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Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
66 | Indenture dated 10 Jan. 1700 whereby James Fade, the
elder, Dublin, linen draper, granted to John Page, Dublin, alderman,
James Mitchell of same, merchant, Thomas Ashton , of Cavan Street,
Dublin, glover, Abraham Fuller of Lehinch, King's Co., farmer,
Samuel Clarridge, Dublin, merchant, and Anthony Sharp, Dublin,
merchant, all his said James Fade's real1 and
personal estate. To hold them from day next before the day of the
date of these presents for one year. 1 The lands etc. detailed are the same as those in the indenture dated 11 Jan. 1700. |
Witnesses: Edmund Grayton, George Benfeild, Jno. Blackwell,
Thomas Cooke, notary public. D.4.160 |
Indenture dated 11 Jan. 1700 whereby James Fade, the
elder, Dublin, linen draper, granted to the above mentioned
grantees, as trustees, all his real and personal estate, viz. houses
etc in St. George's Lane and Little Butter Lane, Dublin, in tenure
of Col. Theodore Russell and Col. Wentworth Harman; in Bride's Alley
and in Patrick Street near and without the walls of said city of
Dublin, now or lately in possession of Edward Mercer, Samuel Taylor,
Jacob Hall, Richard Morgan, Susannah Redman widow, Henry Clayton and
Mary Hodder, and the mills, malt houses, dwellinghouse etc. in
Bride's Alley now or late in the tenure or occupation of Sarah Fade,
widow of James Fade the younger deceased, son of said James Fade the
elder; part of a dwellinghouse, malt house etc. now in possession of
Thomas Gavin, held under James Fade the elder, and Bernard Brown,
Dublin, Esquire, and five houses etc. in Bride's Alley in possession
of Richard Sealey and Richard Chesterman or their undertenants; also
a house in Bride's Alley; part of two houses in Bride's Alley held
by Wm. Bennett; part of a house in Birde's Alley in possession of
Phillip Ware; a house in Bride's Alley in possession of Abraham
Parker; a house in Bride's Alley in possession of James Allen; a
house in Bride's Alley wherein John Devitt now dwells, two houses in
Bride's Alley one in possession of John Buck, the other of Katherine
Lynch; one house joining Nicholas Gate not in possession of Daniel
Hitchcock, a house next adjoining in the holding of Christopher
Marshall, and the next adjoining house in the possession of Rose
Cheshire and her undertenants; a parcel of ground in Bride's Alley
in tenure of John Hannah; five houses in Bride's Alley at the back
of the mill there now in tenure of George Richardson or his
undertenants; one tenement commonly called the Lord O'Bryan's Arms
in Patrick Street in possession of said Bernard Brown or his
undertenants; a moyety of the houses, malthouses, etc. in Patrick
Street set to Edward Mercer, William Mandevill and Robert Gibson by
said James Fade; one moyety of two houses in New Street, Dublin in
tenure of Katherine Johnston, widow; three houses in Great Butter
Lane and Cavan Street, now or late in possession of Christian Borr
and his undertenants and one other house in Great Butter Lane late
in possession of said James Fade; farm, lands etc held by lease
under Edward Earl of Meath in Co. Dublin, commonly called Cullenwood
Farm, now in the holding of Robert Williams, Martin Gregory,
Thomas Gavin, and Robert Gibson or their assignees; two houses in
William Street, Dublin, formerly in possession of John Newby now in
possession of Lewis James and Hanniball Hall; a piece of ground in
Stephen's Green, Dublin "being the twenty-first lott," the
dwellinghouse thereon erected and now in possession of Henry Ware,
Esq.; houses, malthouses etc., near Young's Castle near the city of
Dublin, now or late in possession of William Wrane, brewer; one
messuage in Wine Tavern Street, called the Pellican now in
possession of Bernard Brown, Esq., or his undertenants; three houses
in Cook Street, in the possession of said Bernard Brown or his
undertenants, and one house in possession of ... Howard; one house
