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  Quaker Records Dublin - Abstracts of Wills

Quaker Records Dublin

Abstracts of Wills

46 Carter, Nicholas, Dublin, bricklayer.
  To my daughter Rebekah Rutter, wife of Thomas Rutter, all my interest in holdings of ground, houses, etc. on south side of Colledge Street leased from John Roberts, now in possession of John Rodmore, and mortgaged to Caleb Emerson, and houses etc. on Mercers Dock, leased from Dabiel Bewley, timber merchant. The reversion of these two properties to go to the children born and unborn of Rebakah Rutter. To my son Nicholas Carter £5 and no more, to my son Nathaniel Carter £5 and no more. To my nephew Job Brooks £5. To my granddaughter Mary Sheriden title and interest in ground, houses and tenements in Dolphins Barn which I hold by mortgage from her father William Sheridan. To my daughter Elizabeth Carter all the residue. Executors Elizabeth Carter and Thomas Rutter. Overseers Daniel Bewley and Francis Russell, both of Dublin, merchants.
  Dated 11 Feb. 1732/33
  Witnesses: John Carlile, Thomas Ingles, John Stoddart.
Inventory (giving date of death as May 14 1733) taken at request of Mrs Elizabeth Carter and Mr. Thomas Rutter, by Wm. Scriven. Valuations of furnishings of 7 rooms, kitchen, staircase and three garrets, contents of yard and of houses and warehouses in Crow Street. Lists of leases, bonds, bills and notes, debts due and debts owing. Witnessed by Robert Sisson and Edward Williams.
47 Chamberlain, Elijah, Chester, gent
  Body to be buried at our burying ground Newton in the County of Chester. To Joseph Madock, son of old Joseph Madock, late of Coldblow near Dublin, £30. To the Blue Coat Hospital of Dublin £60.
To my cousin Benjamin Birder of London, baker, and his brother Henry £20 apiece. To my cousin Boston, at the Sign of the Swan in Sue Lane, London, if living £30, or if dead same to his wife. To my brother-in-law Henry Harris of Deptford near London £50 if living, and if dead to his wife. To Widow Cox late wife of Thomas Cox, late of July Street, Southwark, London, £30. To the Poor of Parish of Oxford Chiney near Huntingdon £15 to be paid in such manner as Vicar and Churchwardens shall judge proper. To my cousin John Birder, taylor, of London, if living £20, if dead to be paid to his son. To the care of Mary Leadbeater, late wife and now widow of Peter Leadbeater of Chester, for her granddaughter Mary Leadbeater £20, and to Peter Leadbeater and Edward Leadbeater, sons of my friend Peter Leadbeater, £20 each. To Vicar and Churchwardens of parishes of St. Michael and St. Bridgets in Chester £10 each to be distributed among poor Housekeepers of each parish. To William Dixon, Chester, attorney at law £20. Arabella Bennett, Chester, widow. Joseph Chamberlain, Chester, grocer. To John Hayes, near Christlington, Co. Chester, farmer, £10. To People called Quakers of Newtown, Cheshire, £10. Elizabeth Russell, widow of Thomas Russell, Dublin, linen draper, Thomas Russell, son of above. Residue to be divided among such 'person or persons of my kindred as shall be legally entitled to them' Sole executor Thomas Hough, of Sutton in Co. of Chester.
  Dated 20 Feb 1755
  Witnesses: John Wright, John Bennett, Thomas Quesliam. Codicil dated 5 Aug 1755, naming William Dixon, son of above named William Dixon as a beneficiary and also as an executor.
48 Chamberlain, Jonas, Little Killiaine, Co. Wexford.
  To be buried at Friends burying place at Cerlekin [Corlican]. To my wife Ann Chamberlain the whole benefit of my lease of Little Killiane and all goods and chattels for life, said lease then to my sons Will and Joshua Chamberlain, they paying their brother Jonas Chamberlain £20. To Ann Kerby one third of my goods and chattels, one third to Susanna Berry and remaining third between said Will and Joshua Chamberlain, said sons to perfect a lease to Joseph Berry, for the lands he now holds from me in Little Killiane, and to pay my son Jonas Chamberlain's children or the survivor of them £5 when of age of on marriage. My friends Hen. Hillary, Will Sandwith and Tho. Handy overseers and trustees. Linard Kerby executor.
  Dated 10 Oct. 1695.
  Witnesses: Daniel Fossey, Tho. Miller, Morres Douglas, Ann Miller.
49 Chambers, John, Dublin merchant.
  Indenture whereby John Chambers granted to Abel Strettell and Thomas Wilcox both of Dublin, merchants, all his goods and effects upon trust to hold to them for use of said John Chambers for his lifetime and then subject to payment of his debts half for his wife Mary Chambers and the other half for such child or children as may then be alive. £20 to Jane Forbes alias Chambers mother to said John Chambers.
