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Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
99 | Handcock, Joseph, Dublin, merchant. |
To my wife Anna Handcock the remaining part after all debts are paid. To my eldest son Timothy Handcock £800, to my daughter Sarah Handcock £700, to my son Jacob Handcock £700, to be disposed to the best advantage till each shall come of age. To my brothers John, Jacob, and Thomas Handcock £100 each. To my cousin William Richardson now living with me £50. To my cousin Richard Sparrow, eldest son of Alexander Sparrow of Castledermot, Co. Kildare, £50. To the poor of Lisburn Meeting £10, to the poor of Dublin Meeting £10. Executors and overseers "me well beloved father-in-law Timothy Forbes, my loving brother Thomas Handcock, both of this city." | |
Dated 13th of 8th month called October, 1729. Proved in Prerogative Court 27 Nov. 1729. | |
Witnesses: George Wilson, William Richardson. D.5.40 |
100 | Handey, Thomas, the elder, of Newcastle, Co. Wexford |
To be buried in Friends burying place. To my wife Elizabeth Handey one half of all my goods and chattels except the lease of land of Newcastle and other lands taken from Joseph Sanders by lease. To my son Thomas Handey the lease of Newcastle and said other lands, one third part of what it yields to my said wife, one third part to my daughter Mary and one third to said son Thomas. To said daughter Mary (sole executrix) other half of all my goods. To my grandson Thomas Handey all that track of land I bought in New Jersey. To my granddaughter Elizabeth Handey £5. To "the daughter of my granddaughter Mary Smith" 20/-. To Thomas Wright's two sons, Thomas and Joseph, 10/- each. To Susannah Sandwith's child "if it please the Lord it come to life and live" 20/-. Francis Randall, John Tottenham and Jonas Chamberlin to be overseers. | |
Dated in ninth month 1688. | |
Inventory of goods and chattels of Thomas Handey, late of
Newcastle, parish of Takillin, Co. Wexford, fourth of ninth month
1691. Valued by Isaac Broadly and John Allen. Household goods and
furniture, Cattle and sheep. "In the dairy two hundred of chees with
other things necessary to the dairy
£2." "Nine cows two heaffers and two calves £15." "One small hogg
3/-." F.6.17 G.3.26 |
101 | Hanks, Joseph, Dublin, merchant. |
My friends Amos Strettle, Dublin, linen draper, and Samuel
Baker, Dublin, chandler, executors. My brother Jeremiah Hanks, his
daughter Mark Hanks; "my brother Jeremy's other children." My only
daughter Jane. Legacies to Alexander Seaton, David Hutchinson, Elizabeth and Alice Burgis of Chester; Francis Russell my apprentice, Amos Stretle, junior, my other apprentice; Alice Sleigh my servant; John Archer; Samuel Baker's wife; Amos Stretle's wife. My friends Anthony Sharp, Dublin, clothier, and Abel Stretle, Dublin, merchant, overseers of will. |
Dated 12 Feb. 1702/3. Proved in Prerogative Court. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Ravencroft, Robert Large and Jno. Cutts. Inventory by Richard Holcroft, Dublin, silk dyer, 15 Feb. 1702. Appraised by William Houghton, Edward Williams, Thomas Wilcocks, Abel Strettle. Valuations of goods in the house, shop, warehouses and brewing house; furniture and household goods, groceries of all kinds (currants 6d. lb., french barley 3d., starch 2d. lb.), tobaccos (cut and various kinds, stript and unstript leaf, etc., leaf tobacco 12d. per lb.) writing papers, utensils, ("engine for flattening tobacco stalks £4"), plate. List of debts "supposed to be solvent" and "supposed to be insolvent." The executors' account includes payments "To water rent 10/-;" "to lamp mony 3/-;" " to hearth mony £1.8.0." D.4.143 |
102 | Harrison, John, of Balline Carrick, who died without a will in the 10th month 1685. |
Inventory values of cattle, horses, sheep, valued by Robert
