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Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
132 | Madduck, Jehoshabeath, Meath Street, Earl of Meath's Liberty, suburbs of city of Dublin, linendraper. |
To my cousin Amos Strettell of Back Lane, and my brother Edward Fawcett of Person's Lane alias Bride's Alley, linendrapers, and my brother Henry Pemberton of Meath Street, merchant, as trustees, all my estate and effects for my use during my life and then subject to payments of my debts, funeral expenses and following bequests: | |
To my wife Jane Maddock all household goods and plate and
£650. To each child or children as shall hereafter be born unto me
£650. A settlement made by my father Joseph Maddock, deceased, 27
Feb. 1702 whereby interest of £300, now lodged in my hands, is for
my mother Amy Maddock. Interest of further sum of £300 to my said
mother, or in the event of her death, and if my said wife's child or
children be not then living, or in the event of her death, and if my
said wife's child or children be not then living, £100 of this to
such children of my brother Joseph Maddock as shall then be living. Legavies to th euse of my nephew Joseph Maddock, to his Sister Hannah the wife of Jacob Nixon, to my nephew Abraham Maddock, to his sister the wife of Robert Roberts, to my nephew Jacob Maddock, to his sister Amy the wife of Henry Edwards, to my niece Sarah Maddock and her two brothers Isaac and James Maddock, to each of my said brother Edward Fawcett's children, viz. Edward and Hannah Fawcett, to my cousin Amy Harper, to my cousin Daniel Maddock, to my cousin Margaret Perry, to my two cousins Alice Bernard and Mary Turner, to my cousin Peter Keary, to my cousin John Harper, to my cousin Grace Maddock, to my mother-in-law Jane Pemberton, to my brother-in-law John Pemberton, and to "sister Elizabeth the wife of David Vickers." |
Dated 10 Sept. 1717. | |
Witnesses: Wm. Ashley, Thomas Barker, Jno. Flemming. D.4.348 |
133 | Maddock, Joseph, senior late of Chester, England, now of Meath Street, liberty of Thomas Court, Dublin, yeoman. |
To friends George Rooke, Meath Street, Liberty of Thomas Court,
baker, Abel Strettell of same, merchant, Amos Strettell, Dublin,
merchant, Joseph Maddock, junior, Dublin, merchant, Samuel Traford,
Chester, England, merchant, and Nathaniel Aishbrook, Boughton,
Chester, wheelwright, all real and personal estate "within the
Kingdom of Ireland, England or elsewhere." To hold to said trustees
to use of said Joseph Maddock, senior, for life and after his death
for the payment for debts and special charges, and then all residue
to my wife Amy Maddock. To Quaker Friends of Chester city £10 towards the building of Meeting House there out of money due to me from Thomas Burther. My sister Sarah Lightfoot. My daughter Amiel now wife of Edward Fossett (Fawcett) of Dublin, linendraper. My son Jehoshebath. My son Joseph and his three sons and two daughters now living, viz. Joseph, Abraham, Jacob, Hanah and Elizabeth Maddock, unmarried and under age. Sum due by Peter Darwell of Kingsley, Co. Chester, tanner. |
Dated 27 Feb. 1702 | |
Witnesses: Patrick Quin, J. Lewis Loyde, John Miller, Thos.
Bancks. D.4.133 |
134 | Maddock, Joseph, Dublin, linendraper. |
My wife Hanah Maddock. To my eldest son Joseph Maddock lands of
Cupidstown together with Cholmondly's farm alias Byram's farm,
Baryony Salt, Co. Kildare. To my second son Abraham Maddock the
lands of Hodgestown, Co. Kildare, now in possession of Henry
Russell. To my third son Jacob Maddock lands of Lisniskey etc. in
King's Co., bought of Charles Lestrange and set by lease to him
again. To my fourth son Isaac Maddock lands of Ballicknahee etc. and
part of Kilbride, King's Co., which I bought of said Charles
Lestrange and leased to Abraham Fuller, senior, and George
Ramsbottom. To my fifth and youngest son James Maddock all the lands
of Mason's farm Co. Kildare, set by lease to Henry Fisher, and
£200 when 21 years. To each of my four daughters, viz. Hannah, Elizabeth, Amy and Sarah £450 when respectively aged 21 or on marriage. My friends William Roberts, Cullenswood, Co. Dublin, gent., and James Forbes, Dublin, merchant, executors. My three brothers, viz, Abraham Fuller, Jacob Fuller, Joshebath Maddock and my friends Amos and Abel Strettell overseers and trustees. |
Dated 21 Nov. 1713. | |
Witnesses: John Smith, Will Sumner, Thos. Clarke, notary public. Inventory or schedule of houses, moneys, debts, bonds "which I have settled by my last Will" includes "my house at the cornet of Bride's Alley;" "Four houses in Fleet Street, two in Colledge Street;" "The house and ground I bought from Matthew Breaghteridge;" "Four houses bought from Edwd. Webb in Meath Street;" "My interest in Cold Blow." "Due to me from Will. Penn £25." D.4.331 |
