Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Cork Tithe Defaulters for 1831 - Nathlash Parish

Cork Tithe Defaulters for 1831 - Nathlash Parish

Affidavit: Nathlash & Kildorrery Parishes

Application unavailing from the general combination which prevails.

Co. Cork Tithe Defaulters for 1831

NATHLASH PARISH in Fermoy Barony

Place of Abode                                  Occupation

BALLINAHALLISK                                  Not given

Cornelius Brien
Charles Brien
John Nagle
John Loriergan
David Sheehan
James Graddy
Patrick Sweeny
Brien Sweeny
Daniel Hannan
Arthur Keefe
Michael Byrnes
Michael Burns Junior
John Stackpole
John Fenton


Patrick Foley


John Blake
Michael Regan
Michael Hickey
Michael Meade
Nicholas Meade
Charles Kearney
Maurice Higgins
John Kearney
William Haw
Bridget Sheehan
John Horgan
John Dowling
William Blake
Michael Kearney
John Cronin


Patrick Connel
John Shinnick
Thomas Fitzgerald
John Neil
Catharine Fitzgerald
Denis Bonman
Terry McCarthy
John Bronder
Mary Bronder
William Farrel