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  Slater's Directory of Ireland 1846 - Clonakilty

Slater's Commercial Directory 1846 - Clonakilty

Clonakilty, or Cloughnakelty, is a considerable market town (formerly a parliamentary borough), in the parish of Kilgarriffe, barony of East Carbery, county of Cork, 190 miles s.w. from Dublin, 33 s.w. from Cork, 12-1/2 s. by w. from Bandon, and 24 w. from Kinsale, seated at the head of Sandy bay, on the road between the last named town and Skibbereen The town, anciently called Tough-M'Gilti, is recorded to have had a corporation at an early period, for, in the archives of Cork there is a petition from the portreeve corporation of Clonakilty, dated July, 1605; it, however, certainly owes its chief importance to the family of Boyle, Sir Richard Boyle, first Earl of Cork, having obtained from James 1, in 1613, a charter of incorporation for the burgesses of Clonakilty. The town was in a flourishing state previous to the year 1611, when during the insurrection at the period it was partly burned, and was the scene of sad carnage. The present town consists of several wide and spacious streets, containing well-built houses. The 'Square,' a fine open area, is much admired for its pleasant site and healthy recreation it affords. The harbour is only fit for small vessels, the channel being narrow and having at the entrance a bar, over which vessels of heavy tonnage can only pass at spring tides; large vessels, therefore, discharge their cargoes at Ring, a suburban village, about a mile below the town. The linen manufacturer for a considerable period was the staple trade of the place and it is still of some importance, the loom furnishing employment to several industrious hands; but the corn trade, at the present day takes precedence of all other branches, and employs the capital of many respectable merchants and several mill-owners; amongst the latter the mills of Messrs. Allin and Co. are extensive. There is also a large brewery, belonging to Messrs. Deasy and Co.; and a branch of the 'National Bank' is opened here. These establishments, together with some boat building yards at Ring, and an active retail trade, from the commercial interest of Clonakilty. The government of the town is vested in the local magistrates, who hold general sessions of the peace in July, and petty sessions every Thursday. A manorial court, under the Earl of Shannon, is held by the seneschal, Henry Franks, Esq. every third Wednesday monthly, for the recovery of debts under 40s. The county court-house is a neat edifice of hewn stone, ornamented with a pediment and cornice; connected with it is a bridewell - both erected at the expense of the county.

The parish church of Kilgarriffe is rather a handsome structure, with a square tower at the west end, and contains a good organ. It was built in 1818m at an expense of upwards of £1,300 towards which the Earl of Shannon and the Rev. H. Townsend were liberal contributors. It is situated to the north of Main-street on a pleasant elevation. A spacious Catholic chapel, and one for Wesleyan Methodists, are the other places of worship. The charitable institutions comprise chiefly a valuable dispensary, a benevolent society, a school of industry for girls of Protestant and Catholic parents, and a free school for boys. About a mile north of the town is a tolerably perfect Druidical temple, some of the stones of which are nearly as large as those of Stonehenge, in England. The market which is held on Friday, is well attended. Fairs, April 5th, June 30thm October 10, and November 12th. The parish of Kilgarriffe contained in 1841, 6,432 inhabitants, and the town of Clonakilty 3,993 of that number.
Post Office, Sovereign street, Clonakilty, Dinah O'Connor, Post Mistress. Letters from Dublin, the North of Ireland and from England arrive every day at a quarter past twelve and evening at half-past seven, and are despatched every morning at half-past five and noon at twelve. Letters from Bantry, Skibbereen and the West arrive and are despatched daily about half-past twelve.
