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  Quaker Records Dublin - Abstracts of Wills

Quaker Records Dublin

Abstracts of Wills

172 Sanderson, Thomas, Meath Street, Dublin.
  To Deborah Thompson, daughter of Joseph Thompson of Co. Carlow £20. To my nephew John Sanderson son of my brother John Sanderson all the residue.
  Dated 24 Oct. 1752.
  Witnesses: Thomas Norton, Joseph Sikes.
173 Sawyer, Mary, Linenhall Street, Dublin
  To my good mistress Elizabeth Pemberton wearing apparel and chest of drawers to be divided by her for "my three sisters." To my good master Henry Pemberton, executor, all the residue.
  Dated 25 Dec. 1745.
  Witnesses: Jane Lacky, Henry Stearne.
174 Scott, William, Meath Street in the Earl of Meath's Liberty.
  To friends George Newland and John Devitt of Dublin, clothiers, all my estate and effects to hold for my use for my life and then subject to payment of my debts and funeral charges to the use of my wife Meable Scott. To my son-in-law Leonard Proctor one English shilling only.
  Dated 28 Oc. 1710.
  Witnesses: John Reynolds, James Dobson, John Studdart.
Short Inventory of household goods and debts.
175 Sharp, Anthony, late of Tetbury, Co. Cloucester, now of Dublin, clothier.
  A settlement made of my lands and houses in Lea and Cliverton in Wiltshire (now the possession of my second son Joseph Sharp and Edward Mills) on my eldest son Isaac Sharp. I revoke said settlement made on my son Joseph's marriage and give to my son Isaac in lieu thereof lands of mine in the possession of Thomas Jackson by lease in Barony of Upper Ossory, Queen's Co., called part of Lackagh, Lean and Killinure, and also my lands called Claarahill, Ballentine, Coolysane and Boyle with Upper Coolmoany, Barony Tynyhinch [Tinnahinch], Queen's Co., in the possession of Phineas Collier by lease (in all above two thousand acres plantation measure) for his life and £40 per annum to his now wife for life. Also to my said son Isaac and his heirs male my land in New West Jersey, and half of my lands in New East Jersey in America; in default of such male issue said lands to my third son Daniel Sharp and his heirs male. If my son Isaac with not submit to this revocation I give all said lands given him in lieu thereof to my said son Joseph Sharp and his heirs male or failing such male issue to my son Isaac Sharp and his heirs male, reversion of said estate to my son Daniel Sharp in tail male.
To my son Daniel Sharp land called Clonaheen near Mountmellick, Queen's Co., in the possession of Joshua Beal, merchant, and my houses etc. in Meath Street, Cole's Alley, Elboy Lane and Marrowbone Lane [Dublin], in all about 23 houses, as I hold them from the Earl of Meath and Bernard Brown, and one fourth part of my lands in New East Jersey in America, all in tail male.
To my daughter Rachell Sharp, in tail male or female, all my lands purchased from William and Thomas Hawkins and John Connor, in Barony Collestown, King's Co., in possession of Councellor William Sprigg, Thomas Craven Clarke and Gilbert Ward, and Ahanamolick [? Aghameelick, King's Co.] and Fawmor and Clonbrock [King's Co.] in the possession of Thomas Watson and William Tail, senior, and my houses, about 6, in Pimlico which I hold under the Earl of Meath (the garden held by Manus Collins without rent), reversion of said lands to my son Daniel and his heirs male.
I confirm settlement made on my son Joseph Sharp's marriage with Katherine Savage of my lands in Wiltshire. Said Katherine Savage is now dead my son having issue by her only one daughter. If my son shall happen to marry again I empower him to settle half of said lands as a jointure on said second wife after his daughter's portion of twelve hundred pounds shall be paid or secured. To my son Joseph one fourth part of my land in New East Jersey in tail male, reversion thereof to said son Isaac and his heirs male.
