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Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
159 | Randall, Francis, Deeps, Co. Wexord1 |
To be buried in Friends buring place. To my wife Dorothy Randall one third of my land at Clonmore for life, and benefit of my houses and rents at Lazers Hill and of the truck mill and 10 acres of land at Crory. To John Ruby's three children £5 when of age or on marriage. To my son Samuel Randall the other two thirds of my said lands of Clonmore and after my wife's death her third share. To my son Francis Randall all my right of the lands and corn mill at Castlegore. To my son Samuel four perches of timber now lying at Deeps, and £16. To my wife all profits of leases and right of the Deeps, Newtown, Coolinaboy and Kilbride, [? Co. Wexford]. All residue to my wife and four children Joseph, Hannah, Benjamin and Sarah. My friends Henry Hillery, Thomas Cuppage, Henry Varman, Jonas Chamberlin and John Tottenham overseers and trustees. 1 See Quakers in Ireland, Grubb, p.68. |
Dated 1st of 5th month called July 1692 | |
Witnesses: Edward Chamney, Robert Cudmore. Inventory of household goods and furniture, cattle and horses, inter alia " A bull valued at £1.15.0." "Twenty cows and seventeen calves £47." "More four cows £8." "More two cows £2." "More four bullcoks and eight cows £31." "Five horses and garrions £14." "Two breeding mares and four coalts £20." Rent from Richard Donovan £2.19.7-1/2. Inventory not dated but rend due of the tenants of Coullinaboy, Kilbride, etc. is shown ending November 1692. F.6.18 and D.4.26 |
160 | Rice, Luke, of Pimlico, Dublin, clothier. |
My sister Elizabeth Moran, wife of James Moran, Co. Clare. To my
brother David Rice £10 to be paid
monthly. To my sister Katherine Kendall, widow of John Kendall, late
of Limerick, £10 sterling, if living. To my wife Deborah Rice, reversion of right and title in my house on Pimlico and all imporvements, appurtenances etc. under reserved yearly rent and covenenant as held from Patrick Henderson of Mountmellick. After wife's death or second marriage above to go to eldest son of sister Moran if living, failing which to eldest daughter of sister Moran. One room reserved for present tenant Mary Thackeray. Residue to wife or to children as yet unborn. Executors Deborah Rice, Samuel Braithwait[e], Henry Martin, both of Pimlico, clothiers. |
Dated 7 March 1722/3. Proved in Prerogative Court 16 April 1741. | |
Witnesses: John Powis, Edward Bolger, Benjamin Whalley. D.5.159 |
161 | Richardson, William, of Dublin, merchant. |
To my wife Mary Richardson £1,000
to be paid at once, "and her apparel and use of house etc. during
widowhood." To my nephew William Richardson £1,000. To my
brothers-in-law Thomas Nicholson and James Nicholson £400. The above
legacies to be used as capital stock for a partnership and to be
employed in trade, the deed to last for seven years, the wife,
nephew and brothers-in-law living in said house. To my niece Alice
Richardson £200, and to the said Thomas Nicholson £60 over and above
debts he owes me no exonerated. To my sister-in-law Elizabeth
Richardson £60. To the poor of the parish of St. Bridgets, Dublin, £5 to be distributed in such manner as the Minister and Churchwardens of said Parish shall think proper. To the poor of the Quaker's Meeting of Ballyhagan £10. To the poor of the Quaker's Meeting of Dublin £10. To my son Joseph Richardson all the residue on reaching the age of 21, education and maintenance and apprentice fee to be paid out of produce. Reversion in case of death to go to Mary and William Richardson, failing whom to Thomas and James Nicholson, Mary Richardson and William Richardson being appointed his guardians. Executors Mary Richardson, William Richardson, Thomas Nicholson and Robert Jaffray, Dublin, merchant. |
Dated 5 Dec. 1753. Proved in Prerogative Court 20. Dec. 1753. | |
Witnesses: Peter Brennan, John Fawcett, Samuel Wallace. D.5.265 |
162 | Roberts, Roger, of Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, Co. Dublin, innkeeper. |
