Fáilte Romhat

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  Slater's Royal Directory of Ireland 1881- Clonakilty

Slater's Royal National Directory of Ireland 1881



With Ardfield, Courtmacsherry, Kilmalooda, Lislee, Ring, Timoleague and neighbourhoods.


Clonakilty or Cloughnakelty, is a considerable market town (formerly a parliamentary borough), in the parish of Kilgarriff, barony of East Carbery, east division, county Cork, west riding., 190 miles s.w. from Dublin, 33 s.w. from Cork, 15 s. by w. from Bandon, and 21 west from Kinsale, seated at the head of Sandy Bay, on the road between the last named town and Skibbereen. The town anciently called Tough M Gilti, is recorded to have had a corporation at an early period, for in the archives of Cork there is a petition from the portreeve and corporation of Clonakilty, dated July, 1605; it, however, certainly owes its chief importance to the family of Boyle, Sir Richard Boyle, first Earl of Cork, having obtained from James I. in 1613, a charter of incorporation for the burgesses of Clonakilty. The town was in a flourishing state previous to the year 1641, when during the insurrection of that period it was partially burned, and burned, and was the scene of said carnage. The present town consists of several wide and spacious streets, containing well built houses. The Square, a fine open area, is much admired for its pleasant site and the healthy recreation it affords. The harbour is only fit for small class vessels, the channel being narrow, and having at the entrance a bar, over which vessels of heavy tonnage can only pass at spring tides; larges vessels, therefore, discharge their cargoes at Ring, s salubrious village about a mile below the town. The linen manufacture for a considerable period was the staple trade of the place, but is now extinct. There is a brewery, a tannery, and several corn and flax mills in the town and neighbourhood, also two well-conducted hotels. The government of the town is vested in the local magistrates, who hold general sessions of the peace in July, and petty sessions every alternate Thursday. The county court house is a neat edifice of hewn stone ornamented with a pediment and cornice; connected with it is a bridewell, both erected at the expense of the county.

The parish church of Kilgarriff is rather a handsome structure, with a square tower at the west end and contains a good organ. It was built in 1818, at an expense of upwards of £1,300, towards which the Earl of Shannon and the Rev. H. Townsend were liberal contributors. It is situated to the north of Main street, on a pleasant elevation. There is also a Roman Catholic church and a convent for the Sisters of Mercy. The Presbyterians and Wesleyan Methodists have each a place of worship, and there are many National and other schools in the town and neighbourhood. About a mile north of the town is a tolerably perfect Druidical temple, some of the stones which are nearly as large as those of Stonehenge, in England. The market, which is held on Friday, is well attended. Fairs : April 5th, June 30th,  October 10th, and November 12th. In 1861 the parish contained 4,379 persons and in 1871 4,381, and the town 3,558.


Ardfield is a parish in Ibane and Barryroe barony, Cork, west riding, 4-1/2 miles from s.n. of Clonakilty, and near Galley of Gully Head, in Ross bay. The coast is bold, dented with creeks, and occasionally perforated with caves. There are places of worship for Protestants and Roman Catholics in the parish. Population in 1861, 1,229, and in 1871, 1,104


Courtmansherry is a small fishing village, parish of Lislee, barony of Ibane and Barryroe, county Cork, west riding, 8 miles E. of Clonakilty, situated on the bay of its name. There is a small pier erected by means of a grant from Government. Population is 1861, 461, and in 1871, 485.


Kilmalooda is a parish in the eastern division of the barony of East Carbery, five miles s.s.w. of Bandon, county Cork, west riding. It contains the village of Ballymacarthy. The Protestant Episcopal church was erected about 1793, and there is also a place of worship belonging to the Roman Catholics. Population of the parish in 1861, 1,423, and in 1871, 1,3,18.


Timoleague is an ancient and once important market town, but is now decayed, and very small. It is situated in the parish of its name, barony of Ibane and Barryroe, county Cork west riding. It stands on the right bank of the Arigadeen estuary, four miles e.n.e. of Clonakilty, and seven s.s.w. of Bandon. The abbey of Timoleague, now in ruins, was once the noblest in the county founded, it is supposed, in 1373. At the end of the village are the remains of a castle said to have been built by the O’Shaughnessy Sept. The Protestant Episcopal church is a neat and commodious structure. Population of parish in 1861, 782, and in 1871, 919, of which the town numbered 449.


Ring is a small fishing harbour on the east shore of Clonakilty bay, and about 1-1/2 miles from that town. It possesses a small pier erected by the late Fishery Board.


Money Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank.


