUGHTON | Ballrashane, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McNEICE | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | McNEILL | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | McNERLIN | Campsie, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McNICOL | Ballinderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Alexander | McNIRLAN | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | McNUTT | Fahan, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McPEAKE | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McPHEROON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McPHERSON | Gosport, Hampshire, England | WO96/1405 | |
Archie | McQUAID | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McRACKEN | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Bernard | McROARY | Creve? Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
William | McRUDDEN | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Andrew | McSHANE | Arigle, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Henry | McSHANE | Maghera, Co.Derry | WO96/1405 | |
John | McSHANE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | McSHANE | Stranaler? Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
John | McVICKER | Carrickeel? Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
John | MEEHAN | Drumholm, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
William James | MEEHAN | Clooney, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MEHAFFEY | Killea, Co. Donegal | WO96/1404 | |
Daniel | MILLER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MILLER | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MILLER | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MILLER | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | MILLER | Statement of Services only | WO96/1405 | |
William | MILLER | Bundoran, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
William John | MILLER | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Andrew | MILLIGAN | Ballyscullion, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MILLS | Clonleigh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | MILLS | Drumragh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
William | MILLS | William Street, Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Allen | MITCHELL | Leek Patrick, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
James | MITCHELL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MITCHELL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | MITCHELL | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MOLLOY | Glenaught, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MOLONEY | Abbeyvail, Co. Limerick | WO96/1405 | |
Daniel | MONAGHAN | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MONAGHAN | Deboyne, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MONTEITH | Fintona, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
Samuel B. | MONTEITH | Strathblane, Glasgow, Scotland | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | MONTEITH | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Alexander | MONTGOMERY | Kilrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MONTGOMERY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MONTGOMERY | White Abbey, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
Samuel | MONTGOMERY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Bernard | MOONEY | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
James | MOONEY | Clooney Waterside, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MOONEY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MOONEY | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1405 | |
William | MOONEY | 35 in 1876 | WO96/1405 | |
Albert | MOORE | All Saints, Londonderry, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Alexander | MOORE | Strabane, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
Andrew | MOORE | Camus, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
Foster | MOORE | nr. Castlefin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
John | MOORE | Strabane, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
John | MOORE | Donaghmore, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
John | MOORE | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MOORE | Milford, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MOORE | Ballyronan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | MOORE | Bundoran, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Andrew | MORAN | Island Bridges, Dublin, co. Dublin | WO96/1405 | |
John | MORAN | Upper Lands nr. Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MORAN | Ballynagerea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Michael | MORGAN | Ballygally, co. Down | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | MORGAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MORREN | Dardestown, Dublin | WO96/1405 | |
James | MORRISON | Aghawoery, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MORROW | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | MOWBARY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
David | MOWBRAY | Creavey, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | MOWBRAY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Martin | MOYNE | Glendermott, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Hamilton | MULHERN | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
Michael | MULHERN | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Felix | MULHOLLAND | Orale, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
John | MULHOLLAND | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MULHOLLAND | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MULHOLLAND | Banagher, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MULLAN | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Peter | MULLAN | Derrylornan, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
Peter | MULLAN | Derrylornan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | MULLAN | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | MULLAN | Coagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
William | MULLAN | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Edward | MULLIN | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Alexander | MURPHY | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
Francis | MURPHY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | MURPHY | Draperstown, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MURPHY | South Parish, Dublin, Co. Durham | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | MURPHY | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | MURPHY | Derryvain, Co. Armagh | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | MURPHY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | MURPHY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MURRANY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | MURRAY | Lisson, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | MURRAY | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph James | MURRAY | St. Catherine, Dublin, Co. Dublin | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | MURRAY | Faughan Vale, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MURRAY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MURRAY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MURRAY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | MURRAY | Faughan Vale, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Samuel | MURRAY | nr. Lanark, Lanarkshire, Scotland | WO96/1405 | |