Settlement whereby said Roger Roberts assigned to Joseph Inman
of said Liberty, clothier, and Joseph Fade of same, merchant, as
trustees, all his estate and effects, to hold to them to the use of
said Roger Roberts for his life and then subject to payment of his
debts, etc., for the use of Isaac Roberts his only son. If said
Isaac Roberts' children die before they come of age legacies, to be
paid out of rents, left to Hannah Roberts wife of said Isaac
Roberts, to the children of James Brown, Crosscool Harbour near
Blessington, Co. Wicklow, farmer, to the children of Roger Taylor of
Wiggon, Lancashire, to Jennet Taylor of Wiggon niece of said Roger
Roberts, and to Abigail Taylor, daughter of William Taylor late of
Dublin, shoemaker, deceased. Rent of the graveyard in Dolphin's Barn Lane, in Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore (held by said Roger Roberts by lease for lives renewable for ever) to said trustees for poor Friends of the Mens Meeting of Dublin. George Rooke, Earl Street, baker, George Newland, Meath Street, clothier, William Brookfield, Dolphin's Barn Lane, tanner, all in Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, and Richard Sealey, Dublin, linendraper, overseers. His servant William Fielding. |
Dated 30 March 1711. | |
Witnesses: Walter Shea, Tho. Merefield, Tho. Sisson, notary public. | |
D.4.342 | |
163 | Robinson, Joseph, Meath Street, Dublin, weaver. |
My wife Mary Robinson now enceinte. To my friends John Burnyeat, in the parish of Lousewater, Co. Cumberland, tanner, John Robinson, Greasoon in said county, husbandman, William Brookfield, Dublin, tanner, and John Stephens, Dublin, clothier, all my estate and effects in Ireland, Great Britain or elsewhere to hold to my use during my lifetime, and then, after payments of my debts, funeral expenses and legacies to my mother Ann Robinson, my four brothers John, William, Matthew and Isaac Robinson, and my sister Isabell Robinson, to the use of my said wife Mary Robinson. | |
Dated 20 April 1710. | |
Witnesses: Edward Farren, John English, George Newland, Thos.
Banckes. Inventory 4th month 1710, by William Brookfield, John Stevens, Edward Farren and John English. Valuations of household goods, materials, tools etc., e.g."377 skeens of clockreell worsted at 2-1/2d. £3.10.8." "3 looms and 2 reaths 51s." "2 shuttles and 4 pair of Temples 20d." Debts duel; Mary Robinson owed £24 for "part of the value of the land between her sister Anne and she" [situation not mentioned]. D.4.216 |
164 | Roddom, Isabella, Kevin Street, Dublin. |
To my nephew William Norris of Kevin Street all goods, chattels and worldly estate. To my two brothers Nathan and Gabriel Newby in New England, my sister Ellin Norris, my nephew Benjamin Norris, my cousin Abraham Martin of Wicklow, chandler, and Ellen his wife, my brother's children and my cousin John Hewson, one English shilling each. To Jane Chesterman, my woman servant, £10 sterling. Executor William Norris. | |
Dated 18 Feb. 1728. Proved 1729. | |
Witnesses: George Marshall, Joseph Banks, Chris. Powell. D.5.35 |
165 | Rooke, George, Earl Street, Liberty Thomas Court and Donore, timber merchant. |
To my son George Rooke one guinea and no more; to his son Robert Rooke two guineas and no more. To my daughter Rachel Carleton, executrix, all the residue. John Bramery of Cole's Alley, linen weaver, and Thomas Biker of Meath Street, overseers. | |
Dated 5 Dec. 1737. | |
Witnesses: William Westbery, William Taylor, William Cuthbert. D.5.153 |
166 | Rushworth, Thomas, Athy, Co. Kildare, merchant. |
To Joane my wife one third of my estate, the other two parts equally divided between my children John, William and Maudlin to be improved for them by my executors until they are respectively of age or on her marriage. John Bennett of Inth, Coventry and Thomas Weston of Athy, Co. Kildare, executors, the Hon. Capt. Robert Fitzgerald supervisor. | |
Dated 26 Aug. 1675. | |
Witnesses: Will Addis, John Bennett, junior, John Martin, W.