Nobility, Gentry & Clergy

Bagley Mr. Richard, Bennett’s grove

Beamish Francis J. Esq. Timoleague

Beamish George, Esq.  Corriga

Beamish Rev. George, Kilmaloda

Beamish Henry B. Esq. Muckross

Beamish Richard, Esq. Beaumont

Beamish Sampson, Esq. Timoleague

Beamish Thomas, Esq. Caherlarig

Beecher M. A. R. Esq. Ballyduvane House

Beechinor Thomas, Esq. Ballinamona, Butlerstown

Bell Mrs. Jane, Ballyra

Bennett Mrs. Eliza, The Strand

Bennett John, Esq. j.p. Darrarah

Bennett Mr. Thomas, Shannon vale

Boyle the Misses -, Courtmacsherry

Boyle Mrs. Catherine, Ring

Carbery the Right Hon. Lord, Castle Freke

Clerke James, Esq. Bealand House

Deane Mr. B. B. Ballyduvane

Deasy Mrs. Jane, Bushmount

Donegan Rev. John, p.p. Kilmeen

Driscoll Mrs. Eliza, Barrack St

Gallway Denis M’Carthy, Esq. Greenfield

Gillman Mrs. Sarah, The Retreat

Hechlor Rev. William H. Courtmacsherry

Hosford Mr. Benjamin, Skeaf Cottage

Hungerford Miss G, Glencannus

Hungerford John, Esq. Snugborough Cottage

Hungerford William, Esq. Sunmount

Irwin Rev. William, Kilmeen

Jones William Bence, Esq. j.p. Lisselane

Killet Rev. Edward, Clonakilty

Kingston Mr. James, Silver Hill, Courtmacsherry

Kingston Mr. Jeremiah, Knockscagh

Kingston Rev. Paul, c.c. Strand

Kingston Mr. Thomas, Madame

Lamb George, Esq. Barry’s Hall

Leslie W. B. Esq, Meelmane House, Courtmacsherry

Longford Mrs. S. Seacourt, Timoleague

Lovell Mr. Thomas, Abbey Mahon, Timoleague

Lucas George, Esq. j.p. Lackenduff

Lucas Captain Jasper, Ring

Lucas John, Esq. j.p. Butlerstown

M’Cord Rev. George, Kilnagross

M’Fetridge Rev. Charles, Shannon sq

Madden Rev. Patrick, p.p. and v.g. Chapel St

Moloney Miss Lucinda, The Square

Mulcahy Rev. John, p.p. The Hill, Timoleague

Norcott Mr. Cromwell, The Square

O’Brien Mr. Denis, Western rd

O’Brien Rev. John, c.c. Ardfield

O’Hea Rev. James, c.c. Chapel st

O’Leary Rev. Arthur, p.p. Ardfield

Ronaldson Mr. Geo. Tawnies Cottage

Sandes Miss Mary, The Island

Sealy John, Esq. Ballylangley, Butlerstown

Smith Edward, Esq. Knocks House

Smith Rev. Jasper, Ardfield

Stowards Mr. Moses, Councambeg

Sullivan Wm. Esq. Kilnagross Cottage

Sweeny Mrs. Louisa. The Strand

Townsend Mss -, Weston Lodge

Travers George, Esq. Lissycremin, Butlerstown

Travers Hy. Robt. Esq. Ballymacowen

Travers Robert, Esq. j.p. Timoleague

Tuckey Rev. James, Ardfield

Walker Rev. Frederick G. Kilamloda, Glebe

Wheeler Joseph Thos. Esq. The Square

Wilson Rev. A. B. Timoleague

Woodroofe Rev. Henry J. Lislee Rectory, Courtmacsherry

Wright Thomas R. Esq. Fern Hill



Convent Schools – Sisters of Mercy, teachers

Nation Schools :-

Ardfield – Michael Madden, master; Mary Sullivan, mistress

Chapel street – Timothy Hurley, master

School street – Jane White, mistress

Shannon Sq – Annie Law, mistress

Square Street (Wesleyan) – William Patterson, master

Parochial School, Kilnagross – John W. Jagoe, master

Workhouse School – Jane Mahony, mistress



(See also Fire, &c. Office Agents.)