Houses at Ormond Gate to my son Daniel. Debts owed by Lawrence Crabb and Thomas Jackson. To my brother William Sharp the house he lives in free of rent for life [situation not mentioned]. Legacies to Rachell Crabb and Ann Crabb, and to Mary Hodges, my brother's daughter, and her sister Elizabeth. My said children Rachell and Daniel to have their legacies etc. at age of 21 or on marriage.
Alderman John Page and my son Daniel Sharp executors. My friends Samuel Baker, Thomas Ashton, Amos and Abel Strettell and Joseph Fade overseers and trustees.
  Dated 4 Oct. 1706.
  Witnesses: John Elliott, Thomas Merefield, Thomas Sisson, notary public.
  Codicils 11 and 28 Oct. 1706, same witnesses. Codicil Dublin, 3 Jan. 1706 mentions "my servant Ruth." Witnesses: Tho. Watt, John Walker, David Rice.
  Codicil 8th of 11th month 1706 directs that child Ann Crabb1 be brought up by Rachel Sharp. Legacy to Patrick Henderson. Witnesses: Ja. Scott, John Walker.

1 The testator married in 1674, as his second wife, Ann Crabb, daughter of Thomas Crabb of Marlborough, Wiltshire. This Ann Crabb is probably a niece. See Quakers I Ireland, (Grubb), p.44.

176 Sharpley, Samuel, The Coombe in the suburbs of City of Dublin.
  To my sister Martha Ward £2.5.6. sterling. To Joseph Sandwith, son of my friend Samuel Sandwith, like sum. To my dear wife Rebecca Sharpley all the residue, while she shall remain a widow. Son William Sharpley left to guardianship of wife, unless she remarries. Executors my wife Rebecca Sharpley and friend Samuel Sandwith.
  Dated 13 March 1756.
  Witnesses: John Mansergh, John Gough.
177 Shelly, Alexander, Courstown, Co. Kildare, farmer.
  To my wife Mary Shelly and to my son Jacob Shelly the new part of my dwelling house with the mill room and bullock house with the upper part of my kitchen garden and also Jno. McGuire's old garden, also half of my farm being the upper part of Courstown northward to the great road, westward to Castlemitchel holding and east to Thomas Pilsworth's holding.
To my son Alexr. Shelly the old part of my dwelling house, the new barn, stable and the remaining part of my farm. To my said wife and above sons all stock, corn, etc. Household goods divided between then and daughter Mary and daughter Deborah. To said daughters Mary and Deborah £20 each on marriage or at age of 23 years.
To my son Abraham, my daughter Sarah, my daughter Rachell and my daughter Rebecca 5/- each. Executors my friends Henry Fuller Thomas Boake.
  Dated 24 of 6th month August 1734.
  Witnesses: Thomas Pilsworth, Ralph Pilsworth, Thomas Weston
178 Shepard, Thomas, Kilpatrick, Co. Kildare, farmer.
  All my farms and lands of Kilpatrick, Derrybrennan, and Drummin in Barony of Carbery, Co. Kildare, left in trust to my son John Shepard and my brother Robert Shepard for my wife Sarah Shepard. My several children, Wm. Shepard, Jno. Shepard [John], Esther Shepard, Phebe Shepard, James Shepard, Thomas Shepard, Robert Shepard, Elizabeth Shepard, Susanna Shepard. Executors my son John Shepard, my brother Robert Shepard and my cousin Thomas Nevins.
  Dated 21 Aug. 1762.
  Witnesses: Thomas Lindsay, Charles Lindsay, Elizabeth Lindsay.
  Codicil stating £100 to be applied to support of Samuel, Sarah, Jonathan and Mary, until 21 years. Also that wife is enciente and child or children to be cared for as above. Robert to have wearing apparel, linen and wollen.
  Dated 8 Jan. 1763.
  Witnesses: William Ferril, Charles Lindsay.
179 Sheperd, Gabriel, Dublin, Clothier.
  To my grandson John Chaytor my large Bible. To my grandson Samuel Whinery my Irish oak table. To my granddaughter Rachel Whinery my large looking glass with dressing box. To my granddaughter Mary Whinery my small looking glass. My daughter Sarah Whinery. My friend William Lapham. To my daugher Rachel Garnett, executrix, the remainder.