  Dated 18 Feb 1706
  Witnesses: John Elliott, Thomas Merefield, Thomas Sisson, notary public.
Endorsed on back of said Deed: Thomas Wilcocks a trustee within named is lately dead and by his last will appointed James Forbes, Dublin, merchant, one of his executors. Said John Chambers intended to constitute said James Forbes one of his trustees in the room of said Thomas Wilcocks but died before the same was done. James Forbes at the request of said Mary Chambers widow of said John Chambers consents to act. 19 April 1714
Inventory of John Chambers "who departed this life at his own house in Dublin the 24th March 1713/14" appraised by Tho. Robins and Pat. Forbes. Valuations of tobaccos in the warehouse (cut tobacco neat subtil at from 16d. to 10d. per pound, Flat Blew at 11d. and 6d., ordinary at 8d., milled stalkes at 3d.) cutting engine, presses etc. Shop goods, tobacco, haberdashery (tapes threads, etc.) groceries,  (14lb. rice 2/6, mace at 17s. lb., cloves 9/- lb., alspice 10d. lb., nutmegs 9/- lb., snuff 12d. lb, loaf sugar 9d. lb.). List of "Good debts due." "Desperate debts due" to John Chambers in company with Francis Russell two thirds £20.
50 Claridge, Samuel.
  Indenture made 8 Feb 1704 whereby Samuel Claridge, of Dublin, merchant, conveys all his real and personal estate to Anthony Sharp, Dublin, clothier, Thomas Ashton of same, glover, and George Savell of same, get, for ever in trust for special uses, that is for the use of said Samuel Claridge for his lifetime and then for the following purposes: House in Meath Street, wherein John Armstrong now dwells, to use of Benjamin Claridge son of said Samuel Claridge. House in Meath Street now in possession of Richard McGuire, to use of Mary Strettell, Abel Strettell and Lydia Strettell, grandchildren of said Samuel Claridge. If they all die before they attain respective ages of 21 year or be married said premised to the use of their mother Lydia Strettell, wife of Abel Strettell of Dublin, merchant. House in Meath Street now in possession of John Roche to use of Anna Roberts, otherwise Claridge, wife of Isaac Roberts, Dublin, merchant. Lands and rents payable out of houses on west side of Meath Street, (purchassed from Sir Anthony Percy, Knt., deceased) the use of Jane Claridge wife of said Samuel for life. Lands, houses and ground rents in Earle Street (otherwise Yea and Nay Street) suburbs of Dublin, to be sold. £100 to Abel Strettell in trust for his three children the said Mary, Abel and Lydia Strettell. £100 to said Isaac Roberts in trust for Mary and Anna Roberts his children (both under 21 and unmarried). Mary Nicholas, Joana Nicholas, Elizabeth Dunn, Ann Dunn and Katherine Dunn, the said Jane Claridge's children. by her two former husbands. Mary Andridge daughter of Frances Claridge otherwise Andridge deceased the late wife of said Samiel. Grace Clements otherwise Andridge another daughter of said Frances Claridge otherwise Andridge. Remainder of personal estate in trust for said Benjamin Claridge, Lydia Strettell otherwise Claridge and Anna Roberts equally to be divided. His friend George Merefield, Dublin, scrivener, to be attorney for Samuel Claridge.
Schedule of Samuel Claridge's household goods, plate, houses, ground debts owing by mortgages, bonds and all other his personal estate. This shows that the three Meath Street houses and ground in Earl Street (otherwise Yea and Nay Street) were held by leases from Edward Earl of Meath.
No Inventory
  Witnesses: John Miller, John Cambie, Lewis Lord, George Merefield
51 Clibborn, George, Moatgrenoge, Westmeath
  My brother Joshua, of the Moate, executor. To sister Ann Clubborn £40 to be paid on marriage. Sister Jane Fuller. To couseen Mary Fuller £20 upon marriage. Brother Abraham Fuller. My sister Mary Sawyer's first child. To my dear Father [John] "the sum of five pounds to buy him a horse withall." To my dear mother [Margaret] £5. To sister Ann filly on the lands of Clanlonanhil. Trustees my father and Isaac Fuller.
  Dated 23 Dec. 1693
  Witnesses: George Damsell, Abraham Mullnor, Mary Gill
Inventory drawn up 22 Dec. 1693 by said George Clibborn. Valuations of cattle, horses, crops. Sums due, e.g. 74 head of cattle between Brother Joshua and I, the half valued at £47.19.9. 16 yearlings at the Halle of my owne, £13.12.0. 7 cows betwixt my father and me, the half valued at £7.0.0. Due for the milk and calfs of the said cows at May next £2.10.0. Due from tenants [not named] of the Upper Woods £3.13.9. 25 acres of winter corn, the half valued at £25.0.0.
