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  Quaker Records Dublin - Abstracts of Wills

Quaker Records Dublin

Abstracts of Wills

8 Baddiley, John, Dublin, 
  chandler, son and heir of John Baddiley, late of Drummagh, Co. Dublin, farmer and formerly of Kimton, Co. Strafford, and of Jane his wife. To my wife Mary Baddiley the daughter of my father-in-law Jonathan Taylor of said city, chandler, all my personal estate and substance and half of my real estate that descends to me as heir to my father in Kimton, parish of Wolvington, Co. Stafford and now in possession of Joshua Newall and Thomas Clews, other half to our only son John Baddiley, who was born yesterday.
  Dated 26 April 1694
  Witnesses: John Allen, William Dawson, Charles White, Rose Bollard, Mary Hordison
9 Baddiley, Mary, widow of John Baddiley, late of Dublin, chandler deceased.
  To my only son John Baddiley all my estate. If he should die before aged 21 said estate to my brother Jonathan Taylor for ever. My father Jonathan Taylor and my brother John Barcroft exors.
  Dated 17 May 1694
  Witnesses: Wm. Houghton, William Dason, Charles White, Jane Hanly's mark.
Short Inventory by Jonathan Taylor, Dublin, chandler and Thomas Barcroft, household goods, tallow, candles. "Debts sperate." Debts Desperate. Appraised by James Trench. Account of disbursements, etc.
10 Baker, George, Athy, Co. Kildare, clothier.
  My wife Elizabeth Baker and friends John Ducket, Newtown, Co. Carlow, and Peter Peasley, Parke, Queen's Co., executors. One third of my substance to my wife Elizabeth Baker. To my eldest daughter Elizabeth Baker four score pounds on marriage or at age seventeen years. To my second daughter Mary Baker four score pounds, as aforesaid. If said daughters should die £60 to my brother Joshuas Baker or his son Joshua Baker, and £20 to my sister Ann Pitt's eldest daughter Rebeckah Pitt. Two guineas each to my sister Mary Burton, my sister Rebeckah Forth, and my brother Arthur Adkins.
  Dated 10 April 1733
  Witnesses: Richard Board, Josh. Johnson, Thos. Bradford
Inventory appraised by Richard Board, Thos. White, John Cullin and Graham Bradford, all of Athy, Co. Kildare, 28 April 1733. Valuations of furniture, household and shop goods. Materials include coarse flanell at 7d. yard, cloth serge at 9d. yard, linsey woolsey at 8d. yard. Wool 9/6 stone, coarse wool 4/6 store. "Tow old looks and tackell £1" Debts due by persons in Dublin, Carlow and Athy. Bad debts include several noted as "run away" e.g. "James Lawler run away 1/5." "Wm. Fitzgerald in France 12.0." :Work in the spinner's hand £7."
11 Baker, Samuel, Dublin, tallowchandler
  My friends Peter Judd, Dublin, tallowchandler and Daniel Bewley of same, wood merchant, executors. To my daughter Hannah Baker £300 and my houses and ground in Fleet Street and College Street, Dublin, which I purchased of Abel Strettell and he of the executors of John Hutchinson, deceased. To my daughter Mark Baker 3 small houses at Stoney Batter and £800, said sums to be paid my said daughters when of age or on marriage. To the two daughters of my brother Peter Baker, namely Sarah and Elizabeth £10 apiece. To cousin John Baker my late apprentice £10 and to his sister Katherine £5. To my kinsman John Barcroft of Arkhill my riding mare.
Legacies to Nicholas Lock of Ballynaclash, Co. Wicklow or to his wife which shall be then living, to Mary Barlow, widow, to John Stoddart of Meath Street, to Bethia Foster daughter of Joseph Sleigh, deceased, to Mary Tackeray, widow, Sarah Brodrick, widow, to Mary Vieck, widow, to Margaret Collins, widow, to Sarah Reed, widow, to Grace Patterson, widow, to Mary Dickinson of Jame's Street, to Mary wife of Thomas Gambell, to Sarah Sleigh and Jane Chesterman, widows, to Denis Campbell, weaver, to John Patterson, linen weaver, to Richard Breyan, cordwinder, and to John Gousden if living.
Provision made in case said daughters Hannah and Mary should both die under age and unmarried, certain shares to the three daughters of my said kinsman John Barcroft namely Mary, Deborah and Sarah, to the children of Alexander Seaton of Hilsborough, to the two daughters of my brother John Baker, namely Mary and Sarah and their brother James Baker and others. William Eves and John Penrose, both of Wicklow, farmers, to distribute £50 to poor Quakers in Co. Wicklow. My said kinsman John Barcroft and my friend Amos Strettell, linen draper, overseers of will.
  Dated 4 July 1720. Proved in Prerogative Court 25 July 1720
  Witnesses: Natt. Humphreys, William Lamb, Joseph Hartwell
Statement that inventory made by William Emmott, Dublin, clothier, to the use of Hannah and Mary Baker, spinsters, the children of said Samuel Baker deceased. Mentions £25 put by deceased in hands of William Sutcliff of Drogheda to employ some poor people in weaving linen cloth.
