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  Quaker Records Dublin - Abstracts of Wills

Quaker Records Dublin

Abstracts of Wills

1 Allen, Jane, Newmarket, Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, Co. Dublin, widow.
  Executors my kinsman Thomas Williams of Newmarket and Peter Wainwright of Skinner's Alley, carpenters. To be buried in the burying place of my friends called Quakers near Stephens Green. My late husband William Allen. All residue from my estate, goods etc. equally to my cousin Hanna Williams, wife of said Thomas Williams and my cousin Jane Wilkinson, daughter of Alexander Wilkinson, Clothier.
  Dated 15 Nov. 1720
  Witnesses: John Byrne, Lettshaw Waite, George Linfoot
2 Allen, William, Dublin, founder
  To be buried in the Friends Burial place near Stephen's Green. My brother Richard Allen. My cousin Rebecca Sibery, her sister Elizabeth Sibery. Sarah Roberts my late wife's sister. Mungo Bewley, Dublin, tallowchandler, executor. To poor of Patrick Street Ward wherein I dwell 20/-. All residue to be divided equally among the six children of my said brother Richard Allen.
  Dated 24 June 1717. Proved in Prerogative Court 13 Oct. 1720.
  Witnesses: John Bland, John Smith, notaries public.
3 Ashton, Isaac, Kevin Street, Dublin

My body to be decently buried in the quietest manner ... by my dear wife's coffin on the left hand between hers and the South Wall, and full as deep in the Burial Ground of the people called Quakers near Stephen's Green, Dublin,1 in our family burial ground on the south side, as it is marked on the said wall by the letters T.A. cut in the stone of the said wall.
To my friends Joseph Barcroft and Joseph Willcocks, merchants, of Dublin, all my freehold estates and interest and lease of lives renewable for ever from the Earl of Meath, and all rents etc. from Swan Alley on the Glebe in the Liberty of Thomas Court, and Co. and city of Dublin, and rents etc. in New Row near the Poddle in Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore. To be held in trust to pay debts, remainder to my niece Susanna Harding, wife of Henry Harding of Mountmellick in Queen's Co., for her sole use without interference from her husband, and after her death for her children male or female and to their respective heirs. Also to my said niece Susanna Harding interest in my holding in Kevin Street on the South side, let by trustees of Edward Sampson, deceased, to my father Thomas Ashton, deceased. In event of the death of said niece and her children the holding on Swan Alley to go to the two sons of Hannah Harris, alias Smith, late of city of Waterford, deceased, who I think are named Joseph Harris and William Harris and to their heirs (subject to £100 each to their three sisters, daughters of the said Hannah Harris) or in default of heirs to Joseph Willcocks aforesaid and his heirs, or defaulting to the select members of the Mens Meeting of the people called Quakers in Trust for poor friends.
To Henry Ridgeway of Mountmellick, son of William Ridgeway, my silver cup cypher I.R. To Anne Leckey, wife of William Leckey, of New Garden near Carlow, daughter of said William Ridgeway, my largest silver can marked A.W. Joshua Ridgeway of Ballincarrol in Queens Co., son of John Ridgeway, daughter of said Joshua Ridgeway, my silver spoon marked I.R. To John Ridgeway, son of said John Ridgeway my smallest silver salver marked I.R. in cypher. All "if alive at my death, otherwise not." To Jonathan Hayes, of New Row, near the Poddle, skinner, to Elizabeth Hayes, sister to above, £6 each. To my servant Jane MacBride £4 in case she be living with me at the time of my death. Executors Joseph Willcocks and Joseph Barcroft.

The College of Surgeons is built on this burial ground.

