Fáilte Romhat
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Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
153 | Ostell, John, Pill Lane, Dublin, merchant |
To my friends George Rooke and Joseph Gill both of Earl Street,
Dublin, I grant all my real and personal estate to hold for my use
during my lifetime, and after my decease subject to payment of my
debts, funeral expenses and legacies. £5 to Men's Meeting, Dublin, same to Meeting at Wigton in Cumberland to be sent over to Robert Attkinson and Thomas Wilkinson to be disposed of among the poor. My mother Frances Ostell, my brother Joseph Ostell, my brother Daniel Ostell, my sister Mary Beeby, my nephew Musgrave Beeby her son (under 21 and unmarried), his brothers and sisters, my sister Sarah Martindale, all living in Cumberland. Joseph Gill, son of said Joseph Gill. All residue to my brother Jonathan Ostell living in Cumberland. |
Dated 30 May 1711. | |
Witnesses: Robert Johnson, Jeremiah Dugan, Francis Elliott. D.4.232 |