Thompson. (A true copy - Henry Rose). Inventory of goods, etc. valued for the executors by Richard Cogh [? l]in and John Martin. Shop goods - no details. Thirtysix barrells of mault £18.4.0. Nineteen dozen of tanned calf skins, goat skins and pelts £8.16.0. A souldier's Debenture £10.10.0. A lease of three tenements in Athy. Account of John Bennett and Thomas Weston the executors. The widow had her third paid at death of testator 1675. The portion of John Rushworth, eldest son of said Thomas, was £38.1.3.; this was improved to £72.7.2. and paid to him when 21 on 26th 8th month 1682. Note of sums paid to William Rushworth and laid out in clothing and diet for Maudlin Rushworth. C.26.2 |
167 | Russell, Gregory, Russellstown, parish of Kilerig, Co. Carlow. |
To be buried in Friends Burying Ground in Newgarden. To my wife
Mary Russell £100, all my household
goods, her choice horse and mare, and 8 cows. To my son Joseph
Russell, my son Benjamin Russell, my son Samuel Russell £10 each. To
my daughter Susanna Jessop's children £10 and interest when of age.
viz. Mary, Ann, Samuel and Gregory Jessop. To my sisters daughters
Mary and Dbra Morris and Dorcas Shortly 10/- each. The £200 that Colonel John Lover had at interest with Thomas Duckett's money which he is now at law for when recovered and all residue to my said wife. Said wife and son John Russell executros, and friend Samuel Watson of Kilconnor and my brother-in-law Thomas Hutton overseers. |
Dated 15th of 6th mo. called August 1730. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Hutton, Thomus Duckett, Elizabeth Grimes. C.26.72 |
168 | Russell, Joseph, Carlow |
To be buried at Friends Burying Ground at Newgarden. To my brother John Russell, executor, £40. To my sister Anne Poole £40. To my brother Benjamin Russell £20. To my mother Mary Russell £10. To my brother Samuel Russell, executor, £5. To my sister Susanna Jessop's children £20. To my sister Mary Freeman 5/-. To Dorcas Shortly 10/-. To cousin Susanna White 20/-. To affliction Tomey 20/-. To Thomas Sharp, tanner, 10/-. To Robert Allen my boy 20/-. |
Dated 25th of 12th month 1735. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Hutton, Thomas Gray. C.26.78 |
169 | Russell, Mary, Carlow, widow. |
To be buried in Friends Burying Ground at Newgarden, To my son
Benjamin Russell £10. To my son John
Russell £20. To my son Samuel Russell £10. To my daughter Mary
Freeman £5. To my daughter Ann Poole £40. To my daughter Susanna
Jessop's children £10 between them to be paid by their father to
them when respectively of age. To Affliction Tomey 10/-. To Dorothy
Shortly 5/0. Sums lent by my husband Gregory Russell, £200 to Thos. Duckett deceased, and £100 to John Mason, late of Tomalin, if recovered to be divided between my sons John and Samuel Russell and my daughter Ann Poole. My son Samuel Russell and son-in-law Richard Poole of Carlow executors. |
Dated 30 June 1738, | |
Witnesses: George Prosser, Richard Bennett, William Poole. C.26.80 |
170 | Russell, Nathaniel, Wormwood Gate, Dublin, shoemaker |
To my mother Shusanna Russell of Dublin £10. To children of my eldest sister, Sarah Holland of Burros in Ossery £20 to be divided equally, or if all deceased to Sarah Holland. To my youngest sister Mary Russell of Liffey Street, Dublin, £10. To my sister Easter Soden of Liffey Street, Dublin, 5/-. To my wife Rachel Russell all residue. Executors Rachel Russell and my cousin John Russell of Bride Street, linen draper. | |
Dated 25 4th month called June 1741. Proved in Prerogative Court 17 Sept. 1741 | |
Witnesses: Henry Astick, John Beetham D.5.109 |
171 | Russell, Thomas, Bride Street, Dublin |
To my wife Elizabeth Russell house, plate, furnishings etc. To my daughter Jane Russell £100, to my son William Russell £80, to my son Thomas £60, to daughter Elizabeth £60, to son Francis £50, to Henry £50, to daughters, Sarah, Hannah and Abigail £50 each, all under 21 years. Executors my wife Elizabeth Russell, my brother Francis Russell, my friends Jacob Goff, of Bride Street and Elijah Chamberlain of Pill Lane. | |
Dated 23rd 12 month called February 1733. Proved in prerogative Court 29 May 1734. | |
Witnesses: Joseph Harrison, Francis
Wainwright, and Edmond Garnett. D.5.100 |