Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Ballynakill
Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Ballynakill
Surname Forename Townland Townland View Source Amon Gillecollom Sunny Sooey 01 Ashford Francis Carrick Carrickcoola 01 Dolane Patricke Sunny Sooey 10 Flyn Peter Carrowkeel Carrowkeel 15 McDonnagh Brianoge Knockvoister Rockbrook 11 McDonnagh Dualtagh Carrick Carrickcoola 11 McDonnagh Dualtagh Carrick Carrickcoole 11 McDonnagh Tumultagh McOwen roe Tollaghan Tullaghan 11 McGurowan Donnagh Sunny Sooey 20 McLoghlin Owen Mullaghmore Mullaghmore 27 McLoghlin Thomas Mullaghmore Mullaghmore 28 McNalonge Roger Knockvoister Rockbrook 31 McNarrana Teige Tullaghglasse Tullaghaglass 31 McQuynn Nicholas duffe Mullaghmore Mullaghmore 32 O'Donhin Donnagh Mullaghmore Mullaghmore 10 O'Feeny Shane Rosseene Rusheen 14 O'Feeny Teige Rosseene Rusheen 14 O'Helly Donnagh Knockvoister Rockbrook 22 O'Helly Shane Knockvoister Rockbrook 22 O'Kinleaghan Donshee Sunny Sooey 26 O'Kinleaghan Philip Sunny Sooey 26 O'Kinleaghan Teige Sunny Sooey 26