Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Surname Forename Townland Townland View Source Allen Fra Rathmcarrick Rathcarrick 01 Dekopp Patricke Rathmcarrick Rathcarrick 09 Fienane Rory Carrewdoogh Carrowdough 14 Flanilly Teige Carrewdoogh Carrowdough 15 Gillahooly Dermott Scardane Scardan 17 Gillahooly Dermott Scardane Scardan 18 Gillconell John Carrewdoogh Carrowdough 18 Gillgan Dermott Killacbuigbrown Killaspugbrone 18 Gillgan Edmond Killacbuigbrown Killaspugbrone 18 Gillgan Erewan Scardane Scardan 18 Gillgan Owen Killacbuigbrown Killaspugbrone 18 Gillgan Teige Killacbuigbrown Killaspugbrone 18 Gillgan Teige bane Killacbuigbrown Killaspugbrone 18 Gillgan Teige bane Killacbuigbrown Killaspugbrone 18 Guravin Dermott Carrewdoogh Carrowdough 20 Leech James Rathmccarrick Rathcarrick 27 McJaneene Teige Killacbuigbrown Killaspugbrone 24 McJoneene Owen Scardane Scardan 24 McJonin Edmond Killacbuigbrown Killaspugbrone 24 O'Fienane Laughlin Carrewdoogh Carrowdough 14 O'Gillgan Cahall Killacbuigbrone Killaspugbrone 18 Watts Capt (2) Scardane Scardan 37