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  Quaker Records Dublin - Abstracts of Wills

Quaker Records Dublin

Abstracts of Wills

194 Tayler, William, Meath Street, Liberty of Thomas Court, Dublin, cordwinder.
  To friends Roger Roberts, Thomas Street, and George Rooke, Meath Street, baker as trustees, all real and personal estate in Ireland, England and elsewhere. To hold to them the use of said William Taylor for his lifetime and then to pay debts and special charges, etc.
My sister Gennet Tayler. A sum left to my brother Roger Tayler's children. My friend Sarah [? Grayes]. My child Abigail Tayler (under 21 years, unmarried). The children of my brother James Browne, my brother Roger Tayler and my cousin Isaac Rob[er]ts.
  Dated 22 July 1703.
  Witnesses: John Horrobin, Henry Smith, Thomas Banks.
195 Taylor, Jame, Dublin, clothier.
  My wife Elizabeth Taylor executrix. My son-in-law Joseph Inman my partner in trade of a clothier.
To my son Samuel Taylor all my interest in the Society Stock in Pensilvania in America. To my daughter Mary a bed, etc. Thomas Ashton and Amos Strettell trustees. Edward Faucet executor.
To my two sons Samuel and Joshua benefit of a lease I have from Isaac Ambrose of my holding in Thomas Court. Half my working tools to be divided amongst my son Samuel and my son Joshua Taylor, the other half to said Joseph Inman. My three daughters Hannah, Sarah and Rachel Taylor. John Burnieat, Dublin, linendraper, Henry Hillery, Wexford, draper, John Watson, Kilkonner, Co. Catherlogh, farmer, Mich. Smith, Dublin, linendraper, Roger Roberts, same, gent., and Anthony Sharp, same, clothier, overseers.
  Dated 17 Nov. 1686. Proved in Prerogative Court 19 March 1686/7.
  Witnesses: Tho. Cook, Tho. Sisson, notary public.
Inventory 29 March 1687. Valuations of furniture and household goods, articles in the warehouse, dye house, etc. (e.g. "28 pieces of frizes at 815 yards at fortynine pound eighteen shillings and a penny"). Goods at the farm at Aranaghew (Arnahew) [?Ardnehue], Co Catherlogh, sheep, household goods.
Debts die to the deceased, e.g. "For fryzes sent to London to Tho. Allisson £156.4.9." "For fryzes sent to London to Isaac Aishly £18." "Fryzes in Arthur Cavinagh's hands in High Street £2.6.0." "Fryzes shipped for England for Tho. Markham 83 yards £8.19.10." "For exchanging the money at London £7."
A lease of annuity set to Hen. Hillary and Tho. Cuppage [situation not mentioned].
196 Taylor, Jonathan, Dublin, tallow chandler.
  To my wife Lydia Taylor (executrix) half my substance, to my only son Joseph (executor) the remaining half. If he dies before aged 21 or married said portion to the children of Mary Gunson daughter to my said wife. £20 to the children of John Stevens son to my wife also. To my brother Thomas Taylor and his children 1/- each. My friend Josiah Gunson now living at Remine overseer.
  Dated 10 May 1707.
  William Myler, Dublin, brazier, tenant to Jonathan Taylor, Isaac Wilcocks, Dublin, tallow chandler, acquainted with the said Jonathan Taylor for past 20 years, and Thomas Taylor, nephew and apprentice to Jonathan Taylor, make oath 19 June 1713 that said Will was in handwriting of said Jonathan Taylor.
197 Taylor, Lydia, Meath Street, Dublin, widow.
  My son John Stevens, of Meath Street. £300 in the hands of Joseph Green. My daughter Mary Gunson of Rathfarnham, widow. To my kinswomen Sarah Davis and Lydia Davis £5 apiece. My two granddaughters Elizabeth and Hannah Stevens, both unmarried and minors. Executors Samuel Fuller of Meath Street, bookseller, and James Johnston of Park Street, clothier.
  Dated 5 May 1730.
  Witnesses: Thomas Goolding, Zachariah Martineau, John Stoddart.
Followed by affirmation of John Stoddart signed in presence of Margaret Coghill to the efect that Testatrix inadvertently signed in the name of first husband "Stevens."
198 Thackora, Mary, widow.
  Inventory (not dated, but a rent of £4 due on 29th of 7th month 1710 is mentioned) taken by Daniel Forster, John Whitmore, Samuel Braithwait and Henry Martin.
Valuations of furntiture and household goods, combing wools, worsted, etc., e.g. 54 yds white narrow sarge at 6p. £1.5.0.; 58 yds. raw white cloth sarge at 7p. £1.14.5.; 51 yds. fine black cloath sarge at 22p. £4.13.6.; A cloth sarge chain in the loome of 8 balls at 22p. 14/8; 30 pound wt. of yarn for woffit at 6p 15/-; In the dye house a small copper and iron works £1.1.0; In the back work shopp one Broad loome £2.0.0.; In the back work house upper roome 3 Narrow Loomes and harnisses £2.14.0.; 2 pair of old combes 15/-; warping barrs and scakern 6/-/
Due from John Walker of North £5. In bad debts, John Kelsy in Yorkshire the sum of £5, John Close in the North of Ireland £13, Sulavon in Dublin £2.10.0.
199 Thackray, Mary, Pimlico, Dublin, widow and relict of Daniel Thackray, late of said place.
  Luke Rice executor. My son Abner Thackray. Ruth Thackray. Mary Baizley, daughter of Esra Thackray. Athijah Shaw, daughter of Esra Thackray. Deborah Rice with Ruth Thackray to dispose of clothing as they think convenient. Ann Kennedy to be paid one pound and given one sheet "which she left with me."
  Dated 29 Nov. 1728.
  Witnesses: Robert Lee, Jon Barrington.
200 Thomas, Joseph, Mill Street, Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore near Dublin, tanner.