12 Balster, James, Dublin, yeoman.
  To my brother-in-law Thomas Atherton, cordwinder, and my cousin Amos Strettell, Dublin, linendraper, all goods and chattells, annuities and leases on trust. To hold to said trustees for use of me, said James Balster, for life, and after my decease for use of my wife Margaret Balster alias Holmes, she to pay my brothers Hugh Balster and John Balster and my sister Elizabeth Russell five shillings each if demanded; to my cousin James Russell (in case the trustees enjoy the land called Castletown fourteen years after my decease) £5.
  Dated 21 Feb. 1686
  Witnesses: Enoch Stoker, Wm. Danbrink.
James Russell's receipt for his £5 legacy was endorsed on back of said deed of trust, 11th of 3rd month 1694, witnesses present Benjamin Russell, Margaret Balster.
Schedule of James Balster's goods, 22 Feb 1686. Furniture, household linen, silver, (values not stated). "One lease from Sir John Temple to Henry Smithwick and by him assigned to Samuel Barrett of town and lands of Castletown coming in clear by the said lease yearly the sum of £24."
13 Barclay, John, merchant
  To my wife Ann Barlcay silver to the value £25, excluding punch bowl and rum belonging to it and large silver cup. "To my son John Barclay the large Bible given me by my brother David Barclay." My grandson Barclay Clibborn, son of my daughter Experience Clibborn. My wife's niece Joanna Rooke. Son-in-law James Clibborn. My five daughters Ann, Patience, Elizabeth, Jane and Lydia Barclay, (Lydia not yet of age). My friend Ambrose Barcroft, of Dublin, timber merchant. "The trade or business which I now follow, to be carried on by my wife and son John by the name of Ann Barclay and Son in trust for themselves and the rest of my children," viz. 5 daughters name, they being at liberty to withdraw from business if so desired. House, warehouses and estate in Eustace Street to be disposed of at discretion of executors. Executors wife Ann Barclay, son John Barclay and son-in-law James Clibborn of the Moate.
  Dated 6 March 1750
  Witnesses: Edward Sterling, public notary, James White, Daniel Delaney. Codicil dated 26 May 1751, adding the names of Robert Clibborn, the elder of Meath Street, Dublin, to the names of the executors. Witnessed by Richard Wyres and Robert Jaffray.
14 Barcroft, Elizabeth, Ballytore, Co. Kildare, widow.
  To My son-in-law Henry Fuller £100. To my daughter Deborah Fuller half my household goods etc., the other half to my two granddaughters Mary and Elizabeth Pim. To my daughter Deborah Fuller £10 towards bringing up Mary Fuller, daughter of Jacob Fuller and all residue. £10 to poor friends of Edenderry and Carlow meetings. £5 each to my cousin John Baker of Dublin, Katherine Crawford of Dublin, Daniel Bernard and Dorothy Mason, both of Ballytore. My sons-in-law Henry Fuller of Ballytore, Co. Kildare and John Pim of Edenderry, King's Co., executors, they to dispose of my cattle and other substance, two thirds to my daughter Deborah Fuller in trust for her children, the males to be paid at age 21 and the females on the day of marriage; remaining one third to "my son" John Pim in trust, £100 for my two granddaughters, Mary and Elizabeth Pim, deceased, viz. John, Sarah, Hannah, Samuel, Deborah and Susanna Pim when of age or on marriage. And whereas some of my said grandchildren are already married such grandchildren shall have their part paid as soon as conveniently can be.
  Dated 9 March 1739
  Witnesses: Joseph Taylor, Robert Reddy and Abraham Shackleton.
Inventory 20th day of 9th month 1740 by Thos. Boake, Wm. Gill, Abraham Shakleton, John Pim, Henry Fuller. Summary only. Statement of legacies paid. Elenor Baker widow of John Baker was paid £5 legacy left to him.
15 Barker John, of Balteboys, Co. Wicklow, farmer.
  Agreement concerning a farm in Balteboys held by lease for lives renewable for ever by said John Barker from Walter Harris, Dublin, deceased. Said John Barker has two daughters, viz. Elizabeth married to William Lapham of Balteboys, a farmer, and Hannah "whom he designs speedily to marry" to John Thacker of Balteboys, a farmer. Agreement concerns the grazing in common of said farm to John Barker, William Lapham and John Thacker.
  Dated 22 Aug 1711
  Witnesses: John Weldon, John Byrne, George Wilinson, Patrick Down.
16 Barnard, William, Dublin, clothier
  My wife Elizabeth executrix. To my mother £5. My brother Thomas. My brother James. Remainder of goods to all my children when aged 21 years or day or marriage. My cousin Anthony Sharp and my friend Thomas Ashton, overseers.
  Dated 12 Jun 1682. Proved in Prerogative Court 1684.
  Witnesses: Robert Bradi, John Sharp, Richard Conquest.