  Dated 31 Jan 1755
  Witnesses: Mark West, Udel Turner, Thomas Mulcock, notary public.
4 Ashton, James, Millfarm, parish of Kilteel, Co. Kildare, farmer
  My wife Frances Ashton. To my son Thomas Ashton of Kilteel, Co. Kildare, my lease from Daniel Reading, Esq. My dau. Deborah Ashton. My dau.. Susannah Sharp. My son-in-law Peter Sharp. To my wife and dau. Deborah my leases of Millfarm and Killwarden, [Co. Kildare], only the meeting house and yard before it I leave for the use of my friends the people called Quakers. My wife's son James Hopkins. Her daughter Mary Groves wife of John Groves. Trustees my friend Anthony Sharp, Dublin, merchant, my brother Tho. Ashton, Dublin, glover, my brother Jonathan Hayes, Millfarm, parish of Kilteel, Co. Kildare, farmer and Joseph Fade, Dublin, linendraper.
  Dated 8 Jan 1704
  Witnesses: Thomas Dobson, James Evans, Evan Evans his mark.
A further statement dated 17th Aug 1705 about the two farms
Witnesses: James Dobson, James Hopkins
4 Ashton, Thomas, Kavens Street, Dublin, glover
  My wife Susanna Ashton, To my only son Isaac Ashton, sole executor, both my freeholds that I have from the Earl of Meath (in New Row and that on the Glebe in Thomas Street), the lease that I have from Edward Sampson in Caven Street, all things belonging to my trade or calling and all real and personal estate. To my granddaughter Susanna Strangman £60 when 21 years or on marriage and a chest of drawers which was her mothers also two guineas left to her and her brother who is since deceased by their grandfather William Edmondson, senior. My brothers Joseph Fade and Joshua Wilcock, booth Dublin, merchants, overseers.
  Dated 30 Nov 1716, codicil 28 Dec 1716
  Witnesses to will and codicil: John Rea, Abraham Parke, William Alkin, John Roberts, Isa Willcocks
Inventory, not dated. Valuations of plate (4/6 to 5/7 per oz.), furniture and household goods, skins and leather goods in the shop, e.g. 129 large made slink lamb skins and 120 half ditto £3.12.0.; 20 broken code lamb, 72 white sheep and 38 white goat skins and 19 doe skins £3.17.4; 28 sheep skins with the wool on 46s; white lamb skin gloves for women at 10s. per doz.; 21 pair ordinary mens gloves 10s. 6d.; (also mens goat and does skin gloves, mens and womens black shammy gloves, womens kid skin gloves).
6 Atherton, Ellin, Dublin, widow.
  Debts remitted to my kinsman John Thompson, of Castletown, Co. Carlow, farmer, to my kinsman Caleb Carleton, to my kinsman Jacob Barrett, to my kinsman Samuel Barrett, deceased, to John Stoddard of Meath Street. To the four children of Caleb Carleton, namely, John, Samuel, Jonathan and Margaret, £20 to be divided between them as each one reaches the age of 21. To my kinswoman Lydia Strettell, daughter of Amos and Experience Strettell, £20 lodged in the hands of John Barclay, Dublin, merchant. To my kinswoman Grace Hutchinson £5. To my kinsman George Mason "one guinea or one pound three shillings." to my kinsmen William Willan and James Mason £10 apiece out of the £110 owing by my kinsman Thomas Strettell of Meath Street. To my kinswoman Martha Mason the remaining £90 of above debt. To my said kinsman James Mason, youngest son of the said George and Martha Mason, the interest in my now dwelling house in Cole's Alley, together with bedding and some plate - one room and closet being reserved for his mother. To my kinsman Margaret Willian, daughter of George and Martha Mason, plate, £100 and household goods given to her possession at the time of her marriage to William Willan. To John Mason, son of George and Martha Mason, my large silver up. Residue to Martha Mason wife of George Mason.
Executors William Willan, James Mason
  Dated 6th of the 7th month called April 1730.
  Witnesses: John Goff, William King, John Stoddart.
7 Atherton, Thomas, Dublin, merchant
  My wife Ellin executrix. My brother Godfree Atherton in England. My sister Margarett Minshaw in England. To my cozen Benjamin Hunter £50 when 21 years. My cozen Hannah Hunter. To my cozen Reachall Hunter £10 to be paid to her on day of her marriage. To my cozen Martha Adgett £15 (ditto). To my cozen Amos Adgitt £21 when 21 years. To my cozen Elizabeth Hunter £5 when 21 years. My friend John Burnyeat, Anthony Sharp and Amos Stratle [Strettle] overseers of Will. "The uncertainty of the present times by reason of the warrs that is fallen in this kingdome and abroad in Holland where my effects are"
  Dated 9 June 1690. Proved in Prerogative Court 17 June 1690.
  Witnesses: Jonathan Lawson, Geo. Sevall, Anthony Sharp

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