Gentry and Clergy
Allin Thos. Esq. Shannon Vale House
Austin Henry, Esq. South Ring
Austin William, Esq. Fortune Hill
Beamish Henry, Esq. Dunmore
Beamish Richd. Esq. Shannon square
Beamish Rev. Thos. Shannon square
Becher Mrs. Mary, Shannon square
Becher Michl. Ailin, Esq. Ballyduvane
Constable Rev. Henry, Strand
Deasy Thomas, Esq. Shannon square
Driscoll Mrs. Eliza, Barrack st
Gallwey Daniel, Esq. Kilkerin House
Gillman Herbert, Esq. the Strand
Hungerford Becher, Esq. Comas
Hungerford George, Esq. Clogheen
Hungerford Richard, Esq. Youghal Cottage
Hungerford Thomas, Esq. the Island
Hungerford Wm. Esq. Shannon sq
Johnson Rev. Wm. Shannon square
Lucas Thomas, Esq. Richfordstown
M'Carthy Rev. Philip, c.c. Sovereign st
M'Carthy Mr William, Shannon square
Madden Rev. Morgan, c.c. Sovereign st
Masters Samuel, Esq. Strand
Quarry Rev. John, Shannon square
Smyth Rev. Godfrey, Lisnabrina
Somerville Mrs. Letitia, Shannon sq
Spiller Henry, Esq. the Strand
Stewart Rev. Henry Wilson, Lower Tannies
Stowers Captain Robert, Shannon square
Sweeney James, Esq. Shannon sq
Townsend John, Esq. Shannon sq
Townsend Rev. Somerset, Kilnagross
Toye Winspear, Esq. Shannon sq
Walsh the Very Rev. David, p.p. and v.g. Sovereign street
Academies and Schools
Anglin Timothy, Sovereign st
Carney Jno. (boarding), Shannon sq
Catholic School (boys), Sovereign st - Daniel O'Donoghue, master
Catholic School (girls), the Square - Ann White, mistress
Protestant School, the Square - Joshua Phipps, master; Ann Phipps, mistress
Trenor Edward Boyton (classical), Shannon square
Justice Thomas Bolton, Main st
Starkie Charles Henry, Mill st
Bennett Francis, the Strand
Donovan Daniel, Sovereign st
Fleming Richd. Somerville, Shannon square and 91 Abbey st, Dublin
Wright Thomas Richard, Shannon square and 4 Essex bridge, Dublin
Callanan John, Barrack st
Canty Timothy, George st
Holland Richard, Main st
Irwin Maxwell, Main st
M'Carthy Cornelius, Sovereign st
Moore Joseph (and confectioner), Main street
O'Driscoll Timothy, Mill st
O'Regan Ann, Mill street
Walsh William, Main st
National Bank of Ireland (Branch), Shannon square - (draws on Barnetts', Hoare & Co. London, and the Parent Bank, Dublin) Mr. John O'Hea, manager
Coghlan Cornelius, Barrack st
Donovan Denis, Ring
Driscoll John, Lamb st
Murray John, Mill st
Boat Builders
Manahan Daniel, Ring
Manahan Patrick, Ring
Boot & Shoe Makers
Bateman John, George st
Bateman Thomas, Main st
Callanan John, Mill st
Clarke John, Sovereign st
Clarke William, George st
Coughlan John, Mill st
Crowly Edward, George st
Donovan Daniel, Mill st
Donovan Richard, Barrack st
Donovan Richard, Sovereign st
Eedy John, New Boyle st
Hegarty Jeremiah, Mill st
Hennessy Richard, Sovereign st
Holland Richard, Sovereign st
Holtsbaurn William, Sovereign st
M'Carthy Florence, Barrack st
M'Namara James, George st
Nagle Edward, Barrack st
Nagle John, Barrack st
Phipps James, George st
Phipps William, Mill st
Sheehy Timothy, Mill st
Sullivan Timothy, Mill st
Wolfe Robert, Barrack st
Deasy Thomas & Co. (& malsters), Clonakilty Brewery
Hurly Timothy, George st
Mahony Cornelius, the Sqaure
Mahony Cornelius, Sovereign st
Anglin Robert, Sovereign st
Donovan Patrick, Mill st
Hart John, Mill st
Herlihy John, Mill st
Leary Daniel, Sovereign st
Shea John, Lamb st