Inventory 19 May 1684 by Richard Conquest, William Porris, Anthony Sharp, Thomas Ashton. Furniture and household goods giving total valuations of contents of each room. Wool, white narrow cloth, "bays and blanketts", fustick, serges and worsted yarns, values not given in detail. "32 stone of wooll and ten pounds worth of dye stuff £25." Goods send to New Jersie in America £15.14.0." "Goods in Benjamin Furlow's hands in Roterdam £22.0.0." "Eight boxes of sop and candles ventured to Jamaica £15.0.0" "256 yards of frize sent to London per Wm. Blundall £22.6.0."
17 Barret, Jacob, Park, Co. Catherlow.
  To my kinsman Joshua Thompson my lease of Coolmoyn[e], Knockroe and Ireaghvane which I hold from Richard Clutterbuck, Esq., in Co. Tipperary, and also my lease of Kinabeg, Co. Carlow, with all my money, horses, sheep and black cattle, he to pay the following legacies to my relations: The the other children of my sister Abigail Thompson, viz. Martha Fale, Joseph Thompson, John Thompson, Abigal Thompson, viz. Martha Feale, Joseph Thompson, John Thompson, Abigail Thompson, Phebe Scott, Hannah Thompson and Sarah Thompson £25 each. To Samuel Sanderson, Thomas Sanderson and Abigal Sanderson, the children of Susana Sanderson, £30 between them. To Samuel Mason, John Mason and James Mason, the sons of my sister Martha Mason, £48 between them, and to my sister Martha's daughter Margaret Willson £5. To my brother Samuel Barret £5. To Elizabeth Barret and Hannah Barret, the daughters of my brother Benjamin Barret, deceased, £50 each. To Grace Hutchinson daughter of my sister Margaret Hutchinson £25. To Margaret Carleton daughter of my sister Jane Carleton, deceased, £50, and to my said sister Jane's three sons, viz. To John Thompson, junior, son of John Thompson aforesaid, £15. To Oliver Thompson, son of Samuel Thompson, £7. My friend Solomon Watson of Clonbrogan, Co. Tipperary and my nephew Joshua Thompson aforesaid exors.
  Dated 12 April 1728
  Witnesses: Samuel Watson, Thomas Godwin, Thomas Kinshlough.
18 Beeby, Nathan, Dublin, tallow merchant.
  To my wife Eliz. Beeby (second marriage) one third of estate, except rents from the White Hart house in Bride's Street and same from Thos. Bewley, deceased, houlding from Walter Byrne in Bigg Butter Lane, which rents to be applied to the apprentising of sons. Robart and Thomas Beeby sons by first wife.1 My brother Musgrave Beeby. My three sisters Jael, Rachel Bigland and Sarah Beeby.
Executors my brother Abraham Fultor [Fuller], Eleazor Sheldon. Overseers my brother Musgrave Beeby, David Bancroft of Fishamble [Street].

1 Betham's abstract of this Will at the Genealogical Office is incorrect in giving the sons Robert and Thomas as children of the second wife Elizabeth, and omits mention of the sister Jael.

  Dated  3 June 1741. Proved Prerogative Court 19 Jan 1741/2
  Witnesses: Joseph Whitfield, John Beeby, Edmond Sutton
Inventory taken by Thomas Welsh, Charles Willcocks and Alexr. Skelinton 30 Jane. 1741/2. Valuations of tallow, cotton, candles, soap and instruments, materials in garden, ash house, store house, work house, tallow loft, moule [mould] loft, moule [mould] house, soap house and ship, and household goods in 6 rooms. Lists of debts good and debts bad due from Nathan Beeby. A note to Thos. Leech dated 17th 5 mo. 1741 and another dated 28th 9 mo. 1741 with items including sums paid - Kilmanun Sess. 15/-; one years Scavenger Money 2/4; Hearth Money £1; Saml. Hudson curing his son Thos. of the Evil £2.5.6.; taken by Churchwardens for the Minister Money £1.18.2.
19 Beetham, John, Thomas Court, schoolmaster.
  The poor Friends in Dublin for use of their poor house £10. To Mary Francis in Dublin "very helpful in my sickness" £4.4.0. To Hannah Williams, mother of Joseph Williams, two guineas on account of her trouble. Residue to my father John Beetham and brother Robert Beetham of Dent in England. Executors Joseph Williams, Dublin, clothier, Aaron Arkinson, Dublin, tallow chandler.
  Dated 7 July 1747. Proved Prerogative Court 27th 8 mo. 1747.
  [Name of witness not recorded].
Inventory of effects found in his lodging room in the Meeting House at Meath Street, taken 14th 5 mo. 1747, and by the direction of his father the particulars all sent over to him in England. Valuations of goods sold by auction. Lists of debts received, mainly from schooling, but including payments for marriage certificates and one from "Peter Judd, by order of the meeting for 5 mos. clarkship to Dublin Meeting" £6.13.4.