Bateman Wm. (emigration), Mill st

Honnor Wm. (house & land), Main st

Spiller John (manure), Sovereign st

Wolfe Thos. J. (emigration), Main st

Wright Thos. R. (land), Shannon sq



Bennett William, The Square

Starkie C. Main st


See solicitors



Bateman Wm. G. Mill st

Gilbert Mary, Mill st

Harnett Margaret, Sovereign st

Hurley Thos. George st

Lendrum Thos. A. Main st

O’Brien Ellen, Sovereign st

O’Brien Ellen, Main st

O’Brien John, Mill st

Sealy James, Mill st

Walsh Mary, Sovereign st



Bank of Ireland (Branch) Sovereign st – draws on Bank of Ireland and Coutts & Co. London – Denham Franklin, manager

National Bank (Branch), Shannon square – draws on head office, London – D.W. Davidge, manager



Coughlan Denis, Sovereign st

Cullinane Daniel, Boyle st

Lane John, New Chapel st

Lordon Cornelius, Fack’s bridge

Murray John, Bridge st


Boat Builders

Dempsey Thomas, Crowley’s row

Gallagher Michael, Ring


Boot and Shoe Makers

Bateman John, Main st

Bateman Thos. Boyle st

Bateman Wm. G. Mill st

Chiddick Ambrose, George st

Connell Cornelius, Mill st

Connell James, Mill st

Hawkes Joseph, Sovereign st

Holdsbaum Wm. Main st

Keohane Patrick, Mill st

Phipps Robert, Sovereign st


Brewers & Maltsters

Deasy & Co. Clonakilty Brewery, The Square



Anglin Wm. Chapel st

Driscoll Michael, George st

Fitzpatrick Thos. Desert



Driscoll Bartholomew, Square st

Driscoll Cornelius, Strand rd

England Robert, Boyle st

M’Kennedy Bartholomew, Sqaure st
Sheehan Daniel, Patrick st


Butter & Egg Merchants

Donovan Daniel, jun, Barrack st

Donovan Denis, Templebryan

Donovan James, Templebryan

Driscoll timothy, Chapel st

Hayes Denis, Clogheen

O’Brien James, Mill st

O’Donovan Patrick, Strand rd

O’Regan Charles, Clogheen

Roche John, Barrack st


Cabinet Makers

Dillon Michael, Sovereign st

Moore Richard, Sovereign st


Carpenters and Wheel Wrights

Anglin Brothers, New Chapel st

Arundel Paul, George st

Harrington Edward, George st

Hayes Michael, Mill st

Scannell James, The Strand

Twohig James, George st


Cattle Dealers

Bateman Charles, Sovereign st

Donovan Michael, Clonakilty

Holland John, Mill st

M’Carthy James, George st

Perrott Henry, Mill st


Clothes Dealers

Hellen John, Sovereign st

O’Driscoll Ellen, Sovereign st


Coal Merchants

Bennett Joseph, Millville

Honnor Wm. Main st

Irwin T. W. Strand rd

O’Brien James, Mill st



Daly John, George st

Lucas George, Mill st


Corn Merchants

Deasy & Co. The Square

Honnor Wm. Main St

Wolfe, Bennett & Son, Millville



Driscoll Mary, Sovereign st

Spillane Patrick, Barrack st


Earthenware Dealers

Donovan Patrick, Mill st

Feen Ellen, Mill st

M’Carthy Callaghan, Sovereign st


Fire, &c. Office Agents

Accident – D.W. Davidge, Bank of Ireland

City of Glasgow – T.J. Canty, Sovereign st

Edinburgh (life) – T. J. Wolfe, Main st

English Assurance – Thos. J. Wolfe, Main st

Imperial (fire) – D.W. Davidge, Bank of Ireland

Life Association of Scotland – George Ronaldson, Clonakilty

Liverpool & London & Globe – Denham Franklin, Bank of Ireland

London & Lancashire – Denham Franklin, The Square

London Assurance- Thos. R. Wright, The Square

Reliance Mutual (life) – Henry T. Wright, The Square

Scottish Provincial – Francis Noonan, Square st

Scottish Widows’ Fund – Denham Franklin, Bank of Ireland

Staffordshire (fire) – Barnabas B. Deane, Mill st; & Joseph Wolfe Main st


Flax Dressers

Bennett Joseph, Millville

Smyth Edward, Knocks


Grocers and Dealers in sundries

Ahern James, Sovereign st

Bateman Henry, Sovereign st

Bateman Wm. S. Mill st

Bennett Michael, Sovereign st

Brien  James, Mill st

Buttimer Thos. Sovereign st

Chiddick Isaac, New Chapel st

Cleary Jeremiah, George st

Coakley Jeremiah, Strand rd

Coakley Patrick, Chapel st

Collins James, Sovereign st

Coughlin Ellen, Sovereign st

Cudmore Edmond, Sovereign st

Donovan Bridget, Mill st

Gilbert Mary, Mill st

Hurley Thomas, George st

Irwin Alfred, Strand rd

Lendrum Thomas A. Main st

M’Carthy Lucy, Sovereign st

Nash Margaret, Sovereign st

O’Brien Ellen, Main st

O’Brien John, 17 Sovereign st

O’Brien John, junr, 12 Sovereign st

O’Driscoll Ellen, Sovereign st

O’Neill Mary, Main st

Perrott Henry, Mill st

Santry Michael, George st

Sheehy John, Strand rd

Spiller Jane E. Sovereign st

Sullivan Mary, Sovereign st

Walsh Margaret, Sovereign st

Wright John N. Main st



(see also Public Houses)

