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Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
128 | Lackey, Robert, Ballykealy, Co. Carlow.1 |
On 28th of 4th month June 1707 do settle my worldly substance. My wife Mary Lackey and son James Lackey executors. To my three daughters Jean, Dorothy and Rebeckea £600 between them provided they marry with consent of executors and trustees. To my son Thos. Lackey £500 on same condition. To my wife Mary rents of lands and farm of Coppeny and Ralahin, and lease of my part of Raghrush [? Rathrush] and Traman, sheep, cattle and all household goods. To my daughter Mary Hunt bonds due from James Burn of Balaghmore, James Burn of Cappaggh, Pierce Burn of Sragh and James Newland of Colleagh. To my daughter Sarah Clibborn £5 and £2 to each of her six children. To my daughter Elizabeth Pem[b]erton £5. To my son John Lackey one gold guinea and my interest in farm and lands of Killcnock [? Kilnock, Co. Carlow]. To my son James Lackey my farm of Balleycealey until my son John Lackey's lease of lands of Staplestown and Killmeney shall determine, at which time I give on half of the farm of Balleykelly to my son John Lackey, the other half and the dwelling house etc. to remain to my son James Lackey during the life of my wife Mary and then his half I do give my son Thomas Lackey. To my cousin Alexander Lackey his house and garden and free grazing of six collops of cattle on the lands of Conoborough. £3 to poor of friends of Newgarden Monthly Meeting. 20s to poor people in neighbourhood of Ballykelly. To my son James Lackey after the decease of my said wife rents of lands of Coppeny and Ralahin aforesaid, and all other my substance he to build a dwelling house upon the lands of Raghrush for my wife Mary to dwell in. My friends John Wattson the elder of Killconner, John Boles of Ballintrane, Thomas Duckett of Phillipstown and Edward Cooper of Newtown to be overseers. Before signing this Will I married my daughter Dorothy Lackey to William Moris and have paid him her £200 portion. 1 In Mr. Webb's MS. pedigree series at Eustace Street Meeting House, Dublin, this testator and his family appear as Lecky. |
Dated 11th day of 8th month 1707. | |
Witnesses: Ja Fitzpatrick, John Lackey, Robert Parke, John
Wattson. A copy, in Latin, of grant of administration by Narcissus [? Marsh] Archbishop of Armagh to Robert Park of Rathrush, Co. Cathelogh, of goods of Robert Lackey, late of Balleykealy, Co. Catherlogh, deceased, for Mary Lackey the widow and relict and James Lackey the son of said testator, the executors, 1 Dec. 1707. C.26.32 |
129 | Lapham, John, Baltiboys, Co. Wicklow, gent. |
"My wife" (enciente) marriage settlement ratified and charge on estate of Boyestown, alias Baltiboys. My son John under age. My eldest son William reversion of estate in case of death of younger son. My brother William reversion of estate. Executors "my dear wife" borther William Lapham. | |
Dated 5 March 1749. Proved in Prerogative Court 14 March 1749. | |
Witnesses: T. McWey, Thomas Eves, Thomas Brannan. D.5.238 |
130 | Lecky, Joyce, widow of John Lecky, late of Killmaney, Co. Carlow, gent., deceased. |
To my son William Lecky £1.3.0. and no more. £40 at interest for my daughter Jane Robinson alias Lecky, without the control of her husband. £40 at interest for my daughter Sarah Lecky; if said daughter should die unmarried said sum to my granddaughter Joyce Robinson. To my said granddaughter Joyce Robinson £20 and to my granddaughter Mary Robinson £10 that interest to be paid when of age or on marriage. Residue to said daughters Jane and Sarah. Robert Lecky of Killnock, Co. Carlow and Henry Pemberton of Dublin, executors. | |
Dated 17 April 1736. | |
Witnesses: John Clibborn, John Robinson, John Doyle. C.26.62 |
131 | Leybourn, Joseph, Ar[d]nehue, parish of Killerick, Co. Carlow. |
To be buried at burieing place at Newgarden. To my wife Rachel Leybourn all my quick stock, my household goods and £100 which is now in the hands of Thomas Weston, linendraper, to be given to my son Samuel Leybourn when of age. A further £100 my wife is to dispose of to my two youngest daughters Rachell and Susannah Leybourn provided they marry with her consent. If my wife marry one third of said stock to be divided amongst my daughter[s] Elizabeth, Rachel and Sarah and m son Samuel. To eldest daughter Mary now wife of Thomas Chaytor £3.10.0. £10 of my daughter Ann's portion as yet unpaid. My wife Rachell Leybourn and my son Samuel Leybourn executors; Gregory Russell, Russellstown, and Henry Brewster, Grangeford, and my so-in-law Gregory Russell, Formomudoh, to see my Will performed. Benefit of the house I have in Carlow to my wife for like, she to pay my daughter Elizabeth Brewster £8, benefit of my holding in Rahinstown to my wife for life, remainder of both to my son Samuel. |
Dated 19 June 1703. | |
Witnesses: Patrick Kiernan, John Gafney his mark, James Browhey
his mark, Thomas Duckett. Inventory by Thomas Duckett and William David. Valuations of sheep and cattle, e.g. "460 weathers and lambs £43.5.10;" "5 three year old bullocks £4.10.0." Household goods and furniture, not in detail. Inventory exhibited in Registry, Diocese of Leighlin, 14 Sept. 1703. C.26.12 |