Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
204 | Varman, Henry, of parish of Castlecollis, Co. Wexford, now in the 78th year of age. |
To be buried at our Friends burying
place. My wife Elizabeth executrix. Of £25 due from Joseph Bourd £15 to my grandaughter Mary Varman of Youghal at interest until she is 21 or marry, if if she should decease to my daughter Mary's two youngest children. I leave £15 with my daughter Alice and son Hattill for my granddaughter. Mary Webster when of age or on marriage or else to her two youngest sisters. 5/- each to my two sons Anthony and Henry, £6 to my son Edmund. A bond due by John Dempsey and Watt. Murphy, another from Wm. Colloy and Edmund Bryan. My daughter Charity. My daughter Alice. 30/- per year out of my interest in this town to my daughter Mary's two children, 30/- per annum to Temperance Deaves, £1 per annum to my daughter Elizabeth, £1 per annum for my son Hattill's two children. |
Dated 19th day of 5th month called July 1708. | |
Witnesses: Alice Deaves, Hattill
Varman. £20 to remain at use with my daughter Alice Law for her to give to my daughter Jane's children when they are of age or marry. F.6.42 |