Imperial, John O’Brien, Strand rd

Shannon Arms Hotel (& posting), Thomas Donovan, Sovereign st


Ironmongers & Hardwaremen

Bennett T. W. Mill st

Bennett Michael, Sovereign st

Irwin Alfred, Strand rd

M’Carthy Callaghan, Main st

Spiller Jane, Sovereign st


Leather Sellers

Bateman, Main st & Barrack st

Chiddick Ambrose, Sovereign st

Connell Cornelius, Mill st

Hawkes Joseph, Sovereign st

Helen Samuel, Sovereign st

Holtsbaum William, Main st

Phipps Robert, Sovereign st


Linen & Woollen Drapers & Haberdashers

Nash Margaret, Sovereign st

O’Brien Bros. Mill st

O’Hara John, Main st

O’Leary Daniel, Mill st

O’Leary Denis, Sovereign st

Palmer Michael, Main st

Saunders Lucy, Sovereign st

Wolfe Thomas J. Main st



Bennett Thomas, Shannonvale

Bennett Thomas, junr. Millvale

Hawkins Robert, Gearagh

Hurley Patrick, Ballinrougher

Wolfe, Bennett & Son, Shannonvale


Milliners and Dressmakers

Bateman Jane, Barrack st

Bennett Anne, Patrick st

Bennett Mary, Patrick st

Chiddick W. Mill st

Lane Anne, Strand rd

Leahy Jane, Strand rd

Lucas M.A. Mill st

Mills Lucy, Sovereign st

Saunders Mary, Sovereign st

Wolfe Mary, Main st


Nail Makers

Daunt William, Mill st

Fitzpatrick John, Chapel lane

Goggin James, Mill st

Mullins James, Lamb st

Robertson Alexander, Chapel lane


Painters and Glaziers

Bevan Thomas, Main st

Harte John, The Strand



Searles George, Mill st

Waugh M. A. Mill st


Physicians and Surgeons

Bennett William, Shannon sq

Hadden Edward, The Square


Public Houses

Aherne James, Sovereign st

Attridge Thomas, George st

Barry David, Mill st

Beamish James, Mill st

Carroll James, New Chapel st

Coakley Jeremiah, Strand rd

Coakley Patrick, New Chapel st

Coghlan John, Common mountain

Collins Jeremiah, Sam’s Cross

Connor Ellen, Ring

Crowley Cornelius, Sovereign st

Deasy Mary, Mill st

Deasy Michael, Sam’s Cross

Donovan Cornelius, Ring

Driscoll Michael, Mill st

Driscoll Michael, George st

Forde Robert, Ballymacarthy

Harrington Edward, George st

Hartnet Margaret, Sovereign st

Kingston Samuel, Sovereign st

Kingston Thomas, Sovereign st

Lane John, Strand road

Leary Daniel, New Chapel st

M’Carthy Cornelius, Sovereign st

M’Carthy Denis, Mill st

M’Carthy John, Main st

M’Carthy Timothy, Lamb st

Mahony Margaret, Common mountain

Murray Honora, Ring

Nyhan Bartholomew, Ballymacarthy

O’Brien Ellen, Sovereign st

O’Brien John, 17 Sovereign st

O’Brien Patrick, Main st

O’Leary Daniel, Patrick st

O’Neill Mary, Main st

O’Neill Owen, Bealad

Ryan Timothy, Lissavard

Santry Michael, George st

Spillane Daniel, Sovereign st

Sullivan Denis, Mill st

Sullivan Margaret, Shanonvale

Sullivan Mary, Sovereign st

Sullivan Patrick, Boyle square

Wright John N, Sovereign st

Wycherley Mary, George st


Saddlers & Harness Makers

Cunningham Laurence, Sovereign st

Hegarty John, George st

O’Brien James, Mill st



Honnor William, Main st

Hurley Thomas, George st

Irwin Maxwell, Quays

M’Carthy Callaghan, jun. Main st

Spiller Jane E. Sovereign st



Noonan Francis, Square st

Wright Henry T. The Square

Wright Thomas Richard, The Square



Lendrum Thomas, Main st

O’Brien John, 17 Sovereign st

O’Brien John, 12 Sovereign st

Spiller Jane E, Sovereign st



Attridge Thomas, George st

Hurley Daniel, Mill st

Hurley James, Oliver st

Santry Michael, George st



See Physicans and Surgeons



Brien John, George st