Howard and Will Sandwith. A note that payment of a bond of £50 for the use of John Harrison, son to John Harrison late of Ballinemcarige [Ballinacarrig], Co. Wexford 19th of first month called March 1686 was desired by our Mens Meeting though Henry Hillary, John Ellis and William Sandwith. F.6.9 |
103 | Harvey, Joseph, Ballyhackett, Co. Carlow, farmer. |
To my son Henry Harvey my best black mare and coult. To my wife Ann Harvey, to my son Henry Harvey and to my wife's son or daughter to be born all sheep, cattle, household effects, etc. My lease from Jeffry Paul of my farm in Ballyhackett to my said son Henry Harvey when 21 years, or if both my said children should die under age to my mother Ann Harvey and to my two brothers William and Francis Harvey and my sister Ann Harvey. John Russell of Russellstown, Co. Carlow and John Duckett of Newtown, Co. Kildare, farmers, executors. | |
Dated 9 July 1718. | |
Witnesses: Edward Shepherd, John Whelon his mark, William
Johnson his mark. C.26.74 |
104 | Harvy, Thomas, Dublin |
My cousin Francis Russell and Thomas Strettel both of Dublin, merchants, executors. To my dear wife Dorothy Harvy my right title and interest in the house and shop in Bride's Alley. My son Thomas Harvy. My brothers Joseph, John, William and Francis Harvy. My sister Ann Harvy. My dear mother Ann Harvy. | |
Dated 9 April 1710. | |
Witnesses: Tho. Sproy, John Whalan, Terlogh Cavenagh. D.5.11 |
105 | Hiett, Joseph, High Street, Dublin, patten maker. |
My wife Jane Hiett, my brother Samuel Fuller, of Meath Street, Dublin, executors. Desires to be buried in burial ground of People called Quakers. My mother Margaret Hiett, my brother George Hiett, of Upper combe, apothecary, and his son Thomas Hiett, of Meath Street, patten maker. My niece Abigail Fuller, Daughter of said Samuel Fuller. My brother Elijah Boyes, of Co. Armagh. Residue of real and personal estate to wife Jane and son James to be equally divided between my said wife Jane and children of said brother George. | |
Dated 25 Jane. 1723-4 | |
Witnesses: Benjamin Prince, Edward Mosson. Inventory 30 July 1724 by Joseph Harrison, John Bramery and James Draper in presence of George Hiett, apothecary, Jane Hiett, executor, Samuel Fuller, executor. Stocks of goods in shop e.g. ticking, cherryderry, linen, buckram, canvas, sacks and sacking etc. to value of £465.14.6-1/2. Pattens, clogs, leather etc. to value of £8.0.1. Household goods and lease of house £56.18.1-1/2. D.5.4 |
106 | Hobson, James, Dublin, merchant. |
To my mother Mabell Hobson £10. To my wife Mary Hobson one third of my real and personal estate, the other two thirds to my children, Mary Hobson, Elizabeth Hobson, and to any other children that shall hereafter to born unto me, when 21 years, or on day of marriage. My friends William Allen, founder, and Joseph Gill, timber merchant, both of Dublin, executors, and my brothers Thomas Strettell and Thomas Russell both of said city, merchants, overseers. | |
Dated 10 Oct. 1713. | |
Witnesses: Claude Rousd, John Alanson, Edward Saxby. D.4.290 |
107 | Hobson, Mary, Dublin, widow of James Hobson, merchant. |
My kinsman Thomas Russell and my brother Thomas Strettell trustees. Joseph Gill and William Allen overseers. My children Mary and Hannah. John Barclay to be paid debt or cloth returned. Brother Francis Strettell. £5 owing to Jane Chaytor for care of the children. Cousin Jacob Barcroft of Lamnstown. Sisters Dorothy, Abigail Strettell. Uncles Amos and Abel Strettell owing £25 each. | |
Dated 16 May 1715. | |
Witnesses: Edward Saxby, John Constable. D.5.9 |
108 | Hunter, Elizabeth, Dublin, widow. |
Inventory 26 June 1698 appraised by Anthony Sharp. Furniture and
household goods in some detail. Stocks of wool, combed wool, a
twisting mill 10/0 etc. Items in the shop include "mixt worsted
2s.6d. lb." and seven pound more of white at 2s. 3d. per lb." "White
single at 18d. per lb." "Black double worsted 2-1/2 lb. 5/-."
