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Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
85 | Garnett, George, Earl Street, in County of City of Dublin, Merchant |
My kinsmen Joseph Barcroft of Pimlico, merchant and Ambrose Barcroft on the Batchelors Quay, timber merchant, executors. To my son Joseph Garnett £200 and lands of Terlenan, Co Tyrone, with benefit of tenants right of renewal if this can be obtained. To my daughter Elizabeth Gowan money in trust to be paid into her own hands and not inot those of present or any future husband and the reversion for use of her children or failing these for my son Joseph Garnett or failing these for my daughter Martha Garnett and her heirs. A sum due to me on death of Martha Bewley otherwise Barnard assigned to me by my daughter Martha Garnett. Interest and rents in "concern in Waterford ... to which Alderman Simon Newport is tenant" to be held by trustees for sole use of daughter Martha Garnett and her heirs. To my son-in-law George Gowan 5/- and no more. To my brother Benjamin Garnett "my best hat." Overseers Thomas Strettell junior and Jonathan Strettell, both of Dublin. | |
Dated 11 July 1740. | |
Witnesses: Robert Jones, Henry Stevens Reilly, John Kathrens,
Notary Public D.5.262 |
86 | Garnett, Rachell, Dublin, widow. |
To my son John Chaytor all I possess. Exexutor said son John Chaytor. | |
Dated 17 Sept. 1743. | |
Witnesses: William Lapham, Michael Dods, Arthur Shepheard. D.5.153 |
87 | Gay, John, Dublin. |
To my wife Ann (executrix) all my real estate for life then to my second son Caleb Gay, and his heirs male, failing whom to my third son William Gay and his heirs male failing such issue to my eldest son John Gay. To said John Gay £20 per annum out of lands of Redmon[d]stown, Barony Ferthullagh [Fartullagh], Co. Westmeath. To my youngest son William Gay of Coleingstown, Co. Kildare £20 per annum out of said lands. George Savile "my ancient acquaintance" of Golden Lane, parish of Breids [? St. Bride's] to distribute a legacy to 20 poor widows of that parish "that have been inhabiters therein and payed scott and lott." | |
Dated 1 Jan 1962. Proved in Prerogative Court 29 July 1693. | |
Witnesses: John Merrifeild, Thomas Sisson, notary public. D.4.37 |
88 | Gill, Joseph, Dublin, merchant. |
My brother Robert Gill. My sister Ann Greenup. My sister Sarah
Scott dwelling in Cumberland. To my friends Richard Champion and
Nehemiah Champion and his son both merchants of Bristol my two
houses etc. in Cole Alley and the lease of the ground whereon they
are build which I hold from Benjamin Mean, also 10/- yearly payable
out of my dwelling house, warehouse and deal yard in Earl Street for
the privilege of the gateway in common and for a small piece of
ground now part of the deal yard. My wife Elizabeth Gill. To my daughter Hannah Gill, under 18 years and unmarried, and heirs to be born if any, one of these houses in Cole Alley now in possession of Daniel Palmer, to my daughter Mabel Gill, under 18 years and unmarried, and heirs to be born if any, the other house in Cole Alley in possession of Thomas Hughes. Reversion to my son William Gill and heirs to be born if any, and my daughters Mary Sandwith and Isabella Middleton. To El. Gill two houses at Frenchay. To Wm. Gill six houses in Cole Alley. Executors Benjamin Dawson, Dublin, merchant and my nephew Robert Gill, Dublin, apothecary. |
Dated 22 Nov. 1741. Proved in Prerogative Court 12 April 1742. | |
Witnesses: Forbes White, Saml. Kathrens, Jno. Kathrens. Inventory 1st mo. 1741. Valuations of household goods and furniture. Articles sold to Thos. Manzeen, Michl. Hanlin and Michl. Hanlon. Goods sold by auction. Inventory 12 mo. 15th 1741 valuations of stock of his trade, timbers, wheelbarrows, tiles, coach spokes etc. Boards of deal, oak, ash, fir, elm, walnut, mahogany ect. Timbers - Norway, Sweedish ect. Dutch tiles, Hambrough staves. Total value of stocks £817. D.5.127,212 |
89 | Green, Benjamin, Forrest, Co. Wexford |