Hayes John & Son, The Strand

M’Carthy Denis, The Strand


Timber Merchants

Honor William, Main st

M’Carthy Callaghan, jun. Main st

Spiller Jane E. Sovereign st



See Carpenters and Wheelwrights


Woollen Drapers

See Linen and Woollen Drapers, &c,



Austin William, sen. Fancy card box manufacturer, Ring House

Barrett James, farmer, Ring

Bateman William S. loan office, Mill st

Driscoll Timothy, tanner & currier, New Chapel st

Honner Wm, harbour master, Main st

Irwin T. W. moss merchant, Strand road

Kingston John, slate merchant, Fourcull quarry

Norcott Cromwell, commissioner for taking affidavits, &c. The Square

Regan James, coach builder, New Chapel st

Wolfe Thomas J. registrar of marriages, Main st


Public Buildings, Offices, &c


Places of Worship and their ministers

Protestant Episcopal Churches :-

Ardfield- Rev. Jasper Smith

Ardgehane – Rev. A. B. Wilson

Barrack st – Rev. Charles M’Fetridge

Castle Freke – Rev. Jasper Smith

Kilmalooda – Rev. Frederick G. Walker

Kilmeen – Rev. William Irwim

Kilnagross – Rev. Geo. M’Cord

Lislee – Rev. Henry Woodruffe

Ring – Rev. George Beamish

Timoleague – Rev. A. B. Wilson

Roman Catholic Churches :-

Chapel st – Very Rev. Patrick Madden, p.p. v.g.; Rev. Paul Kinston & Rev. James O’Hea, curates

Darrah – Very Rev. Patrick Madden p.p.

Ardfield and Milltown – Rev. Arthur O’Leary, p.p.; Rev John O’Brien, curate

Bealad & Rossmore – Rev. J. Donegan, p.p.

Buttlerstown & Lislevane – Rev J. Lacey, p.p.

Timoleague & Clogogh – Rev. John Mulcahy, p.p.

Methodist (Wesleyan) Chapel, Square street

Presbyterian Church, The Square – Rev. Edward Kimmet


Poor Law Union

Master – James B. Lendrum

Matron – Anne O’Neill

Medical Attendant – Edward Hadden

Protestant Chaplain – Rev. Charles M’Fetridge

Roman Catholic Chaplain – Very Rev. Patrick Madden, p.p. v.g.

Schoolmistress – Jane Mahony

Clerk of the Union – Wm. H. Spiller

Relieving Officers – Samuel Helen, Clonakilty; Cornelius Donovan, Rosscarbery; Robert Hobbs, Timoleague

Rate Collector – Richard Parrott

Superintendent Registrar – William H. Spiller

Registrars and Dispensary Medical Officers – William Bennett, Clonakilty, Henry W. Garde, Timoleague; Frederick Fitzgibbon, Rosscarbery

Baronial High Constable’s Office, The Square – W. Hungerford, high constable

Barrack (Constabulary) The Square – J.C. Mills, sub inspector; E. Palmer, head constable

Barrack (Infantry) – James Coghlaan, barrack master

Bridewell, Georeg st – David Mulcahy, keeper

Convent of Sisters of Mercy, Clonakilty – Mrs. Teresa Sculling, superioress; Rev. Patrick Madden, p.p. v.g. Chaplain; sisterhood, 46

Court House, George st – Thomas L. Lendrum, petty sessions clerk

Coast Guard Stations, Ring, Dunnycove & Dirkcove – John Hourihane, chief officer, The Galley Tower, Ardfield

Excise Office, Square st – John Dunne, officer

Reading Room, Sovereign st – Thos. L. Lendrum, hon. Secretary

Stamp Office, Sovereign street – John Spiller, sub distributor

Town Commissioners’s Office, Market house – John Davis, clerk


Coaches & Cars

To Bandon, Mail car every morning (Sunday excepted), at half-past eight, and in the evening at half past six.

To Skibbereen, Mail car every morning at six, passing through Rosscarbery


Conveyance by Railway

The nearest Station is Bandon, on the Cork and Bandon and the West Cork Lines, fifteen miles distant. For conveyance thereto, see above.