Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Killoran
Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Killoran
Surname Forename Townland Townland View Source Berne Iver Moymlough Moymlough 02 Boyle Edmond Creevan Creevaun 03 Brinan Thomas Moymlough Moymlough 04 Cluane Miles Carrowclooneene Carrowclooneen 06 Cluane Mortagh Carrowclooneene Carrowclooneen 06 Craven Richard Cnocktolan Knockatotuan 08 Doogane Terlagh Gostkeerin Gortakeeran 12 Duffe Terlagh Creevan Creevaun 12 Fallon Connor Coolany Coolaney 13 Hara Roger Moymlough Moymlough 21 McGlanchy Connor Carrownloghy ? Carrownloughan 18 McGonill Cahall Kerrownloghane Carrownloughan 19 McHugh Donnell Gortkeerin Gortakeeran 23 McHugh Edmond Carrownloghy Carrowloughan 23 McHugh Neale Gortakeeran Gortkeerin 23 McHugh Phelim Gortkeerin Gortakeeran 23 McLaghlen Dermott Seevenis Seevness 26 McLaghlen Owen Seevenis Seevness 26 McLaghlen Shane Seevenis Seevness 26 McLoghlen Oyne Kerrownloghane Carrownloughan 27 McSharry Thomas Knockdooe Knockadoo 34 McTanist Cahall Rathmcternane Rathmacternan 36 O'Carrane Phellim Carrowslea ? Carrownaskeagh 05 O'Cluane Cormac Carrownegleragh Carrownagleragh 06 O'Cluane Donnagh Carrownegleragh Carrownagleragh 06 O'Derricke Hugh Cnocktolan Knockatotuan 10 O'Dogherty Shane Carrowslea ? Carrownacleighe 10 O'Dowell Hugh Carrha Carha 12 O'Dowell Shane Carrha Carha 12 O'Feenane Brian Rathmcternane Rathmactiernan 14 O'Fenane Rory Carrownegleragh Carrownogleagh 14 O'Flanura Rory Kerrownloghane Carrownloughan 15 O'Helly Cormac Carrha Carha 22 O'Moirea Manus Gortkeerin Gortakeeran 29 O'Moran Brian Dynod Deenodes 29 O'Mullanfy Owen Rathbarren Rathbarren 30 O'Mullgee Donnagh Dynod Deenodes 30 Patchett John Coolany Coolaney 32 Quissoge Donnell Carrownloghy Carrownloughan 32 Roirke Teige Rathbarren Rathbarran 33 Shyell Patrick Carrowmccarragh Carrownacarrick 35