Spillane John (& builder), Sovereign st
Sullivan Joseph, George st
Coal Merchants
Lucas Jasper, Ring
Murray Timothy, Main st
Toohig James, Main st
Callanan Jeremiah, Patrick st
Callanan John, Mill st
Callanan Patrick, Mill st
Driscoll Cornelius, Mill st
Lucas George, Mill st
Corn Merchants
Allin & Co. (and millers) Mille Ville, and Shannon Vale
Bagley Richard, Chapel lane
Herrick Edward Henry, Strand
Lucas Jasper, Ring
Organ John, Strand
Toohig James, Main st
Collins Jane, Sovereign st
Collins William, Barrack st
Driscoll Jeremiah, Sovereign st
O'Donovan Cornelius, Sovereign st
Spillane Patrick, Sovereign st
Earthenware Dealers
Murray John, Main st
Murray Timothy, Main st
Sealy James, Barrack st
Fire, &c. Office Agents
Imperial (fire), and British Commercial (life), Justice Thomas Bolton, Main street
Standard (life), Wright Thomas Richard, Shannon square
(see also Shopkeepers, &c)
Callanan John, Barrack st
Collins Jane, Sovereign st
Falvey Robert, Sovereign st
Fitzpatrick John, Main st
Lynch Jeremiah, Sovereign st
M'Carthy Eugene, Mill st
M'Carthy Jeremiah, Mill st
Molony Timothy, Main st
Murray John, Main st
Murray Timothy, Sovereign st
O'Connor Dinah, Sovereign st
O'Donoghue Timothy, Mill st
O'Driscoll Mary, Mill st
O'Regan Ann, Mill st
Thornton Joseph, Main st
Toohig James, Main st
Welply John, Main st
See Linen Drapers & Haberdashers
Hat Manufacturers
Crowly James, Sovereign st
Driscoll Denis, Sovereign st
Pierce Thomas, Sovereign st
Inns and Hotels
(see also Public Houses)
Canniffe Hotel, Denis Canniffe, Sovereign st
Crowly's Hotel, Cornelius Crowly, Sovereign st
Royal Arms Hotel, John Spillane, Sovereign st
Ironmongers and Hard-waremen
Bateman Charles, Main st
Bennett Dorah Ann, Sovereign st
Bennett Jonathan, Main st
Murray John, Main st
O'Driscoll Mary, Mill st
O'Sullivan Denis, Mill st
Leather Sellers
Bateman William, Mill st
Coghlan John, Mill st
O'Hara John, Mill st
Linen & Woollen Drapers and Haberdashers
Desmond & O'Sullivan, Mill st
Donovan Michael, Main st
Fitzpatrick John, Main st
Hegarty Catherine, Main st
Molony John, Main st
O'Sullivan Michl. Sovereign st
Phillips John (& tea agent) Sovereign st
Tresilian Ellen, Main st
Welply Daniel, Mill st, and at Main street Skibbereen
Linen Weavers
Donovan James, Lamb st
Donovan John, Lamb st
End William, Lamb st
Mahony Patrick, Lamb st
Deasy Thomas & Co. (& brewers), Clonakilty Brewery
Allin & Co. Shannon Vale Mills & Mill Ville Mills, Clonakilty
Milliners & Dressmakers
Leary Eleanor, Sovereign st
O'Hara Hannah, New Boyle st
Scott Susannah, Sovereign st
Music Teachers
Moarne Gerald Francis, Sovereign st
O'Leary Arthur, Chapel st
Nail Makers
Coghlan Denis, Mill st
Collins John, Sovereign st
Crowly James, Mill st
Dannt James, Mill st
Fitzpatrick Thomas, Sovereign st
Goggin James, Mill st
Lee Florence, Lamb st
M'Carthy Alexander, Lamb st
M'Carthy John, Lamb st
M'Carthy Timothy, Mill st
M'Namara Jeremiah, George st
Painters and Glaziers
Bevin John, Barrack st
Hart John, Mill st
Spiller John (& paper hanger) Mill st
Bennett William, Mill st
Waugh Andrew & Richard, Mill st and Sovereign st
Physicians & Surgeons
Beamish George, Ballyvackey
Ffolliott William, Shannon square
Gillman James Francis, Shannon sq
O'Hea Matthew, the Cottage
O'Hea Patrick, Barrack st