  Dated 25 Dec. 1745.
  Witnesses: William Lapham, Michael Dods, Arth. Shepheard
180 Sleigh, Joseph, Dublin, tanner.
  My mother Alice Sleigh, widow, of Dublin. My five children: Rebekah, Joseph, Bathia, Esther, Francis (all under 21 years and unmarried). My friends to take my five children, viz. my mother Bathia, Anthony Sharp, Dublin, to take my daughter Rebekah, Roger Roberts to take my daughter Esther, Deborah Sandham, Youghal, to take my son Joseph. If my mother should die my friend Robert Turner to bring up my son Francis, and in case Robert Turner shall remove himself and family to Pensilvania in America I desire my executors may send him over thither. £5 to my friend Deborah Sandham.
My friends Anthony Sharp and Roger Roberts executors. My friends Robert Turner, James Turner and Thomas Atherton, Dublin, and William Edmondson, senior, Rosanaillis, Queen's Co., Thomas Carleton, Ballinaclash, Co. Wicklow and Thomas Trafford, Wicklow, overseers.
  Dated 28 Dec. 1682. Proved in Prerogative Court 13 Oct. 1683
  Witnesses: James Fade, junior, the marks of Nicholas Wheland and John Haslack.
Inventory dated 16 Jan. 1683, appraised by John Haslacke and Christopher Hamerton. Valuations of leathers, furniture and household goods.
Memoranda: Payments made to Rebekah Sleigh now wife of Samuel Trafford; made 1692 to Esther Sleigh now wife of Abraham Merrick near Chester, and 1692 to Joseph Sleigh of Cork, and to Bathia Sleigh.
181 Smallman, Robert, Dublin.
  Joseph Inman, Dublin, clothier and Wm. Allin, Dublin, founder, executors. On a calculation of my concerns last month ... I found myself worth above two thousand pounds "not reconing what is due to me in old debts in compa]ny] with Amos Strattle and in compa[ny] with Rich Sealey,  nor my one Thirty Second part of the ship Verity and cargo bound for Antagu and taken by the French"
To my wife Elizabeth on third. To my son Samuel Smallman £400 and interest when 21 years. To my second son Samuel Smallman £300 and interest as for my son Richard. To my daughter Elizabeth £200, she to be "well educated and in plaineness and industry amongst friends." If all my children die before of age or married their legacies to be divided equally among my sisters Ann Richardson and Leah Lisney for the use of their children if they have any. Said sisters also to get £60 each ("to my sister Leah Lisney sixty pounds ster. to be paid in England").
To my aunt Sarah Whaply £4 per annum in England for life. To my cousin Wm. Smallman's child or children £5 between them. To my sister Mary Sealey's children on guinea to each.
  Dated 13 May 1699.
  Witnesses: Richard Holcroft, John Forster, Daniel King.
Inventory 14 Jan. 1702 Valuations of household goods and furniiture, plate ("14 silver spoons, 2 silver porringers, one 2 yeard cupp, one little Dram cupp, one tankard all weighing 75 ounces at 5/6 per ounce £20.12.6". materials in the shop (includes linen, holland tape, callico, buckram, lutestring, muslin, fustian "playn at 22d., per stripe at 17/- per yard").
Two new houses in Plunkett Street built new on a long lease of 70 years, and 4 standing grates in each house at £31 p. annum clear rent, £320.
Goods in the warehouse, e.g. "3 baggs of new hopps at £7.2.0., 4 at £7.10.0. £56.0.0." " Five pipes and some old Brandy gages al[l] 787 gallons at 6/- p. gall. £196.15.0." "One hogshead of ordinary Barcellonia wine at £6.0.0." "Eleven half cases of Bristol window glass at 11s. each £11.0.0."
Long lists of "Debts received" (sums owed to the testator, several for tallow) and "Debts unpaid" including "Ship Sarah's cargo £64.14.9;" "Sam Trevers and Ship Unity £8.10.0;" Tho. Draper of London £25;" "Daniel Phillips of London." "Desperate Debts out" include £20.9.9. owed by Nicholas Grible of Barbadoes. Lists of Debts due by testator, and statement of accounts showing an item "schooling the children 10s. 10d."
