Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Skreen
Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Skreen
Surname Forename Townland Townland View Source Beelane Miles Duneflynn Doonflin 02 Clery Teigh Larragh Laragh 06 Deane Thomas Carrowntihane Carrownteane 09 Fargisson Robert of Carrownecaldry Carrowntihane Carrownteane 14 Flanilly Teige Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 15 Jones Jerom Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 24 Jones Philip Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 24 Jones Thomas Carrowntihane Carrownteane 24 Laing George Ferron I hortna Farranyharpy 26 McCana Hugh Drumnegole Drumnagoal 05 McCanna Connor Drumnegole Drumnagoal 05 McCanna Donnell Drumnegole Drumnagoal 05 McCawley William Finury Finnure 05 McCommy John Carrowiollin ? Carrowwilkin 06 McComny Morish Carrowiollin ? Carrowwilkin 06 McConbane Byrne Deirk Derk 06 McCooge John Carrowntihane Carrownteane 08 McDunay Owen Larragh Laragh 12 McEmhallen Patricke Carrocashell Carrowcaslan 13 McGettigane Cahall Drumnegole Drumnagoal 17 McGillagallen Cahall Deirk Derkbeg & Derkmore 17 McGillagallen Cahall Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 17 McGillamartin Cahall Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 17 McGillarevy Bryan Mullaroe Mullaroe 17 McGillnaneagh Siains Skreene Skreen 17 McGrath Mathew Carrocashell Carrowcaslan 19 McGullaghna Connor Carrownloghan Carrownloughan 20 McGumry Robert Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 20 McKeviny Hugh Skreene Skreen 26 McKeviny Owen Skreene Skreen 26 McMirry Farrell Ealturinn Fallathurteen 29 McSwyne Bryne Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 35 McSwyne Erivan Finury Finnure 35 McTaniste Mleaghlin Carrocashell Carrowcaslan 36 McTumpany Robert Ferron I hortna Farranyharpy 37 McWeyre Walter Larragh Laragh 37 Ny Donnagh Cate Ealturtinn Fallathurteen 11 O'Bruy Manus Ealturtinn Fallathurteen 04 O'Carrhy Teige Mullaroe Mullaroe 05 O'Deyry Donnagh Feron I hortna Farranyharpy 10 O'Dowde Donell Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 12 O'Dugan Owen Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 12 O'Fary John Skreene Skreen 14 O'Fary John Skreene Skreen 14 O'Gavane Dermott Skreene Skreen 16 O'Gillgan Teige Skreene Skreen 18 O'Keggane Owen Carrownloughan Skreen 24 O'Timry Owen Carrocashell Carrowcaslan 36 O'Tonry Brian Duneflynn Doonflin 36 Pierse Charles Carrownloghan Carrownloughan 32 Royne Andrew Ardneglasse Ardnaglass 33 Ruinane Donnagh Larragh Laragh 34 Shynnes James Skreene Skreen 35 Tully Laughlin Skreene Skreen 37 Tully Laughlin Skreene Farranyharpy 17