"Stockings 3s. 6d. per pair and at 2s. 6d. per pair." " 7pair of
blew womens stockings 2s. pair." D.4.70 |
109 | Hutchinson, James, senior. |
A memorandum re some possessions including part of his farm and malt house to go to his wife and some to his son James Hutchinson. £20 to be paid to John Matthews. Residue into 3 parts, one for son James, one for son David and one for daughter Susannah. Overseers Christopher Raper and William Walpole. | |
Dated 6 day of 9th month [16]89. | |
Witnesses: George Rook, Gershon Boate and his wife and daughter "on his deathbed" | |
Inventory not dated. Valuations of cattle, horses, sheep,
furniture and household goods e.g. "1 fat heifer 0.12.0." "1 bull
0.12.0." "1 rick of corn
£8.0.0." "23 barrells of mault £11.11.0." "10 stone of wooll
£3.0.0." "10 barrells of oats £2.0.0." G.3.30 |
110 | Hutchinson, Johnm of Temble Bar, Dublin, smith |
My son John Hutchinson and my friend Amos Strettle, Dublin,
executors. To said son John Hutchinson my house, tenement etc. at
Temple Bar, suburbs of city of Dublin, wherein I now live, leased
from James Earl of Anglesey, except part wherein my son-in-law
Elisha Francis, tallow chandler, now lives. My daughter Rachel
Francis wife of said Elisha Francis. To said Elisha Francis the work
house built by him on north side of Fleet Street which he holds by
lease from me. To said son John Hutchinson my lease held from Lady
Payton of a mill in Dame Street, suburbs of Dublin, and three houses
in Essex Street which I purchased from Thomas Merefield, deceased,
who held the same from Thomas Pooley and Sir Humphrey Jervis, and
since I lately took a lease thereof from Captain Brinsley Butler. To
said son John Hutchinson my three leases of ground from Captain
Brinsley Butler. To said son John Hutchinson my three leases of
ground held by me from "the three brothers of the Hawkins," in Fleet
Street and Lazy Hill, and my house purchased from Richard Allen and
William Allen on Lazy Hill and another house on Lazy Hill wherein
Job Byan now dwells. To said son John Hutchinson my lease held from
Secretary [Richard] Aldworth of ground in Dame Street, except the
house I built on said ground set by lease to William Clenehan
wherein John Studdart, tailor, lately dwelt which I hereby give to
my daughter Sarah Studdart, wife of said John Studdart. To my
daughter Rebekah Hutchinson (unmarried)
£80 and the annual rent of my house in Fleet Street set by lease to
Aaron Nichols during my interest therein. Small legacies to: my sister Jane Webb, my cousins Thomas Rose, John Rose and Jane Rose; Mary Studdart; John Whiteing, cabinet maker and Charles Whiteing, baker, both of London; my cousin Thomas Hutchinson (under 21 years); "to Samuel Whiting five pounds sterling if he prove a hopefull youth;" Mary Poole wife of Joseph Poole, carpenter; Amos Strettell one of my executors. |
Dated 10 March 1706. | |
Witnesses: Nathaniel Bradford, Mary Caddow, Thomas Fox, Thomas
Bancks, Daniel Forrest. Inventory made 6 Feb. 1711 2 by Nathaniel Bradford, Jno. Underwood, William Allen. Anchors, iron, locks, hinges etc. giving exact weights and values, e.g. "6 new anvills 6 cwt. 2 qr. 5 lbs. at 37/4, £12.4.4." Tools and sledges. "Coles in the yard by computation about 90 tunn at 18s. £81.0.0." Valuations of furniture and household goods in eight rooms. A "Schedule of leases" includes those mentioned in the Will and also a lease of two houses in Cooper Alley made by John Enos, a lease of a house in Crane Lane from Robert Ware, a lease of a house on Lazy Hill made by John Cruchley, a lease of a house on Lazy Hill made by Geo. Brooks and Francis Arrot. List of debts due. D.4.246 |
111 | Hutchinson, John, Dublin, junior, smith |