20 Bell Thomas, Newmarket, liberty of Donore, Co. Dublin, carpenter.
  To be buried at Quaker burying place near Stephens Green. To my wife Jane Bell, executrix, my four houses in Meath Street and Duncombes Lane alias Garden Lane, in liberty of Thomas Court, Co. Dublin, built on ground leased for lives from Bernard Brown, Esq., (one in Meath Street known by the sign of the Three Compasses set by lease to Richard Gaskell, one in Duncombes Lane known by the sign of the Drum and set to Edmond Jarret and now in occupation of John Johnston; another in Duncombes Lane alias Garden Lane set to Joseph Rooke and now in occupation of Thomas Goresuch, and another house adjoining now in occupation of Thomas Thompson and Denis Bennet). Also to my said wife two houses built on ground adjoining south side of aforementioned house in Duncombe's Lane alias Garden Lane which I hold from Hugh Leeson by lease for 99 years. All these houses after my wife's death to my cousin Jonathan Bell, except the house in Meath Street, it to be held by my cousin Elizabeth Wilkinson; if she dies without heirs said house to my cousin Jonathan Bell, he to pay a rent thereout to Alexander Wilkinson brother to said Elizabeth Wilkinson. Also to my said wife my house I now live in in Newmarket held by lease from Henry Burcham; my house in Skinner's Alley, Dublin, leased from Robert White, and all goods and effects; said houses after my wife's death to my cousin Elizabeth Wilkinson with remainder to my cousin John Bell, bricklayer.
Legacies to Jane Bell and Esther Bell, sisters of my cousin John Bell, bricklayer; to my wife's brother Thomas Wilkinson; to Margaret Earl wife of Thomas Earl, tailor, and sister to my former wife; to my friends George Rooke, Thomas Wilson, Mary Barlow and Elizabeth Jacob. My friends George Rook, Abel Strettell, Joseph Fade and Joseph Maddock trustees. Legacies to my cousin, Joseph Thrickell, tailor, now residing in Dublin, my cousin Jane Bell, my cousin Esther Bell, and by cousin John Bell and my cousin John Thrickell, shoemaker, brother to said Joseph Thrickell and now residing in Cumberland in Lorton near Cockermouth. To my friend George Rooke my field near Roper's Rest which I hold from the Earl of Meath, said field after said George Rooke's decease to Mens Metting in Dublin to be made use of in grazing the horses of our friends travelling to or from Dublin or such other use as they think fit. To my man Peter Wenright all my working tools.
  Dated 8 Feb 1710
  Witnesses: John Elliott, Tho. Merefield, Tho. Sisson.
21 Bevan, Elizabeth, Dublin, widow.
  All my estate and effects to Joseph Fade and Thos. Willcocks, both of Dublin, merchants, to hold to my use for my life and then subject to payment of my debts and legacies. To my son Evan Bevan £5; to my son Joshua Bevan, £6; to my son-in-law Tobias Neale 1/- and no more; to my son-in-law Israel Wilkinson and his wife £5; to my granddaughter Elizabeth Neale £10 when 21 years or on marriage. All residue and my interest in the house in New Row, Dublin, to the use of my three daughters Mary Bevan, Elizabeth Bevan and Martha Bevan, they to carry on the glovers trade.
  Dated 10 March 1711
  Witnesses: Bartho. Rivers, Tho. Wells, Tho. Gorsuch
22 [Bevan] Beevan, Evan, Dublin, Skinner.
  Reciting that in consideration of sum of 6/- said Evan Beevan granted to Anthony Sharp, Dublin, clothier, and Thomas Ashton, Cavan Street, Dublin, skinner and glover, all his real and personal estate, goods and chattles. To hold to said Anthony Sharp and Thomas Ashton, from the day of the date hereof for ever for use of said Evan Beevan for his natural life, and then for benefit of "my dear wife Elizabeth .... and to breed up our children" [not named], provision to be made for those "younger children who are unmarried and has not some provision made them by me, as I have done for those that are marryed."
  Dated 28 Nov. 1694
  Witnesses: Tho. Jones, Tho. Hewesson
23 Bewley, Mary, Dublin, widow
  To grandchildren Robert and Thomas Bibby, sons of Nathan Bibby [Beeby], 40 pounds apiece when 21. To my grandson Tobias Pim £40 and to my granddaughter Mary Pim £50, children of my son-in-law Thomas Pim, each when 21 years. To my daughter Mary Bewley, spinster, reversion of above.
To my brother-in-law Peter Judd, "two scepter broad pieces of gold," to Daniel Bewley, Dublin, timber merchant "two scepter broad pieces of gold," to my sister Hannah Judd, wife of said Peter Judd "two scepter broad pieces of gold." To my kinsman Benjamin Wilson and his wife Dinah "a broad piece of gold to each of them." To my friend George Rook "one Moydare." Executors Peter Judd and Daniel Bewley.
  Dated 21 Dec 1739. Proved in Prerogative Court 11 Jan 1739
  Witnesses: Christopher Cheater, Joseph Whitfield and Ben Johnston, public notaries.
