Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Shancough & Killadoone
Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Shancough & Killadoone
Surname Forename Townland Townland View Source Collenan Dr Andrew Templehouse Templehouse 06 Connellane Hugh t.n.g Templehouse 07 Duigenan David t.n.g Templehouse 12 Duignan Donell t.n.g Templehouse 12 Kereene Cahall t.n.g Templehouse 25 McCormac Morish t.n.g Templehouse 08 McDermott Brian t.n.g Templehouse 10 McDermott Roger t.n.g Templehouse 10 McDonnagh Connor t.n.g Templehouse 11 McDonnagh James t.n.g Templehouse 11 McDonnagh Michael t.n.g Templehouse 11 McDonnagh Teige reagh t.n.g Templehouse 11 McDonnagh William t.n.g Templehouse 11 McDonnagh William t.n.g Templehouse 11 McGlavin Donnagh t.n.g Templehouse 19 McGowan Gillapatrick t.n.g Templehouse 19 McGowan Neale t.n.g Templehouse 19 McLoghlin Daniell t.n.g Templehouse 27 McLoghlin Peter t.n.g Templehouse 28 O'Connellan Manus t.n.g Templehouse 07 O'Lidane Owen t.n.g Templehouse 27