Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Templeboy
Hearth Money Roll for the Parish - Templeboy
Surname Forename Townland Townland View Source Armstrong Christopher Garryduffe Garryduff 01 Bourke George Grangemore Grangemore 03 Bowle David Doonechoy Doonycoy 03 Brice James Grangebegge Grangebeg 04 Clarke Robert Dinnehentra Donaghintraine 06 Cooke Thomas Dinnehentra Donaghintraine 08 Cooper James Doonechoy Doonycoy 08 Cunegan George Doonechoy Doonycoy 09 Dixon James Grangebegge Grangebeg 10 Ellet Robert Grangemore Grangemore 13 Flanilly Morris Grangemore Grangemore 15 Flannegan Edmond Ballifarish Ballyfaris 15 Gallbrith Robert Doonechoy Doonycoy 16 Grady Hugh Corkages Corkagh Beg 19 Ingram Archibold Grangemore Grangemore 24 Jackson John Grangebegge Grange Beg 24 James Nathaniel Aghrish Aughris 24 James Rowley Aghrish Aughris 24 Jordan Patricke Garryduffe Garyduff 24 Lavall William Doonechoy Doonycoy 27 McClanghry Andrew Doonechoy Doonycoy 06 McGallaghty Terlagh Grangbegge Grangebeg 16 McGowan James Grangebegge Grange Beg 19 McGuane Teige Grangbegge Grange Beg 20 McGuire Bryne Grangemore Grange More 20 McJoneene Hugh Grangebegg Grange Beg 24 McKegan Teige Ballifarish Ballyfaris 24 McKenlly John Dinnehentra Donaghintraine 25 McMollen John Dinnehentra Donaghintraine 29 Middleton John Dinnehintra Donaghintraine 29 Muffett John Grangemore Grangemore 30 O'Bollen Gillechrist Corkages Corkagh Beg 02 O'Connelan Thomas Grangebegge Grangebeg 06 O'Connellen Owen Corkages Corkagh Beg 07 O'Conner Donnagh Grangebegge Grangebeg 07 O'Hart John Donaltun Doonaltan 21 O'Hart Owen Donaltun Doonaltan 22 O'Hugh Connor Ballifarish Ballyfaris 23 O'Jenegane Hugh Grangebegg Grange Beg 24 O'Kelly Connor Grangemore Grange More 25 Parke William Doonechoy Doonycoy 32 Smith Adam Doonechoy Doonycoy 35 Stevenson Thomas Doonechoy Doonecoy 35 Tanner Thomas Aghrish Aughrish 36 Thornton George Grangbegge Grange Beg 36 Thornton John Grangbegge Grange Beg 36 Thornton Edmond Corkages Corkagh Beg 14 Thornton John Donaltun Doonaltan 26