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Quaker Records Dublin
Abstracts of Wills
114 | Inglefeild, John, Dublin, tallow chandler. |
To my wife Elizabeth Inglefeild £500, to my son Thomas Inglefeild £150, to my daughter Ann Inglefeild £150, to my daughter Elizabeth Inglefeild £150, to my daughter Abigail Inglefeild £150. To my father Peeter Inglefeild one broad piece of gold. To my father-in-law Thomas Scott, ditto. Executors my said wife Elizabeth Inglefeild and Amos Strettel, Dublin, linendraper. | |
Dated 30 Nov. 1691 | |
Witnesses: Henry Calver, Thomas Kirkwood Dublin, 17 April 1693. Testator confirms will. Has one child more born since making the Will, named Patience. My father Peter Inglefeild and my wife's father Thomas Scott are both deceased. |
Witnesses to codicil: Elizabeth Jollie, Anthony Sharp, Samuel
Clarridge. Inventory appraised by Samuel Lambry, Fred. Shaw and Richard Midleton. Valuations of furniture and household goods, plate, stocks of tallow, moulds, candles, soaps etc. Mentions lease of his dwelling house in Damas Street. Names of debtors and list of "Desperate Debts Dew." Inventory exhibited in Prerogative Court 27 May 1693. The accounts show £48.10.0. was paid for rents of the house in New Street. D.4.31 |
115 | Inman, Joseph, Thomas Court, Dublin, clothier. |
My sons Joseph Inman of Pimlico, clothier, and Daniel Bewley of
Lazars Hill, timber merchant, executors. Overseers George Rook, Earl
Street, timber merchant, and John Stevens, Meath Street, woollen
draper, my kinsman Edward Fawcett of Pill Lane, linen draper, all of
Dublin, and Joseph Boardman of Edenderry, King's Co. To my son
Joseph Inman my dewlling house in Thomas Court held by lease from
Isaac Ambrose, and my farm or holding in Liberty of Thomas Court
leased from Earl of Meath. Failing issue male or female of said son
Joseph said two holdings to my grandson Ambrose Barcroft. Said sons
Joseph Inman and Daniel Bewley to dispose of or lease my tanyard
etc. which I purchased from Robert Barnard, in Cork Street, Dublin,
rent to be divided between my said son Joseph and my two daughters,
Ellin Bewley and Miriam Inman and my grandchildren then living. To
said Joseph and Miriam Inman my farm of Bally Brittain in King's
Co., leased from Lord Trimbleston and James Hussey, Esq. To said son
Joseph my farm being part of Dysart, Barony Carbury, Co. Kildare,
leased from Richard Lord Bellew. Joseph Inman, my grandchild, son of
said Joseph. My daughter Ellin Bewley, wife of said Daniel Bewley; her sons, Joseph Barcroft and Ambrose Barcroft and he two children by her present husband namely George Bewley and Miriam Bewley. My daughter Elizabeth Garnett; her three children Joseph, Elizabeth and Martha Garnett. My daughter Martha Barnard. My granddaughter Elizabeth Garnett, her present husband George Garnett. My grandson Joseph Garnett, my granddaughter Martha Garnett, under 21 years and unmarried. Joseph Bradley, William Bradley. |
Dated 17 July 1729. Proved in Prerogative Court 8 Dec. 1729. | |
Witnesses: John Wilson, Henry Horne, John Stoddard. D.5.37 Inventory of goods of Joseph Inman of Ballybritain, Kings's Co., Dysart, Co. Kildare, and Dublin, not dated. Valuations of cattle, horses, sheep hay, malt, farm implements, clothiers working tools valued at £50. Lists of debts owed to and by testator. D.5.37,48 |
116 | Inman, Joseph, Thomas Court, clothier. |
To my wife Priscilla £50 sterling in addition to premarriage settlement. To my son Joseph Inman, a minor, "by a former wife," my farm or holdings of lands in Dolphins Barn in Co. Dublin, together with all houses, buildings, tenements and improvements, as held by lease of lives renewable for ever from Henry Percy of Dublin, Esq., made to Captain David Digges alias Latouche dated 30 Nov. 1722, which right I purchased from Captain Digges alias Latouche and was legally transferred 12 Oct. 1725. The reversion of above to go to the sons to be born of the said son Joseph and failing this to my nephew Jospeh Barcroft. My three sisters Elizabeth Garnett, Martha Bewley and Miriam Inman. To my two nephews Joseph Barcroft and Ambrose Barcroft interest in lands at Ballybritton, King's Co. (in event of death of son Joseph) held from Lord Trimblestown and James Hussey, Esq. My nephew George Bewley, my niece Miriam Bewley, my nephew Joseph Garnett. Legacies to Isaac Bradley deceased, Elizabeth Mason daughter of John Mason, and George Rook, and John Stoddart, if living. To my mother-in-law Sarah Brookfield £5 annually. Executors "my brother" Daniel Bewley, Lazors Hill, my nephew Ambrose Barcroft of Batchelors Walk, timber merchant. Overseers Joseph Barcroft, Philip Martin of Pimlico, clothier, Joseph Boardman, Benjamin Wilson, King's Co., farmers. | |
Dated 16 Aug. 1737. | |
Witnesses: JohnWilson, George Richardson, John Stoddart. D.5.110 |
117 | Inman, Miriam, Ballybrotton, King's Co., spinster. |
To my nephew Ambrose Barcroft the elder, Dublin, merchant, £100 sterling. To my nephew Joseph Inman of Ballybritton aforesaid household effects and £400. To Miriam Lapham, wife of William Lapham of Baltiboys, Co. Wicklow, gentleman, £100. To my nephew George Bewley, Dublin, merchant, £5. To William, Thomas and Ambrose Barcroft, sons of above Ambrose Barcroft, the elder, £20 each. Debts owing to testator by Joseph Barcroft, Dublin, merchant, to go to Ambrose Barcroft and Joseph Inman and £40 to be administered by them for him (all his effects having gone to his creditors). Mrs. Elizabeth Gowan, wife of George Gowan, printer, to have interest on £60 to be invested by Ambrose Barcroft and George Bewley. Mrs. Martha Garbett to have interest on £40 applied as above. To Joseph Garnett of Athy, Co. Kildare, gentleman and Elizabeth Clarke, wife of Pascall Clarke, of Ballinlake, King's Co., farmer, £20 each. To the poor of Dublins Men's Meeting and of Edenderry ditto £4 each. To Sarah Hoope, spinster, £5. Executors Ambrose Barcroft, elder, and Joseph Inman. | |
Dated 15 Nov. 1758. | |
Witnesses: Thomas Burton, John Walsh. D.5.300. |