in Cook Hill in possession of said Bernard Brown or his undertenants;
house in Skinner Row, Dublin, now or late in possession of said
Bernard Brown. To hold all said real estate and personal estate for use of said James Fade the elder for his lifetime and after his death subject to the payment of his debts, funeral expenses, and special objectsl; £100 per annum to Joshua Wilcock till £400 be paid in lieu of his wife's portion, £50 to Issachar Wilcock son of said Joshua, when 21 years, (Elizabeth, wife of said Joshua Wilcock and daughter of said James Fade). £4 per annum to William Fade son on said James Fade. 20 shillings to Cecilia Richardson daughter of James Fade. All remainder to Joseph Fade son of said James Fade. |
Witness: Edmund Gayton, Goerge Benfeild, Jno. Blackwell, Thomas
Cook, notary public. Schedule of debts owing by James Fade. D.4.163 |
James Fade, senior, Dublin, linendraper, states that about a month last past be deed "did settle all my real and personal estate in the Kingdom of Ireland" ... "I the said James Fade ... grant unto my loving son Joseph Fade, of the city of Dublin, linen draper, all my right ... to anything in said deed of settlement mentioned." | |
Dated 25 March 1701. | |
Witnesses: Mortimer Mathias, Walter Birdsmore, junior, Anthony
Harrison. D.4.169 |
67 | Fade, Joseph, Dublin, merchant. |
To my sister Elizabeth Willcocks, widow,
£100 and silver tankard. To her daughter Elizabeth Huband £50, to
her son Thomas Willcocks £50, to her granddaughter Elizabeth
Griffits £50. To my niece Elizabeth Dawson with reversion to her son
in the event of her death to her husband Benjamin Dawson, my estate
and lands in the Co. Wicklow known as the two Brittass, with the sub
denomination thereof lately purchased by mew from the Earl of Ross,
and residue of plate. To my grandniece Sarah Fade Summers otherwise
Dawson interest etc. in lease renewable for ever made to me by
Edward late Earl of Meath, of ground and concerns in Dolphins Barn
Lane and Marrowbone Lane. To my grand-nephew Benjamin Dawson £500.
To my niece Mary Goff £500 and to her son Joseph Goff £500 and to
her daughter Hannah Goff and to her son Fade Goff £400 each and to
her daughters Mary Goff and Elizabeth Goff £300 each and to her
youngest son Jacob Goff £300. Also to Mary Goff my shell punch bowl
and ladle ribbed with silver. To my niece Hannah Harris and her
children £200. To my kinsman Shedrack Richardson house he now lives in in Little Butter Lane, Dublin, also £10 and £10 to each of his children. To my kinsman Abraham Fuller, merchant in Cork, £200 and to his father Benjamin Fuller, (my kinsman) of Dublin £10 per annum and to his daughters Elizabeth and Martha Atkinson and his son Benjamin Fuller, daughter Ann Fuller and son Joseph Fuller £50 each. To my kinsman Isaac Ashton of Cavan Street, Dublin, remission of money owing. To St. Stephens Hospital £200 to endow bed. To Blewcoat Hospital £100. To Anthony Richardson now in above, son of George Richardson, £20 to apprentice him and £30 later. To Abraham Fuller and John Bell, clerks at the Glib Bank £100 each. To my kinsman Joseph Falkiner remission of debt and to his wife Deborah Falkiner £20 and £10 to each of her children. To Richard Richardson of Castle Market, Dublin, butcher, £20. To every child of George Richardson late of Dublin £10. Ann Fuller, daughter of Joseph Fuller of Dublin, and his son Joseph Fuller. To George Moore, public notary and to his mother and sister £50. To Joseph Fade of Dublin, linen draper, £50. To George Barnes, Doon, Queen's Co., remission of part debt. Ann Barnes "who now lives with me" £15 per annum and furnishings, in recognition of faithful service and of disablement by accident. To my servant Grace Sykes and to her daughter Jane £5 each. To my servants Christopher Hand Gardiner1 and Catherine Dowan £5 each. To tenant Michael Murray remission of rent on holding in Parish of Killester. To Dorothy Mason daughter of John Mason formerly of Timolin £10 and to her sisters Mary Mason £20, Miriam Mason £10. To my friend Gerrard Hassed of Dublin £5 a year. Eleazor Sheldon and Joseph Tomy both of Dublin £5 each. To Mary Peasly daughter of Peter Peasly £10. Residue to John Dawson aforesaid including interest in the Bank at the Glib. Sole executor John Dawson, grandnephew. 1 Possibly Christopher Hand, gardener. |