To be buried at Friends Burying place at Corlekin. To my daughter Mary Green alias Furlong 12 pence and no more. Remaining part of my goods and chattels for my wife and children as my executors shall agree to. Such part as is for my wife and son Peter Green to be managed as my executors and overseers think fit. My friends Henry Hillary of Wexford, William Sandwith of Ballinecarrig, executors. My friends William Sparrow, Isaac Martin, Richard Goffe, Timothy Sandwith, Andrew Brown, Thomas Barrington and Benjamin Radford, overseers. | |
Dated 4th of 5th month called July 1714. | |
Witnesses: John Allment, Peter How, Benjamin Hammond. Administration granted to John Morton 12th day of 8th month called October 1715. Inventory taken 13th of month called July 1714 at Brownscastle, The Forrest and Ballintartan. Short list of cattle and other stock. The "stock at Grovetown" [? Growtown, Co. Wexford] include fifteen cows and one bull £20; eight two year old heifers £7.4.0; nine sheep £1.2.6; "crops in the ground" £45. F.6.44 |
90 | Greenhow, John, Earle Street, in Liberty of Thomas Court, Dublin, carpenter. |
To my wife Mary Greenhow, executor, all lower rooms next to the cellars of my now dwelling house in Earle Street and all yearly rents and profits arising from my holding of ground, houses, buildings etc. in Earle Street aforesaid. To my son William after attaining age of 21 year possessions etc. in Earle Street, which I hold from Richard Poole by lease of lives renewable for ever. Brother Jonathan Greenhow. My brothers Benjamin Greenhow, of Dublin, shoemaker, and John Martin of Wicklow, farmer, overseers. | |
Dated 6 Aug. 1724. | |
Witnesses: James Turner, Daniel Gayton. D.5.10 |
91 | Gregson, George, Lisburne, Co. Antrim, merchant. |
To my wife my house in Lisburne with all the building in the
Schoolhouse Lane, the Meeting house and stable and all goods in my
shop and warehouse; after her death same to executors for benefit of
poor friends of people called Quakers in the Provinces of Ulster,
Leinster and Munster. To the children of James Hunter my sister
Jane's half of a bond of
£100 due by Sr Arter Rauden [? Sir Arthur Rawdon] since November
1688, the other half to Henry Haddock's children when they come of
age and marry amongst people called Quakers. To my sister Alice and
her daughter Jane Green when she comes of age or doth marry £37 and
interest due by William Nickollson. To poor friends of Quakers of
Leinster and Munster Province £100, which Anthony Sharp put to
interest. To poor friends of Quakers of Ulster Province I gave £50
interest due by Downdm Coap [? Downham Cope] [for] which William
Nickollson and William Brownloe is bound. To poor friends of people
called Quakers of County of Lancaster in England where I was born
£50 out of a sum of £73 for which Thomas Scanhope and Cornet Anthony
Wrightson is bound. Executors to recover a mortgage of £60 on land
at Carrickfergus paid in November 1685 "and Thomas Calvert to be at
their assisstant." To my sister Ann's children, her two boys by her
husband Jas. Crafford £10 apiece when they come of age. Legacies to John Gregson of Hilsborough, William Williamson of Bellehagan, Robert Robinson, Jacob Hancock, James Tugh, Robert Patterson, Laurence Hadson of Antrim or his wife, Edward Webb and his wife, Sarah wife of John Robson, An Webb, Elliner Hoope, my cousin Sarah Haddock, Bellice Newbery that was Ann Green, Thomas Cornwall apothecary, Gabriel Clark, Elizabeth Neale, Jeremaih Pyboy. To every kinsman or kinswoman not mentioned in this will half a crown when demanded. My friends Robert Hoope, Lurgan and John Robertson, of parish of Sego, executors. |
Dated 29 Sept. 1690. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Cornwall, William Barwick. W.4.19 |
92 | Griffith, John, Drogheda, chandler. |
Reciting that said John Griffith assigns to his friends Henry Flower, clothier and Thomas Ashton, glover, both of Dublin, all his goods and chattles, real and personal estate in trust, the trustees after his death to discharge his debts and "next one half to my well beloved wife with the benefit of the lease, the other moyety or half part to my son John provided he marry in the unity of friends and if he do not then to only bind him apprentice." | |
Dated 24 Nov. 1699. | |