Public Houses
Barry David, Mill st
Callahan Jeremiah, Sovereign st
Collins Denis, Ring
Connor John, Ring
Deasy Denis, Mill st
Deasy Patrick, Mill st
Desmond Denis, Mill st
Donovan Richard, Sovereign st
Donovan William, Mill st
Driscoll Denis, Ring
Fitzpatrick Mary, Mill st
Hart James, Sovereign st
Hourihane William, Sovereign st
Hunt James, Mill st
Leary Andrew, Sovereign st
Long Daniel, Mill st
M'Carthy Mary, Ring
M'Carthy Timothy, Lamb st
Mahony Cornelius, Mill st
Mahony Timothy, Mill st
Murray Timothy, Main st
O'Driscoll Michael, Mill st
O'Leary Denis, Barrack st
Sheehy Maurice, Mill st
Spillane John, Barrack st
Sullivan Eugene, Barrack st
Wycherley Mary, George st
Cotter James, Sovereign st
Cunningham Garrett, Barrack st
Cunningham William, Sovereign st
Denton William, Sovereign st
Salt Merchants & Dealers
Murray Timothy, Main st
Toohig James, Main st
Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries
Broderick Jeremiah, Mill st
Donovan Michael, Mill st
Driscoll Johanna, Main st
Needham Johanna, Main st
Powell Adam, George st
Sealy James, Barrack st
Spirit Dealers
Driscoll Daniel, Sovereign st
Falvey Robert, Sovereign st
M'Carthy Cornelius, Sovereign st
M'Carthy Jeremiah, Mill st
O'Regan Ellen, Mill st
Toohig James, Main st
Murray Timothy, Sovereign st
Spiller John, Mill st
Stone Masons
Broderick Jeremiah, Mill st
Crowly John, Sovereign st
Hurly Daniel, Lamb st
Straw Bonnet Makers
O'Hara Eliza, New Boyle st
Reigan Francis, Barrack st
See Physicians and Surgeons
Collins Patrick, Mill st
Deasy Jeremiah, Mill st
Molony Patrick, Sovereign st
Molony Timothy, Sovereign st
Tallow Chandlers
Noonan Margaret, Main st
Thornton Joseph, Main st
Toohig James, Main st
Timber Merchants
Driscoll Daniel, Sovereign st
Murray John, Main st
O'Sullivan Denis, Mill st
Tobacco Manufacturers
Noonan Margaret, Main st
Toohig James, Main st
Trimming & Smallware Dealers
Driscoll Johanna, Main st
Gillman David, Mill st
Wool Combers
Driscoll Jeremiah, Sovereign st
Warren Mary, Main st
Warren Michael, Sovereign st
Woollen Drapers
See Linen & Woollen Drapers, &c
Bazley Richard, surveyor, Sovereign st
Constabulary Station, George st - Alexander Grant, sub-inspector, Shannon square, Francis Flynn, head constable
Crowly Paul, turner, Lamb st
Driscoll Daniel, oil and colourman, Sovereign street
Hayes Timothy, cabinet maker, Sovereign street
Mahony Timothy, coach agent, Mill st
Mountjoy William, watch and clock maker, New Boyle street
Rourke Michael, brazier, Lamb st
Stamp Office, Mill st - John Spiller, distributer
Sullivan Eugene, auctioneer, Barrack st
Teranks Henry, linen merchant, the Strand
Places of Worship and their Ministers
Establish Church - Rev. William Johnson, Shannon square, Rev. Henry Constable, curate, Strand
Roman Catholic Chapel, Sovereign street - Very Rev. David Walsh, parish priest and vicar-general, Rev. Morgan Madden and Rev. Philip M'Carthy, curates
Wesleyan Methodist Chapel - ministers various
To Bantry, the Royal Mail (from Cork) calls at the Mail Coach Office, every day and a quarter past twelve; goes through Bandon.
To Cork, the Royal Main (from Bantry), calls at the Mail Coach Office, every day at a quarter before one - & a Coach, from the Mail Coach Office, every night at five, both go through Bandon