Dated 13 Feb. 1747. Proved in Prerogative Court 25 May 1748. | |
Witnesses: Richard Thwaits, Richard Nevill and Ben Johnson. D.5.231 |
68 | Fawcett, Edward, Dublin, liner draper. |
To my son Edward Fawcett, unmarried, all real and personal estate to him and possible children with reversion to child or children of my brother Thomas Fawcett, deceased, and my granddaughter, Hannah Judd, by Peter Judd, deceased. To my daughters Hannah and Sarah, 5/- each and no more because they have been disobedient daughters. Executor son Edward Fawcett. | |
Dated 22 May 1752. | |
Witnesses: Luke Kelley, Robert Stanford and John Lloyd. D.5.250 |
69 | Fayle, Robert, Killowen, King's Co., farmer. |
To my wife Jane Fayle, sole executrix, £549 and household furniture. My children John Fayle, Sarah Fayle, Hannah Fayle, Thomas Fayle, all under age. Overseers my brother John Chamberlain, my brother Joshua Fayle. | |
Dated 26 June, New Stile, 1753. | |
Witnesses: George Mason, John Daly(2) and Joshua Fayle. Inventory taken by George Mason, Joseph Inman, Thomas Bewley, 15 12th month December 1758. Live stock and farm implements, household goods etc. Item 2 pairs sheep shears, books of divers sorts £1.1.0. E.15.40 |
70 | Fayle, Samuel, Tully, Co. Kildare, farmer |
To my wife [Elizabeth] Watson and children1 my
farm of Tully and my farm and freehold in the lands of Courtduff,
Co. Kildare. Executors given power to se lease of farm of "Courduff"
during the minority of my youngest child. Executors by brothers
William Fayle and Richard Fayle and my brother-in-law Thomas Watson. 1 Children shewn in Fayle pedigree, T.H Webb collection, Eustace Street, are Mary, Elinor, William, Thomas and Elizabeth. |
Dated 1 June 1756. | |
Witnesses: Walter WIlliams, Roger Creamer and William Bryan. Inventory, not dated, household, barn and stable furniture. Include 1 chimney piece, hearthstone and fireirons, one ditto without fireirons and one with fender. E.15.34 |
71 | Fetherston, Cuthbert, Ballinamodak, Westmeath |
My wife Elenor Fetherston. My four younger children John, George, Ann and Eline. My disobedient daughter Amy Fetherston. To my apostate daughter Elioner Fetherston because "she and her husband in his life time had by rasping stealing and robbery much of my substance" nothing. My son John Fetherston. Trustees Anthony Robinson, of Kilegonahan, Joshua Clibborn of the Moate, William Louther, Tubor [Tubber], King's Co. To my sons John and George benefit of farm at Ballinamodak after decase of wife. | |
Dated 16 Feb. 1693. | |
Witnesses: Neal Caghiernon, Cathran Dargan, Thomas How. Inventory taken 28th day of 3rd month 1696. Valuations of cattle, horses and "28 sheep and lambs at £9." "7 acres of winter corn at £14.0.0." G.3.49 |
72 | Fletcher, Jonathan, Meath Street, liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, cordwinder. |
To my son Isaac Fletcher (under 21) house and concern in Glibb
in St Thomas Street, Dublin. To my son Jonathan Fletcher (with Isaac
aforesaid) houses and concerns in Garden Lane, that is the house
known as "The Sign of the Black Lyon" now in possession of Peter
Deacon and the house known as the "The Sign of the Golden Ball." All
the residue of my concerns in Garden Lane now held by executors of
John Brammery. To unborn children and to above sons title and interest in house in Dame Street known by "The Sign of the Merry Shepherd" now in possession of Noah Violas, jeweller. To my wife Elizabeth right title etc. to house in Meath Street where I now dwell. To my wife's mother Mary Pollock £20. Executors Henry Astick, Cole Alley, St. Thomas Court, linen weaver, and Edward Stephens, merchant, of same. |
Dated 13 Aug. 1745. Proved Prerogative Court 31 Oct. 1746. | |