Scott | MURRAY | Newtonlimavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | MURRAY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Michael | MURRY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | NEELY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Daniel | NELIS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Samuel | NELLY | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Samuel | NELSON | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | NELSON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Thomas | NELSON | Kilcronaghan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | NELSON | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | NESS | Durie, Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland | WO96/1405 | |
John | NEVIL | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | NIXON | Omagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | NOON | Tullfern, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Michael | NOONAN | St. Marys, Drogman? Co. Meath | WO96/1405 | |
William John | NORRIS | Artrea, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
William | NORRY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | NORRY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | NORRY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | NORTON | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | O'BRAINES | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | O'BRIEN | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
Patrick | O'BRIEN | Innis, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
William | O'CONNELL | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Richard | O'CONNER | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | O'CONNOR | Edge Way Road, London, England | WO96/1405 | |
Bernard | O'DONNELL | Leek, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | O'DONNELL | Donegal, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
James | O'DONNELL | Taugh Boyne, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
John | O'DONNELL | Collon, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | O'DONNELL | Collon, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | O'HAGAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | O'HARA | Dungiven, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | O'KANE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Daniel | O'KANE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | O'KANE | nr. Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | O'KANE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Edward | O'NEIL | St. Marys, Co. Antrim, Co. Antrim | WO96/1405 | |
Francis | O'NEIL | Ballynascreen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | O'NEIL | Pomeroy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
James | O'NEILL | Loop. Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | O'NEILL | Bellaghy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Michael | O'NEILL | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Peter | O'NEILL | Balliderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
William | O'NEILL | Maghera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Charles | O'REILLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
David | ORR | Donaheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
David | ORR | Burt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
David | ORR | Donagheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
George | ORR | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
James | ORR | Donagheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
John | ORR | Port Lough, Co. Donegal | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | ORR | Colmas, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
Joseph | ORR | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
Robert | ORR | Derryard, Co. Derry | WO96/1405 | |
James | OSBORNE | Donagheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1405 | |
John | OWENS | St. Marys, Clonmel, tip. | WO96/1405 | |
William | OWENS | nr. Kilrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1405 | |
John | PARK | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Armour | PATTERSON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | PATTERSON | nr. Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | PATTERSON | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Hugh | PATTISON | Knocklaughran, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | PATTON | Glenfin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
William | PATTON | Sion Mills, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | PAYNE | Newtonaimaghan, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | PEACOCK | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | PEARSE | Boravath? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | PEEL | Dungiven, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
James | PERRY | Ballymena, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
George | PHILLIPS | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | PHILLIPS | nr. Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Henry | PICKERING | Dunaghmon, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Hugh | POLLOCK | Ballymoney, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
John | PORT | Anaghmore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Henry | PORTER | Muphera, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Andrew | PRICE | Hendford, Co. Galway | WO96/1406 | |
Henry | PURVIS | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | QUIGG | Aghadowey, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | QUIN | Derryloran, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
John | QUIN | Newbuildings, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | QUINN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | QUINN | Castlefin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | QUINN | Templemore Derry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | QUINN | Laghey, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | QUINN | Kilbarron, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Charles | RABBATT | Newtoncunningham, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
William James | RADCLIFFE | nr. Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | RANKIN | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | RANKIN | nr. Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | RANKIN | Coleraine, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Michael | REGAN | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | REGAN | Desertmartin, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | REID | Barnett, Lanarkshire, Scotland | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | REID | Martery, Co. Roscommon | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | REID | Cookstown, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Stewart | REID | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Charles | REILLY | nr. Castlefin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Henry | REILLY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Marshall | REILLY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | REOCH | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Michael | REYNOLDS | Carrigallan, Co. Leitrim | WO96/1406 | |
Hugh | RICE | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
John | RICE | Carnteel, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
John | RILEY | Burt, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | RILEY | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Henry | ROARTY | Conwal, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | ROBINSON | Fintona, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | ROBINSON | Newtonstewert, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Edward | ROCKS | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | RODDEN | Donaheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | RODDY | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Daniel | RODGERS | Stranorlar, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
