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Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
146 | Neal, Samuel, Dublin |
Deed dated 16 Jan. 1723 whereby the said Samuel Neal assigned to Joseph Gill, of Dublin, timber merchant, Thomas Watson, of Derrygannon, King's Co., farmer, and Eliezer Sheldon of Christianstown, Co. Kildare, farmer, as trustees the town and lands of Christianstown as now held by said Eliezer Sheldon, and Blakestown and Aghanredy as held by Gerald Fitzgerald, all situate in the Barony of Great Connell, Co. Kildare. Coolquay, otherwise Coolequaugh, Co. Dublin, lessor Nicholas Barnwell of Ball-harry, Co. Dublin. Wife Honora Neal - wife of said Samuel. Sons Thomas Neal, Samuel Neal. Daughters Mary Watson alias Neal, Honora Chesterman alias Neal. John Jeffreys, shoemaker, Mary Barlow, widow, formerly of Chappelizod. Grandson Samuel Chesterman, grandson to the late Samuel Neal. | |
Dated 16 Jan. 1723 | |
Witnesses: Isaac Dickinson, Stephen Harrison, Joseph Rose. Memorial of Deed entered at Registry of Deeds, Dublin, 5 Feb. 1723, 23 Book 41, page 191, number 25307. Inventory dated 12, 11th month 1723. Furniture and effects in 3 rooms, leather room, drying room, workshop, stable and backside, tan yard in James Street and at his farm in the country called Coolquay. Debts due inter alia from Samuel Watson, Rathangan, Widow Connor in Back Lane, Gerald Fitzgerald, Blakestown, Co. Kildare and for Drumcree, Westmeath (rents). Debts owing by him: To William Rey in England for bark, to John Stevens for rent of water course 2/6, to one years watch money 3/6, to the City for privilege of water one year £1, to the Herd at Coolquay one years wages £6.8.5. D.5.12. |
147 | Neal, Tobias. |
Deed certifying that money left to him and sister Sarah Neale by their father William Neale (late of Maryborough, who died 26th month called August 1674, without making a will) was increased in £127 by their mother Anna Neale who died 1st 8th month 1680, leaving children to care of relations. Care acknowledged by above, on behalf of them and brother and sister Joseph and Mary, to Tobias and Thomas Pleaswell, uncles and "after serious debate" arranged to have equal shares. | |
Dated 13 May 1689. | |
Witnesses: Joseph Neale, William Finnery. Receipt dated 12th 9th month, '92, from Joseph Neale, receipt dated 13th 9th month '92 from Mary Neale, and one dated 13th 9th month '93 in final settlement from Joseph and Mary Neale together, there being present then Moses Pim and Tobias Neale. G.3.40 |
148 | Nevins, James, Timahoe, Co. Kildare, farmer. |
To my friend and kinsman Robert Wyly of Timahoe, Co. Kildare, farmer, and my brother Archibald Nevins now of Arkhill, said Co., servant, and my kinsman Samuel Miller, Timahoe, farmer, as trustees, all my goods and effects to hold to my use for my lifetime, and then subject to payment of debts one third part to my wife Ellinor Nevins, and residue to use of my children Ann, Sarah and James Nevins at age of days of marriage. | |
Dated 17 Dec. 1713. | |
Witnesses: Richard Kerdiff, James Dolan, James Killin. Inventory of goods of James nevins of Drumahon, parish of Timahoe, Co. Kildare, deceased, made 15 May 1716 by Robert Wyly, Samuel Miller, Francis Evans, James Muller and Archibald Nevins. Cattle, sheep, crops, (e.g. "4 acres of wheat and bear in the ground £10.10.0." "3 acres of oats in the ground £3.5.0.", farm implements, household goods. Debts due to and by said James Nevins. D.4.312 |
149 | Nevins, Thomas |
Inventory dated November 1763, household and farm goods,
livestock. Debts due. Items of cash paid by "Rachel Nevins since
above date." which mentions "Father Nivins" and "Father Pim," also
cost in Dublin of selling sheep 11-. E.15.62 |
150 | Newland, George, Meath Street, Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, Co. Dublin, clothier. |