52 Cooper, William, Ballintrane, Co. Carlow
  My brother Edward Cooper of Newtown and my friend James Lackey of Ballykelley, executors. To 'nefue' Tom Cooper son to my brother Edward Cooper my interest in lease of half the town and lands of Ballylehane, Queen's Co. To my cousin John Cooper my interest in the farm I took in Co. Wexford [situation not mentioned] which his father has now in his possession. £50 to my cousin Thos. Gething for his children, £20 to his son John Gething, and the remaining £30 betwixt his other children. £5 to my two cousins Thomas and Joseph Harvey. £5 to my cousin Annesly Tucker's children. £5 to Jane Corfoll, daughter of Thos. Corfoll. £5 to friends of Killconner Meeting to repair the meeting house. To my cousin John Eveess's children that he had by my cousin Elizabeth Butler deceased £10 each at interest to be paid at age or on marriage. To cousin Tom Wattson a black mare. To my sister Ann Cooper my gray mare. Residue to be divided between my brother Edward Cooper's children, my brother-in-law Joseph Butler's children that he had by my sister Mary deceased. My friend Thomas Park of Ballintrane, John Lackey of Staplestown and Samuel Wattson of Killconner overseers of Will.
  Dated 9 Dec. 1713
  Witnesses: James Cormock, John Craig, John Smith.
53 Coppock, John, Dublin, merchant,"designing suddenly for England."
  To my wife Sarah Coppock furniture, plate etc. and the house in Meath Street wherein I dwell. To my daughter Anna Coppock furniture of her own room and two silver canns one marked I:C: the other A:C:, the next adjoining house now in possession of Isaac Glaswell, also my houses and tenements situate in Ormond Street and Cork street, now in the possession of the executors of James Green, deceased, and one lease of a house on Ellis's Quay. To my sister Elizabeth Coppock 20/-. Executors Joseph Fade and Henry Pemberton, of Dublin, merchants.
  Dated 28 June 1730
  Witnesses: Isaac Gladwell, Joseph Gill, junior, and Loyalty Hewitt.
54 Cowman, Daniel, Dublin tallow chandler.
  To my executors my holdings and interests in James Street and Palmerstown in trust for my son Daniel Cowman (under 21) failing him and his issue for my daughter Sarah Cowman (under 21). My brother-in-law Samuel Russell. The children [not named] of my brothers Jermy Cowman, Joseph Cowman, Nathan Cowman. My sisters Jane Cowman otherwise Bibby and Mary Cowman otherwise Piper. Executors Samuel Russell of the Upper Combe, clothier, and Francis Johnston, Dublin, merchant.
  Dated 5 Dec 1741. Proved Prerogative Court 21 Dec. 1741
  Witnesses: Robt. Gill, John Beckett, Jno. Kathrens, notary public.
Inventory dated 7 to 16 Jan. 1741/2. Valuations ok kelp, ashes, candle yarns, soap, candles, household goods and furniture. Goods in workshop, tallow loft, mould loft and brew house. Lists of debts includes £8.3.1. paid by James Nicholson for two pieces linen sent to America.
55 Cullimore, Daniel,  Cork, merchant
  To be buried in the grave of my late wife Sarah. To Abraham Fuller, Ebenezer Pike and Samuel Pike both sons of Richard Pike of Cork, two twentyeth parts of my substance for poor of people called Quakers belonging to the meeting of said city. To Joseph Pool of Growtown, Richard Goff of Hoartown and Richard Davis of Lambstowne, Co. Wexford, as trustees, two twentyeth of my substance for the poor people called Quakers belonging to the meeting of Lambstown. To the younger children of my late sister Mary Valentine deceased three twentyeth part of my substance equally divided and paid when respectively of age. To the children of niece Sarah wife of Joseph White, cordwainer, Waterford, one twentyeth part (ditto). To my brother John Cullimore one twentyeth part1 To my landlord Samuel Hoare, merchant in London, four twentyeth part of my substance in token for my gratitude for his friendship and kindness to me (and executors) Elisha Ferris and James Ellis son of John Ellis of Cork City, equally between them, they paying £4 a year for like to Margaret Taylor my late servant and sum of £20 to Thomas Vereker, £10 to John Healy, £10 to my servant Ellen Donovan.

1 Betham's abstract of this Will at the Genealogical Office shows also Isaac Cullimore nephew to Daniel Cullimore.

  Dated 11 April 1760
  Witnesses: Mathew Church, Daniel Gibbs.

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