Witnesses: Ben Page, Robert Jones, Jno. Kathrens, notary,
Dublin. Inventory, undated, and not signed. Valuations of household and shop goods sold by auction. Lists of debts paid and debts due. D.5.191 |
73 | Fletcher, Peter, Corke Lane, Dublin, tanner |
Indenture dated 7 June 1698 whereby Peter Fletcher of Corke Lane in parish of St. Katherine's in suburbs of city of Dublin, tanner, granted all his read and personal estate upon trust to George Rooke, Meath Street, baker, George Newland, Meath Street, clothier and Amos Strettle, Back Lane, Dublin, linen draper, for his natural life. After his death said trustees are to pay legacies to his eldest brother Lancelot Fletcher, his brother Thomas Fletcher, his sister Jane Fletcher, widow, his sister Mary Robinson, his sister Anna Watson, to James Dickason of Rogeres Scoall, in Cumberland, to Grace Bibby, servant of said Peter Fletcher. All residue to his wife Sarah and their daughter Sarah. | |
Witnesses; Joseph Littledale, Barnard Dungan, Thomas Sisson,
notary public. Account of Peter Fletcher's goods valued 18th of 5th month 1698 by Robert Jackson, Roger Roberts and Richard Towson. Furniture, bedding etc.; pieces of leather, e.g. "179 sole hides tand. and in tanning £153.15.5" "257 calf skins £25.4.9." Among the few debts owed by Peter Fletcher is "Pole tax £1.10.0." D.4.79 |
74 | Flower, Henry, Dublin, Clothier |
Whereby said Henry Flower assigns to his friends Thomas Ashton, glover, and Peter Lewis, joiner, both of Dublin, all his real estate in trust. To hold to said trustees to the use of said Henry Flower for life and after his death to use of said Henry Flower's wife Mary subject to the payment of his debts, funeral expenses, and legacies to the following: to my sister Dorcas Parker, my sister Alice Allons (Allin), my sister Anne Mackanally (McInaley), my nephew Henry Flower (£30 and interest when 21 years or on marriage), my daughter-in-law Anne Heatly (£70 "if she marry amongst friends") my cousin William Barry, "my brother Thomas Barry" (all bonds etc. whereby he is indebted unto said Henry Flower to be cancelled). | |
Dated 24 Dec. 1700. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Burough, Thomas Colason, John Garman. Inventory 6 Feb. 1700 by Thomas Rogers, Christopher Jackson, Samuel Ord. Valuations, not all items in detail, furniture and household goods, pewter, etc. Valuations of stocks of wools, articles in the weaving shop, dying shop and street shop, e.g. "960 fleeces of wool by computation five fleeces to the stone is 192 stone at eleaven shillings p. stone." "Thirty stone of broken cloating wool at eleaven shillings p. stone £122.2.0." "Six stone of base wool at 6s. per stone £1.16.0." "Two stone of coloured wool at £6.8.0." "A whole piece of Ratteen but ordinary 30 yards £2.0.0." "Single searge," "Camblet," "Corleroy" about 6d. yd., "tammy" 15 yds. for 8/- Druggett. Balls of "worstead." Materials "abroad at the callendar," the weavers, the spinners and at the burlers. D.4.100 |
75 | Forbes, Katherine, Eustace Street, Dublin |
To my nephew Alexander Forbes, only son of my late
brother-in-law Alexander Forbes, (late of London, merchant) by by
sister Jane, £400. To my nieces Barbera,
Ann and Katherine Forbes, daughters of above £300 apiece. To my
sister Jane Forbes £300. To my nephew Alexander Forbes, son of my
later brother-in-law, Doctor Samuel Forbes, deceased, £200. To
Katherine Glaister otherwise Forbes, daughter of the Doctor, £400 to
her own sole and separate use without any control of her husband,
and in event of her death before Testatrix same to go to her
children. To Isabella Hill otherwise Forbes, £300 to her or her
children if she is dead. To Catherine Hoope otherwise Forbes, wife