William | RODGERS | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | RODGERS | Bellaghy, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Edward | ROGERS | Frosses, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Henry | ROGERS | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | ROGERS | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | ROGERS | Glendermott, Co.Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | ROSS | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
George | ROSS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Hugh | ROSS | Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
Gaston | ROULSTONE | Brady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
George | ROULSTONE | nr. Castlefin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | RUSSELL | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | RUSSELL | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
James | RUTHERFORD | Taboyne, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | RUTHERFORD | Taughboyne, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
James | RYAN | Londonderry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | RYAN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | RYAN | Lambage, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
David | SCOTT | Culmore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | SCOTT | Culnaddy, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Richard | SCOTT | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | SCOTT | Clough Mills, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | SCOTT | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
William | SCOTT | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | SCULLION | Landless, Co. Cavan | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | SCULLION | Tabermore, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | SHANNON | Race Course, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Charles | SHARKEY | Clonleigh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | SHARKEY | Bushmilles, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
James | SHAULEY | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | SHAW | Finvoy, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
Michael | SHERRIDON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Hugh | SHIELDS | Templemore, Co.Derry | WO96/1406 | |
John | SHIELDS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | SIMPSON | Artry, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | SIMPSON | Ballykelly, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | SIMPSON | Ballymaquiggan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | SIMPSON | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | SINNOT | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | SLANE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Charles | SLEVIN | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | SLOAN | Castledawson, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | SLOAN | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Michael | SLY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | SMALLS | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | SMIRL | Kilrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Hugh | SMITH | Portstewart, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | SMITH | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | SMITH | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
James | SMITH | Tugleason, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
John | SMITH | Donaheady, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
John | SMITH | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | SMITH | Taughboyne, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Michael | SMITH | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | SMITH | Drumragh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Peter | SMITH | Drumragh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | SMITH | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | SMITH | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | SMITH | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | SMITH | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | SMITH | nr. Newbuildings, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
William John | SMITH | Ringsend, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | SMYLIE | Drumbarrow, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
John | SMYTH | Collooney, Co. Sligo | WO96/1406 | |
Andrew | SOMERVILL | Ardstraw, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
John | SOMERVILLE | St. Anns, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
Alfred | SPEAKMAN | Aldershot, Hampshire, England | WO96/1406 | |
David | SPEERS | 24 in 1873 | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | SPROULE | Templecarn, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
William | STARKEY | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
Robert John | STARRETT | nr. Malin, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | STARS | Kilcroughan, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | STATT | Coolshanney, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Arthur | STEELE | Aghadowey, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | STEELE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | STEELE | Melea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | STERLING | Ballycally, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | STEVENSON | Buncrana, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Hamilton | STEWART | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Hugh | STEWART | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | STEWART | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | STEWART | Rye, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | STEWART | Collon, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William James | STEWART | Aughnish Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
James | STOCKMAN | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Edward | STONES | Ballyhone, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
William | STOREY | Derrylonan, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Arthur | STRAIN | Newry, Co. Down | WO96/1406 | |
Arthur | STRAIN | Cookstown, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | STRAIN | Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Andrew | SULLIVAN | Hounslow, Middlesex, England | WO96/1406 | |
William | SUTTERS | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Bryan | SWEENEY | Mavagh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Denis | SWEENEY | Portglemone, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Edward | SWEENEY | Tullyfern, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Frank | SWEENEY | Ardmore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
George | SWEENEY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
George | SWEENEY | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | SWEENEY | Artrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | SWEENEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Peter | SWEENEY | Rooskery, Raphoe, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Simon | SWEENEY | Ballyrashane, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | SWEENEY | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Denis | TAGGART | Cappagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
John | TAIT | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | (signed Tate) |
Robert | TAIT | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | TAIT | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | TATE | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | (signed TAIT) |
George | TAYLOR | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
George | TAYLOR | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
George | TAYLOR | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