182 Smith, Judeth, Drighitt [? Drehid, Co. Kildare], widow, relict of William Smith, deceased.
  To my daughter Ann Jackson, wife of Thomas Jackson in Pensilvania, £30 and clothing. £10 to be divided among her children. To my son-in-law Joshua Smith £21 and a horse called Button. To my grandson William Smith (under 21), lease and interest in my farm in Drighitt, and residue. Executors Archibald Nevins of Parsonstown, and said William Smith, grandson.
  Dated 23 April 1734.
  Witnesses: John Leech, William Knott, Benjamin Knott.
183 Smith, Michael, Dublin
  Inventory 1st of 9th month 1692, given in by his wife Rebecca who administered to the same.
Short list of debts due includes "by interest of John Archer's house ... by interest of the bleaching yard and houses belonging valued £150" [situation not mentioned]. Six debts due by Michael Smith include £9.18.0. for ground rent of Jno. Archer's house.
A statement that on intermarriage of Rebeckah Smith, widow of said Michael Smith, with Samuel Denis of Waterford a deed of settlement was made.
184 Smith, Rebecca, Dublin, widow.
  Articles of agreement made between said Rebecca Smith (with the consent of her mother-in-law Elizabeth Fade, wife of James Fade, Dublin, miller)  of the first part, and Anthony Sharp, Dublin, clothier, Thomas Ashton, Dublin, glover, Thomas Starkey, Abby Leix, Queen's Co., gent., and Amos Strettell, Dublin, linendraper, trustees on behalf of Michael Smith, deceased, son of said Elizabeth Fade and late husband of said Rebecca, and of the children of the said Rebecca by the said Michael, of the other part.
Whereas by deed dated 18 June 1692 made between said Rebecca, and Abraham Fuller and Elizabeth his wife one of the daughters of the said Elizabeth Fade, and said Thomas Ashton and Susannah his wife, one other of the daughters of the said Elizabeth Fade, of the one part and said Anthony Sharp on the other part, a lease dated 25 March 1682 made by Wm. late Earl of Meath, deceased, to said Michael Smith of 10 acres 28 perches of land whereof part is a yard and house adjoining highway from the Coomb to Dolphin's Barn, in the Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, for 41 years at rent of £38 was settled to the use of said Rebecca and the children of Michael and Rebecca. And whereas said Rebecca designs to alter her condition in taking to her another husband, and in order to make provision for Michael and Hannah Smith her children grants the interest in said lease to use of her said children from 29 Sept. then last, and also gives £400 to said trustees, the interest to be used by her during their minority for their maintenance.
  Dated 24 Oct. 1692
  Witnesses: Elizabeth Fade, Andr. Smith, Thos. Sisson, notary public.
185 Sparrow, William, Cooles, Co. Wexford.
  To be laid in Friends ground for burial at Corlican as my son-in-law Rich. Davis and my son Wm. Sparrow shall think fit.
To Elizabeth and Mary Varman £25 each on marriage provided they marry with consent of their father Hattill Varman and my executors.
To my grandchildren as followeth, to Mary Davis's children £40, to William Sparrow's children £40, to Jonathan Sparrow's children £40, and to Jane Poole's children £40.
To my son-in-law Hattill Varman £1.3.0. To my son Jonathan Sparrow £50. Remainder between my four children Mary Davis, William Sparrow, Jonathan Sparrow and Jane Poole. John Penrose of Ballycane, Co. Wicklow and Robert Woodcock of Homestown, Co. Wexford, overseers.
  Dated 9th day of 7th month called Sept. 1725.
  Witnesses: James Pace, William Wilkinson, Henry Hatchell.
186 Sparrow, William, Coole, Co. Wexford.
  To be buried in Friends ground for burial at Corlican. One fourth of my effects to my wife, other three parts to my three children John Sparrow, Richard Sparrow and William Sparrow, to be laid out for them by the Mens Meeting of this county till they come of age.
