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  Pigot & Co's Directory 1824 - Clonakilty

Pigot & Co's Provincial Directory 1824 Clonakilty


At the head of a sandy bay in the county of Cork is a considerable market town, distant from the castle of Dublin 150 miles, from Cork 26, from Bandon 10 and from Kinsale 17. An important trade is carried on in the manufacture of coarse linens, for the sale of which a weekly market is held on Fridays in a spacious hall erected by the Earl of Shannon for the accommodation of the dealers. Within the last three years there has been a very considerable increase in this branch of industry, and upwards of ten thousand persons are now employed in the various processes of the manufacture, in this and the neighbouring town of Ross and the surrounding district, whence the linens are brought for sale to the public market. The description of good manufactured here is peculiar to the county of Cork, and called Vitries and Twills, these are from three quarters to a yard wide, and the average price is from 4-1/2d to 8d per yard. The market is regularly attended by purchasers from Cork and Bandon, who buy on commission for the English and Scotch houses, and the weekly sales are computed at upwards of 1000/. The market is superintended by Mr. Henry Franks, senr, seal master. An English gentleman has recently established a large linen manufactory here, but the trade is, in general carried on by persons of small capital, who employ from one to four looms. A little cotton is also manufactured, there is a large brewery, and some corn is exported. Clonakilty is a corporate town, and is governed by a sovereign and recorder, who hold sessions of the peace for the town and liberties, and have the power of enforcing the payment of small debts. It was a borough before the union, and is the property of the Earl of Shannon. This place flourished until the rebellion of 1641, when it was totally consumed, but is now rapidly improving, several good houses have recently been created, a substantial market house has been raised, and a new road formed along the Strand to the village of Ring. The church, situated upon a rising ground, is a respectable building, and contains a good organ. The Rev. Horace Townsend, A.M is the vicar, and Dr. Stewart, the curate. There are also a Wesleyan meeting house, and a large Catholic chapel, of which the Rev. David Walsh is the priest. The charitable institutions are numerous and well conducted. The dispensary is regularly attended by a physician and an apothecary, and no less a number than 1827 persons are reported to have received advice from this excellent establishment during the last year. Here is a large school of industry for Catholic girls, and a similar one for Protestants, superintended by the most respectable ladies of the town, in these the children are employed in fine needlework and spinning, and a portion of their time is devoted to mental instruction. There is also a school for boys, partly supported by the incumbent of the parish, and partly by the Dublin Association for Discountenancing Vice and the Promotion of Religion and Virtue. There is also a good general market on Friday, and the five fairs are held on the 6th of April, the 30th of Jun, the 1st of August, the 10th of October, and the 12th of November, for cattle, merchandise, &c. At the distance of seven miles, on the direct road to Skibbereen is a small town of Ross in now way remarkable, except that is a bishoprick united to Cork in the year 1586. The church is a small Gothic structure, having a handsome and lofty spire, the church yard is washed by the arm of the sea, which is so shallow that no vessel can approach the town. Near this place is the seat of Lord Carberry, and on the left about midway between Ross and Skibbereen, the mansion of Lord Kingston may be seen. The population of Clonakilty is about 5,600.

 Post Office, Main Street - Post Master, Mr. John Bennett. The mail from Dublin, Cork and all parts of Great Britain, arrives everyday at half-past one, and is dispatched every morning at half past eleven. The Skibbereen mail leaves immediately on the arrival of the Dublin Mail.

 Nobility, Gentry and Clergy

Carberry Right Honourable Lord, Castlefreke
Allen Mrs, Sovereigns Street
Austin Henry, junr, esq, South Ring
Barry Lieut. James, H.P. Mill St
Barry James Redmond, esq. Dunmore, near Clonakilty
Beamish George, esq. Dunmore, near Clonakilty
Bennett Samuel, esq. Magistrate, Square
Bowerman George, esq. Square
Casey Lieut. D. O'Brien R.N.,H.P Sovereigns St
Deasy Richard, esq. Miss St
Donovan Capt. Alex, H.P. Cottage
Evason Lieut. Allen, R.N. Galley Head, near Clonakilty
French Rev, Philip, Square
Gallwey Michael, esq. Killoran
Gillman Herbert, esq. Magistrate, Bennetts-grove, near Clonakilty
Herrick Edward, esq. Square
Hopkins Lieut, William R., H.P. Ballyrackay, near Clonakilty
Hoy Captain Robert, R.N. Mill St
Hungerford Mrs, Square
Hungerford Richard, esq. Island
Hungerford Thos, esq. Rosscarbery
Hungerford Thomas, esq. Island
Jennings Rev. Wm. Rosscarbery
Molony Rev. Jeremiah, Rosscarbery
Mooney Rev. P. Mill St