of James Hoope, daughter of my brother-in-law Timothy Forbes, £50. To my nephew Robert Barclay of Ury in North Britain, eldest son of my late eldest brother Robert Barlcay, deceased, £400. To my nephew David Barclay of London, merchant, second son of said brother late Robert Barclay, £100. To my niece Katherine Barclay, daughter of brother Robert £300, and 2 silver porringers and one pair of silver cans. To my grandnieces Elizabeth Doubleday and Prudence Doubleday, daughters of my niece Mollison Strettel, £50 each. To my brother David Barclay of London, linen draper, £100, Alexander Barclay his second son, now in Pennsylvania, £200, and Katherine Barclay his daughter, now wife of Daniel Bell, junior, of Tottenham near London, £400, with remainder to her children. To my nephew John Barclay, son of my late brother John Barclay, Dublin, £300, my largest silver tankard and one dozen silver table spoons and my largest silver salver marked I.B. and my largest pair silver candlesticks, and one pair silver snuffers and a silver snuff dish. To my niece Experience Clibborn otherwise Barclay, wife of James Clibborn of the Moate of Granogue, eldest daughter of my said brother John Barclay, deceased, £200; to Barclay Clibborn her eldest son £100 and to James, Joshua, Ann and Sarah Clibborn, her other children, all under age, each £50. To Ann Barclay second daughter of late brother John £300 and gold watch chain seal and outside case of watch and silver coffee pot, silver lamp and dish, gold enamelled buckle and china in the alcove. To my niece Patience Barclay, another daughter of John, £300 and various silver items, and two looking glasses. To my niece Jane, another daughter of John, £300 and silver ware including one silver orange strainer. To my niece Lydia Alloway otherwise Barclay, wife of Benjamin Allowway, £300 and silver including silver gilded tankard, silver gilded porringer and cover, small silver canister and soop-ladle, with remainder to her children; to her sons Robert Alloway £100, John and William £50 each. To Ann Barclay widow of my said late brother John Barclay "the furniture of the room in which I lie up one pair of stairs backwards." To my niece Elizabeth Scriven, another daughter of brother John, 5/- and no more she having married without my consent. To my nephew Robert Jaffray £300 and to his son Alexander Jaffray £100 on attaining age of 21; to Lydia, Christian, Katherine and Abigail, daughters of said Robert Jaffray, £50 each, on attaining age of 21 or marrying. To Abigail Jaffray wife of said Robert, silver and contents of back parlour. To my nephew Gilbert Jaffray brother of said Robert £100 if living and if not to go to his children. To my nephew Thomas Jaffray remission of debt. To my cousin David Falconer remission of debt. To Lydia Gill wife of Robert Gill £20. To Garrett Van Hassen £5. Legacies to the poor of Dublin Men's meeting and of Aberdeen Meeting. To Joseph Tomey my good servant £200, Bible plate cup etc. my two geldings, chaise and harness and moveables in the stable. To Eleazor Sheldon, formerly my servant, £10. To Elinor Tomey, my good servant, £70, silver can and all wearing apparel and to Joseph and Elinor Tomey all household furniture and bedding not otherwise bequeathed. All legacies are to be paid in Irish currency. Any dispute not to be referred to Men's Meeting. Executors brothers David Barclay, of London, merchant, (or if deceased his son Benjamin Alloway), and Robert Pettigrew, Dublin, merchant. |
Dated 15 Feb. 1758. | |
Witnesses: Nicholas Chaytor, Luke Kelly, William Dixon, public
notary. D.5.289 |
76 | Forbes, Timothy, Dublin Merchant |
To my eldest son Alexander Forbes 5/- and no more. To my son
Timothy Forbes, now in London, balance of accounts due by him, also
all letters of attorney relating to Robert Hoope, deceased. To my
youngest son James Forbes all residue till day of marriage or death,
and to take care of "concerns near the Linnen Hall." To my wife
Patience Forbes an annuity and apartments in house on Ormond Quay,
Dublin, together with plate, linen etc. as long as she lives there,
but on leaving be sold. To my eldest daughter Ann Handcock
£50, to my daughter Sarah Handcock £50, to my daughter Katherine
Hoope, not to be subject to control of any husband or husbands they