24 Bewley, Thomas, Dublin, tallow-chandler.
  My wife Mary Bewley, my children Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Mary, all minors and unmarried of whose moiety the widow may take each year a sum not exceeding £12 each for their care, maintenance and education. To my brother Peter Judd and his children Peter and Rachel Judd, on guinea apiece. My cousins Joseph Inman, of Thomas Court, clothier, Joseph Gill, of Earl Street, woodmerchant, Samuel Watson, of Nicholas Street, linendraper, and Daniel Bewley, of Leazers Hill, woodmerchant, overseers. My friend John Stoddart. The children of my brother Mungo Bewley. The children of my brother George Bewley. The sons of my sister Mary Wilson, wife of Thomas Wilson of Thornwell. Any child disobeying his mothers wishes re marriage is only to only have £50, the remainder to be given to "my obedient children." Executors Mary Bewley (wife) and Peter Judd.
  Dated 3 March 1721/2. Proved in Prerogative Court.
Affirmation re torn state of Will made before Marm. Coghill 30 July 1730
  Witnesses: Charles Lydon, Peter Horton, John Stoddart.
25 Bigland, Gavin, Dublin, carpenter
  Bond of Indemnity between him and executors and legatees of Judeth Smith's will, naming the children and husband of her daughter Ann Jackson as follows: Thomas Jackson, Ann Jackson, John Jackson, Thomas Jackson junior, Elizabeth Jackson
  Dated 9 Sept 1741
  Witnesses: Matt Pageitt, Edward Sterling, public notary
26 Biker, Thomas, Meath Street, waver
  To my wife Elizabeth Biker, rent etc. of two houses in Corke Street, one now in possession of Henry Horne, the other in that of Benjamin Grumby, also rent of a house in Fleet Street, now in possession of John Pearle. My son Thomas Biker and my daughter Hannah Biker, both under 21. The children of Thomas Edwards of Meath Street and his late wife Abigail. Executors Thomas Strangman of Meath Street, merchant, and William Greenhow, of Earle Street, timber merchant.
  Dated 31 March 1738. Proved in Prerogative Court 3 June 1741
  Witnesses: James Strahan and David Grou.
27 Bird [Bourd], Margaret, Dublin
  To my daughter Grace Hutchinson £142.10.0. per bond dated 2 June 1718, executed by Amos Strettle, merchant, and Samuel Baker, tallow-chandler, devised by Will of my former husband John Hutchinson, deceased. John Carleton, Samuel Carleton, Jonathan Carleton and Margaret Carleton, all children of my sister Jane Carleton. Hannah Barret, youngest daughter of my brother Benjamin Barret. My late husband Joseph Bird, his daughter Jane Baker alias Bird. My late husband's nephew Richard Bird, his nephew James Bird. Remainder of my estate to John, Samuel, Jonathan and Margaret Carleton, and Martha Fall, Susannah Saunderson, Abigail Thompson, Hannag Thompson, all daughters of my sister Abigail Thompson. Executors my kinsman John Deaver, my good friend John Barlcay, both of Dublin, merchants.
  Dated 23 July 1728. Proved in Prerogative Court 29.8.1728
  Witnesses: Thomas Maddockes, Joseph Sanders, Hen. Buckley.
28 Boardman, Joseph, Clonmore, King's Co.
  To my wife Hannah Boardman £100, and the full privilege of the parlour end of my now dwelling house to reside in for one year, one yellow cow and the paceing mare's fully, also the issues and profits of my holding in Edenderry, with reversion to my son Joseph Boardman. To my son Robert Boardman, my farm of Parsonstown and the livestock which he now holds on it together with two mares and Glennan's two year old filly, and the black mare's yearling fillee. To my son Joseph Boardman, my farm of Clonmore, with all the sheep and horned beasts, also my farm of Jonestown after decease of my mother Ann Boardman and £150, also one bald mare, one crapt mare, one bay mare, a three year old filly and two three year old coults and two two year old coults, one sorrel yearling and Glennans young fole and all my gear for husbandry. To my son John Boradman my farm of Ballycolgan and stock on it and £400. Each of above to have one fourth part of my household goods and the sons to be residuary legattes in equal shares. My brother-in-law Thomas Jackson to care for Joseph and John till they reach 21 years. Executors Thomas Jackson and Oliver Watson, brothers-in-law. Overseers Ephriam Heritage, Benjamin Wilson.
  Dated 30 April 1741
  Witnesses: Thomas Bayly, George Bayly and Thomas Bayly, junior.
Inventory of household goods and live stock on farms of Clonmore and of Parsonstown and Ballycolgan. Lists of debts due.
29 Boardman, Thomas,1 Brittas, Wicklow, farmer
  Substance noted as follows, Cattoll to wit twenty m .... 2   cows and 3 dry cows, four two year old heifers, three year olds and a bull, three mares and three foales, four claves and twenty five sheep. To "my two sonnes now in England Thomas and John Boardman - Cattle if they come to demand it." Rest of substance to be divided betwixt "my three sones now at home - to W.... Thomas Boardman, Jonathan Boardman and Jacob Boardman." Thomas Jollie and Ambrose Judd to be overseers and trustees if willing, but if not. "I desire friends of our mens meeting at Ballycane to appoint two friends to administer it." To my granddaughter Elizabeth Bro[a]therick two cows and she to be kept and maintained with the rest of my children.

