Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Kilmoremoy
Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Kilmoremoy
Surname Forename Townland Townland View Source Bowle Robert Quigillegan Quigillegan 03 Gallagher Edmond Quigmanger Quignamanger 16 Kevan William Coremly Corimla 25 Linch George Ardnaree Ardnaree 27 Marke Dongan Quignalaky Quignalecka 28 Martin Connor Breaghy Breaghwy 28 Martin Donnagh Breaghy Breaghwy 28 Martin Edmond Coremly Corimla 28 O'Beigley Leige Breaghy Breagwy 02 O'Corran John Quaghashay Quignashee 08 O'Fenigan Thomas Quignalaky Quignalecka 14 O'Fenigan Donnell Qugnashay Quignashee 14 O'Flen Dermott Breaghy Breghwy 15 O'Gillacaragh Cormac Quignashay Quignashee 17 O'Hannaghtan Edmond Ardnaree Ardnaree 20 O'Howly Charles Coremly Corimla 23 O'Roddy Teige Coremly Corimla 33 Verdon Allexander Coremly Corimla 37 Walton Nathaniel Quigillegan Quignalegan 37