135 | March, Dorothy, Dublin, widow. |
Settlement whereby said Dorothy March assigns to her friends George Rooke, baker, and Anthony Sharp, clothier, both of Dublin, all her household and shop goods, leases, etc. (either in her own custody, John softlaw's or her daughter Deborah Softlaw's) for her own use during her lifetime, and then for benefit of her daughter Deborah Softlaw. | |
Dated 17 May 1706. | |
Witnesses: Richard Bibby, Edwd. Harrane, Thos. Banks. D.4.194 |
136 | Marthan, John, Ryanstown. |
Unto my two daughters' children one half of my quick goods
except the horse my wife Joan Marthan rides on and all household
goods, all which and other half of my stocks to said wife. Profit of my lease of my holding in Ryanstown towards "bringing up of two of my wife Joan Marthan's children" If said wife re-marries then Gregory Russell and Joseph Labourn to give the profit rent towards bringing up two of said Joan's children. To Henry Rose's two children Henry and Sarah ten shillings. |
Dated 11 July 1688. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Line, Joseph Dean, Thomas Layburn. Inventory by John Porrin and Thomas Ballard 26 July 1688. Valuations of household goods and furniture, farm implements and stock, e.g. 123 sheep and 26 lambs £17.18.9.; about 20 stone of wool £7; about five hundredweight of cheese £1.10.0. Lease of a house in Tatoragh for lives £10. C.26.17 |
137 | Martin, Ann, Dublin, widow. |
To my cousin Ruth Kelly £10, £5 to cloath and apprentice her, the other £5 to be given at reaching age of 21 or on day of marriage. To my old servant Dorothy Parker £1. To my sister Sarah Fox £10 per annum. To my son Phillip Martin, to my son-in-law Robert Clibborn all the residue to be divided equally. Executors Phillip Martin and Robert Clibborn. | |
Dated 11 Jan. 1733. | |
Witnesses: John Pemberton, Jane Fitzsimmonds. D.5.76 |
138 | Martin, Henry, Pimlico, Dublin, clothier. |
My well beloved wife Ann Martin £500 and the house where David Fox now lives. My son Phillip Martin. My daughter Ann Clibborn, wife to my son-in-law Robert Clibborn. My brother Thomas Martin, son to my said brother Thomas. Mary Martin daughter to my said brother Thomas. Elizabeth Webster (alias Martin) daughter to brother Thomas. To my son-in-law Robert Clibborn my two houses in Fordoms Alley with the house and field called Col[d]cut in Co. Dublin (on which said house in Fordoms Alley there is an incumbrance to Elizabeth Decondra of £100). Houses in Elbow Lane already settled on my daughter Ann Clibborn. Executors son Phillip Martin, son-in-law Robert Clibborn, wife Ann Martin. | |
Dated 16 Jan. 1728. | |
Witnesses: Ford Connor, William Ingels, Will Devall. D.5.26 |
139 | Martin, Phillip, Pimlico in the suburbs of Dublin, clothier. |
To my poor afflicted wife (non compos mentis) Mary Martin
£30 and furniture etc. for 3 rooms in my dwelling house at Newtown,
Co. Kildare and graising of 5 collops at Newtown or (£5 in lieu of
rooms), and £25 per annum. My sister Ann Clibborn. My brother Robert
Clibborn. To my nephew Joshua Clibborn the back dwelling house where I now live and buildings on south side of passage and over gateway, £15 to be paid to landlord. To my nephew Henry Clibborn the new house lately built by on the north side of my uncle Thomas Martin's house etc. immediately after said uncle's decease, £13 to be paid to landlord Anthony Henderson. To my niece Sarah Clibborn my holding in Cole's Lane now set to Henry Astick, leased from George Rooke. To my nephew John Clibborn my holding at Newtown leased from the Earl of Kildare. All above nephews and niece being under 21 years. To Dorothy Mee all the working tools for the sheering trade that I put into her husband's hands to employ himself with. Executors Robert Clibborn, Dublin, merchant, and Joseph Inman, Ballybrittas, King's Co., farmer. |
Dated 14 Sept. 1737. | |
Witnesses: James Carter, Wm. Nowland, Thos. Mulock, notary
public. D.5.91 |
140 | Mason, John, Casteldermot, Co. Kildare. |
Twelve pence to each of my children. To Dorothy Mason my wife, executrix, all my goods and chattells. | |
Dated 22nd of 7th month 1684. | |
[Names of witnesses not recorded]. C.26.17 |
141 | Mickle, John, Killmuclan, King's Co., farmer. |
