Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Dromard
Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Dromard
Surname Forename Townland Townland View Source Bourke Walter Lagbane Lugbaun 03 Crofton Henry Longford Longford 08 Dodwell George Tonregoe Tanrego 10 Donnell John Bunina Buninna 10 Edmonston William Bunina Buninna 13 Erwing John Tonregoe Tanrego 13 Flannegan Edmond Carrowmorish Carrowmorris 15 Haggy Rowland Longford Longford 20 Kelly Hugh Ballinlugge Ballinlig 25 Kinart John Bunina Buninna 26 McCoskair Patricke Bunina Buninna 08 McDermottroe Edmond Tonregoe Tanrego 10 McDonell Eneas Bunnafeddy Bunnafedia 10 McEgane Cormac Longford Longford 13 McEngawna Hugh Tonregoe Tanrego 13 McGrelus Connor Carrobegge Tanrego 19 McGrelus Terlagh Carrowbegge Tanrego 19 McGuire Roger Carrobegge Tanrego 20 McKinney Mathew Bunina Buninna 26 McLoghlin Bryne Tonregoe Tanrego 27 McMorrey William Lagbane Lugbaun 29 McNamerra Donnagh Longford Longford 31 McShern Edmond Longford Longford 35 McSwyn Colla Tonregoe Tanrego 35 McSwyne Dudley Tonregoe Tanrego 35 McSwyne Owen Tonregoe Tanrego 35 NaBorne Connor Tonregoe Tanrego 02 O'Branilly Gillabridy Tonregoe Tanrego 03 O'Byrne Edmond Tonregoe Tanrego 04 O'Byrne John Longford Longford 04 O'Cagaile Owen Cloonager Cloonagh 05 O'Carwell James Bunina Buninna 05 O'Carwell Terlagh Dromarde Dromard 05 O'Connor Carbry Ballinlugge Ballinlig 07 O'Connor Dooghdalla Ballinlugge Ballinlig 07 O'Creane Owen Bunnafeddy Bunnafedia 08 O'Dymns Connor Tonregoe Tanrego 13 O'Fiaghra Donell Lagbane Lugbaun 14 O'Finry Moragh Carrowmccarrack Carrownacarrick 14 O'Flannily Cormac Dromarde Dormard 15 O'Garvin Hugh Tonregoe Tanrego 16 O'Gicelane Shane Cloonager Cloonagh 17 O'Guin Dermott Dromarde Dromard 20 O'Haradonne Hugh Cloonager Cloonagh 20 O'Haradonne Thomas Cloonager Cloonagh 20 O'Hart Cormac Carrowmorish Carrowmorris 21 O'Hart Cormac Lagbane Lugbaun 21 O'Hart Owen Carrowmorish Carrowmorris 21 O'Hart Shane Carrowmorish Carrowmorris 22 O'Hart Teige Lagbane Lugbaun 22 O'Helly Donnagh Longford Longford 22 O'Hereaghty Andreas Tonregoe Tanrego 23 O'Keoy Connor Tonregoe Tanrego 25 O'Krigyaine Donell Longford Longford 26 O'Lindsay Shane Cloonager Cloonagh 27 O'Luinnsy Donnagh Bunnafedia Bunnafeddy 28 O'Luinnsy Owen Cloonager Cloonagh 28 O'Mey Donell Longford Longford 29 O'Milnamoe Gilladona Tonregoe Tanrego 29 O'Ruillane Cormac Tonregoe Tanrego 34 O'Slewnane Teige Dromarde Dromard 35 O'Tivinne Donnagh Carrowmccarrack Carrownacarrick 36 O'Tuogher Thomas Dromarde Dromard 37 Pierse William Tonregoe Tanrego 32 Smith Thomas Carrobegge Tanrego 35 Underwood Richard Longford Longford 37