Benefit of my lease for support of my wife and children. If she re-marries with consent of her father and my executors my brother-in-law John Penrose, Joseph Poole and Francis Davis, she is to hold said lease till my eldest son comes of age.
To my son John Sparrow when of age half my holding at Coole, the other half to my son Richard Sparrow when of age, my younger son William Sparrow to have the whole if they should both die under age. To William Taylor and Adam Taylor £5 each. My friends Benjamin Radford and Richard David overseers.
  Dated 7 Jan. 1725.
  Witnesses; Richard Waddy.
187 Spuret, William, Cavan Street, Dublin, weaver.
  To friends George Rooke of Earle Street, wood merchant, and Amos Strettell, Dublin, merchant, all my estate and effects to hold and my use for my life and after my decease subject to payment of my debts and funeral expenses. Legacies to Jeremiah Scott, cordwinder, and each of my trustees. Coal to Elizabeth Hendrikin. All remainder to use of my cousin Lawrence King of or near Matron parish in Yorkshire.
  Dated 15th day of 8th month called Oct. 1713.
  Witnesses: Thomas Monsel, James Nelson.
188 Steevens, John, Meath Street, Dublin, clothier.
  "intending speedily for England."
To my wife Lydia Steevens one moyety of my effects the other moyety to my son John Steevens and my daughter Mary Steevens equally divided between them. Abel Strettell and Joseph Inman exors.
  Dated 4. Jan. 1699
  [Names of witnesses not recorded].
Inventory appraised by Jos. Inman, Abel Strettle, George Medcalf and James Beckett, 22 of 11th month 1699. Furniture and household goods. Material in the shop giving prices per yard (sarge 8d., fine ditto 21d., fine camlet 22d., blue camlot 18d., culd orayee 8-1/2d., satine 2s. etc.). Debts due.
189 Stephens, Edwd., Ballyadam, Co. Wexford.
  To my wife Dorothy Stephens for the use of our three youngest children that part of Ballyadam whereon we now dwell.
To my daughter Easter 5/- and no more. To my eldest son Wm. Stephens 5/- and no more. To my son Samuel Stephens, my daughter Sarah Stephens, my daughter Mary Stephens, my son Benjamin Stephens, my daughter Rachel and my daughter Dorothy £15 each. To my grandson Edwd. Stephens, the son of Wm. Stephens £5. To Edwd. Green the son of my daughter Ester £5. My eldest son Wm. Stephens and my cousin Isaac Stephens of Killisk executors. My friends Bro. Tho. Stephens, Andr. Rothwell and Hatwell Varman overseers.
  Dated 1st day of 12th month called March 1723/4. Codicil 2 March 1723/4.
  Witnesses: Garret Grannall, Ambr. Turner. To codicil: Laurenio Speale his mark, Andr. Raddwell.
190 Stevens, John, Meath Street, Dublin.
  My two daughters Elizabeth and Hannah Stevens, both under 21 and unmarried. My nephews and niece Joseph, Josiah and Sarah Gunson, all under 21 and unmarried. Anna Coppock, daughter to John and Sarah Coppock. Executors John Coppock, merchant, and Joseph Inman, clothier, both of Thomas Court.
  Dated of deposition 5 June 1731.
  Witnesses: William Roe and Mary Roe, who deposed that the will was that of John Stevens though undated.
  Inventory taken 12th 3rd month 1731. One promissory note on Fades & Co. Valuations of shop goods, linen, clothes etc. Household goods in each of six rooms and brewhouse. Lists of glass, china, earthenware and books. All in hands of Robert Biker, Henry Horne and Joseph Greene.
191 Strettell, Abel, Dublin, merchant.
  My son Abel Strettell intermarried with Sarah Strettell alias Cooper. Deed concerning house in Meath Street in which Thomas Strettell, merchant, then dwelt. To my wife Elizabeth Strettell house or annuity of £20 and a further annuity of £20 out of my lands of inheritance near Kells in Co. Meath, which I purchased from James Stopford, Esq., said lands to go to my son Jonathan to the use and behoof of John Barclay and Thomas Strettell, junior, both of Eustace Street, Dublin, merchants, as trustees. The lands at Kells to go to the heirs male of the said Jonathan Strettell, and failing such issue to the eldest son Abel and his heirs. And failing such issue the lands to go to Abigail Strettell and Experience Cooper and their heirs.