1 Both Index of Prerogative Wills of Ireland, Vicars and Betham's abstract of this Will show the surname as Bordman.
2 The book has been repaired by a strip of paper pasted on obscuring some words.

  Dated 14 July 1692. Proved in Prerogative Court 10 Aug 1692
  Witnesses: John Perry, Joseph Newby
Inventory appraised by Robert Howard and John Parry. Cattle, horses, household goods, e.g. Four two year old horses £3.12.0., one sow and six pigs 16/-; two stoks of bees and two swarms 8/-.
30 Boardman, Thomas, Afarril
  My son Thomas Boardman to be put out as apprentice to a friend in Dublin when 14 years. To my daughter Joan Boardman £5 as an apprentice fee when she shall arrive at a sufficient age. All my real and personal estate to my wife Anne Boardman, sole executrix. My friends John Stevens and Josiah Gunson trustees.
  Dated 27 March 1720
  Witnesses: Tho. Cooper, Tho. Walker, Tho. Mills
31 Bourd [Board], Joseph,1 Dublin, anchor smith
  My daughter Jane Baker, otherwise Bourd. My wife Margaret, executor. to My nephew Richard Board my holding in Ross and £5. To my nephew James Board £10. To my kinsman John Deeves, of Cole Alley, Meath Street, merchant, executor.

1 Through Betham's abstract of this Will in the Genealogical Office shows the surname as Board, the Will and Grant of Margaret Bourd, Dublin, widow appears in 56th Report of Deputy Keeper, appendix 1.

  Dated 25 June 1722
  Witnesses: Hannah Smith, Alexander McPherson, Jno. Smith, Notary Public.
32 Braithwaite, Samuel, Pimlico, in the Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, clothier
  To my wife Sarah Braithwaite £700 and all household goods etc. My wife's brother Edward Richardson of Yorkshire. My daughter Hannah Summers. My grandson Samuel Summers. My nephews John Braithwaite and James Braithwaite now in America. My niece Sarah Braithwaite alias Dunn eldest daughter and Mary Braithwaite second daughter of brother Isacc Braithwaite. My wife's nephew Joshua Richardson. My three grandchildren Samuel Summers, Braithwaite Summers, Jennet Summers. Mary Braithwaite daughter to my bother Lawrence Braithwaite of London, lately deceased. To Mary Thackery ten pounds sterling. Sarah Broderick ten pounds sterling. John Stoddart twenty pounds sterling. Executors son-in-law Isaac Summers, my friend Thomas Handy, and my wife Sarah. Overseers George Rooke and John Stevens.
In trust for wife my now house in Pimlico held by lives renewable for ever from John Forster, all that house or tenements in Elbow Lane and on the Comb, held forever from Earl of Meath. In trust for niece Sarah Braithwaite, holdings etc. in Cloathworkers Square, Summers Lane in Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, held by lives renewable for ever from Bernard Brown, Esq. To my wife and to Thomas Handy, houses etc. in the Comb in said Liberty commonly know by name of the Gunn, held from the Earl of Meath, also houses, tenements, lands on Pimlico and Braithwaite Street held from Jacob Poole (one house being in possession of John Nixon). To three grandchildren premises in Meath Street and Earl Street lately purchased from Amos Strettle, premises in New Market from Earl of Meath. To grandson Braithwaite Summers my holdings in Fordhams Alley. To my granddaughter Jennet Summers house and lands in Poole Street. To my nephew John Braithwaite my holding near Palmerstown wihc I hold from Roger Tuttle. To Isaac Summers the little house in Crealeys yard, which I hold by lease from William Moore. To grandson Samuel Summers all my houses and lands in Dolphins Barn alias Killpenny held from James Maddin, three houses in Bolton Street held from Luke Gardiner. £50 to build charity houses or workhouses for the poor Friends of the people called Quakers. £100 towards printing Friends books.
  Dated 24 April 1727. Proved in Prerogative Court 5.8.1728.
  Witnesses: Joseph Sanders, Will French, Henry Buckley.
33 Bramery, John, Cole's Alley, Liberty of Thomas Court, linen waver.
  My sister Mary Owens wife of William Owens. Her son James Wood. Her daughter Elizabeth Toms, wife of William Toms. My brother-in=law Jonathan Fletcher, cordwainer, and his son Jonathan. My cousin Mary Pollock. Henry Astick, linen weaver, executor. John Soddart of Meath Street.
To my son William Bramery, a minor, my right ritle etc. in my now house in Cole's Alley ... as I hold same by lease from Henry Buckley late of this city, deceased, and right title etc. in my holding of ground with buildings, edifices, etc. in and near Garden Lane, alias, Dungcombs Lane in the suburbs of Dublin, as I hold same from my said brother Jonathan Fletcher, except the house afronting the said Lane being part of the said holding in the possession of Peter Deacon. To my daughter Mary Christy, now wife of Thomas Christy, the above house fronting the Lane. To my said son William all my looms and utensils. Executors Jonathan Fletcher, and Henry Astick.
  Dated 9 April 1739
  Witnesses: Hugh Sheal, Joseph Phillips, and John Studdart.