My sister Mary Newland. My brother Henry Newland. My
sister-in-law Ann Woods. My cousin Elizabeth Bushbee. To my son
Isaac Newland £100 when 21 years. To my
daughter Elizabeth furniture etc. My lease of my now dwelling house
in Meath Street to Mens Meeting of Dublin Quakers. All residue of
estate and effects equally between my son Thomas Newland when 21
years and my said daughter Elizabeth Newland at age or on marriage. My friends Abell Strettell of Meath Street, merchant, John Stevens of same, clothier, Joseph Inman of Thomas Court, clothier, Joseph Gill, wood merchant, John Devitt, clothier, both of the Liberty of Thomas Court, and John Wilson of Meath Street, fine drawer, executors. |
Dated 17 Dec. 1712. Proved in Prerogative Court. | |
Witnesses: John Johnson, Thomas Dale, Will Barry. Inventory by John Wilson. Valuations of materials, (e.g. "German sarge," "sarge demin," camblet, fine soy), household goods and furniture (16oz. of Plate £4.8.0). Debts due of Bonds and Notes, Book Debts, Desperate Debts and John Wilson's accounts and disbursements exhibited in the Prerogative Court 18 Aug. 1714. D.4.272 |
151 | Norris, William, Sepulchre Street, Dublin, glasier. |
My wife Ellin Norris sole executrix. My friends Joseph Gill of Earl Street, wood merchant, and Thomas Bewley of Big Butter Lane, tallow chandler, overseers. My eldest son Joseph Norris "being without understanding to maintain himself, my said wife shall in consideration of what I hereinafter bequeath her provide for and maintain my said son Joseph with meat, drink, apparel, lodging and other necessaries, during the term of his or her natural life, whichever shall first expire." My son Benjamin Norris £20. My son William Norris 5 - "he having already received his portion." My cousin Ellin Martin wife of Abraham Martin of Wicklow. To maintain my son Joseph I bequeath to my wife the yearly rents and profits of my two houses on the south side of Fleet Street, that is to say, the house where Edward Keen now lives and another on the East Side there, together with grounds, buildings, improvements and appurtenances she, my said wife, duly paying and discharging the reserved yearly ground rent, (to revert to Benjamin later). Also to my said wife one half on the south side of my house fronting on St. Patrick's Close south, and to my son Benjamin the other, or north half of the same house, also to Benjamin all glazing tools, cutting diamonds, glass etc. The eldest son of the said William to be paid £5 after Benjamin get possession of the three houses on his mothers death. William also then to have £15, as soon as he is old enough to be apprenticed. | |
Dated 23 Oct. 1725. | |
Witnesses: Samuel Ward, John Tyrer, John Stoddart. D.5.51 |
152 | North, John, Earle Street, Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, Dublin, ribband weaver. |
My sister Ann Standrill, wife of John Standrill. My wife Margaret North, my own four children Abel North, Sarah North, Martha North, Richard North, £100 each when 21 or on day of marriage. "My eldest son Abel is come to age and near out of apprenticeship to me." My friends John Coppock, Meath Street, Dublin, merchant and Robert Biker, Meath Street, Dublin, clothier, executors. Joseph Gill, Earl Street, Dublin, woodmerchant, and John Deaves, Cole Alley, Dublin, woollen draper, overseers. | |
Dated 2 Sept. 1724. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Taylor, Townley Thompson, Abraham Berkby, John
Stoddart. Inventory of goods, undated, stating John North died 13th of 7th month 1724 and was buried 15th of 7th month 1724. Valuations of household goods, furniture and stocks of materials, e.g. legee (silk), knitting ferrit, braid, girdling, lacing etc. Lists of notes, bonds and book debts. D.5.5 |