may have at time of my death. To poor Quakers of Authorties Meeting,
North Britain £5. To poor Quakers of Kinmuck Meeting, North Britain
£5. To my three nieces Katherine, Isabella and Anna Forbes,
daughters of my brother Samuel Forbes, deceased, £20 each. To my
brother-in-law John Barclay, merchant, and my friend Thomas
Strangman, both of Dublin, the reversion of estate in trust for my
grandson Timothy Handcock and daughters named above. All bonds notes
etc. concerning the children of [son-in-law] Joseph Handcock,
1 deceased, of whom I am executor, be placed in hand of
person or persons for use of said children. Executors John Barclay,
Thomas Strangman and Timothy Forbes (son). 1 T.H. Webb's notes show that Joseph Handcock married Ann Forbes. They had a daughter Sarah. |
Dated 20 April 1741. | |
[Names of witnesses not recorded]. D.5.172 |
77 | Fossey, Daniel, Wexford, Co. Wexford. |
To be buried in the burial place of the people called Quakers near Lambstown. To my wife Margarett Fossey £50 and all household goods. To Thomas Champion of Blackmoor £5 [cancelled in codicil] and to his son Peter Champion £5. To Thomzan Clarke daughter unto Thomas Champion deceased 50/-. To Thomzan Bond 30/-. To my kinswoman Elizabeth Dost 40/-. To my two cousins John and Edward Fossey £3.3.0. To Roger Harris, Killbrickan, Co. Catherlogh 40/-. To the children of my deceased cousin Daniel King £30; to Martha King £30, to Deborah King £30, this last £90 being left to my relations about named in England. To John Allan of Tekliion, executor, one guinea. To the poor of the town of Wexford £3 to be divided among them by my overseers with the advice of church wardens, "excluding the rabble and common beggars." To my friend Henry Hillary, executor, of Wexford, merchant, all residue. My friend Thomas Cuppage of Lambstown and William Sandwith of Ballynecarrigg overseers. | |
Dated 5 Dec. 1702. | |
Witnesses: Solomon Bennett, Anne Gouge her mark, Sarah Handy her
mark. Codicil, John Allen being dead William Sandwith appointed executor with Henry Hillary. My executor Henry Hillary is to pay Benjamin Radford £20 on account of the said Thomas Champion. Mentions a bond of £50 perfected to John Beaven, |
Codicil 19 June 1793. | |
Witnesses: Henry Hatton, notary public, William Fountain his
mark, Ann Gouge her mark Administration granted to Henry Hatton for the use of Henry Hillary and William Sandwith the executors. Said Henry Hillary resigns his right to the said executors 12 July 1703. Debts due to Daniel Fossey, debts and disbursements paid thereout. Statement of legacies paid. An account of Daniel Fossey's funeral charges, e.g. "For the coffin 12.6." "To one barrell of beer £1.1.0." The charges of the Bishop's Court. The charges are a law suit between Thomas Champion and the executors. F.6.30 |
78 | Fossey, Margaret, Furlongstown, Co. Wexford. |
To be buried at Friends Burying Place at Raniske. Items of furniture, household goods and clothing to Joseph Poole, Robert Cogly, my cousin Ann Rowsom of Tomagaddy, Mary Brown of Growtown ("my old pewter disk marked M.B."), Jane Poole of Growtown, John King of Taughmon, Mary Stafford wife of Walter Stafford of Tenterne, Eliza Grundy, Dorothy Hawkins, daughter of Thomas Hawkins. 20/- to the publick poor. Residue to Joseph Poole, executor, he to expand 40/- from hands of Isaac Stephens half amongst the poor and half for my burial. A debt of about £6 owed by said Isaac Stephens, part to said Anne Rowson, remainder to Sarah Chamberlain wife of William Chamberlin of Ballynesnorey. John Crane and William Crane overseers. | |
Dated 21 June 1721. | |
Witnesses: Margaret Donovan, William Richards, Andrew Brown. F.6.48 |
79 | Fuller, Abraham, Lismoyne, Co. Westmeath. |