34 Bramery, William, linen weaver.
  To my son William Bramery leases in Co. Down, except interest in quarter part of lease of cloth mill in Moyallen, Co. Down, and holding in Garden Lane near Francis Street, Dublin, subject to £3 per annum to Aunt Mary Owens. To my wife Elinor my silver cup and yellow fourpost standing bed and bedding and residue with son. My cousin Elizabeth Tomes, wife of William Tomes. To Jonathan Fletcher, senior, of Garden Lane, linen weaver, £5 and £5.5.0. remitted. Isaac Fletcher, son of Jonathan Fletcher, late of Meath Street, deceased. John and William Tomes, sons of said Elizabeth Tomes. Executors Eleanor Sheldon, of Meath Street and Nicholas Cheator of Dame Street, tallow chandler.
  Dated 14 May 1751. Proved in Prerogative Court 23.3.1751
  Witnesses: Joseph Brown, of Love Lane, near Dolphin Barn Lane, tanner, Henry Astick of Cole Alley, linen-weaver, John Katherns, Notary Public.
35 Breatherick, Thomas, Dublin, clothier
  Whereby said Thomas Breatherick assigns to his friends Anthony Sharp and George Nowland, Dublin, clothiers, all his goods, substance, leases etc. in trust for use of said Thomas Breatherick for life and after his decease for use of his wife Sarah "and our two children"; his daughter Mary is to get one third part of his estate on marriage, the other one third is for his son Thomas, when 21 years.
  Dated 15 April 1702
  Witnesses: J. Harrington, Thomas Slead, George Rooke
Inventory of Thomas Breaderick 4 May 1702, appraised by James Hague, Christopher Kenion [?Kernon], Joseph Frith, Tho. Devett. Valuations of furniture and household goods, e.g. "a feather bedd bedstead green rug green curtains and counterpn. of closerge 2 blanketts one boulster two pillows £7.0.0." "Ten payer sheets at 6s.p.pr. £3." Woollen yarn, broadcloth, serges etc. Short list of debts due.
36 Britten, John, Dublin yeoman, late of Coolroe, Co. Wexford.
  To my wife Susannah Britten (executor) my lands of Coolroe for life. After her decease said lands to my only son John Britten. To  my said son John my house, shop and two gardens in occupation of William Evans in Butchers Row, Cirencester, Gloucester. If said son dies without issue said lands of Coolroe and premises etc. in Cirencester to Joseph Thomas, tanner, Samuel Clarridge, merchant, Thomas Ashton, glover, Roger Roberts, innholder, all of Dublin, to dispose of rents to poor people called Quakers. To said son John £70 when 21 years. My brother-in-law William Greg, his wife and children. To Josiah Gunson, Dublin weaver, "my small fowling peece." Anthony Sharp, Dublin, merchant, Henry Verman, Askesillagh, Co. Wexford, yeoman and said Josiah Gunson, executors.
  Dated 9 Nov. 1695. Proved by Susanna Britten 2 Jan. 1695 in Prerogative Court.
  Witnesses: Jos. Goodman, Mary Liddell, Saml. Tyrrell, senior.
Whereas Susana Britten married James Peirson and died in the 12th month last the trustees agreed, 18 April 1701, "that James Peirson receive the rents and improve the lad's estate" and have £15 per annum for his maintenance out of John Britten's estate "till the lad is fit to put out an apprentice."
37 Brookfield, Henry, the younger, Dublin, tanner.
  My wife Esther Brookfield, (enceinte), my daughters Elizabeth Brookfield and Mary Brookfield, minors. Executor my brother William Brookfield, of Cork Street, tanner. Overseers my kinsman Joseph Inman of Pimlicoe, clothier, and Isaac Summers f the same, merchant.
  Dated 30 Nov. 1728. Proved in Consistorial Court 1729
  Witnesses: Arthur Gordon, Simon Walsh, John Stoddard.
Inventory taken 9,10 and 11 Dec. 1728 by Samuel Paine, James Johnston, Bartholomew Dignum. Lists with valuations total and per yard of worsteds, cloths, etc. in shop and looms etc. and valuations of household goods. Debts owing and debts due.
38 Brookfield, Sarah
  "To my brother's daughters," to Sarah Burnett, alias Piper, one guinea, to Jane Burnett, two guineas. To my grandson Joseph Inman £5. To my grandchildren Sarah and Daniel Cowman £5 each. To my grandchildren by Samuel and Elizabeth Russell £5 each. To my daughter Elizabeth Russell all my interest in my house in Dolphins Barn Lane. My share in the ship of which Henry Piper is now Master. Executor my son-in-law Samuel Russell.
  Dated 10 March 1741
  Witnesses: Robert Wickham, Isbell Busbey
39 Brown, William, Killuring, Co. Wexford
  To be buried in the burial place of the People called Quakers near Lambstowne. My wife Elizabeth Brown. To Elizabeth Arnall a bed, bedding and £20, same to Eleanor Arnall, provided they marry with consent of my executors. As Mary Lendon alias Arnall hath married altogether without my consent £5 provided her husband settle it for her use. To Thomas Handy of Newcastle £3. To William Sandwicth of Ballenecarick £7, to Hannah Sandwith his wife a giney. My friends said William Sandwith and Thomas Handy executors.
