Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Waterford

Griffiths Valuation - Waterford 1848-51

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in Waterford.

Affane Faithlegg Killaloan Lickoran St. Johns Without
Aglish Fenoagh Killea Lismore and Mocollop St. Marys Clonmel
Ardmore Fews Killoteran Lisnakill St. Michaels
Ballygunner Grange or Lisgenan Kill St. Lawrence Modelligo St. Olaves
Ballylaneen Guilcagh Kill St. Nicholas Monamintra St. Patricks
Ballymacart Inishlounaught Killure Monksland St. Peters
Clashmore Islandikane Kilmacleague Mothel St. Stephens Within
Clonagam Kilbarry Kilmacomb Newcastle St. Stephens Without
Clonea Kilbarrymeaden Kilmeadan Rathgormuck Tallow
Colligan Kilbride Kilmolash Rathmoylan Templemichael
Corbally Kilburne Kilmoleran Reisk Trinity Within
Crooke Kilcaragh Kilronan Ringagonagh Trinity Without
Drumcannon Kilcockan Kilrossanty Rossduff Whitechurch
Dungarvan Kilcop Kilrush Rossmire  
Dunhill Kilculliheen Kilsheelan Seskinan  
Dysert Kilgobnet Kilwatermoy St. Johns Within