To be buried at Motegrenoge. Legacy to poor friends of Moate. My granddaughter Mary Chamberlin daughter of Gershon Boate. Abraham and Benjamin Fuller sons of Abraham Fuller junior. Mary Fuller daughter of Isaac Fuller. John Webb and Elizabeth Webb son and daughter of Edward Webb. Legacy to the unborn child of my daughter Hannah Madax if it lives to one year. Residue to my three sons Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Fuller, half going to Jacob because he had nothing on his marriage. Sons Isaac and Jacob executors. Thomas Trafford of Wicklow and John Watson of Kilconor in Catherlow, overseers. | |
Dated 13 Nov. 1693. | |
Witnesses : Mark Carleton, Deborah Carleton. Inventory dated 14th 1st month 1694/5. Cattle. Sums due, e.g. "Due from Joshua Strangeman deceased, William Smith being bond for it £4.0.0." "Due for half the lease of Lehinchy [Lehensie]1 valued at £34 [the tenant is not named]. G.3.44 1 Abraham Fuller is shown as titulado of Lehensie in the "census" of 1659. Early meetings were held there. |
80 | Fuller, Henry, Ballytore, Co. Kildare |
To my wife Deborah Fuller the late dwelling house of my mother
Elizabeth Barcroft deceased, or my now dwelling house, and the
garden and orchard adjoining to my own dwelling in Ballytore, (after
her decease or re-marriage said two houses to my son John Fuller),
£100, household goods, sixty kishes of turfe off the lands of Moon[e]
called Packer's lot, etc. To my son Barcroft Fuller (under 21 years)
my lease of lands of Moon[e] called Packer's lot, reserving thereout
my wife and son John's liberty to cut turf. To my son Barcroft
Fuller one half of my timber trees planted on one hundred acres of
the western end of Ballytore lands, excepting the oak trees; also to
him half the nursery trees reserved in the little grove joyning the
grave yard on the eastern part of Ballytore now in lease to my
brother John Pim. To my son John the other half of my said timber
trees and nursery trees and all the oak trees. To my son John Fuller
my leasehold interest in one hundred acres of the west end of the
lands of Ballytore - a survey lately made and annexed to the lease
set to brother John Pim - and the house and mill set to Thomas Boake,
my said son to pay my wife that moyety of annual rent by will
bequeathed her by her father Barcroft out of lands of Ballytore, and
a further annual sum unto my other three children Jane, Barcroft and
Elizabeth Fuller. Whereas Abel Strettle and I had a promise from ... Mason of Waterford to renew our lease of Burnchurch adjoining Ballytore my will is that my brother John Pim have liberty to take out a lease in his own name of my proportion of said land of Burnchurch. To my daughter Jane Fuller my black pacing mare. Residue of real and personal estate to my two daughters Jane and Elizabeth Fuller, when 21 years or on marriage. Executors my said wife Deborah Fuller and friends, James Maddock, Dublin, and Robert Lecky of Killnock, Co. Carlow. Friends Thomas Boake and Abraham Shakleton of Ballytore overseers. |
Dated 23 Dec. 1740. | |
Witnesses: George Grimes, Robert Ready, John Buckly. C/26.84 |
81 | Fuller, John, of Philadelphia in province of "Pensilvaniah in Americah," merchant, being about to depart to the province and to go to England. |
To Elizabeth Cuppage of Lambstown, Ireland, my mother,
£130 to be paid to her in Ireland to be disposed of by her amongst
the most needy of my brothers and sisters and cousins, or if none
such be alive to the most indigient of my relations as my executors,
my uncle Abraham Fuller and Anthony Sharp, shall think fit. A
further £20 to said mother "in case the ship Tryall in which
I go for England shall goe well home." To Robert Turner [the]
younger £5; to Mary Turner, daughter of said Robert £5. To my friend
George Keith of Philadelphia £20. To Benjamin Acton of Salemon
[Salem] in West Jersey £5. To my friend Samuel Carpenter £5. To John
MacCombe. To my friend Pattrick Robertson1 of
Phyladelphyah £5. To the poor of the people called Quakers in
Phyladelphay £10. To Robert Turner the elder of Phyladelphyah all
residue of my estate, said Robert Turner to be executor, and said
Samuel Carpenter and Pattrick Robertson to be his assistants if
desired. 1 See Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennslyvania, Myers, p.281. In an abstract of this will this Patrick Robertson appears as Patrick Robinson. |