My wife Sarah. My children, viz. my daughter Rachel, my son Joseph, my daughter Abigail, my son Robet, my daughter Ruth, my daughter Sarah and my son John, all under age and unmarried. To trustees my brother Tony Courtney of Gartross, Co. Down, farmer, my uncle Thomas Lightfoot of Benown, and Jonathan Robinson of Lismoiney, both of Co. Westmeath, farmers, all and real personal effects. | |
Dated 21 March 1713. | |
[Names of witnesses not recorded]. D.5.17 |
142 | Miles (Mills), Thomas, late of Gloucester, England, now of Dublin. |
Settlement whereby said Thomas Miles grants to George Sevell of Golden Lane, Dublin, gent., all his real and personal estate for use of the said Thomas Miles for life thereafter to pay £200 to Dublin Quakers and residue to "my brother William Miles of Dymock in the Co. of Gloucester his children equally to be divided amongst them." | |
Dated 19 June 1700. | |
Witnesses: Jonathan Baldwin, George Hope, Edward Fitzgerald. One day after said Thomas Miles said verbally that £100 be given to poor Friends in Ireland and £100 to poor Friends in the Co. of Gloucester, in the presence of me, Anthony Sharp. "Thomas Miles accompt." A few items of debts due, etc "Money laid out in the sickness and at the death of Thomas Mills" in detail. Particulars of the £100 distributed to poor Friends in Ireland. Copy of letter from Edmond Humphrys to Amos Strettell concerning the gift of £100 to Friends in Gloucester. It mentions that some money was paid to "Williams Mills' children brother of brother of Thomas Mills" D.4.95 |
143 | Miller, Samuel, Timahoe, Co. Kildare, farmer |
To my brother James Miller of Colrevah, Co. Tyrone, farmer, and
my friend and cousin Samuel Mickle of Timahoe, farmer, all my estate
and effects as trustees for my use for my life. My part of Timahoe to use of my wife Jane Miller and after her decease profits to be divided amongst my brothers, viz. James, William, Matthew and Alexander Miller. Half of my remaining estate and substance to my said wife, residue to my said brothers. Legacies to my brother-in-law Richard Boyes or his wife Sarah, to my brother-in-law David Holmes or his wife Elizabeth and to my brother-in-law or his wife Mary McCombes. My sister Katherine Rutlidge. |
Dated 17 Dec. 1713. | |
Witnesses: James Dolan, James Killin. Inventory made by James Miller, Samuel Michle, Matthew Miller and Robert Wyly 21 Dec. 1716. Valuations of cattle, farm implements, household goods and furniture. e.g. "210 skim milk cheeses £7.3.9." "3 stocks of bees £1.1.0." "5 acres of wheat and beare £9.5.0." "2 pett sheep £1." Amongst debts owing are small sums by Pattrick Farril, Murtagh Farril, Richard Farril and Richard Fox for rent. D.4.359 |
144 | Millhouse, John, Timahoe, Co. Kildare, farmer |
I grant to my friend Allexander Wyly of Gilltown, Co. Kildare, farmer and friends and kinsmen John Michle, Killmucklane, King's Co., farmer, and Samuel Mickle, Timahoe aforesaid, farmer, and to my wife Sarah Millhouse, as trustees, all my estate and effects in Ireland or elsewhere for my use or my life and then, all debts being first paid, one third to my said wife Sarah and all rest to my children Thomas, Mary, Elizabeth, Robert and Sarah Millhouse when of age or on marriage. | |
Dated 1 July 1710. | |
Witnesses: Richard Kerdife, Benjamin Banckhead, James Dolane. Inventory 24th of 5th month 1710 by Richard Millhouse, John Wardell and Robert Wyley, approved by Alexander Wyley, John Muckle, Sarah Millhouse and Samuel Mickle. Valuations of cattle and sheep, farm implements, household goods and furniture. Mentions 237 acres of lands part of Timahoe etc., held by several leases or contracts with the right of commonage thereunto belonging. Lists of debts owed by and due to said John Millhouse. Several of these are for "measuring" land [? tenants] e.g. Mary Faile widow for measuring 380 acres of land £1. 1. 0. Wm. Smith of Drehit " 130 " " £1. 1. 0. Thomas Pearson of Drehit " 346 " " £1. 8. 10. Mark Carleton of Ballyloean " 280 " " £1. 3. 4. Jo. Chandley of Tecrohan " 140 acres 11. 8. Bartle Monahun of Killeboys " 96 " 8. 0. Francis Stackapoole of ditto " 35 " 2. 11. The following owed for rent: James Heaverin and Dabiel Connor; John and Patrick Connor; Nicholas Fox; Richard Fox; Garret Welch and Partners; Peirce and James Fitzgerald; James Hanlon, Robert Greer, Hugh Downey; Morris Downey, John Cain. D.4.256 |
145 | Milner, John |
Inventory "taken from his own mouth" 27 Dec. 1692. A few items,
horses, cattle, crops, etc. e.g. :"Seaven barrells of bear sowne in
the ground the increase supposed to be worth
£8.0.0." "Supposed to be in the house 7 hundred weight of cheese at
£8." "Two barrells of wheat now in the house £2." G.3.19 |