To Jonathan Strettell £1,000 and all my houses from the corner house of Meath Street and Elbow Lane down to my stable in Elbow Lane, the said corner house set by me to Abraham Yeats; also the house in Elbow Lane joyning my stable now in possession of James Davis. Bernard Brown to be paid £6 per annum for the plot of ground I gold from him in Hanover Square. Thomas Thompson in possession of tenement streetwards in Meath Street.
To Abigail Strettell £1,000 and two houses in Cork Street, one in the possession of John Howard, the other in possession of Jonathan Sharpe. To my daughter Experience Cooper alias Strettell £500 and two houses in Cork Street held by lease from Bernard Brown, Esq., one in possession of Thomas Gamble and one in possession of John Glister. Reciting marriage between my daughter Mary Strettell and Joseph Piper, mariner, when two houses in Eustace Street were settled on her. One of the said houses now held by Thomas Strettell, junior. Said Joseph Piper to be discharged from debt contracted by him for use of his first journey to Pensylvania.
Legacies to Mary Mason, Lydia Fuller, John Stoddard, the poor of Men's Meeting of Dublin, the poor of St. Katherine's Parish and Charity School of St. Katherine's Parish. My niece Lydia Strettell daughter of my borther Amos Strettell. To John Barlcay, Experience Barclay, Ann Barclay, Patience Barlcay, Elizabeth Barclay and Jane Barclay, all children of said nephew Thomas Stretell, junior of Eustace Street. £5 each to George Rooke, Amos Rooke, Robert Rooke, Thomas Rooke, Abel Rooke, Elizabeth Rooke and Johanna Rooke, all children of George Rooke by his late wife Elizabeth Rooke alias Strettell. Francis Strettell, Amos Strettell, Ann Strettell, John Strettell, Thomas Strettell, all children of my nephew Robert Strettell of London. To my granddaughter Susannah Strettell £10. Trustees my two sons Abel and Jonathan Strettell, John Barclay and Thomas Strettell, junior, of Eustace Street. All lands and residue including lands in Pensylvania etc. to my four children Abel Strettell, Jonathan Strettell, Abigail Strettell and Experience Cooper.
  Dated 17 Feb 1730. Proved in Prerogative Court 17.9.1732.
  Witnesses: John Kathrens, Jospeh Sanders, Henry Buckley, notary public.
192 Strettell, Thomas, Dublin.
  Ambrose Barcroft and my second son Thomas Strettell trustees. To my wife Elizabeth Strettell £100 and the use of my house and warehouses in Fleet Street, and the furniture thereof, she paying the rent, with reversion to our eldest son Amos Strettell with whom his mother may decide to continue in trade and partbership, £1,200 already paid and share of residue. Elizabeth Strettell's  portion to include all demands made at time of marriage settlement, dated about 5th day of May 1725, between Thomas Strettell, junior and James Forbes, both of Dublin, and Elizabeth Willcocks, spinster, one of the daughters of Thomas Willcocks, merchant, of same city, deceased. My son Thomas Strettell settled in Cork. My other children to wit Edward Strettell, Experience Strettell, Ann Strettell, Elizabeth Strettell, Abigail Strettell. Fortunes of these younger children to be paid at 21 or in the case of girls at marriage, whichever occurs first. Executors Ambrose Barcroft, Thomas Strettell, junior.
  Dated 22 Feb. 1750.
  Witnesses: James Lane, Edward Sterling, Benj, Higgins, public notary.
193 Sutton, John, Dublin, merchant.
  My wife Mary Sutton. My daughter Mary Sutton. Executors my wife, Joseph Hill and Daniel Bewley.
  Dated 20 April, 1730. Proved in Consistorial Court.
  Witnesses: Peter Sharpe, Edmond Sutton, John Stoddart.

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