Dated 27 of third month May 1690. Probate granted by Registrar General of Philadelphyah 29th of 8th month 1691. | |
Witnesses: Andrew Robertson, John Vest, Samuel Buckley F.6.23 |
82 | Fuller, Joshua, of Lambstowne, Co. Wexford |
To be buried in Friends Burying Place. To wife Jane all
household goods, debts, credits. To my only daughter Elizabeth
£20. A bond due to me by my father-in-law George Gamball to be for
my daughter's maintenance until of age of marriage. Residue if said
wife and daughter should die to my two sisters Sarah and Hannah
Fuller or their children. My brother Henry Hillery executor. My
friends Joseph Pike, John Watson, Richard Clements1
and John Tottenham trustees and overseers.2
1 These names appear as
"Richard Clemann" and "Garrett Smatt" in G.3.23. |
Dated 12th of 10th month called December 1686. | |
Witnesses: Godfrey Shaw, Garrett Synott,1
Sheehy Franklin. A note that Henry Hillery, executor to Joshua Fuller, gives account 25th day of 12th month 1694 that a bond of £60 is given for use of Elizabeth Fuller, daughter of said Joshua. F.6.14 G.3.23 |
83 | Fuller, Mary, widow, bookseller. |
To my niece Abigail Kelly £1.1.0. My sister Susanna's three daughters. To my friend Isaac Jackson of Meath Street "for his trouble" £100. To my daughter Mary when of age or married all table linen. To my three children Joseph, Mary and John, all under age and unmarried, the residue unless they marry outside Quakers, in which case it is to go to my brother Joseph Kelly and sister Susanna Jenkin's children. Executors Phillip Martin, Pimlico, and Isaac Jackson. | |
Dated 30 July 1737. | |
Witnesses: John Palmer, John Garmonsay, Isaac Jackson. | |
Codicil leaving large silver cup and cover with cypher on it of my name to Isaac Jackson. Dated 10 Oct. 1737. | |
Witnesses: W. Lawlor, Thomas Kenny, Elizabeth Devitt. Inventory valuations of stocks of books, including many Quaker books, Bibles and Testaments. 100 volumes of novels and other books. School books e.g.2,600 Cocker's Arithmetick £23.12.5; Latin and Greek Primers, Ovid with notes, Horace, etc.; Histories e.g. 2,930 History of Ireland, 3,500 History of America; Guides, Mathematics, Navigation and Astronomy. 15 Common Prayer and Psalms. 11 doz. Gilt Horn Books. Pamphlets. Inventories of stationery, ink etc. 2 Printing Presses £11. D.5.88,199 |
84 | Fuller, Samuel, Meath Street, Dublin, bookseller and printer. |
Legacies left by my own mother Bridget Fuller and my mother-in-law Mary Kelly to be paid up. £5 towards building a Meeting House in part of the burying ground at Cork Street. To my sister Ann Ingram in Phyladelphia if living £25, if dead to be divided amongst her children. My daughter Abigail Barnes wife of William Barnes. To my wife Mary Fuller, executrix, £400 and all linen, plate etc. To my sons Joseph Fuller and John Fuller and my daughters Mary Fuller, Anna Fuller and Susanna Fuller, all under 21 and unmarried, securities, leases, printing materials, stocks of books bound or in quires, paper, mathematical instruments etc. Executors Joseph Inman and Phillip Martin of Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore, clothiers. | |
Dated 21 June 1736. | |
Witnesses: William Roche, Joseph Sikes, Henry Burnside. Inventory taken from the Catalogues of bound books, books in quires, printing materials, mathematical instruments and stationary wares, valued (in detail) by Sylvanus Pepyatt and Joseph Leathly, booksellers, Thomas Thornton, bookseller and auctioneer, James Carson and Christopher Dixon, printers and Edward Hunter and Phillip Bullock, instrument makers, June 1736. To value of £1338. Lease of houses in Meath Street from Richard Wetheral, of two houses in Ash Street from Samuel Onge, and of three houses in Cork Street. Debts due to and by said Samuel Fuller, and desperate debts. [See also Inventory of his widow Mary Fuller D.5.199 for books on Religion, Law, Mathematics, History etc.] D.5.85,161 |