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  Quaker Records Dublin - Abstracts of Wills

Quaker Records Dublin

Abstracts of Wills

57 Davis, Martha, Backlane, Dublin
  To Captain Simon Anyon of Blacklane £10, if living. To Isabel Roddom my mother the residue.
  Dated 25 Aug. 1724. Proved in Prerogative Court 22 Aug. 1728
  Witnesses: Pat Ewing, Richard Pue
58 Deane, Joseph, Dublin, shearman.
  To my wife Abigail daughter of Thomas Chanders on third of my substance. To my son Joseph which I had by my former wife Sarah one third. To my daughter Mary and Abigail's child to be born remaining one third between them. To Martha Helme my daughter-in-law £100. To Ellen Atherton £100. My wife Abigail Deane and my son Joseph Deane executors. My friends John Steevens, Thomas Bole and Joseph Inman overseers.
  Dated 20 June 1694. Proved in Prerogative Court 28 June 1694.1

1 The date is incorrect. Administration was granted to the widow Abigail and son Joseph 26 Oct. 1694. (Genealogical Office MS. 231, p.218, Betham, and MS. 281, p. 35, Fisher)

  Witnesses: Ringan Trotter, Walter Edwards, John Edwards.
Inventory appraised by John Andrews, John Steevens, Ringan Trotter, Christopher C. Kenyon. Exhibited in Prerogative Court 21 Nov. 1695. Valuations of furniture and household goods, linen (plate, "43 ounces troy at 5s. ounce." yard 8d. per pound, "mixt drawn wool" 18d. pound). Articles in the shop and shear shop (e.q. "9 pairs of sheers £9," "one broad Loomb at George Scotts £1, one narrow Robert Archer has 15/-"). Stocks of materials giving prices per yard (e.g. farrendine 15d., crape 1s., hair prunella 2s., cloth serge 20d., mixt serge 18d., barrateene 2s. 6d.), frize, camblet, satinesco, broadcloth, druggett, tammy, etc. One eight part of ship called The Unity and a cargo £160. One new house in Meath Street and imporvements £100. Jer. Dobson's house set him. "Goods in Barbadoes not knowne." Lists of Debts Desperate.
59 Deane, Joseph, Dublin, clothier.
  My wife Jane Deane executor. My three children John, Abigail and Mary. My sister Mary Kelly. My friends John Stevens, John Deaves, both of Dublin, executors. Overseers "fathers" John Boles, James Johnson.
  Dated 25 Oct. 1724.
  Witnesses: Soloman Watson, William Winsloe, and William Rodgers.
Inventory undated and unsigned, giving valuations of pieces of cloth in shop, e.g. broad cloth at prices from 2/10 to 14/3 per yard. Valuations of household furnoture and of tools, e.g. sorting board and bench for wool 4/-, teazles £1.8.0., tenters £10. Lists of debts due to and by Joseph Deane.
60 Denton, Daniel, Meath Street, liberty of Thomas Court, Dublin, carpenter
  Deed of settlement dated 17 May 1700 whereby said Daniel Denton assigns to his friends James Pearson, Meath Street, tailor and George Nowland, of same, clothier, his real and personal estate in trust; to hold the said trustees for the use of said Daniel Denton for his life and thereafter to pay his debts, funeral expenses and money legacies to the following persons; my daughter Mary Denton, my cousin Rebekah Marsh. To my cousin Mary Wornell 13/- and no more. To my cousin Mary Wornell the elder 40/-. My cousin Ann Burch. My brother John Denton. All residue equally between my brother Caleb Denton and sister Elizabeth Carny. My working tools to my apprentice Thomas Parsons.
  Witnesses: Thomas Parsons, Alice Loyd, Mary Greene, Thomas Banckes.
No Inventory. Short summary of accounts only. Caleb Denton was paid £7.13.2. his moyety.
61 Duckett, Thomas, Phillipstown, Co. Carlow
  My estate and interest in town and lands of Phillipstown, Barony of Rathvilly, Co. Carlow and Ardnatrue [?Ardnehue] and Kneestown, Barony Carlow, said County to my son John Duckett of Newtown, Co. Kildare. I am indebted to executors of Joseph Harvey late of Ballyhacket, Co. Carlow, for £48, I therefore give my cousin Henry Harvey (when 21 years), son of said Joseph Harvey, the full benefit of my holding in that part of the town and lands of Ballyhackett commonly called the old town of Ballyhackett which I hold by lease from and for the life of Joshua Paul of Bough, said County, Esq.  Should said Henry Harvey die before expiration of said lease the lease to my grandson Willm. Duckett, second son of said John Duckett with remainder in tail male. To said grandson Willm. Duckett that part of the lands of Ballyhackett commonly called the Mole or land of Ballyhackett now in my possession by lease from Joshua Paul. To the children of Thomas Russell, Dublin, linen draper, by Elizabeth Russell alias Duckett, my eldest daughter his now wife, £1,000 amongst them when of age, the sons when 21 years, the daughters when 18 years. To Mary Hutchinson, Jane Hutchinson, Thomas Hutchinson, and John Hutchinson, of Knockballymagher, Co. Tipperary by Ann Hutchinson, alias Duckett, my second daughter his now wife, £50 each, to the sons when 21 years, to the daughters when 18 years. To the four children of Robert Sealy of Waterford, merchant by Jane Sealy, alias Duckett his wife £20 each, to the sons when 21 years, the daughters when 18 years. To "my granddaughter Elizabeth Pike granddaughter to Elizabeth Stephens, my late wife" £20 when 18 years. £5 to poor in neighbourhood of Carlow. All residue to son, said John Duckett, sole executor.
  Dated 18 Jan. 1732. Registered in the Prerogative Court, Dublin.
  Witnesses: Thomas Brown, James Price, Thomas McNabb.
62 Dugan, Jeremy, Church Street, suburbs of city of Dublin, glover.
  Whereby the said Jeremy Dugan grants to Amos Strettell and Edward Webb of Dublin, linen drapers, all brass, pewter, bedding, linen, gloves, skins and all sorts of glovers ware and tools for making gloves and all estate and effects. To hold my use during my lifetime and then subject to payment of my debts and funeral expenses to pay five shillings each only to my three brothers John Dugan, Thomas Dugan, and James Dugan, and my sisters Elizabeth FitzGerald and Sarah Rourke. All residue to sole use of my wife Margaret Dugan.
  Dated 13 Sept. 1703.
  Witnesses: Paulet Logan, George Merefield, Thomas Sisson, notary public.

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