All remainder to my wife Margaret Hutchinson, and my daughter Grace equally. If said daughter should die before aged 21 or be married one quarter of her share to my wife and the remaining three quarters to the children of my three sisters Rachell Francis, Sarah Studdart and Rebecca Walker. Bruen Worthington, gent., executor in trust, and my friends Amos Strettle, merchant, and Samuel Baker, tallow chandler, both of Dublin, overseers. | |
Dated 17th Sept. 1712. Proved in Prerogative Court. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Henderson, Will Barry, notary public. Inventory of goods and chattells of John Hutchinson, junior, who departed this life the ... day of the 7th month 1712. Household goods and furniture. Anchors, iron, locks, nails, tools etc. as in inventory of his father John Hutchinson. "Coles in the two yards by computation 23 tunn at 16s. £18.8.0." "Kilkenny coles in the big yard by computation 90 barrells at 2/6d. £11.5.0." "5 pairs of bellows used in the two shops £7.10.0." D.4.253 |
112 | Hutton, Rachell,1 widow of Thomas Hutton, late of Catherlogh, farmer |
To be buried in our friends burying ground at Newgarden. By
marriage settlement dated 22 May 1705 made by my said husband Thomas
Hutton I am entitled to one third of his personal estate. To my
daughter-in-law Hannah Leybourn of Carlow, widow, 5/-. To my two
grandsons Joseph Leybourn and Jno. Leybourn
£10 each set out at interest till they come to age. Interest of £25
to be paid yearly to my daughter Susanna White, wife of Samuel White
and after her death to her children. To my daughter Rachell Starr
£3. To my three granddaughters Elizabeth White, Susanna White and
Ann White £5 each. To my son-in-law Henry Brewster £10 and to his
three children Samuel Brewster, Alice Brewster and Mary Brewster £5
each. To my daughter Mary Cheator £20 and to her five children
Rachell, Christopher, Joseph, John and Margarett twenty shillings
each. To my granddaughter Mary Sutton2 £5. To my
two granddaughters Ann Russell and Susanna Russell £5 each. To my
two daughters Mary Cheator and Susannah White all my household goods
and waring apparrell. Residue to Susanna White wife to Samuel White,
Henry Brewster and Mary Cheator. Samuel Brewster of Lananside and
Thomas White of Dunore, Co. Catherlogh, farmers, executors. My
friends Joseph White and Richard Poole both of Catherlough,
overseers. 1 Rachell,
widow of Joseph Leybourn, see his will C.26.12 |
Dated 22nd of 11th month called Jan. 1736. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Gray, Thomas Sharp. C.26.58 |
113 | Hutton, Thomas, Carlow |
To my wife Rachell Hutton, one third substance together with a third part of Rainstown, and one third of household goods. Another two third part "to my children and grandchildren thus to my son Nehemiah and John Hutton and to my daughter Susanna Malone and to my son Joseph's children they being eight sons and to my daughter Sarah's children to be put to interest ... by their uncle James Malone with the help of their father." My son Joseph's children's part to be remitted into hands of their uncle Jn. Hutton and Michael Lightfoot in trust till they come of age. Edward Cooper of Shragh, Queen's Co. and Samuel Watson, of Killcommon, Co. Carlow, trustees. The other two third part of household goods to my daughter Susannah Malone and to my daughter Sarah's daughters and two thirds of profit of Rainstown, leased from John Russell. I have given to all my children portions of the money I got for a copyhold farm I sold in England [situation not mentioned] and reserved it for that use at the settlement of marriage with my now wife. My son-in-law James Malone and John Russell of Rainstown, executors. | |
Dated 20th day of said month ... 1735. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Gray, Thomas Gray, junior. C.26.54 |