George | TAYLOR | Aghadowey, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | TAYLOR | Lisseen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | TAYLOR | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | TAYLOR | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | TAYLOR | Waterside, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | TEANEY | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | TEANEY | nr. Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | TEANEY | nr. Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | TEMPLE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Christopher | TERRY | St. Johns, Belfast, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
William | TERRY | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Edward | THOMAS | Drumahoe, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | THOMPSON | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | THOMPSON | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | THOMPSON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | THOMPSON | Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh | WO96/1406 | |
John | THOMPSON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | THOMPSON | Cookstown, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Malcolm | THOMPSON | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | THOMPSON | Faughan Vale, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | THOMPSON | Lisson, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
William | THOMPSON | Templemore, Co. Derry (torn document) | WO96/1406 | |
William | THOMPSON | Taulaghtfinlagan?, lon | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | TIERNEY | Dundalk, Co. Louth | WO96/1406 | |
William | TILSON | nr. Mullinger, Co. West Meath | WO96/1406 | |
James | TOLAN | Orney, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | TONER | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Peter | TOOMEY | Drumholm, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | TOONER | Cookstown, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | TOUGHILL | Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Edward | TOY | Burt, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | TRAINOR | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | TRAINOR | The Loop nr. Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | WAITS | Fermoy? Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
James | WALKER | Spittle Hill, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
James | WALKER | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | WALKER | Beloris, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
James | WALLACE | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WALLACE | Killygarven, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Wilson | WALLACE | Drumglass, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | WALSH | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | WALSH | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
John | WALSH | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | WALSH | Cookstown, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Michael | WALSH | Kilrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Patrick | WALSH | Innismacsaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WALSH | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | WARD | St. Cuthbert, Edinburgh, Scotland | WO96/1406 | |
James | WARK | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | WARK | Drumachose, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | WARKE | Limavady, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Henry | WARKE | Artlican, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Alexander | WATERS | Irwin, Ayr., Scotland | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas James | WATERS | Balinascreen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William John | WATERSON | Kilnock, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
James | WATSON | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WATT | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
William | WEAVER | Omagh, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Daniel | WEBB | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
William | WEBSTER | Seathorpe nr. Fakenham, Norfolk, England | WO96/1406 | |
William | WEIR | Desarcreat, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
James | WELSH | nr. Antrim., Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
John | WELSH | Carndonagh, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
William | WESNER | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
David | WHITE | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Stewart | WHITE | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WHITE | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WHITE | Macosquin, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | WHITESIDE | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WHITESIDE | Donagadey, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
Charles | WHITTAKER | Manchester, Lancashire, England | WO96/1406 | |
John | WILEY | nr. Portlenon, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Joseph | WILLIAMS | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | WILLIAMS | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | WILLIAMS | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | WILLIAMS | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Archibald | WILLIAMSON | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Charles | WILLIAMSON | Donaghalt? Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | WILLIAMSON | Segis, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | WILLIS | Ballaghy, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | WILLS | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Cunningham | WILSON | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
James | WILSON | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
James | WILSON | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
John | WILSON | Innismaesaint, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
John | WILSON | Ardtrea, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | WILSON | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
John | WILSON | Porteslone? Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | WILSON | Donagmore, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WILSON | Shankhill, Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
William | WILSON | nr. St. Johnston, Co. Donegal | WO96/1406 | |
William | WILSON | Newry, Co. Newry(sic) | WO96/1406 | |
Daniel | WILTON | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WILTON | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WILTON | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | WILTON | Killowen, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | WINTON | Maghera, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | WISENER | Killowen, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | WISONER | Statement of Services only - wife - Jane | WO96/1406 | |
Hugh | WOODS | Moneymore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
Robert | WOODS | Mullesilago?, Co. Tyrone | WO96/1406 | |
William | WORKMAN | Ballinderry, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Samuel | YEATS | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | YOUNG | Coleraine, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | YOUNG | Glendermott, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
James | YOUNG | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
Robert John | YOUNG | Lurolin? Co. Antrim | WO96/1406 | |
Thomas | YOUNG | Race Course, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 | |
William | YOUNG | Templemore, Co. Londonderry | WO96/1406 | |
William | YOUNG | Templemore, Co. Derry | WO96/1406 |