Witnesses: John Bishop, Anne Doran, John Smith, Agnes Head,
Rebekah Dickinson. :"It is understood that his son John is not to have his moyety or halfe till he comes to the age of twenty one years. Rebekah Griffith has hereunto given her consent and hereunto put her head." Inventory is a short summary of accounts only. "Goods and debts which remaine ..."is divdied betwixt the widow and her son John." D.4.108 |
93 | Grundy, Elizabeth, alias Poole. |
Inventory not dated of goods taken by John Ellis, Henry Hillary,
Jonas Chamberlin and Francis Randall, (her former husband John
Grundy dying without will). Household and farm implements, crops,
cattle etc. e.g. "wheat, barly and oats in the haggard
£6.13.0." "Nine horses and two colts valued at £10." "Six hoges
killed and two alive valued at £2.5.0." The total £94.10.5. divided amongst the children of John Grundy deceased, his two sons John and Samuel, his Daughter Elizabeth, his younger daughter Laura and residue to Elizabeth Grundy alias Poole. F.6.8 |
94 | Grundy, John, of Cullentrought, deceased.1 |
Short inventory, not dated, cattle, household goods. "Forty six sheep valued at £3." "Thirty three cows valued at £33." "Seven small garrons valued at £3." "Three stocks of beese valued at 0.6.0." F.6.7 1 These words partly crosses out. |
95 | Grundy, Samuel, the elder. |
To my wife Elizabeth (executrix) my part of Bal[l]ycon[n]ick for life she paying thereout £3 yearly to my son Samuel. To said son the benefit of the farms of Edwardstown, Phillpinstown [Phillippintown] and Gragustown. To my daughter Sarah Wheeler £10. To my daughter Elizabeth Grundy one guniea and to m y Daughter Elizabeth's two daughters, that is her daughters Elizabeth and Sarah, one yearling heifer each. To my grandson Joseph Grundy, the son of my son John Grundy, deceased, £10 when 21 years. My son Samuel to enjoy my lands after my death, or his son Samuel. My friends John Tottenham, John Ellis, and Jonas Chamberlin trustees. | |
Dated 24 Feb. 1683. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Lucas, Jonas Chamberlin. Inventory by Thomas Lucas and Will Wheelock, not dated. Valuations of cattle, sheep and crops, furniture and household goods, e.g. 26 cows with 5 calves and one bull £39.0.0. Two pigs and seven yearling calves £2.5.0. Three garrans, one mare and a filly, £6.0.0. Seventeen sheep and two lambs £2.0.0. Seaven barrels of maslin, six of barly and fifteen barrells of oats valued at £4.18.6. F.6.4 G.3.21 |
96 | Gunson, John, late of Dublin, innholder, now of Rathmines. |
To my son Josiah Gunson of Rathmines all my estate for ever (except one English shilling to my son Joseph Gunson of London) in consideration of his care of me, and his continuing to give me meat, drink and lodging during my life, and at my death to pay my funeral expenses and decently bury me at the people called Quakers burying place st Stephen's Green. | |
Dated 3 May 1711. | |
Witnesses: Michael Dempsey, Anastas Casey, Ann Eves, Mary
Carrick. D.4.196 |
97 | Gunson, Josiah, "Rathfarnum," farmer |
To my wife Mary Gunson, executrix, and my 5 children John Gunson, Benjamin Gunson, Joseph Gunson, Sarah Gunson, Josiah Gunson, (all under age), my farm at or near Rathfarnum and the house, buildings, lease etc. To my said wife reversion of rights in my farm commonly called The Two Chimneys near Cavansport in Co. of Dublin. My brother Josiah Gunson of London. Executor John Stevens of Meath Street, Dublin. | |
Dated 25 May 1724. | |
Witnesses: Richard Corballis, James Lanan, Hu. Provand. D.5.20 |
98 | Gunson, Mary, "Rathfarnum," Dublin, widow |
To my children John, Benjamin, Joseph, Josias and Sarah, all minors, estate to be divided equally, except for plate of which each son is to have one tankard or cup, and linen which with remainder of plate is to go to the daughter Sarah. Executors my brother John Stevens, of Meath Street, Henry Pemberton, of Meath Street, merchant, Edmond Garnett, of Bride Street, linen draper. Overseers Samuel Fuller and James Johnson. | |
Dated 4 June 1730. Proved 10 July 1730. | |
Witnesses: Richard Corballis, William Harris, John Stoddart. D.5.45 |