O'Regan Mrs, Sovereigns St
Power P. esq. Surgeon, R.N., H.P. Main St
Sands Captain Georgem Dunowen
Smyth John, esq. Ross-view
Smyth Richd, esq. Castle-Downheen
Spiller John, esq. Mill St
Stewart Rev, Henry Wilson, L.L.D, Lower-tawnies
Stewart Rev. William, Magistrate, Welllfield
Sweeny James, esq. Square
Townsend Rev. C.C. Rosscarbery
Townsend Rev. Horace, Magistrate, Derry, near Rosscarbery
Townsend Jno. Esq. Recorder, Square
Toye Thomas, esq. Rosscarbery
Toye Winspear, esq. Rosscarbery|
Walsh, Rev. David, P.P. Rosscarbery
White Rev, James, Rosscarbery

Merchants, Tradesmen, &c


Bennett Francis, Sovereigns St
Lucas John, North Ring
Spiller James, Barrack St
Williamson Edward, Rosscarbery


Fitzgibbon Thomas, Rosscarbery
Folliott Wm (& member of the royal college of surgeons London) Square
Hungerford George, Square
Lucas Thomas, Richfordstown
O'Connor Brien, Mill St


Travers Boyle, Ballymacone


Hayes Marshall, Mill St
Justice T, Main St


Driscol George, (Land) Main St
Hogan John, (Commission) Mill St
Molony Jas. (Commission) Square


Baily Thomas, Main St
Beamish Abrm. (& grocer) Main St
Hagarty Susan, Main St
Harly Mary, Main St
Mc Carthy James, Mill St
Webb John, Sovereigns St

Boot and Shoe Makers

Clarke John, Main St
Hagarty William, Main St
Howell Richard, Main St
Tanner George, Sovereigns St
Wagner William, Main St

Brewers & Malters

Deasy & Company, near the Square

Carpenters &c

Driscol Michael, Main St
Hart John, Mill St
Hart Richard, Main St
Nunan James, Main St

Corn Merchants and Millers

Foster John Sadleir, Shannon-vale
Hayes George & James, Castle-view
Hegarty Henry, Lisse-lane
Lucas Jasper E, North-ring 


Bateman Michael, Main St
Hungerford, J, Lamb St

Dyers (Blue)

Brady James, Sovereigns St
Collins William, Market Place 


Alleyn Henry, Main St
Bennett Jno, (& flour factor) Main St
Calanan Susan, Main St
Deasey Daniel, Sovereigns St
Deasy Mary, Main St
Heas John, (& spirit dealer) Main St
Kingston Paul (and spirit dealer) Market-place
Savazge Eliza, Main St
Toohigh James (& tallow chandler) Main St

Hardwaremen & Dealers in oils, &c

Bennett Josias, Mill St
Wagner James, Main St

Linen Drapers

Abbott John (& cotton manufacturer) Main St
Driscol Cath, (& milliner) Main St
Field Ellen, Barrack St
Hayes Timothy, Main St
Hegarty Daniel, Main St
Molony Jno. (& pawnbroker) Main St
Molony Timothy, Main St

Linen Merchant and Manufacturer

Elmore John Richard, near Mill St


Bennett William, Mill St
Waugh Andw & Wm, Sovereigns St


Brady James W, Sovereigns St
Coakley Daniel, Sovereigns St
Condon James, Main St
Connell John, Sovereigns St
Crowly Cornelius, Sovereigns St
Deasy Jeremiah, Sovereigns St
Donovan John, Main St
Driscol C, Sovereigns St
Grace John, Main St
Jones Joseph, Sovereigns St
Mc Carthy E, Mill St
Mahony Timothy, Mill St
Nunan Francis, Main St
O'Herly Timothy, Main St
O'Leary D, Barrack St
O'Neil Owen, Market-place
O'Regan Ann, Mill St
O'Riordan Daniel, Mill St
Riordan John, Sovereigns St
Sullivan Daniel, Mill St
White Edward, Main St
Wright Stephen, Sovereigns St 


Sullivan James, near the Square
Twigg Patrick, Barrack St


Cotter James, saddler, Barrack St
Deasy Ellen, wine and spirit dealer, Sovereigns St
Deasy Js, dealer in drugs, Sovereigns St
Franks Henry, junr, linen factor, Sovereigns St
Maybury Mary, dealer in drugs, Main St
Mc Carthy Jeremiah, coal and earthenware dealer, Mill St
Spiller John, painter and glazier, Main St


Cork and Bandon, the mail every morning and half past eleven, and returns to Skibbereen, through Ross, every day at half past one.