Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Killerry
Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Killerry
Surname Forename Townland Townland View Source Abrahar Thomas Drumculry Drumcondra 01 Duggenane Jerom Killery Killerry 12 Lith John Rathnaree Kingsfort 27 McBrahar Byrne Drumculry Drumcondra 03 McGualricke Dudly Correy Correagh 19 McGualricke Shane Drumculry Drumcondra 19 McKeane Gerald Levally Lavally 24 McKevine Terlagh Cachillare Castleroe 25 McRine Owen Drumconry Drumcondra 33 McSharry Manus Killery Killerry 34 McShary Patrick oge Tobberinany Toberinania 34 Morris Shane Gortlearncane ? Gortlownan 29 NyLoghlin Mary Tobberinany Toberinania 28 O'Heally Owen reagh Gortlearnane Gortlownan 22 O'Mericane Terlagh Levally Lavally 29 O'Mihane Owen Correy Correagh 29 O'Mollgan Cormac Killery Killerry 29 O'Treavie Teige Killery Killerry 36 Seller Hugh Lissicrossune Killerry 34