  My friend Abel Strettell, Meath Street, merchant, and George Newland, of same, clothier, executors. George Rooke, Earl Street, wood merchant, overseer.
My wife Rebekah Thomas. To my daughter Susannah Weston now wife of Thomas Weston, junior, merchant, one house in Meath Street now in the holding of Lewis Edge, baker, or his undertenants except one half of the garden ground adjoining Joseph Clare's holding which half after the expiration of said Joseph Clare's lease is reserved for my daughter Mary's use. To said daughter Mary (under 21 years, unmarried one house in Meath Street now or late in holding of Joseph Clare.
To my three daughters Sarah Weston now wife of Thomas Weston, senior, linendraper, Susannah Weston aforesaid and my daughter Sarah Weston wherein John Devitt now lives [situation not mentioned].
My four sons Jonathan, Joseph, Caleb and Joshua Thomas, under full age and unmarried. To my son Jonathan my dwelling house in Mill Street wherein I now live, together with the tan yard, malthouse and tenement and two houses in New Row. To my son Joseph the leases of my mills and the mills and dwelling house and fields belonging thereto [situation not mentioned]. To my son Caleb three houses in Newmarket now or late in the holding of Richard Hamilton, Isaac Spring, Francis Guy, Timothy Dyson and Jeremiah Vicars. To my son Joshua all my houses and holdings in Pimlico except the house wherein David Sanquinade, weaver, now lives, which I leave to my wife to live in during widowhood.
My daughter Sarah Weston and her two children Elizabeth and Rebekah Weston. My brother John Thomas living near York. My aged sister Sarah Ward.
  Dated 11 Jan. 1710.
  Witnesses: Isaac Spring, Ri. Tolson, John Walker, John Stoddart.
Inventory taken by Edmond Huband, Isaac Spring, John Roberts, William Brookfield and Thomas Bell, 17th of 7th mo. 1711. Hides in the tan yard, giving values, e.g. "234 Uppers tand. at 11/- £128.14.0.; 66 ditto in the 2nd dusting and 32 ditto in the 1st dusting at 8/- £32.6.0.; 47 ditto in the Limes at 7/ £16.9.0."
Valuations of furniture and household goods. Lists of Debts owing, majority being for rents. "A particular account of money paid for rent" giving details of the rents and persons to whom the are paid. A schedule of leases belonging to heirs of Joseph Thomas of Mill Street, tanner, deceased, includes No. 4 "One lease for the water in Meath Street etc. from ditto" [the Earl of Meath to Joseph Thomas] for lives at the yearly rent of one pound ten shillings. "Leases sett by Joseph Thomas."
201 Thomas, Walter, Dublin, clothier.
  To my friends Samuel Brazill, Thomas Devitt and Joseph Cope, for the good of my wife and the child she is big with. I grant all my estate and substance, woollen yarns, clothes, stuffs and household goods, two thirds to my said wife Jane and one third to said child.
My brother Henry. My mother. John Bridges, Joseph Cope and Thomas Devett to inherit if my wife and child should die.
  Dated 23 March 1701/2
  Witnesses: Henry Smith, Daniel Forster, Like Rice.
Inventory of Walter Thomas, deceased, 30 of 1st month 1702. Valuations of wools and materials, e.g. "Coombing woole washt 1-1/2 stone 17/6." "3 pieces broad serge 55 yards each £9.4.0." "3 narrow serges 50 yards each £5.10.0." "Fine clothing wool undressed 3 stone £1.10.0." Valuations of household goods. Lists of debts due to Walter Thomas and owed by him.
202 Tristrem, John, Cavan Street, Dublin, grover.
  Whereby said John Tristrem grants to his friends Amos Strettell, Dublin, linendraper and Thomas Ashton, Cavan Street, grocer, all his real and personal estate in trust for use of said John Tristrem for life and then for several uses mentioned.
Legacies to: my kinsman Lawrence Tristrem, Cork, shoemaker, and his sisters Anne and Margaret; my cousin Mary Palmer of the Island of Kerry and her eldest son Nathaniel Palmer; Rebekah Harrison, Co. Cork; John Exam, Charlevill; Experience wife of Amos Strettell and their five children - my Bible to their daughter Anne; John Dobbs; young George Rooke and his brotherBenjamin; Samuel son of William Norris; the poor of Cavan's Parish; Thomas Simpson's mother; Amos Strettell and Thomas Askton for undertaking this trust. Furniture, books, etc. to Elizabeth Roach, Limerick, Samuel Baker, Amos Strettell and Thomas Simpson. Residue to Men's Meeting, Dublin/
  Dated 1 March 1702.
  Wintesses: Benjamin Britton, James Landers, John Dalton his mark, Tho. Banckes.
203 Trump, Rebecka, Dublin, spinster.
  To my friends Samuel Baker, chandler, and Amos Strettell, both of Dublin, all my estate and substance in trust for my own use during my life and after to be given as follows. Legacies to: my cousin Isaac Palmer of London; my friend Nicoholas Lock of Gorey; Samuel Baker, Alex Seaton; Hanna Clare Samuel Baker's niece; James Rowley, John Studdard; Chris Cleator of Co. Wicklow, his daughter-in-law Sarah Cleator; Sarah Baker for Dublin Women's Meeting; Mary Barlow of Chappleizod; Hanna Knight alias Gurdan; Sarah daughter of Mathew Goodbody. Residue to Mens Meeting, Dublin Quakers.
  Dated 8 Jul 1706.
  Witnesses: George Hough his mark, Thomas Probert, John Jones.

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