Fáilte Romhat

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  Title Applotment Index Rosscarbery November 1830

Rosscarbery Tithe Applotment Index 1830

The Tithe Applotment books were compiled between 1823 and 1837 in order to determine the amount which occupiers of agricultural holdings should pay in tithes to the Church of Ireland (the main Protestant church, and the church established by the state until its dis-establishment in 1871). There is a manuscript book for almost every parish, giving the names of occupiers, the amount of land held, and the sums to be paid in tithes. Index extracts from the Rosscarbery Tithe Applotment Book, 1830. My thanks to Jean Prendergast for this information, if you have any need of a researcher in Cork please check out her site and the services offered. If you would like to view all the records in one file click here

Enter at least three characters of the surname. Search results will include all records that have those three characters in the surname.