  Witnesses: Ann Wilkison, Charles Kavanagh, John Haply
William Sandwith states that his friend William Brown a little before his death desired him to allow Ann Kerley £5 as a toke of his love.
40 Budd, John, Dublin, baker
  To my wife Elizabeth reversion of house, ground, buildings etc. in Thomas Court held from Alderman Nathaniel Pearson for 99 years. Right title and interest in house in Thomas Court, now in possession of John Beans, baker. To my nephew William Budd, son of late brother Thomas Budd, £3 and wearing Apparel. Nephews Peter, Samuel, John, brothers of above £1 each, and to nephew Thomas brother of above debts forgiven and no more. To my niece Mary Benson, or her children if any living, £2.10. My niece Grace Macoy, daughter of my late brother William Budd, or her children if any living. Kinsman Thomas Biker, son of Robert Biker, of Dublin, reversionary rights after death to Elizabeth Budd. To Susannah Jessop, daughter of Andrew Jessop, deceased and Anne Sharpley, daughter of Simon Sharlpley, £1.3.0 each after decease of Elizabeth Budd. Peter Judd, chandler, and Robert Biker to receive rents of property in Cole Lane, alias Alley (now in possession of John Deaves or his under tenants - and now held from Benjamin Mead by lease of lives forever) for the use of my nephew Joseph Budd, son of my said brother William Budd. Executors Peter Judd and Robert Biker.
  Dated 21 Sept 1732. Proved in Consistorial Court 4 June 1734.
  Witnesses: William Thorndale, Richard Bibby, James Carrol.
41 Bule [Bull], Ann1 Dublin, widow.
  To John Pack (Pash) son of my niece Ann Pack £500 when 21 years or on marriage. Ann Pash the younger daughter of my said niece and sister of said John Pash (Paish) £400 when 21 or on marriage. My neice Mary Bruster, alias Empsy, sister of said Ann Paish. My old servant Edy Salmon, To Margaret Versquoile £10. My friend Thomas Taylor, Kolis, Co. Meath, and Anthony Sharp, Dublin, clothiers, executors.

1 Ann Bull's will proved 1698. "Index of Prerogative Wills." Vicars.

  Dated 4 May 1698
  Witness Sam. Bayley, Mary Crane her mark, Phill. Gasteene.
Inventory by Thomas Taylor, debts due to testator and accounts of money paid out by the executors. Not dated, but a note shows that interest on a sum of £100 was calculated "till March 1704."
42 Burnyeat, John, Dublin, died intestate.
  Inventory made 16 Dec. 1690 by Amos Stretle and Peter Fletcher, both of Dublin, administrators for said John Burnyeat's only son Jonathan Burnyeat, now with his uncle Christopher Wilson of Graysouthen, County of Cumberland. Short list of furniture and household goods. Debts owing on bonds. Desperate debts. Ready money, including a rent charge on lands near Kingsaile belonging to Judge Cox and Councellor Suxbury "apraysed" by Christopher Hamerton, Charles Eustace, Thomas Bell, Ja. Peirson. Statement that more household goods and plate and debts due in England "ordered thither by John Burnyeat in his lifetime to the hands of his brother Phillip Burnyeat and Christopher Wilson in the County of Cumberland where it is for the use of Jonathan Burnyeat son of said John Burnyeat." "An account of how the effects of John Burnyeat have been disposed" is followed by a statement dated 1707 "This year Jonathan Burneate was over hear and settled accounts with Amos Strettell the surviving administrator and expressed his satisfaction" ...
43 Burton, John, Meath Street, Dublin, linen weaver.
  To my wife Deborah (enceinte) £100, furniture and goods. To my son John Burton the bed in the big room and chest of drawers and six chairs and a couple of linen looks with the appurtenances. To my son Thomas Burton a bed and two looks. Executors Thomas Strangman, Meath Street, merchant and Thos. Biker, weaver, Meath Street.
  Dated 24th mo. called June 1737. Proved Prerogative Court 5 Jan 1737.
  Witnesses: Michael Rogers, John Chaytor, Edm. Garnett.
Inventory taken 13th 8 mo. 1737 by Thomas Strangman and Thomas Biker. Valuations of contents of shop and house, including spices and spirits etc. 2 oz. tea 8 1/2d. 1/2 wct. soap 11/-; 1 wig 8/-. Debts die and debts owing and disbursements by executors including "a parish cess" 6d. and for taking out probate of the Will £2.3.8.
44 Memorandum that Thomas Burton died 3rd of 3rd month 1684 and making no Will his wife before her second marriage gave a bond for the breeding up his child and for using a portion for it, which bond is in the hand of Thomas Weston of Athy.
45 Bushby, Mary, Edenderry, King's Co.
  To Humphrey Barnes my grandson and John Barnes his brother, minors, £50 each. To Mary Shepard and Elizabeth Nuttle reversion of above. Metthew Williamson my nephew. Executors John Atkinson and Thomas Shepard.
  Dated 4 April 1740
  Witnesses: John Barnes, Jonathan Davies, James Barnes

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